HRC opens a 12 point lead over Dangerous Donnie

Jake is so happy that Hillary will be the next president.

You're clearly dull.

Jake has stated time and time again that he is not voting for Clinton (even as I think he really should) but you guys keep coming back and telling him he's a liberal.

Jake is demonstrative (though anecdotal) evidence that Trump is going to have a problem winning enough Republicans, that is just one downside to Trump that you guys have been warned about time and time again. And your response is to further push away Republicans because you can't deal with the deficiency of Trump.

Wise up, guy, Trump has issues.
WSJ/NBC Poll: Trump, Clinton Essentially Tied

Presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump is holding his own against former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in a new Wall Street Journal/NBC News Poll despite a very rocky two weeks.

She leads him by 5 percentage points but they are essentially tied when third-party candidates are included, the survey reported. The poll of 1,000 registered voters showed Clinton leading 46 percent to 41 percent in a head-to-head matchup.

Breaking News at WSJ/NBC Poll: Trump, Clinton Essentially Tied
Urgent: Rate Obama on His Job Performance. Vote Here Now!

WSJ/NBC Poll: Trump, Clinton Essentially Tied

They are within the margin of error, taking this poll with every poll since the 19th of May shows Clinton leading. Could change, safe to say at this moment Clinton is the clear front runner.

do you understand that the margin of error is a calculation done by the pollsters?

the real margin of error in such a tiny sample is more like 50%.
ALL POLLSTERS use between 1000 and 1500 people for their polling for the last 50 years. For you to pretend they do not know what amount to survey to be the most accurate representation of the general public is simply ridiculous Redfish... they have actuaries, mathematicians, computers and the results of their surveys and polls compared to reality that have given ALL OF THE POLLSTERS this number of 1000 to 1500 surveyed to give them their most accurate results for the general public. This is not some arbitrary number picked out of the sky...for goodness sake.
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The polls have relevancy, Trumpsters, and it is just too bad you are getting it stuff up your butts.
These polls will change a hundred times before the election...they just mean, AT THIS SPECIFIC POINT IN TIME, the general public is leaning ''this way''....

That's it, that's all they represent.
WSJ/NBC Poll: Trump, Clinton Essentially Tied

Presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump is holding his own against former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in a new Wall Street Journal/NBC News Poll despite a very rocky two weeks.

She leads him by 5 percentage points but they are essentially tied when third-party candidates are included, the survey reported. The poll of 1,000 registered voters showed Clinton leading 46 percent to 41 percent in a head-to-head matchup.

Breaking News at WSJ/NBC Poll: Trump, Clinton Essentially Tied
Urgent: Rate Obama on His Job Performance. Vote Here Now!

WSJ/NBC Poll: Trump, Clinton Essentially Tied

They are within the margin of error, taking this poll with every poll since the 19th of May shows Clinton leading. Could change, safe to say at this moment Clinton is the clear front runner.

do you understand that the margin of error is a calculation done by the pollsters?

the real margin of error in such a tiny sample is more like 50%.
ALL POLLSTERS use between 1000 and 1500 people for their polling for the last 50 years. For you to pretend they do not know what amount to survey to be the most accurate representation of the general public is simply ridiculous Redfish... they have actuaries, mathematicians, computers and the results of their surveys and polls compared to reality that have given ALL OF THE POLLSTERS this number of 1000 to 1500 surveyed to give them their most accurate results for the general public. This is not some arbitrary number picked out of the sky...for goodness sake.

I fully understand all of that, probably much better than you do. I am responding from a mathematical aspect. For a sample to be statistically meaningful it has to contain at least 5% of the total population.

Now, test for you. What is 5% of 330,000,000?
More SKEWED demographics...... You would have thought they learned last week when they tried the same thing....making note that a NBCWSJ poll came out the same time with Clinton up by ONE point well within the MOE.... Thanks Manchurian Republican JakeAss for revealing yourself even more than you normally do!
There are more registered Democrats than registered Republicans, the polls are not unfairly skewed, they are accurately representing the populous.

bullshit, 40% of americans self identify as conservative, 20% as liberal.

Make your case then here is the poll data:

Show us how they got it wrong.

statistics 101. the so-called polls are designed to influence public opinion, not the report on it. If you doubt that, check into who is paying the pollsters.

Moron once again affirms he is clueless about statistics

Must be that Harvard MBA
The polls have relevancy, Trumpsters, and it is just too bad you are getting it stuff up your butts.

the truth is that the vast majority of polls are designed to influence public opinion, not to report on it.

Wake up, dude. You are being scammed and don't even know it.

I don't have a crystal ball, but I will predict that the election will be very very close. However, if more corruption and criminality by HRC comes out, it could be a landslide against her. Face it, she is a very unattractive, unpleasant candidate.
The polls have relevancy, Trumpsters, and it is just too bad you are getting it stuff up your butts.

the truth is that the vast majority of polls are designed to influence public opinion, not to report on it.

Wake up, dude. You are being scammed and don't even know it.

I don't have a crystal ball, but I will predict that the election will be very very close. However, if more corruption and criminality by HRC comes out, it could be a landslide against her. Face it, she is a very unattractive, unpleasant candidate.

jake loves being scammed

More SKEWED demographics...... You would have thought they learned last week when they tried the same thing....making note that a NBCWSJ poll came out the same time with Clinton up by ONE point well within the MOE.... Thanks Manchurian Republican JakeAss for revealing yourself even more than you normally do!
There are more registered Democrats than registered Republicans, the polls are not unfairly skewed, they are accurately representing the populous.

bullshit, 40% of americans self identify as conservative, 20% as liberal.

Make your case then here is the poll data:

Show us how they got it wrong.

statistics 101. the so-called polls are designed to influence public opinion, not the report on it. If you doubt that, check into who is paying the pollsters.

Moron once again affirms he is clueless about statistics

Must be that Harvard MBA

Nope, high school statistics is all you need, fool. Look up "representative sample" on google, you might learn something.

I fully understand how the pollsters rationalize their tiny samples by claiming that they proportionately represent every demographic in the USA, but its mathematically impossible. more in my next post.
OK, representative demographics.

The pollsters claim that they proportionally represent every demographic in the US.

So, lets just look at retired voters and see how many demographics we can come up with. OK?

retired voters"
very rich
moderately rich
comfortably rich
struggling financially
on welfare
on food stamps
mid western
west coast
gun owner
gun hater
with children
without children
live in cities
live in rural areas
live abroad
home owners

Just for starters on one demographic, then we can have combinations of all the categories listed.

Now, you are going to tell me that a sample of 1000 contains proportional representations of every demographic in the USA? Its bullshit, total unadulterated bullshit.
More SKEWED demographics...... You would have thought they learned last week when they tried the same thing....making note that a NBCWSJ poll came out the same time with Clinton up by ONE point well within the MOE.... Thanks Manchurian Republican JakeAss for revealing yourself even more than you normally do!
There are more registered Democrats than registered Republicans, the polls are not unfairly skewed, they are accurately representing the populous.

When the poll has 20+ % skewed it does!

You're lying.

GROUPS – Partisanship can follow political preferences, and in this poll Democrats account for 36 percent of all adults and 37 percent of registered voters – a non-significant (+3) difference from last month. (The former is numerically its highest since 2009, the latter, since 2012.) Republicans account for 24 percent of all adults and 27 percent of registered voters, about their average in recent years, with the rest independents. This accounts for little of the shift in voter preferences, however. Even using the same party divisions from last month’s ABC/Post survey, in which Trump was +2, he’d now be -8. The reason, mentioned above, is his comparatively weak performance among Republicans – 77 percent support – compared with Clinton’s support among Democrats, 90 percent.

1000 people out of 330,000,000, yeah that's statistically meaningful------------NOT>

It is but we already know you don't understand how polls work.

I certainly do, much better than you do, obviously.
More SKEWED demographics...... You would have thought they learned last week when they tried the same thing....making note that a NBCWSJ poll came out the same time with Clinton up by ONE point well within the MOE.... Thanks Manchurian Republican JakeAss for revealing yourself even more than you normally do!
There are more registered Democrats than registered Republicans, the polls are not unfairly skewed, they are accurately representing the populous.

bullshit, 40% of americans self identify as conservative, 20% as liberal.

Make your case then here is the poll data:

Show us how they got it wrong.

statistics 101. the so-called polls are designed to influence public opinion, not the report on it. If you doubt that, check into who is paying the pollsters.
Pollsters are in the business of making money. They do that by producing accurate polls.

bullshit, they make money by producing polls that please the people who paid them to do the poll. Damn, you libs are stupid.
OK, representative demographics.

The pollsters claim that they proportionally represent every demographic in the US.

So, lets just look at retired voters and see how many demographics we can come up with. OK?

retired voters"
very rich
moderately rich
comfortably rich
struggling financially
on welfare
on food stamps
mid western
west coast
gun owner
gun hater
with children
without children
live in cities
live in rural areas
live abroad
home owners

Just for starters on one demographic, then we can have combinations of all the categories listed.

Now, you are going to tell me that a sample of 1000 contains proportional representations of every demographic in the USA? Its bullshit, total unadulterated bullshit.

You are a statistical moron
OK, representative demographics.

The pollsters claim that they proportionally represent every demographic in the US.

So, lets just look at retired voters and see how many demographics we can come up with. OK?

retired voters"
very rich
moderately rich
comfortably rich
struggling financially
on welfare
on food stamps
mid western
west coast
gun owner
gun hater
with children
without children
live in cities
live in rural areas
live abroad
home owners

Just for starters on one demographic, then we can have combinations of all the categories listed.

Now, you are going to tell me that a sample of 1000 contains proportional representations of every demographic in the USA? Its bullshit, total unadulterated bullshit.

You are a statistical moron

when defeated by facts, hurl insults-------------brilliant post, idiot.
suuure, jan brewer isn't a bigot, she just supports an ignorant candidate who supports bigoted policies.
odds for hillary being our next president have been going up steadily fyi :thup:
More SKEWED demographics...... You would have thought they learned last week when they tried the same thing....making note that a NBCWSJ poll came out the same time with Clinton up by ONE point well within the MOE.... Thanks Manchurian Republican JakeAss for revealing yourself even more than you normally do!
There are more registered Democrats than registered Republicans, the polls are not unfairly skewed, they are accurately representing the populous.

When the poll has 20+ % skewed it does!

Given the overwhelming lack of enthusiasm for Trump among mainstream Republicans, there could be huge advantage in turnout for the Democrats.

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