HRC opens a 12 point lead over Dangerous Donnie

More SKEWED demographics...... You would have thought they learned last week when they tried the same thing....making note that a NBCWSJ poll came out the same time with Clinton up by ONE point well within the MOE.... Thanks Manchurian Republican JakeAss for revealing yourself even more than you normally do!
There are more registered Democrats than registered Republicans, the polls are not unfairly skewed, they are accurately representing the populous.

When the poll has 20+ % skewed it does!

Given the overwhelming lack of enthusiasm for Trump among mainstream Republicans, there could be huge advantage in turnout for the Democrats.

Funny, since Trump is winning with independents and Bernie voters. and in light of the fact that there were more votes for him in the GOP primaries than ever before.

The American people are fed up with the establishment pukes in both parties. The dem turnout will be the smallest ever, HRC is a terrible candidate and a terrible human being.

You have a poll showing Trump winning with Bernie voters?

No, I think the last one had 40% of Bernie voters saying they would never vote for Hillary, and that could make a difference.
Go Hillary!!!!!

please explain why you want a president who is a habitual liar, is old, feeble, corrupt, and who has criminally disclosed classified data.

I would like to understand if you really support her and why, or you just vote D no matter what, or if you just hate trump.
You are a statistical moron

when defeated by facts, hurl insults-------------brilliant post, idiot.

No, seriously

You are a statistical moron

No, seriously. I understand math and stat to a level beyond your comprehension.

But, you are free to believe the propaganda if you choose. I don't give a shit what you believe.

Too funny

You have a third grade understanding of statistics. No other explanation of why you make the posts you do

your stupidity knows no bounds. please look up "representative sample size" then look up "random sample" then look up "adjusted random sample" then look up "proportionally adjusted sample".

I'm sorry, but I am not here to be your instructor. You are free to post ignorant bullshit.
You're wrong about everything.
when defeated by facts, hurl insults-------------brilliant post, idiot.

No, seriously

You are a statistical moron

No, seriously. I understand math and stat to a level beyond your comprehension.

But, you are free to believe the propaganda if you choose. I don't give a shit what you believe.

Too funny

You have a third grade understanding of statistics. No other explanation of why you make the posts you do

your stupidity knows no bounds. please look up "representative sample size" then look up "random sample" then look up "adjusted random sample" then look up "proportionally adjusted sample".

I'm sorry, but I am not here to be your instructor. You are free to post ignorant bullshit.
You're wrong about everything.

We know you are but we still put up with your shit
No, seriously

You are a statistical moron

No, seriously. I understand math and stat to a level beyond your comprehension.

But, you are free to believe the propaganda if you choose. I don't give a shit what you believe.

Too funny

You have a third grade understanding of statistics. No other explanation of why you make the posts you do

your stupidity knows no bounds. please look up "representative sample size" then look up "random sample" then look up "adjusted random sample" then look up "proportionally adjusted sample".

I'm sorry, but I am not here to be your instructor. You are free to post ignorant bullshit.
You're wrong about everything.

We know you are but we still put up with your shit

You want a one on one debate on something you think I'm wrong about?
There are more registered Democrats than registered Republicans, the polls are not unfairly skewed, they are accurately representing the populous.

When the poll has 20+ % skewed it does!

Given the overwhelming lack of enthusiasm for Trump among mainstream Republicans, there could be huge advantage in turnout for the Democrats.

Funny, since Trump is winning with independents and Bernie voters. and in light of the fact that there were more votes for him in the GOP primaries than ever before.

The American people are fed up with the establishment pukes in both parties. The dem turnout will be the smallest ever, HRC is a terrible candidate and a terrible human being.

You have a poll showing Trump winning with Bernie voters?

No, I think the last one had 40% of Bernie voters saying they would never vote for Hillary, and that could make a difference.

Why did you lie?

Force of habit?
A lot of the Trump fans are clueless about polls.

Pollsters don't say "Gee, we need to sample more Democrats!".

Pollsters sample randomly, and then ask people to self-report their affiliation.

Lately, fewer people say they're Republicans. That doesn't mean the poll is biased. It means people are becoming ashamed to call themselves Republicans.
No, I think the last one had 40% of Bernie voters saying they would never vote for Hillary, and that could make a difference.

Try ... 8%.

Donald Trump’s bad month just got worse, because Sanders backers just rallied to Clinton
Last month, 20 percent of Sanders supporters said they would back Trump over Clinton in the general election. This month, that figure is down to 8 percent.


In June 2008, 20 percent of Clinton backers said they'd go for John McCain. In July, it was 22 percent, then 18 percent in August and 19 percent in September. It finally dropped to 14 percent in October.

Well, it's June 2016, and that same figure this time is down to 8 percent already. What's more, the 81 percent of Sanders backers who are now behind Clinton is a higher number than in any poll of 2008 Clinton backers who rallied to Obama. The high that year was 74 percent, in October.
More SKEWED demographics...... You would have thought they learned last week when they tried the same thing....making note that a NBCWSJ poll came out the same time with Clinton up by ONE point well within the MOE.... Thanks Manchurian Republican JakeAss for revealing yourself even more than you normally do!

"Skewed polls! Just like 2012! Derp, derp, derp!"
More SKEWED demographics...... You would have thought they learned last week when they tried the same thing....making note that a NBCWSJ poll came out the same time with Clinton up by ONE point well within the MOE.... Thanks Manchurian Republican JakeAss for revealing yourself even more than you normally do!
There are more registered Democrats than registered Republicans, the polls are not unfairly skewed, they are accurately representing the populous.

bullshit, 40% of americans self identify as conservative, 20% as liberal.

Make your case then here is the poll data:

Show us how they got it wrong.

statistics 101. the so-called polls are designed to influence public opinion, not the report on it. If you doubt that, check into who is paying the pollsters.

"Statistics 101?"

More like "Whining ideologues who don't understand statistics 101"
WSJ/NBC Poll: Trump, Clinton Essentially Tied

Presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump is holding his own against former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in a new Wall Street Journal/NBC News Poll despite a very rocky two weeks.

She leads him by 5 percentage points but they are essentially tied when third-party candidates are included, the survey reported. The poll of 1,000 registered voters showed Clinton leading 46 percent to 41 percent in a head-to-head matchup.

Breaking News at WSJ/NBC Poll: Trump, Clinton Essentially Tied
Urgent: Rate Obama on His Job Performance. Vote Here Now!

WSJ/NBC Poll: Trump, Clinton Essentially Tied

They are within the margin of error, taking this poll with every poll since the 19th of May shows Clinton leading. Could change, safe to say at this moment Clinton is the clear front runner.

do you understand that the margin of error is a calculation done by the pollsters?

the real margin of error in such a tiny sample is more like 50%.

I'm beginning to doubt that you went to Harvard or took a stats class.
when defeated by facts, hurl insults-------------brilliant post, idiot.

No, seriously

You are a statistical moron

No, seriously. I understand math and stat to a level beyond your comprehension.

But, you are free to believe the propaganda if you choose. I don't give a shit what you believe.

Too funny

You have a third grade understanding of statistics. No other explanation of why you make the posts you do

your stupidity knows no bounds. please look up "representative sample size" then look up "random sample" then look up "adjusted random sample" then look up "proportionally adjusted sample".

I'm sorry, but I am not here to be your instructor. You are free to post ignorant bullshit.
You're wrong about everything.

No, that would be you.
When the poll has 20+ % skewed it does!

Given the overwhelming lack of enthusiasm for Trump among mainstream Republicans, there could be huge advantage in turnout for the Democrats.

Funny, since Trump is winning with independents and Bernie voters. and in light of the fact that there were more votes for him in the GOP primaries than ever before.

The American people are fed up with the establishment pukes in both parties. The dem turnout will be the smallest ever, HRC is a terrible candidate and a terrible human being.

You have a poll showing Trump winning with Bernie voters?

No, I think the last one had 40% of Bernie voters saying they would never vote for Hillary, and that could make a difference.

Why did you lie?

Force of habit?

I misstated the Bernie factor. mea culpa, dude.

See, unlike you libtardians, we admit our errors.
WSJ/NBC Poll: Trump, Clinton Essentially Tied

Presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump is holding his own against former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in a new Wall Street Journal/NBC News Poll despite a very rocky two weeks.

She leads him by 5 percentage points but they are essentially tied when third-party candidates are included, the survey reported. The poll of 1,000 registered voters showed Clinton leading 46 percent to 41 percent in a head-to-head matchup.

Breaking News at WSJ/NBC Poll: Trump, Clinton Essentially Tied
Urgent: Rate Obama on His Job Performance. Vote Here Now!

WSJ/NBC Poll: Trump, Clinton Essentially Tied

They are within the margin of error, taking this poll with every poll since the 19th of May shows Clinton leading. Could change, safe to say at this moment Clinton is the clear front runner.

do you understand that the margin of error is a calculation done by the pollsters?

the real margin of error in such a tiny sample is more like 50%.

I'm beginning to doubt that you went to Harvard or took a stats class.

I don't give a flying dog turd what you doubt. What I stated is true. Math is math, its absolute, there is no gray area. The pollsters are trying to change the laws of statistics, and have succeeded in fooling the ignorant like you.

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