HS finds out about Patriotism

Simpletons think this is an issue of the school being unAmerican. Lots of simpletons had a simpleton rally where everyone flew flags from their cars and trucks. They are the real Americans!
Simpletons think this is an issue of the school being unAmerican. Lots of simpletons had a simpleton rally where everyone flew flags from their cars and trucks. They are the real Americans!

That was an example of a "white riot," we typically don't use violence to make a point, thus it's usually not national news worthy heh The school got the point and changed the policy so it's all good now.

In the past the same worked for African American's, thus AA, but I'm not sure what happened that made that "method" stop working, if it even did... The police brutality issue, I think it's being looked into now, but I think there is a lack of patience; they want change /now/ and our system just typically doesn't work that fast >.<
Simpletons think this is an issue of the school being unAmerican. Lots of simpletons had a simpleton rally where everyone flew flags from their cars and trucks. They are the real Americans!

That was an example of a "white riot," we typically don't use violence to make a point, thus it's usually not national news worthy heh The school got the point and changed the policy so it's all good now.

In the past the same worked for African American's, thus AA, but I'm not sure what happened that made that "method" stop working, if it even did... The police brutality issue, I think it's being looked into now, but I think there is a lack of patience; they want change /now/ and our system just typically doesn't work that fast >.<

Oh! I get it now! It's a race issue!!

D'oh! I never seem to get that right!
Stop tap-dancing. You claimed that the flag on the student's truck was made in China.

What, EXACTLY, is your source for this assertion?
"The school leaders called it a safety concern. "Anytime you get a flag of any kind flying, it creates a visual distraction," said York Comprehensive High School Principal Christopher Black."

So... they're saying there are no flags flying on their schools? That is... un-believable to me. I 100% guaranteed that every [non native] public school up here is flying not only a US, but an Alaskan flag out front - every single day of school and /most/ weekends due to various events, plus they fly them in the summer's for various sporting field time share events. It was actually the /norm/ to fly US flags on our vehicles when I went to HS...

Did Alaska fall off some crazy "helicopter protection center" bandwagon you all have going on in the lower 48 or something?


Do you not recognize the 49th state? If you do, then you will have to provide a little more clarification regarding your question.

I recognize the 49th state, of course. I was simply curious why you mentioned it. The story took place in South Carolina.

School Official Removes American Flags from Student s Truck

I thought my implication was clear, but I'll try again. The school states that the reason the flags were removed is because "Anytime you get a flag of any kind flying, it creates a visual distraction." How is this considered a "safety concern" unless the lower 48 has banned all "flying flags" on school properties... AKA my "helicopter protection center" question, did the 48 do some study that found that "flying flags" was a "distraction" and thus not allowed on school property? As well as a secondary curiosity regarding if schools down there do not fly a flag - as flying them is the 100% norm up here.

Oh, my mistake. You did say it well, I just had a brain fart and didn't read it right. I apologize.
Comes with age, you are forgiven.

Gotta warn you though, shortly after regular brain farts start, sharting is to follow.


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