HS finds out about Patriotism

I bought mine here. All their American flags are US-made.

Lying whore.

So what, Mr Gullible.

It’s not only American flag manufacturers that are concerned with the increase in Chinese imports though. Lawmakers are looking to curb the Chinese-made American flag business as well. A bipartisan coalition of lawmakers introduced a bill last month that would require that flags bought by the federal government are made only from American materials.

Currently, U.S. law requires that flags purchased by the federal government are made of at least 50 percent American materials.

Indeed, finding a flag made of materials produced in the America can be tricky. U.S. law requires that every flag be labelled with its country of origin, but unless your flag has a specific certification, it’s difficult to be sure it was made using all-American materials -- including dye, thread etc. -- and U.S.-based labor.

“Lots of times the rules aren’t followed,” Binner said.

94 Percent Of American Flags Imported Into The U.S. Last Year Came From China
That flag was made in China...

And your source for this assertion is...what?

Since Ding Dong, AmericanFirst didn't like my first link, let's try this one.

$4.0 million
In 2013, the dollar value of U.S. imports of American flags. The vast majority of this amount ($3.9 million) was for U.S. flags made in China.

Flag Manufacturers Association of America
Yep, under obuthole the flag is now made by commies. Good point libtard.
That flag was made in China...

And your source for this assertion is...what?

Since Ding Dong, AmericanFirst didn't like my first link, let's try this one.

$4.0 million
In 2013, the dollar value of U.S. imports of American flags. The vast majority of this amount ($3.9 million) was for U.S. flags made in China.

Flag Manufacturers Association of America
Yep, under obuthole the flag is now made by commies. Good point libtard.

Make up your mind, idiot. If you could read, you'd see the link I provided goes back to 1998. This is not something new.
So to minimize the insanity of the left we're supposed to focus on where the flags are made? That's weak.

Where does it say ANYWHERE that the school official is a liberal? I don't give two shits if the boy flies his US flag made in China. Unless he's causing a disruption, I would have no problem with it.
So to minimize the insanity of the left we're supposed to focus on where the flags are made? That's weak.
Where does it say ANYWHERE that the school official is a liberal? I don't give two shits if the boy flies his US flag made in China. Unless he's causing a disruption, I would have no problem with it.
Yes, he was a liberal. Pay attention to reality and you'll be able to figure it out on your own.
So to minimize the insanity of the left we're supposed to focus on where the flags are made? That's weak.
Where does it say ANYWHERE that the school official is a liberal? I don't give two shits if the boy flies his US flag made in China. Unless he's causing a disruption, I would have no problem with it.
Yes, he was a liberal. Pay attention to reality and you'll be able to figure it out on your own.

Your reality is much different than mine, so I expect you to provide a link. Provide one or STFU.
So to minimize the insanity of the left we're supposed to focus on where the flags are made? That's weak.
Where does it say ANYWHERE that the school official is a liberal? I don't give two shits if the boy flies his US flag made in China. Unless he's causing a disruption, I would have no problem with it.
Yes, he was a liberal. Pay attention to reality and you'll be able to figure it out on your own.
Your reality is much different than mine, so I expect you to provide a link. Provide one or STFU.
This IS the link. It proves your head is up your ass. No conservative is going to rip down an American flag.
So to minimize the insanity of the left we're supposed to focus on where the flags are made? That's weak.
Where does it say ANYWHERE that the school official is a liberal? I don't give two shits if the boy flies his US flag made in China. Unless he's causing a disruption, I would have no problem with it.
Yes, he was a liberal. Pay attention to reality and you'll be able to figure it out on your own.
Your reality is much different than mine, so I expect you to provide a link. Provide one or STFU.
This IS the link. It proves your head is up your ass. No conservative is going to rip down an American flag.

Of course you have no clue, and neither does the OP.
So to minimize the insanity of the left we're supposed to focus on where the flags are made? That's weak.
Where does it say ANYWHERE that the school official is a liberal? I don't give two shits if the boy flies his US flag made in China. Unless he's causing a disruption, I would have no problem with it.
Yes, he was a liberal. Pay attention to reality and you'll be able to figure it out on your own.
Your reality is much different than mine, so I expect you to provide a link. Provide one or STFU.
This IS the link. It proves your head is up your ass. No conservative is going to rip down an American flag.
Of course you have no clue, and neither does the OP.
I do have a clue and I mentioned it to you. Your filters apparently blocked it.
The guy is a redneck and was flying flags in his own personal truck. What right does the school have to tell him he can't? And why on earth would they want to?
Because the truck is on school property, and the school maintains it's a safety issue – a content neutral regulation absent the primary intent to limit or prohibit free speech.

If this came before a Federal judge as a First Amendment challenge, the school would be required to document how flying the flags are a safety issue, and how prohibiting flying the flags is a reasonable, rational solution to the potential safety hazard.
LOL, dumb ass Libs and their idiotic political correctness, they will never learn people are sick of it


On May 13, school officials at South Carolina’s York Comprehensive High told senior Peyton Robinson to remove an American flag and a POW-MIA flag from this truck, then one official allegedly went out and removed the flags himself–while Peyton was still in class.

CBS News reports that Robinson was angered over the incident, because he “has several family members who served in the armed forces.”

On May 14, parents and veterans rallied outside the school, flying their own flags in outrage. WBTV 3 reports that York Comprehensive administrators decided their policy might not be best, and they announced that Robinson can fly his flags if he so chooses.

Just before noon, the school district posted the following announcement on its website:

Due to the outstanding display of patriotism through peaceful demonstration, it is apparent to us that many are not happy about this policy. School officials have reviewed the standing policy regarding flags and have decided that an exception will be made for the American flag, as long as the size of the flag(s) does not create a driving hazard.

School Official Removes American Flags from Student s Truck
You're as ridiculous as you are ignorant – the issue has nothing to do with 'liberals,' nor the myth of 'political correctness.'

The school is maintaining that the prohibition of the flags is content neutral regulatory policy pursuant to safety concerns.

Whether the school's rationale is valid or not would be up to a Federal judge to decide – but there's no evidence the school is motivated by a 'hostility' toward patriotism; that's just another inane straw man fallacy and lie contrived and propagated by you and others on the right.

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