Huckabee Backs Denying Abortion To 10-Year-Old Raped By Stepfather

seems to me that if you are truly pro life...there should be no exemptions....i have watched several documentaries....all very religious but all taking to victims of rape or incest who kept the baby etc...interesting..their take is simple...sure a horrible thing happen to them and all but an abortion wont change what happened and may just ad to the pain....i have to respect that attitude
It's a 10 year old girl we are talking about. A child. A ten year old girl. We are not talking about the general concept of abortion but about the abuse of a 10 year old child!
We know you would rather the little girl have life ripped out of her instead of another non white baby born

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
That's insane. This discussion has nothing to do with race. I ought to report you for trolling and trying to side track the discussion. THIS DISCUSSION HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH RACE.
seems to me that if you are truly pro life...there should be no exemptions....i have watched several documentaries....all very religious but all taking to victims of rape or incest who kept the baby etc...interesting..their take is simple...sure a horrible thing happen to them and all but an abortion wont change what happened and may just ad to the pain....i have to respect that attitude
It's a 10 year old girl we are talking about. A child. A ten year old girl. We are not talking about the general concept of abortion but about the abuse of a 10 year old child!
We know you would rather the little girl have life ripped out of her instead of another non white baby born

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
That's insane. This discussion has nothing to do with race. I ought to report you for trolling and trying to side track the discussion. THIS DISCUSSION HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH RACE.
It must since it is non white babies being slaughtered mostly

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
Why, has Hillary broken any abortion laws? Please provide "credible" proof.
She used servers of her own for government work of classified nature. That's illegal. She sold her office as secretary of state to highest bidder that's treason. But people who hate the USA like you wouldn't understand that

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Conservatives didn't seem to think the same thing when Collin Powell was doing the same thing........hypocrisy?
Proof that he did first and second if he did he like hillary belong in jail .

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

I don't hear any conservative going after Collin Powell.....hypocrisy? Further, I don't hear you complaining about G W Bush, when he destroyed millions of e-mails to save his ass.....which just proves what hypocrites you all are. Democrats are not anal, that's why they didn't go after Bush like conservatives are going after Clinton.

So, quit your asinine whining.

Like Hillary Clinton, former Secretary of State Colin Powell also used a personal email account during his tenure at the State Department, an aide confirmed in a statement.
Colin Powell relied on personal emails while secretary of state

First, a quick refresher about what happened in the Bush administration. In March 2007, eyes were on then-Attorney General Alberto Gonzales after the administration unexpectedly fired eight U.S. attorneys. Congress (recently taken over by Democrats) investigated the firings, alleging that the administration had dropped the prosecutors for political reasons.

Over the course of the investigation, it came out that some White House officials had conducted White House business over private email accounts set up on a server through the Republican National Committee. The White House later admitted that some internal White House emails conducted on the RNC server might have been lost.
The media reaction to George W. Bush's email controversy

WASHINGTON — Computer technicians have found 22 million missing White House e-mails from the administration of President George W. Bush and the Obama administration is searching for dozens more days' worth of potentially lost e-mail from the Bush years, according to two groups that filed suit over the failure by the Bush White House to install an electronic record keeping system.
Millions of missing Bush admin. e-mails found
For personal not government work you lying ass

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

What an idiot you are.....that's what you get for not going to school.....he used a personal e-mail account during his tenure at the State Department.....where does it say just for personal e-mails, moron? Here, I've made it easier for you to understand.....I've underlined the "to conduct business" and "did the same"....that should clarify it for you.

You really need to quit trying to participate in matters that are beyond your education.....stick to cartoons. I'm tired of having to explain everything to you twice, arrogant dweeb.

Republicans have been jumping all over a report from The New York Times that claims Hillary Clinton exclusively used a personal email account to conduct business while serving as secretary of state for the Obama Administration. But now, it turns out that at least one of her predecessors from the Bush Administration did the same.
Secretary of State Colin Powell Also Used Personal Email Account
seems to me that if you are truly pro life...there should be no exemptions....i have watched several documentaries....all very religious but all taking to victims of rape or incest who kept the baby etc...interesting..their take is simple...sure a horrible thing happen to them and all but an abortion wont change what happened and may just ad to the pain....i have to respect that attitude
It's a 10 year old girl we are talking about. A child. A ten year old girl. We are not talking about the general concept of abortion but about the abuse of a 10 year old child!
We know you would rather the little girl have life ripped out of her instead of another non white baby born

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
That's insane. This discussion has nothing to do with race. I ought to report you for trolling and trying to side track the discussion. THIS DISCUSSION HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH RACE.
It must since it is non white babies being slaughtered mostly

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

You truly are devoid of any intelligence. You think white women don't get abortions? Santorum's wife got one, I'm sure she's white.
seems to me that if you are truly pro life...there should be no exemptions....i have watched several documentaries....all very religious but all taking to victims of rape or incest who kept the baby etc...interesting..their take is simple...sure a horrible thing happen to them and all but an abortion wont change what happened and may just ad to the pain....i have to respect that attitude
It's a 10 year old girl we are talking about. A child. A ten year old girl. We are not talking about the general concept of abortion but about the abuse of a 10 year old child!
We know you would rather the little girl have life ripped out of her instead of another non white baby born

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
That's insane. This discussion has nothing to do with race. I ought to report you for trolling and trying to side track the discussion. THIS DISCUSSION HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH RACE.
It must since it is non white babies being slaughtered mostly

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

You truly are devoid of any intelligence. You think white women don't get abortions? Santorum's wife got one, I'm sure she's white.
Don't let him side track you by talking about race. This topic and discussion has nothing to do with race. He is being a troll.:offtopic::trolls:
seems to me that if you are truly pro life...there should be no exemptions....i have watched several documentaries....all very religious but all taking to victims of rape or incest who kept the baby etc...interesting..their take is simple...sure a horrible thing happen to them and all but an abortion wont change what happened and may just ad to the pain....i have to respect that attitude
It's a 10 year old girl we are talking about. A child. A ten year old girl. We are not talking about the general concept of abortion but about the abuse of a 10 year old child!
We know you would rather the little girl have life ripped out of her instead of another non white baby born

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
That's insane. This discussion has nothing to do with race. I ought to report you for trolling and trying to side track the discussion. THIS DISCUSSION HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH RACE.
It must since it is non white babies being slaughtered mostly

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

This discussion has nothing to do with race. This is about a child of 10 who was raped by her stepfather and was forced to carry the fetus to term. It's about abuse of a child. It has nothing whatsoever to do with race. You are trolling and you have been reported.
seems to me that if you are truly pro life...there should be no exemptions....i have watched several documentaries....all very religious but all taking to victims of rape or incest who kept the baby etc...interesting..their take is simple...sure a horrible thing happen to them and all but an abortion wont change what happened and may just ad to the pain....i have to respect that attitude
It's a 10 year old girl we are talking about. A child. A ten year old girl. We are not talking about the general concept of abortion but about the abuse of a 10 year old child!
We know you would rather the little girl have life ripped out of her instead of another non white baby born

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
That's insane. This discussion has nothing to do with race. I ought to report you for trolling and trying to side track the discussion. THIS DISCUSSION HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH RACE.
It must since it is non white babies being slaughtered mostly

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

This discussion has nothing to do with race. This is about a child of 10 who was raped by her stepfather and was forced to carry the fetus to term. It's about abuse of a child. It has nothing whatsoever to do with race. You are trolling and you have been reported.
Off topic? This is a Latin girl with a Latin babu you think needs to die .

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
It's a 10 year old girl we are talking about. A child. A ten year old girl. We are not talking about the general concept of abortion but about the abuse of a 10 year old child!
We know you would rather the little girl have life ripped out of her instead of another non white baby born

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
That's insane. This discussion has nothing to do with race. I ought to report you for trolling and trying to side track the discussion. THIS DISCUSSION HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH RACE.
It must since it is non white babies being slaughtered mostly

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

This discussion has nothing to do with race. This is about a child of 10 who was raped by her stepfather and was forced to carry the fetus to term. It's about abuse of a child. It has nothing whatsoever to do with race. You are trolling and you have been reported.
Off topic? This is a Latin girl with a Latin babu you think needs to die .

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
This thread has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with race. Nothing. Get it through your thick head. And, BTW, you are assuming she is non-white when the fact is that Latin American people are not all dark or black. There are blue eyed blonds and people of all colors and many ethnicities. Your assumption that a Latin girl is colored makes you an ignorant racist. You've probably never been out of your backyard, so you don't know what the rest of the world looks like, do you?
seems to me that if you are truly pro life...there should be no exemptions....i have watched several documentaries....all very religious but all taking to victims of rape or incest who kept the baby etc...interesting..their take is simple...sure a horrible thing happen to them and all but an abortion wont change what happened and may just ad to the pain....i have to respect that attitude
It's a 10 year old girl we are talking about. A child. A ten year old girl. We are not talking about the general concept of abortion but about the abuse of a 10 year old child!
We know you would rather the little girl have life ripped out of her instead of another non white baby born

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
That's insane. This discussion has nothing to do with race. I ought to report you for trolling and trying to side track the discussion. THIS DISCUSSION HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH RACE.
It must since it is non white babies being slaughtered mostly

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

You truly are devoid of any intelligence. You think white women don't get abortions? Santorum's wife got one, I'm sure she's white.
Yes. But she got one to remove a baby that had already died and become septic.
It's a 10 year old girl we are talking about. A child. A ten year old girl. We are not talking about the general concept of abortion but about the abuse of a 10 year old child!
We know you would rather the little girl have life ripped out of her instead of another non white baby born

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
That's insane. This discussion has nothing to do with race. I ought to report you for trolling and trying to side track the discussion. THIS DISCUSSION HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH RACE.
It must since it is non white babies being slaughtered mostly

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

This discussion has nothing to do with race. This is about a child of 10 who was raped by her stepfather and was forced to carry the fetus to term. It's about abuse of a child. It has nothing whatsoever to do with race. You are trolling and you have been reported.
Off topic? This is a Latin girl with a Latin babu you think needs to die .

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
From a different country no less.
I believe in God. I believe in Angels. I believe in Heaven. So there goes your theory- right down the potty.
Is that all you lowlife give a shit about ? How about the girls mental health over being RAPED. you abortion lovers could give a crap less about anyone. ONLY if you can USE THEM for your sick and twisted Agenda

You are just as sick as the rapist . No only is she raped by him, she is then raped by you Pro-death abortion lovers
I don't know how anyone can support Paraguay's actions with a clear conscious!

The girl is in 4th grade, the mother of the girl is going to jail. Is Huckabee or anyone else going to take care of this girl and her baby?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
It's a 10 year old girl we are talking about. A child. A ten year old girl. We are not talking about the general concept of abortion but about the abuse of a 10 year old child!
We know you would rather the little girl have life ripped out of her instead of another non white baby born

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
That's insane. This discussion has nothing to do with race. I ought to report you for trolling and trying to side track the discussion. THIS DISCUSSION HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH RACE.
It must since it is non white babies being slaughtered mostly

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

You truly are devoid of any intelligence. You think white women don't get abortions? Santorum's wife got one, I'm sure she's white.
Yes. But she got one to remove a baby that had already died and become septic.

Is that the lie that you've made up to cover for Santorum? The fetus was not dead....don't know where you got that erroneous information.

Santorum and his wife thought it was their choice when his wife's life was in danger, but not for anyone else, what hypocrites. Funny, Santorum didn't try and get the doctor charged with a crime, but now he advocates that they should be.

On the campaign trail Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum is an anti-abortion extremist, arguing that abortion should be prohibited even in cases of rape and incest, even in cases when the mother’s life is in danger.

However, critics accuse Santorum of being a cruel abortion hypocrite, asking other women to take risks he and his wife chose to avoid.

Currently Santorum is courting conservatives in New Hampshire, after coming in a close second in the Iowa Caucuses earlier this week. Santorum’s quick and meteoric rise in Iowa caught pundits and casual observers alike by surprise. However, now that Santorum seems to be a serious contender, he deserves serious scrutiny.

Numerous sources report Santorum’s wife Karen had a second trimester abortion in October 1996. The Santorum’s, however, don’t like to describe it as an abortion. Instead, they call it a medically induced miscarriage. Yet for many, this is a distinction without a difference.

In 1996 Santorum’s wife, Karen, became severely ill while pregnant and had to be rushed to the hospital. There, she and her husband Rick were told that if she did not induce her labor, she and the baby would more than likely die. The decision was made to induce labor, and abort the fetus.

Recently when asked about exceptions for rape and incest Santorum said that any exception to a prohibition on abortion “would be taking a life - and I would advocate that any doctor who performs an abortion should be criminally charged for doing so."
Did Rick Santorum’s wife have an abortion?
We know you would rather the little girl have life ripped out of her instead of another non white baby born

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
That's insane. This discussion has nothing to do with race. I ought to report you for trolling and trying to side track the discussion. THIS DISCUSSION HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH RACE.
It must since it is non white babies being slaughtered mostly

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

You truly are devoid of any intelligence. You think white women don't get abortions? Santorum's wife got one, I'm sure she's white.
Yes. But she got one to remove a baby that had already died and become septic.

Is that the lie that you've made up to cover for Santorum? The fetus was not dead....don't know where you got that erroneous information.

Santorum and his wife thought it was their choice when his wife's life was in danger, but not for anyone else, what hypocrites. Funny, Santorum didn't try and get the doctor charged with a crime, but now he advocates that they should be.

On the campaign trail Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum is an anti-abortion extremist, arguing that abortion should be prohibited even in cases of rape and incest, even in cases when the mother’s life is in danger.

However, critics accuse Santorum of being a cruel abortion hypocrite, asking other women to take risks he and his wife chose to avoid.

Currently Santorum is courting conservatives in New Hampshire, after coming in a close second in the Iowa Caucuses earlier this week. Santorum’s quick and meteoric rise in Iowa caught pundits and casual observers alike by surprise. However, now that Santorum seems to be a serious contender, he deserves serious scrutiny.

Numerous sources report Santorum’s wife Karen had a second trimester abortion in October 1996. The Santorum’s, however, don’t like to describe it as an abortion. Instead, they call it a medically induced miscarriage. Yet for many, this is a distinction without a difference.

In 1996 Santorum’s wife, Karen, became severely ill while pregnant and had to be rushed to the hospital. There, she and her husband Rick were told that if she did not induce her labor, she and the baby would more than likely die. The decision was made to induce labor, and abort the fetus.

Recently when asked about exceptions for rape and incest Santorum said that any exception to a prohibition on abortion “would be taking a life - and I would advocate that any doctor who performs an abortion should be criminally charged for doing so."
Did Rick Santorum’s wife have an abortion?
How about the girls mental health over being RAPED.

Yeah, because you obviously care about her mental health so much, you want her to have to spend the rest of her life trying to love the fruits of rape.
I am sorry who said she had to raise the child?

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
Yep another child in a 3rd world country for the orphanage! You do realize Paraguay is NOT the U.S., there are not people lining up to adopt babies! There is a good chance both the mother (who is 11 and can't take care of herself), ends up being abused by the system.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
How about the girls mental health over being RAPED.

Yeah, because you obviously care about her mental health so much, you want her to have to spend the rest of her life trying to love the fruits of rape.
I am sorry who said she had to raise the child?

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
Yep another child in a 3rd world country for the orphanage! You do realize Paraguay is NOT the U.S., there are not people lining up to adopt babies! There is a good chance both the mother (who is 11 and can't take care of herself), ends up being abused by the system.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

You really think he cares? Like most sanctimonious Pro-birthers, they only care that the fetus be birthed....after that they're on their own.....both the abused 4th grader and the animal's offspring.
Look at you liberals acting like you care about a child.... we all kbowbit is bullshit because you support killing them by the millions

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
Why so obsessed with Hucklebee? He'll never be President. Let it go man.
Because God scares liberals and most libertarians. It is fear that something might be out there and that means they are not the true center of the universe

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Hucklebee's ok, but he wouldn't be a good President. His Abortion stance doesn't work. I hear what he's saying, but we have to be very careful when it comes to Government intervention in our lives.

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