Huckabee Backs Denying Abortion To 10-Year-Old Raped By Stepfather

You have to wonder about a group of men who want to see ten year olds illegally aborted and denied first rate medical care.

Who's denying a 10 yr old first rate medical care? Or are you making shit up again?
An abortion isn't "medical care". It's abortion, unless there's a medical reason for it to take place which ALMOST NEVER HAPPENS.

A C-section had to be performed as she was too small to deliver the girl.
We don't know how much damage was done to the womb, or if she will be able to have children when she grows up.

No girl that small should be pregnant, nor should she be raising a child when she is a child herself.

It's just as wrong for someone to force a woman to have an abortion against her will as it is to force a woman to carry a pregnancy against her will. What's your point? If forcing a child to have an abortion is abuse then so is forcing her to carry the pregnancy.

It's just as wrong for someone to force a woman to have an abortion against her will as it is to force a woman to carry a pregnancy against her will. What's your point? If forcing a child to have an abortion is abuse then so is forcing her to carry the pregnancy.

Stop cross posting. That's a different thread.
Who's denying a 10 yr old first rate medical care? Or are you making shit up again?
An abortion isn't "medical care". It's abortion, unless there's a medical reason for it to take place which ALMOST NEVER HAPPENS.

Do really believe that REPUBLICAN WOMEN in this country would let their 10 year old daughters give birth to a baby that could well kill her. Do you really BELIEVE that REPUBLICAN men in this country would support their10 year old daughters giving birth?


You pull out the stats of all the 10 year old girls that have been killed by childbirth. I'll wait.

I want you all to head to Paraguay with Mike Huckabee. Who knows--maybe you can find a 5 to 8 year old girl that can give birth, and that would really light up the candles on your NO exception stance.

You could put her in a factory of rape and incest and she could be giving you babies until she is well into her 40's.

My daughter is a Nurse Practitioner who works with pregnant women--and in pediatrics. The risk to young girls such as 10 are very high--even 12 year olds are at high risk of dying during child birth. But I imagine 12 year old girls are OLD to you.

Yes it is risky. Which is why the bastards who get them pregnant should be reported and imprisoned.

But you don't REDUCE the risk by giving them INCREASE it.

Thankfully you are not able to interferer with the health treatment of anyone but yourself. Women are allow the choice of what is best for them, not you.

The woman has to weigh the options and consider her situation at the time. Maybe it is not the right time, or there are other issues she has to deal with in her life.

Not your call, even a bit
No one is arguing for an ILLEGAL abortion - what part of that do you fail to get through your head? The reason it went to court was to try to get a LEGAL abortion. Please, try to at least stick to rational claims in your rant.
You loons are arguing for an abortion for a little girl in a country where it's illegal.

You don't read to well do you? If the court had allowed the abortion it would have been a LEGAL one.
You're arguing that she should get an abortion.

That would be ILLEGAL in Paraguay.

You really are a special kinda stupid, Coyote. Look at you blowing up the site with your fanatical support for child abuse and abortions.

I think you're finally blown your nut KG. You post irrational and grammatically incomprehensible responses, you insist people are saying things they haven't (that's called delusional in case you didn't know), you're claiming posts responding to a post you made here belong in another thread, you spam the thread with dubious pro-life claims and now I swear spittle is starting to cover your monitor.

If a court renders a legal opinion allowing opinion allowing it, it's legal. Do you understand that part? That's what courts do. Why do you want to force a ten year old child to have baby at great risk to her health and life when she could have had it aborted earlier, at far less risk? The only thing that comes to mind- despite your onslaught of non-sensical accusations is that you value the life of the fetus OVER the life of the would be mother and this "illegal in Paraguay" nonsense is merely a cover up to deflect from your real position.

Ah, scatter shot. Nice.

I will accept your surrender now.

Her surrender? LOL Really?
i1. You cannot put the fetus in another woman's body to carry it to term. And this child of 10 isn't a woman anyway.
2. You are so concerned about the fetus: why no concern as to what having to carry this fetus to term will do the the poor, raped 10 year old child? Physically and emotionally it will damage her beyond measure.
3. I know what giving up a child for adoption does to women, and it is not an easy thing: it is something she has to live with her entire life. It can be extraordinarily painful.
4. Why do you all want to punish this poor 10 year old for being raped? That's the real question: why are you all so eager to so profoundly punish this 10 year old child who was raped by a relative? It's just sick.
5. How quientessentiallly hypocritical to say 'God bless you always,' in the same breath as proposing that a 10 year old rape victim should be forced to live the hell of having the baby of the rapist. Unbelievable.

Holy shit, you really are an idiot. You think you can remove a fetus and let some other woman carry it? I'm at a loss for words. lol

That's disturbingly ghoulish.
Wow. You people make it sound someone who is pregnant is going to be stuck with the child forever when you know that isn't true. Where is it written that a person has to keep their child once it has been born? Oh yeah. Yee haw! That's right! No where! Also, why should a perfectly healthy child be done away with because of the way that it was created? To me, every child that can be saved should be saved. If you do not want the baby, give it up so that those who want kids of their own but can not produce any can have a shot at getting the child for themselves. How would you like it if you were killed because of the way that you were conceived? To me, abortion is and will always be a sheer and severe act of selfishness not to mention murder and if you people can not see that, then obviously I am not the one who has issues. Yes what happened to the girl was awful, but aborting the child that she got pregnant with would only be adding the baby to the list of victims and it would be the girl who make such a thing happen by getting rid of the baby which in my opinion would only make her a follower. Just because she was raped doesn't mean that she has to continue the negative domino affect by killing the child that she got pregnant with. The man who raped her is selfish for doing such a thing to anyone, but doing away with the child by killing it would only make her just as selfish as her rapist if not more. To me, she should take control of the situation that she is in by making sure that another person does not pay for what happened to her like the baby that she is pregnant with for example.

God bless you and her and her baby always!!!


P.S. Another thing that she could do is her best to make sure that her rapist doesn't feast on anyone else by doing all that she can to get him put away for good.

You are as dumb as a box of rocks. What we are saying is that an 11 year old girl should not be forced to carry a rape baby to term. It's bad enough that she was raped, it's worse that she was forced to carry for 9 months. Whether she should give the baby up for adoption is not the issue, you irrational nutcase.

Childbirth is more likely to be difficult and dangerous for an adolescent than for an adult. Babies born to very young mothers are much more likely to die in the first year of life. Young adolescents do not yet have a fully developed pelvis. Pregnancy for them can result in serious consequences, such as eclampsia, premature labour, prolonged labour, obstructed labour, fistula, anaemia (thin blood) or infant and/or maternal death.

The younger the mother is, the greater the risk to her and her baby. The risk of maternal death related to pregnancy and childbirth for adolescent girls between 15 and 19 years of age accounts for some 70,000 deaths each year.

Facts for Life - Timing Births

You should be locked up in a mental hospital for thinking this girl should have been forced to carry to term.
Also, giving up a baby for adoption is not like going to the movies. It is extremely emotionally painful and the woman suffers that pain for her entire life. Forcing her to carry the fetus to term then forcing her to give it up for adoption, wondering her whole life about that child, suffering emotional pain for giving it up: yeah, let's just pile on and pile on the punishment for this raped child--she deserves it for being raped by her stepfather.

Ok so trot out all the women who claim they wished they'd aborted instead of put their kids up for adoption.

Get the fuck out of here, you lying morons. Gads, you're nauseating.

Studies have shown that women who have had abortions suffer emotionally and mentally long after also

It is a hard choice which is why there is a 24hr waiting period between learning the options and what the procedure involves and the actual abortion, if that is what she chose

Either way there are emotions involved. The woman has to consider what she wants to do in her future.
Anti-abortion video showed stillborn baby — not fetus

not fetus but still born in the video.
Video lies so do those involved to create false propaganda.

CMP videos are a scam. What they were saying made not medical or logical sense.

I was wondering about that - what a dirty thing to do, using a picture of someone's loss for anti-abortion propoganda!

Much of what was said on the videos is false and we have seen how ofter pictures are fake or incorrect for the development.

The right of right seek for anything to discredit PP, even lies and misinformation. Any tidbit to justify their prejudice, even when it makes no sense.
Anti-abortion video showed stillborn baby — not fetus

not fetus but still born in the video.
Video lies so do those involved to create false propaganda.

CMP videos are a scam. What they were saying made not medical or logical sense.

I was wondering about that - what a dirty thing to do, using a picture of someone's loss for anti-abortion propoganda!

Much of what was said on the videos is false and we have seen how ofter pictures are fake or incorrect for the development.

The right of right seek for anything to discredit PP, even lies and misinformation. Any tidbit to justify their prejudice, even when it makes no sense.

You people are pathetic, simply pathetic. There is NO reason for the sheer numbers of abortions taking place in this nation. None.
Anti-abortion video showed stillborn baby — not fetus

not fetus but still born in the video.
Video lies so do those involved to create false propaganda.

CMP videos are a scam. What they were saying made not medical or logical sense.

I was wondering about that - what a dirty thing to do, using a picture of someone's loss for anti-abortion propoganda!

Much of what was said on the videos is false and we have seen how ofter pictures are fake or incorrect for the development.

The right of right seek for anything to discredit PP, even lies and misinformation. Any tidbit to justify their prejudice, even when it makes no sense.

You people are pathetic, simply pathetic. There is NO reason for the sheer numbers of abortions taking place in this nation. None.

The reason is women have a right to decide when to become a mother and when they are not ready yet. Not you !
Anti-abortion video showed stillborn baby — not fetus

not fetus but still born in the video.
Video lies so do those involved to create false propaganda.

CMP videos are a scam. What they were saying made not medical or logical sense.

I was wondering about that - what a dirty thing to do, using a picture of someone's loss for anti-abortion propoganda!

Much of what was said on the videos is false and we have seen how ofter pictures are fake or incorrect for the development.

The right of right seek for anything to discredit PP, even lies and misinformation. Any tidbit to justify their prejudice, even when it makes no sense.

You people are pathetic, simply pathetic. There is NO reason for the sheer numbers of abortions taking place in this nation. None.

The reason is women have a right to decide when to become a mother and when they are not ready yet. Not you !

Bleh, I've sat and read your comments for the last day or so, you're so full of shit you stink
Anti-abortion video showed stillborn baby — not fetus

not fetus but still born in the video.
Video lies so do those involved to create false propaganda.

CMP videos are a scam. What they were saying made not medical or logical sense.

I was wondering about that - what a dirty thing to do, using a picture of someone's loss for anti-abortion propoganda!

Much of what was said on the videos is false and we have seen how ofter pictures are fake or incorrect for the development.

The right of right seek for anything to discredit PP, even lies and misinformation. Any tidbit to justify their prejudice, even when it makes no sense.

You people are pathetic, simply pathetic. There is NO reason for the sheer numbers of abortions taking place in this nation. None.

The reason is women have a right to decide when to become a mother and when they are not ready yet. Not you !

Bleh, I've sat and read your comments for the last day or so, you're so full of shit you stink

That is the best you have? :)
I was wondering about that - what a dirty thing to do, using a picture of someone's loss for anti-abortion propoganda!

Much of what was said on the videos is false and we have seen how ofter pictures are fake or incorrect for the development.

The right of right seek for anything to discredit PP, even lies and misinformation. Any tidbit to justify their prejudice, even when it makes no sense.

You people are pathetic, simply pathetic. There is NO reason for the sheer numbers of abortions taking place in this nation. None.

The reason is women have a right to decide when to become a mother and when they are not ready yet. Not you !

Bleh, I've sat and read your comments for the last day or so, you're so full of shit you stink

That is the best you have? :)

All that's needed for you....minor league.
Anti-abortion video showed stillborn baby — not fetus

not fetus but still born in the video.
Video lies so do those involved to create false propaganda.

CMP videos are a scam. What they were saying made not medical or logical sense.

I was wondering about that - what a dirty thing to do, using a picture of someone's loss for anti-abortion propoganda!

Much of what was said on the videos is false and we have seen how ofter pictures are fake or incorrect for the development.

The right of right seek for anything to discredit PP, even lies and misinformation. Any tidbit to justify their prejudice, even when it makes no sense.

You people are pathetic, simply pathetic. There is NO reason for the sheer numbers of abortions taking place in this nation. None.

Poor education and fewer constructive activities to support the mental and physical needs for children and young women
Anti-abortion video showed stillborn baby — not fetus

not fetus but still born in the video.
Video lies so do those involved to create false propaganda.

CMP videos are a scam. What they were saying made not medical or logical sense.

I was wondering about that - what a dirty thing to do, using a picture of someone's loss for anti-abortion propoganda!

Much of what was said on the videos is false and we have seen how ofter pictures are fake or incorrect for the development.

The right of right seek for anything to discredit PP, even lies and misinformation. Any tidbit to justify their prejudice, even when it makes no sense.

You people are pathetic, simply pathetic. There is NO reason for the sheer numbers of abortions taking place in this nation. None.

Bboop is a telemarketer. Not a doctor. :)
Anti-abortion video showed stillborn baby — not fetus

not fetus but still born in the video.
Video lies so do those involved to create false propaganda.

CMP videos are a scam. What they were saying made not medical or logical sense.

I was wondering about that - what a dirty thing to do, using a picture of someone's loss for anti-abortion propoganda!

Much of what was said on the videos is false and we have seen how ofter pictures are fake or incorrect for the development.

The right of right seek for anything to discredit PP, even lies and misinformation. Any tidbit to justify their prejudice, even when it makes no sense.

You people are pathetic, simply pathetic. There is NO reason for the sheer numbers of abortions taking place in this nation. None.

Bboop is a telemarketer. Not a doctor. :)

who is Bboop?

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