Huckabee Backs Denying Abortion To 10-Year-Old Raped By Stepfather

seems to me that if you are truly pro life...there should be no exemptions....i have watched several documentaries....all very religious but all taking to victims of rape or incest who kept the baby etc...interesting..their take is simple...sure a horrible thing happen to them and all but an abortion wont change what happened and may just ad to the pain....i have to respect that attitude
The message sent to rape victims by pro abortionists is have no value, your child has no value. YOU must hide this or YOU will be ostracized.
i dont think that is it at all....i think it is the choice of the woman and some women cannot deal with bearing the child of a rapist...maternal instinct does not always overcome the trauma of the rape...

forcing a child to bear a child...i have all kinds of issue with that...who is going to take care of a child and their baby....the family that fostered the incest to begin with? who is gonna finance all these children you want to see born? i realize that it is not just poor who abort but think of the massive population that we would have...
Targeted Regulation of Abortion Providers

Targeted regulations of abortion providers (TRAP) bills single out abortion clinics and providers and subject them to regulations that are more stringent than those applied to medical clinics generally. Unlike many restrictions intended to delay or influence a pregnant woman’s decision to obtain an abortion in the name of protecting a state’s interest in potential life, TRAP laws seek to eliminate access to safe abortion care by requiring that clinics meet medically unnecessary and sometimes ridiculous conditions (for example, the size of a janitor’s closet), thereby raising the costs of retrofitting clinics to a degree that makes running a clinic untenable.

Passed under the guise of safety and protecting women’s health, these laws make it difficult if not impossible for small, independent providers to perform abortions due to the expense and uncertainty involved in complying with onerous regulations. These laws also subject abortion providers to civil and criminal penalties and harassment in the form of multiple and unannounced clinic inspections, and interfere with their practice of medicine. In essence, these regulations, which force clinics to transform into miniature hospitals, do not reflect medical best practice standards, under which such regulations are entirely unnecessary.

According to the Guttmacher Institute, less than 0.3 percent of abortion patients in the United States experience a complication that requires hospitalization, making abortion one of the safest procedures in the country. The risk of dying from a legal abortion in the first trimester—which is when nearly nine in ten abortions in the United States are performed—is no more than four in a million. The risk of death from childbirth, by way of comparison, is about 14 times higher than that from abortion.

Given the procedure’s long track record of safety, nearly all abortions in the United States are performed in outpatient facilities such as doctors’ offices and clinics. Indeed, in 1983, the U.S. Supreme Court held in Akron v. Akron Center for Reproductive Health that requirements that abortions be performed in hospitals during the second trimester of pregnancy could not be justified on the basis of protecting the woman’s health and safety.

Nevertheless, anti-choice activists have found great success in imposing a variety of TRAP laws that create unnecessary and restrictive regulations.

MORE: Targeted Regulation of Abortion Providers | Law Topics | RHRC Data

TRAP laws are a backdoor attempt to weaken Roe v. Wade.
Hopefully laws can one day prevent all abortions. According to your Guttmacher Institute claim, "The risk of dying from a legal abortion in the first trimester-which is when nearly nine in ten abortions in the United States are performed-is no more than four in a million." This is a lie. There is a 100% death rate in abortion. Even the ones that live through the abortion are murdered for their parts or just like the one doctor that was sentenced for killing them after he gets them out of the body. A true abortionist probably does not see any harm in that and really there is no difference.
So was the murder of 6 million jews and both are just as evil

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Well, 6 million was small compared to the murder of Native Americans - but abortion isn't murder according to the law. Abortion is a woman's right according to law.
Lmao . Hey stupid fuck those native Americans were as vicious as us white folk . Guess they should have been better fighters in the war. Hell they were killing themselves for centuries before the white man came. Spread your lies elsewhere

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Are you suggesting that whites were living in peace with each other before they invaded America and massacred over 100 million Native Americans? Try to stick with the thread topic. Abortion is legal. Abortion is a woman's right. A pregnant woman has first priority.
Anything to make the country look bad . You progressives are pathetic

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Why, because we believe is laws?
You only believe in laws that you agree with. That is a disease that all liberals have.
i dont think that is it at all....i think it is the choice of the woman and some women cannot deal with bearing the child of a rapist...maternal instinct does not always overcome the trauma of the rape...

forcing a child to bear a child...i have all kinds of issue with that...who is going to take care of a child and their baby....the family that fostered the incest to begin with? who is gonna finance all these children you want to see born? i realize that it is not just poor who abort but think of the massive population that we would have...
Abortion is illegal in her country. No matter how me or you agree of disagree about this it is moot. Of course the bomb thrower who made this thread doesn't care as long as she gets to promote killing babies and she thinks she is exposing conservatives. ... she is not to bright because conservatives don't hide thier disgust for baby killing. Now I know you are a die in wool hippie liberal but at least you are not stupid and throw out threads like this. It exposes the progressives far more then it will ever expose a conservative or Christian.

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i know this didnt happen here...i would guess its a catholic country but i could be wrong....the head line is misleading in that huckabee is not out promoting children having children....he was ask this question on one of the news shows...and he gave the only answer a pro lifer could for the op....i never pay much attention to who the op is
seems to me that if you are truly pro life...there should be no exemptions....i have watched several documentaries....all very religious but all taking to victims of rape or incest who kept the baby etc...interesting..their take is simple...sure a horrible thing happen to them and all but an abortion wont change what happened and may just ad to the pain....i have to respect that attitude
Amen to this. Aborting a baby will not remove its conception from a person's past. Just like beating an STD will not remove it from a person's past and how dare anyone look at a baby as if it were a life threatening sickness like an STD is. A baby is only inside a female for nine months. After that if they still don't want it, it can be given to someone who does want it. Abortion may be legal, but that doesn't make it OK. Just like pot being legal now. It being legal now doesn't erase the risks there are when consuming it.

God bless you always!!!

Why so obsessed with Hucklebee? He'll never be President. Let it go man.
Because God scares liberals and most libertarians. It is fear that something might be out there and that means they are not the true center of the universe

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Why, because we believe is laws?
Really? Hillary Clinton

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Why, has Hillary broken any abortion laws? Please provide "credible" proof.
She used servers of her own for government work of classified nature. That's illegal. She sold her office as secretary of state to highest bidder that's treason. But people who hate the USA like you wouldn't understand that

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Conservatives didn't seem to think the same thing when Collin Powell was doing the same thing........hypocrisy?
Proof that he did first and second if he did he like hillary belong in jail .

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I don't hear any conservative going after Collin Powell.....hypocrisy? Further, I don't hear you complaining about G W Bush, when he destroyed millions of e-mails to save his ass.....which just proves what hypocrites you all are. Democrats are not anal, that's why they didn't go after Bush like conservatives are going after Clinton.

So, quit your asinine whining.

Like Hillary Clinton, former Secretary of State Colin Powell also used a personal email account during his tenure at the State Department, an aide confirmed in a statement.
Colin Powell relied on personal emails while secretary of state

First, a quick refresher about what happened in the Bush administration. In March 2007, eyes were on then-Attorney General Alberto Gonzales after the administration unexpectedly fired eight U.S. attorneys. Congress (recently taken over by Democrats) investigated the firings, alleging that the administration had dropped the prosecutors for political reasons.

Over the course of the investigation, it came out that some White House officials had conducted White House business over private email accounts set up on a server through the Republican National Committee. The White House later admitted that some internal White House emails conducted on the RNC server might have been lost.
The media reaction to George W. Bush's email controversy

WASHINGTON — Computer technicians have found 22 million missing White House e-mails from the administration of President George W. Bush and the Obama administration is searching for dozens more days' worth of potentially lost e-mail from the Bush years, according to two groups that filed suit over the failure by the Bush White House to install an electronic record keeping system.
Millions of missing Bush admin. e-mails found
Post a link for what???

Damn, you don't even remember what you said? Post a link proving that abortions are taking place for any reason the woman wants.
It would probably be easier where you could provide me a link where a woman is prevented by law from have an abortion for any of the reasons I listed.

I guess that is your way of saying you couldn't find one.....but I'm sure that won't stop you from repeating that same nonsense. In states where abortions are done after the first trimester, it is usually caused by the restrictions posed by rules brought about by anti-abortion supporters.

Gestational Limits: 43 states prohibit abortions, generally except when necessary to protect the woman’s life or health, after a specified point in pregnancy, most often fetal viability.

The Supreme Court ruled in the case of Roe v. Wade (1973) that a woman had the right to choose abortion to end a pregnancy through the first trimester (three months) of gestation. Inthe latter stages of pregnancy, danger to the life of the mother could still justify a legal abortion. Political struggles followed over legalized abortions. Some state legislatures passed limitations such as requiring teenage girls to obtaintheir parent's consent in order to get an abortion. Despite appointment of anti-abortion justices by Presidents Reagan and Bush, the Supreme Court has not over-turned the basic Wade case rule.
Elective Abortion

The Number of Abortions after the First Trimester Is Relatively Small

  • Between 1990 and 1997, the number of abortions in the United States fell from 1,429,577 to 1,186,039 (CDC, 2000). The CDC estimates that 55 percent of legal abortions occur within the first eight weeks of gestation, and 88 percent are performed within the first 12 weeks. Only 1.4 percent occur after 20 weeks (CDC, 2000).
    Abortion After the First Trimester
Cold hard facts right here. Conservatives hate them.
The facts are that progressives hate women and despise the quality that makes them female...their ability to give birth. And prey upon those who don't have male the point of torture and murder.

The facts are conservatives that think like you hate women. You're too naive to realize it, so you keep supporting the men that hate women and want to take their rights away so they can control every woman just like they control conservative women.

You can easily care about both

Except most conservatives don't........they want to end welfare and SNAP regardless of how many children they hurt.

They want to end the fraud, abuse and waste, they don't want it to be a career for people. If you're going to use talking points stop responding, it's annoying reading that crap over and over from you left loons

You don't end fraud, abuse and waste by punishing the truly poor and taking it away....and that's what Republican politicians want to do. You investigate and enact rules and enforce them......not just cut everything like you all want to do.

It's the same with immigration......if employers like Trump, who hire illegals were to be punished for doing so, there wouldn't be such a big problem with illegals coming here to find jobs. But, Republicans coddle the business owners and instead waste our taxpayer money installing stupid walls that are costly and ineffective.
Huckabee has a strange mind regarding abortion and other social issues. For example, there is more nasty stuff coming out about Josh Duggar - whom Huckabee has defended in the past. Will he still defend Duggar?
Really? Hillary Clinton

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Why, has Hillary broken any abortion laws? Please provide "credible" proof.
She used servers of her own for government work of classified nature. That's illegal. She sold her office as secretary of state to highest bidder that's treason. But people who hate the USA like you wouldn't understand that

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Conservatives didn't seem to think the same thing when Collin Powell was doing the same thing........hypocrisy?
Proof that he did first and second if he did he like hillary belong in jail .

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

I don't hear any conservative going after Collin Powell.....hypocrisy? Further, I don't hear you complaining about G W Bush, when he destroyed millions of e-mails to save his ass.....which just proves what hypocrites you all are. Democrats are not anal, that's why they didn't go after Bush like conservatives are going after Clinton.

So, quit your asinine whining.

Like Hillary Clinton, former Secretary of State Colin Powell also used a personal email account during his tenure at the State Department, an aide confirmed in a statement.
Colin Powell relied on personal emails while secretary of state

First, a quick refresher about what happened in the Bush administration. In March 2007, eyes were on then-Attorney General Alberto Gonzales after the administration unexpectedly fired eight U.S. attorneys. Congress (recently taken over by Democrats) investigated the firings, alleging that the administration had dropped the prosecutors for political reasons.

Over the course of the investigation, it came out that some White House officials had conducted White House business over private email accounts set up on a server through the Republican National Committee. The White House later admitted that some internal White House emails conducted on the RNC server might have been lost.
The media reaction to George W. Bush's email controversy

WASHINGTON — Computer technicians have found 22 million missing White House e-mails from the administration of President George W. Bush and the Obama administration is searching for dozens more days' worth of potentially lost e-mail from the Bush years, according to two groups that filed suit over the failure by the Bush White House to install an electronic record keeping system.
Millions of missing Bush admin. e-mails found
For personal not government work you lying ass

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
seems to me that if you are truly pro life...there should be no exemptions....i have watched several documentaries....all very religious but all taking to victims of rape or incest who kept the baby etc...interesting..their take is simple...sure a horrible thing happen to them and all but an abortion wont change what happened and may just ad to the pain....i have to respect that attitude
It's a 10 year old girl we are talking about. A child. A ten year old girl. We are not talking about the general concept of abortion but about the abuse of a 10 year old child! You respect the idea of forcing a 10 year old child to carry to term a fetus that is the result of her step father raping her?
seems to me that if you are truly pro life...there should be no exemptions....i have watched several documentaries....all very religious but all taking to victims of rape or incest who kept the baby etc...interesting..their take is simple...sure a horrible thing happen to them and all but an abortion wont change what happened and may just ad to the pain....i have to respect that attitude
It's a 10 year old girl we are talking about. A child. A ten year old girl. We are not talking about the general concept of abortion but about the abuse of a 10 year old child!
We know you would rather the little girl have life ripped out of her instead of another non white baby born

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