Huckabee Backs Denying Abortion To 10-Year-Old Raped By Stepfather

Who the fuck is saying that we should be giving him a pass?!!

It's apparent that more are concerned about what Huckabee says than the fact that a young child was raped. His opinion is just that, and it holds no weight. The hero is the Paraguayan government and the villain is the person that raped the child. Some people choose the dumbest things to be upset about.

What makes the government a hero?

If you all feel a ten year old child giving birth is just fine then why bother to oppose child marriages?

A ten year old child should not be getting pregnant. But why kill an innocent life when it does happen? The government saved a life, therefore they are heroes. Metaphorically speaking of course.
Government compelling a woman to give birth against her will is in no way 'heroic.'

In the United States the government has no authority to compel a woman to give birth against her will, and rightfully so.

Dude, buy yourself a dictionary.

BTW how do you know it was against her will?
Because her and her grandmother begging for an abortion

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When a women gets pregnant, it's no longer just "her" body. If a woman does not want to have a baby, there are solutions other than getting an abortion. But that would require taking some responsibility.

A 10 year old child should not be forced to take that kind of responsibility when she had nothing to do with the act that put her in that position.

No one is forcing her to take responsibility of raising the child. There are other alternatives besides killing an innocent life. There are adoptions, government agencies could and hopefully would help and I'm sure there are other relatives other than her piss poor mother that can help as well.

They are forcing her to "take responsibility" by carrying a pregnancy she did not want through to birth and hopefully not lose her life over it. That is a very heavy load for a 10 yr old.

I agree it is a heavy load, I imagine living a life knowing you murdered your unborn child would be a heavier load.
It would be for me. I am not about to do such a thing to someone who did nothing to deserve it. Getting raped is never good, but neither is taking out the baby that is conceived. Just because you were done wrong in one way or another doesn't mean that it is OK to go and do someone else wrong as well no matter if the way that you do them wrong is legal or not.

God bless you always!!!


"Just because". When you use that term, you are minimizing a violent act. Did it ever occur to you that it's cruel & torturous for someone to feel that rapist's spawn grow & move inside knowing that you did not want it to? If you did think of that, & still say & think "just because, & oh well" then it's just cruel.
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It's apparent that more are concerned about what Huckabee says than the fact that a young child was raped. His opinion is just that, and it holds no weight. The hero is the Paraguayan government and the villain is the person that raped the child. Some people choose the dumbest things to be upset about.

What makes the government a hero?

If you all feel a ten year old child giving birth is just fine then why bother to oppose child marriages?

A ten year old child should not be getting pregnant. But why kill an innocent life when it does happen? The government saved a life, therefore they are heroes. Metaphorically speaking of course.
Government compelling a woman to give birth against her will is in no way 'heroic.'

In the United States the government has no authority to compel a woman to give birth against her will, and rightfully so.

Dude, buy yourself a dictionary.

BTW how do you know it was against her will?
Because her and her grandmother begging for an abortion

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

What was her opinion? Their opinion doesn't matter.
lol, I particularly like this one.

Matthew 6: 5-6 “And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. 6 But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.

& i'll throw in this little passage too, since the Bible does reference abortion, when it comes to just suspecting a woman was unfaithful, & God forbid possibly being impregnated by another man... then it was sanctioned & even had a priests involvement:

Numbers 5: 11-31
11 And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying,

12 Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them, If any man's wife go aside, and commit a trespass against him,

13 And a man lie with her carnally, and it be hid from the eyes of her husband, and be kept close, and she be defiled, and there be no witness against her, neither she be taken with the manner;

14 And the spirit of jealousy come upon him, and he be jealous of his wife, and she be defiled: or if the spirit of jealousy come upon him, and he be jealous of his wife, and she be not defiled:

15 Then shall the man bring his wife unto the priest, and he shall bring her offering for her, the tenth part of an ephah of barley meal; he shall pour no oil upon it, nor put frankincense thereon; for it is an offering of jealousy, an offering of memorial, bringing iniquity to remembrance.

16 And the priest shall bring her near, and set her before the LORD:

17 And the priest shall take holy water in an earthen vessel; and of the dust that is in the floor of the tabernacle the priest shall take, and put it into the water:

18 And the priest shall set the woman before the LORD, and uncover the woman's head, and put the offering of memorial in her hands, which is the jealousy offering: and the priest shall have in his hand the bitter water that causeth the curse:

19 And the priest shall charge her by an oath, and say unto the woman, If no man have lain with thee, and if thou hast not gone aside to uncleanness with another instead of thy husband, be thou free from this bitter water that causeth the curse:

20 But if thou hast gone aside to another instead of thy husband, and if thou be defiled, and some man have lain with thee beside thine husband:

21 Then the priest shall charge the woman with an oath of cursing, and the priest shall say unto the woman, The LORD make thee a curse and an oath among thy people, when the LORD doth make thy thigh to rot, and thy belly to swell;

22 And this water that causeth the curse shall go into thy bowels, to make thy belly to swell, and thy thigh to rot: And the woman shall say, Amen, amen.

23 And the priest shall write these curses in a book, and he shall blot them out with the bitter water:

24 And he shall cause the woman to drink the bitter water that causeth the curse: and the water that causeth the curse shall enter into her, and become bitter.

25 Then the priest shall take the jealousy offering out of the woman's hand, and shall wave the offering before the LORD, and offer it upon the altar:

26 And the priest shall take an handful of the offering, even the memorial thereof, and burn it upon the altar, and afterward shall cause the woman to drink the water.

27 And when he hath made her to drink the water, then it shall come to pass, that, if she be defiled, and have done trespass against her husband, that the water that causeth the curse shall enter into her, and become bitter, and her belly shall swell, and her thigh shall rot: and the woman shall be a curse among her people.

28 And if the woman be not defiled, but be clean; then she shall be free, and shall conceive seed.

29 This is the law of jealousies, when a wife goeth aside to another instead of her husband, and is defiled;

30 Or when the spirit of jealousy cometh upon him, and he be jealous over his wife, and shall set the woman before the LORD, and the priest shall execute upon her all this law.

31 Then shall the man be guiltless from iniquity, and this woman shall bear her iniquity.

Nice passage but nowhere does it say anything about the wife being pregnant, not even a hint of her being pregnant. If the wife was guilty of adultery, she would get sick and her belly would swell. If the wife was innocent, God would protect her from the effects of the concoction. There was nothing magical about the concoction. It was entirely a matter of God using the result to demonstrate whether a woman was innocent or guilty. No mention of abortion or even a miscarriage at all.

What do you think was meant by 'the curse'? That meant that she would bleed. Woman have used that term forever in regards to menstruation & that's where the expression originated from. That concoction would make her bleed & therefore miscarry.

Your definition of "curse" isn't the Bibles definition.

kurs ('alah (Numbers 5:21,23,17, etc.), me'erah (Proverbs 3:33; Malachi 2:2, etc.), klalah (Genesis 27:12,13); katara (Galatians 3:10,13)):
This word as noun and verb renders different Hebrew words, some of them being more or less synonymous, differing only in degree of strength. It is often used in contrast with "bless" or "blessing" (Deuteronomy 11:29). When a curse is pronounced against any person, we are not to understand this as a mere wish, however violent, that disaster should overtake the person in question, any more than we are to understand that a corresponding "blessing" conveys simply a wish that prosperity should be the lot of the person on whom the blessing is invoked. A curse was considered to possess an inherent power of carrying itself into effect. Prayer has been defined as a wish referred to God. Curses (or blessings) were imprecations referred to supernatural beings in whose existence and power to do good or inflict harm primitive man believed. The use of magic and spells of all kinds is based on the belief that it is possible to enlist the support of the superhuman beings with whom the uerse abounds, and to persuade them to carry out the suppliant's wishes. It has been suggested that spells were written on pieces of parchment and cast to the winds in the belief that they would find their way to their proper destination--that some demoniac being would act as postman and deliver them at the proper address. In Zechariah 5:1-3 the "flying roll," with curses inscribed on it "goeth forth over the face of the whole land." It would find its way into the house of every thief and perjurer. But it was not always possible to commit curses to writing, it was enough to utter them aloud. Generally the name of some deity would be coupled with such imprecations, as Goliath cursed David by his gods (1 Samuel 17:43). Such curses once uttered possessed the power of self- realization. It was customary for heads of families in their declining years to bless their children, such a blessing being, not simply a paternal wish that their children should prosper in life, but a potent factor in determining their welfare (Genesis 9:25). in this case Jacob seeks his father's blessing, which was more than his father's good wishes for his future career. Such blessings and curses were independent of moraI considerations. Before moral distinctions played any part in molding theological conceptions it was not necessary, before a spell could be effectual, that the individual against whom the spell was pronounced should be deserving, on moral grounds, of the fate which was invoked on him. It was sufficient that he should be the foe of the author of the curse. We may assume that such curses signalized the commencement of a battle. But in process of time such indiscriminate imprecations would not satisfy enlightened moral judgment. In the dramatic situation depicted in Deuteronomy 11:29; 27:12 f the curse was placed on Mt. Ebal and the blessing. on Mr. Gerizim. But the curse was the penalty for disobedience, as the blessing was the reward for obedience. The Book of Proverbs 26:2 summarily dismisses the traditional belief--"the curse that is causeless alighteth not." "In the discourses of Jesus we find blessings and curses. They are however simply authoritative declarations of the eternal connection between right doing and happiness, wrong doing and misery" (Cheyne).
Whereas curses by ordinary persons were considered more or less efficacious--some god being always only too glad to speed them on their way to their destination--yet special persons--"holy" persons--in virtue of their special relation to Divine beings possessed special powers of pronouncing effectual curses on account of their powers of enlisting supernatural aid. Balaam, according to the narrative in Numbers 22, was an expert in the article Balak was convinced that Balaam's curse would bring about the defeat of the Israelites (see Gray, "Numbers," ICC).
The term--and the thing signified--plays an important part in Paul's interpretation of the cross. In the light of the law all men are guilty. There is no acquittal through appeal to a law that commands and never forgives--prohibits and never relents. The violator of the law is under a curse. His doom has been pronounced. Escape is impossible. But on the cross Jesus Christ endured the curse--for "cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree" (Galatians 3:10,13)--and a curse that has overtaken its victim is a spent force.
Curse - Definition and Meaning, Bible Dictionary

Nothing about "bleeding".
Fortunately, the meaning of, 'and her thigh shall rot,' has been interpreted into more modern times linguistics...

Numbers 5:27 New International Version (NIV)

27 If she has made herself impure and been unfaithful to her husband, this will be the result: When she is made to drink the water that brings a curse and causes bitter suffering, it will enter her, her abdomen will swell and her womb will miscarry, and she will become a curse.

That's quite a stretch in interpretation. Thigh means womb? Rot means miscarry?
Let me see if I've got this right. You're quoting the Bible... But now you're saying the Bible is wrong?
Just pointing out your bigotry

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Talk about a total nonsequiter. What bigotry are you talking about? I haven't even brought up race.
Sure you did . We all know what humans you think are not worthy of rights

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Huh? Please provide a quote then.
Really? It is already in this line of quotes

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Specifically - WHERE have I said certain races are less worthy of rights?
Why are you trying to communicate with a total nutcase like thanatos144? You'd get a more intelligent response talking to your pet.
Babies are beautiful, but they should be wanted by its parents. Social service, orphanages and foster care are not beautiful, over crowded, over worked, under paid, too often abuse, no sense of security or love, its little more than government warehousing with little stability. Too many kids run away, get involved in drugs or get in trouble with the law. Few stay in a single home for long but are moved from home to home.
Not a beautiful life. Far too many get lost in the system.

Begin with the 2.5 million or so children in the US that are homeless or the 700,000 in need of a stable family to adopt them before telling a woman/girl she has to bring one more into the world that will likely be just another file in an over burdened system.

Bringing a child into the world without a loving family is not beautiful.
You say here that babies should be wanted by their parents. Well what about babies that end up without parents because their parents are killed? Should the baby be done away with as well due to the risks of what you talk about here, not being wanted by anyone else, being stuck in child care services, running away and getting into drugs etc.? Yes what you say here is very likely, but how do you know that a child will not be an exception? If a child is done away with, then it will never be known how their life would have turned out.

A 10 year old child should not be forced to take that kind of responsibility when she had nothing to do with the act that put her in that position.

No one is forcing her to take responsibility of raising the child. There are other alternatives besides killing an innocent life. There are adoptions, government agencies could and hopefully would help and I'm sure there are other relatives other than her piss poor mother that can help as well.

They are forcing her to "take responsibility" by carrying a pregnancy she did not want through to birth and hopefully not lose her life over it. That is a very heavy load for a 10 yr old.

I agree it is a heavy load, I imagine living a life knowing you murdered your unborn child would be a heavier load.
It would be for me. I am not about to do such a thing to someone who did nothing to deserve it. Getting raped is never good, but neither is taking out the baby that is conceived. Just because you were done wrong in one way or another doesn't mean that it is OK to go and do someone else wrong as well no matter if the way that you do them wrong is legal or not.

God bless you always!!!


"Just because". When you use that term, you are minimizing a violent act. Did it ever occur to you that it's cruel & torturous for someone to feel that rapist's spawn grow & move inside knowing that you did not want it to? If you did think of that, & still say & think "just because, & oh well" then it's just cruel.
The baby would not be inside of me forever and minimizing a violent act was never once my intention. I was only saying that to me, doing away with the baby does not make the picture look any better. All that does is add murder to it when the only thing in it before was rape and that right there is another thing. The rapist did not take out their victim like they very well could have. Would you rather that happen instead if you think that anyone in the equation should be taken out?

God bless you two always!!!

And black people are not human? you progressives never change

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

I also noticed you skipped right over the post where I provided 3 links & a pic to prove what you had asked about poverty in Paraguay. YOU religious extremists never change.
Only evil assholes call not wanting babies slaughters extremist. Go join isis they seem to have the same mentality

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
Actually, ISIS shares your beliefs when it comes to abortion.
No they don't because they like you progressives kill children and treat girls as nothing more then sex objects

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Sounds like you want to treat girls like incubating hosts.
Why is it that you progressives always see women and girls as objects

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
Babies are beautiful, but they should be wanted by its parents. Social service, orphanages and foster care are not beautiful, over crowded, over worked, under paid, too often abuse, no sense of security or love, its little more than government warehousing with little stability. Too many kids run away, get involved in drugs or get in trouble with the law. Few stay in a single home for long but are moved from home to home.
Not a beautiful life. Far too many get lost in the system.

Begin with the 2.5 million or so children in the US that are homeless or the 700,000 in need of a stable family to adopt them before telling a woman/girl she has to bring one more into the world that will likely be just another file in an over burdened system.

Bringing a child into the world without a loving family is not beautiful.
You say here that babies should be wanted by their parents. Well what about babies that end up without parents because their parents are killed? Should the baby be done away with as well due to the risks of what you talk about here, not being wanted by anyone else, being stuck in child care services, running away and getting into drugs etc.? Yes what you say here is very likely, but how do you know that a child will not be an exception? If a child is done away with, then it will never be known how their life would have turned out.

No one is forcing her to take responsibility of raising the child. There are other alternatives besides killing an innocent life. There are adoptions, government agencies could and hopefully would help and I'm sure there are other relatives other than her piss poor mother that can help as well.

They are forcing her to "take responsibility" by carrying a pregnancy she did not want through to birth and hopefully not lose her life over it. That is a very heavy load for a 10 yr old.

I agree it is a heavy load, I imagine living a life knowing you murdered your unborn child would be a heavier load.
It would be for me. I am not about to do such a thing to someone who did nothing to deserve it. Getting raped is never good, but neither is taking out the baby that is conceived. Just because you were done wrong in one way or another doesn't mean that it is OK to go and do someone else wrong as well no matter if the way that you do them wrong is legal or not.

God bless you always!!!


"Just because". When you use that term, you are minimizing a violent act. Did it ever occur to you that it's cruel & torturous for someone to feel that rapist's spawn grow & move inside knowing that you did not want it to? If you did think of that, & still say & think "just because, & oh well" then it's just cruel.
The baby would not be inside of me forever and minimizing a violent act was never once my intention. I was only saying that to me, doing away with the baby does not make the picture look any better. All that does is add murder to it when the only thing in it before was rape and that right there is another thing. The rapist did not take out their victim like they very well could have. Would you rather that happen instead if you think that anyone in the equation should be taken out?

God bless you two always!!!


If a woman wants to terminate but is forced to continue a pregnancy will certainly contemplate suicide.
I also noticed you skipped right over the post where I provided 3 links & a pic to prove what you had asked about poverty in Paraguay. YOU religious extremists never change.
Only evil assholes call not wanting babies slaughters extremist. Go join isis they seem to have the same mentality

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
Actually, ISIS shares your beliefs when it comes to abortion.
No they don't because they like you progressives kill children and treat girls as nothing more then sex objects

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Sounds like you want to treat girls like incubating hosts.
Why is it that you progressives always see women and girls as objects

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Do you not realize I am a woman you fool? I am not an object nor would I ever objectify any female. We have our own brains to decide for ourselves what we do with our bodies. You want that right taken away.
Babies are beautiful, but they should be wanted by its parents. Social service, orphanages and foster care are not beautiful, over crowded, over worked, under paid, too often abuse, no sense of security or love, its little more than government warehousing with little stability. Too many kids run away, get involved in drugs or get in trouble with the law. Few stay in a single home for long but are moved from home to home.
Not a beautiful life. Far too many get lost in the system.

Begin with the 2.5 million or so children in the US that are homeless or the 700,000 in need of a stable family to adopt them before telling a woman/girl she has to bring one more into the world that will likely be just another file in an over burdened system.

Bringing a child into the world without a loving family is not beautiful.
You say here that babies should be wanted by their parents. Well what about babies that end up without parents because their parents are killed? Should the baby be done away with as well due to the risks of what you talk about here, not being wanted by anyone else, being stuck in child care services, running away and getting into drugs etc.? Yes what you say here is very likely, but how do you know that a child will not be an exception? If a child is done away with, then it will never be known how their life would have turned out.

No one is forcing her to take responsibility of raising the child. There are other alternatives besides killing an innocent life. There are adoptions, government agencies could and hopefully would help and I'm sure there are other relatives other than her piss poor mother that can help as well.

They are forcing her to "take responsibility" by carrying a pregnancy she did not want through to birth and hopefully not lose her life over it. That is a very heavy load for a 10 yr old.

I agree it is a heavy load, I imagine living a life knowing you murdered your unborn child would be a heavier load.
It would be for me. I am not about to do such a thing to someone who did nothing to deserve it. Getting raped is never good, but neither is taking out the baby that is conceived. Just because you were done wrong in one way or another doesn't mean that it is OK to go and do someone else wrong as well no matter if the way that you do them wrong is legal or not.

God bless you always!!!


"Just because". When you use that term, you are minimizing a violent act. Did it ever occur to you that it's cruel & torturous for someone to feel that rapist's spawn grow & move inside knowing that you did not want it to? If you did think of that, & still say & think "just because, & oh well" then it's just cruel.
The baby would not be inside of me forever and minimizing a violent act was never once my intention. I was only saying that to me, doing away with the baby does not make the picture look any better. All that does is add murder to it when the only thing in it before was rape and that right there is another thing. The rapist did not take out their victim like they very well could have. Would you rather that happen instead if you think that anyone in the equation should be taken out?

God bless you two always!!!


Wow, you are trying too hard to stretch this into something else.

Being born of loving parents and them dying is way off the mark from abortion and unwanted children. Conceived in love, born in love to two loving parents, the child was wanted when born. An accident of fate does not make the child unwanted. The child is born and lives, no it should not be killed.

What a moronic thing to suggest.

It is a tragic thing to loss one's parents. That had nothing to do with the way it was born. It has nothing to do with the subject of abortion for girls/women that were raped.

Go get some fresh air before you say something else as stupid.
^^^ What you abortion cheerleaders say is way worse than anything that can be thrown out here by anyone else. You say that kids should be killed if they are not wanted. How do you know that they will be unwanted for the remainder of their lives? A person can not grow up and get married by a person who wants them and then have kids who also want them if they are dead. So what if they were not conceived the way that they should be? To me, no one should have the right to decide another person's life in such a way because of how things have gone for other people in the same position when no two lives are the same.

If a woman wants to terminate but is forced to continue a pregnancy will certainly contemplate suicide.
A pregnancy doesn't last forever, but once a person has killed themselves, there is no going back.

God bless you two always!!!


P.S. This subject has started to remind me of the scene of that Sling Blade film when Carl goes to see his dad and gets on to his dad for killing his brother. So what if Carl was retarded? At least he had the brains and the sense where it really mattered.
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^^^ What you abortion cheerleaders say is way worse than anything that can be thrown out here by anyone else. You say that kids should be killed if they are not wanted. How do you know that they will be unwanted for the remainder of their lives? A person can not grow up and get married by a person who wants them and then have kids who also want them if they are dead. So what if they were not conceived the way that they should be? To me, no one should have the right to decide another person's life in such a way because of how things have gone for other people in the same position when no two lives are the same.

If a woman wants to terminate but is forced to continue a pregnancy will certainly contemplate suicide.
A pregnancy doesn't last forever, but once a person has killed themselves, there is no going back.

God bless you two always!!!


P.S. This subject has started to remind me of the scene of that Sling Blade film when Carl goes to see his dad and gets on to his dad for killing his brother. So what if Carl was retarded? At least he had the brains and the sense where it really mattered.

Terminating a pregnancy in the first trimester is a far cry from killing a child because it's parents die in an accident.
You don't see anything wrong with that?
Terminating is not illegal or immoral in the US, except by a few fanatics. Christianity or Islam, the fetus does not have a soul till the fourth month. Abortion in the first trimester is not murder or killing.
There are medical reason to terminate in the second and third trimester.
In the case of rape termination is acceptable. No child should have to be pregnant and certainly not required to give birth, their body is too immature.

If you don't believe in abortion, don't have one. You have to right to interfere with other women to do choose abortion as the best option for them. You try to interfere with their right, you become the criminal.

There is nothing moral about an 11 yr old child being made to carry and give birth. Even for adults pregnancy is not easy or safe. There is no reason to risk the life of a child that was raped. NONE
^^^ Well to me, there is nothing moral about doing away with a child because of the chance that no one will want it.

God bless you always!!!


First trimester, it is not a 'child'
Not according to the bible or the law.
After it is born, it is a child and will get a birth certificate. Even if the woman is hurt/attacked and looses the fetus, it is not legally killing till after the first trimester. Most miscarriages happen in the 1st. Abortion in the 1st is not killing legally.
The fetus is too immature to be a separate being nor does it have functional organs. It is incapable of living, even with assistance, outside the womb.
It is an egg, not a chicken. It is a fetus in the early stages, not a child.

It is not your morals or values that are involved in a woman choice, but hers. If you are morally against an abortion, don't have one. You have no right to tell a woman that she can't have a choice and must carry the fetus to term. Not your body, not your business. If the woman happened to go to your church (place of worship) and she were to ask you for your opinion, then you could give her guidance and speak of options with her. She can then decide for herself what is best for her.

You cannot force her or any woman to carry the fetus. To interfere with her rights you become the criminal.

No one that is raped should be made to keep the fetus. You don't make the violation worse by making her relive the rape for nine months or more.

Even if it was your daughter that was seeking an abortion, you can talk to her and make suggestions, but then she has to make the decision on her own. You can't force her to keep the fetus. She might be your daughter, but it is her body.

There is no guilt to ending a pregnancy in the first trimester. For the woman to be sure she is doing the right thing, there is a 24 hour waiting period before the abortion takes place.

The options to legal safe abortions is some back room abortionist where infection, complications and even death are multiplied. No women would take the decision to have an abortion lightly, nor at $1500 or so is it a substitute to birth control. Some woman cannot take birth control and every method can fail numerous reason, even a cold or flu can effect the efficiency. Fatigue, other medicines, changes in time zone, almost anything can effect the failure of birth control, even when a woman has been taking it for years.

Anything beyond the 1st trimester would require a medical reason for termination. Then it goes from a 24 hour waiting period to a three day process that includes expanding the cervix. Any abortion involves terminating the fetus before extraction. It is no longer alive at the time of extraction. A saline and potassium injection into the placenta is give with any method.

You worry about your body and your doctor's advice about medical procedure. You don't have a say in anyone else's medical choices.
^^^ I can still say whatever it is that I stand for on anything and if you abortion cheerleaders do not like what comes from me, it isn't my problem and to me it is still the start of another person's life no matter how you abortion cheerleaders say that it isn't and there is nothing that you can say that will make me change the way that I look at this matter.

God bless you always!!!

^^^ I can still say whatever it is that I stand for on anything and if you abortion cheerleaders do not like what comes from me, it isn't my problem and to me it is still the start of another person's life no matter how you abortion cheerleaders say that it isn't and there is nothing that you can say that will make me change the way that I look at this matter.

God bless you always!!!


It is however your body, so you have no say in the choices the woman takes.

You can blow hot air, but it's just air
No matter how often you complain about abortions killing children, the fact is your are wrong.
The topic is about a child that was raped. She suffer her step-fathers abuse and now she is caring for an infant. That is a tragedy.
Every one should be outraged. The fact that so many pre teen girls are pregnant should have more people trying to stop the abuse, not worrying about a life that does not yet exist.

The devotion you have about abortion would be better served to use that energy to end child rape so they don't have to seek abortions in the first place.

How do you plan to stop the rape of children? How would you care for the children that are raped, so they can find their way back to their childhood?

I've seen too many that have been raped. Many ended up dead. Others were abandoned by their family because they believed the girl had brought shame on the family name. It was not the fault of the girl but the rapist that committed the crime. It is the girl that far too often suffers the shame and isolation.

To think someone can just get over being raped and that pregnancy is only nine months and can be forgotten afterwards is just plain wrong. The change in the body and hormones that the girl goes through is dramatic. It cannot just be dismissed as nine month as if your are talking about a few hours and then having a bowel movement. Nine month to a ten year old child is nearly 10% of her life time. For an adult nine month might seen a short time. For a child or a pregnant woman, nine months seem like an eternity.

It is not just nine months, and it is not just the life of a baby/fetus, it begins and ends with the life of the girl and how it will effect the rest of her life.

Instead of picketing an abortion clinic, go volunteer to help rape victims or abused children.
Help the living, not a fetus that is not yet born
^^^ Well to me, there is nothing moral about doing away with a child because of the chance that no one will want it.

God bless you always!!!


First trimester, it is not a 'child'
Not according to the bible or the law.
After it is born, it is a child and will get a birth certificate. Even if the woman is hurt/attacked and looses the fetus, it is not legally killing till after the first trimester. Most miscarriages happen in the 1st. Abortion in the 1st is not killing legally.
The fetus is too immature to be a separate being nor does it have functional organs. It is incapable of living, even with assistance, outside the womb.
It is an egg, not a chicken. It is a fetus in the early stages, not a child.

It is not your morals or values that are involved in a woman choice, but hers. If you are morally against an abortion, don't have one. You have no right to tell a woman that she can't have a choice and must carry the fetus to term. Not your body, not your business. If the woman happened to go to your church (place of worship) and she were to ask you for your opinion, then you could give her guidance and speak of options with her. She can then decide for herself what is best for her.

You cannot force her or any woman to carry the fetus. To interfere with her rights you become the criminal.

No one that is raped should be made to keep the fetus. You don't make the violation worse by making her relive the rape for nine months or more.

Even if it was your daughter that was seeking an abortion, you can talk to her and make suggestions, but then she has to make the decision on her own. You can't force her to keep the fetus. She might be your daughter, but it is her body.

There is no guilt to ending a pregnancy in the first trimester. For the woman to be sure she is doing the right thing, there is a 24 hour waiting period before the abortion takes place.

The options to legal safe abortions is some back room abortionist where infection, complications and even death are multiplied. No women would take the decision to have an abortion lightly, nor at $1500 or so is it a substitute to birth control. Some woman cannot take birth control and every method can fail numerous reason, even a cold or flu can effect the efficiency. Fatigue, other medicines, changes in time zone, almost anything can effect the failure of birth control, even when a woman has been taking it for years.

Anything beyond the 1st trimester would require a medical reason for termination. Then it goes from a 24 hour waiting period to a three day process that includes expanding the cervix. Any abortion involves terminating the fetus before extraction. It is no longer alive at the time of extraction. A saline and potassium injection into the placenta is give with any method.

You worry about your body and your doctor's advice about medical procedure. You don't have a say in anyone else's medical choices.
That is the lie you tell yourself because the truth is to evil .

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^^^ I can still say whatever it is that I stand for on anything and if you abortion cheerleaders do not like what comes from me, it isn't my problem and to me it is still the start of another person's life no matter how you abortion cheerleaders say that it isn't and there is nothing that you can say that will make me change the way that I look at this matter.

God bless you always!!!

Bless your heart. No one said you can't have an opinion on the matter. Only that you can't force your opinion on others. Abortion remains legal no matter how much you protest.

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