Huckabee Backs Denying Abortion To 10-Year-Old Raped By Stepfather

^^^ I can still say whatever it is that I stand for on anything and if you abortion cheerleaders do not like what comes from me, it isn't my problem and to me it is still the start of another person's life no matter how you abortion cheerleaders say that it isn't and there is nothing that you can say that will make me change the way that I look at this matter.

God bless you always!!!

Bless your heart. No one said you can't have an opinion on the matter. Only that you can't force your opinion on others. Abortion remains legal no matter how much you protest.
What the fuck do you think you do with your evil? Not only do you force your evil you demand we all pay for it!!!

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
^^^ I can still say whatever it is that I stand for on anything and if you abortion cheerleaders do not like what comes from me, it isn't my problem and to me it is still the start of another person's life no matter how you abortion cheerleaders say that it isn't and there is nothing that you can say that will make me change the way that I look at this matter.

God bless you always!!!

Bless your heart. No one said you can't have an opinion on the matter. Only that you can't force your opinion on others. Abortion remains legal no matter how much you protest.
What the fuck do you think you do with your evil? Not only do you force your evil you demand we all pay for it!!!

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
^^^ What you abortion cheerleaders say is way worse than anything that can be thrown out here by anyone else. You say that kids should be killed if they are not wanted. How do you know that they will be unwanted for the remainder of their lives? A person can not grow up and get married by a person who wants them and then have kids who also want them if they are dead. So what if they were not conceived the way that they should be? To me, no one should have the right to decide another person's life in such a way because of how things have gone for other people in the same position when no two lives are the same.

If a woman wants to terminate but is forced to continue a pregnancy will certainly contemplate suicide.
A pregnancy doesn't last forever, but once a person has killed themselves, there is no going back.

God bless you two always!!!


P.S. This subject has started to remind me of the scene of that Sling Blade film when Carl goes to see his dad and gets on to his dad for killing his brother. So what if Carl was retarded? At least he had the brains and the sense where it really mattered.

The memories of the offspring moving & kicking inside her will be with her forever. That alone will torture her mind. Why do you insist that 9 months is the only time she'll endure that torture?
^^^ Well to me, there is nothing moral about doing away with a child because of the chance that no one will want it.

God bless you always!!!


You are certainly entitled to feel that way. Not everyone does. You can be as anti-choice as you can & still not want to decide that choice be taken away from others.
What Huckabee proposes here is amoral. I'm usually not for abortion because grown people should know the precautions and the consequences. However, this case is an exception in my mind. Not only does it involve rape but also incest.
^^^ I can still say whatever it is that I stand for on anything and if you abortion cheerleaders do not like what comes from me, it isn't my problem and to me it is still the start of another person's life no matter how you abortion cheerleaders say that it isn't and there is nothing that you can say that will make me change the way that I look at this matter.

God bless you always!!!


Nobody is 'cheerleading for abortion'. We are cheerleading for the autonomous right of a female over her own uterus.
^^^ I can still say whatever it is that I stand for on anything and if you abortion cheerleaders do not like what comes from me, it isn't my problem and to me it is still the start of another person's life no matter how you abortion cheerleaders say that it isn't and there is nothing that you can say that will make me change the way that I look at this matter.

God bless you always!!!

Bless your heart. No one said you can't have an opinion on the matter. Only that you can't force your opinion on others. Abortion remains legal no matter how much you protest.
What the fuck do you think you do with your evil? Not only do you force your evil you demand we all pay for it!!!

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

^^^ I can still say whatever it is that I stand for on anything and if you abortion cheerleaders do not like what comes from me, it isn't my problem and to me it is still the start of another person's life no matter how you abortion cheerleaders say that it isn't and there is nothing that you can say that will make me change the way that I look at this matter.

God bless you always!!!

Bless your heart. No one said you can't have an opinion on the matter. Only that you can't force your opinion on others. Abortion remains legal no matter how much you protest.
What the fuck do you think you do with your evil? Not only do you force your evil you demand we all pay for it!!!

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Google holocaust

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
^^^ I can still say whatever it is that I stand for on anything and if you abortion cheerleaders do not like what comes from me, it isn't my problem and to me it is still the start of another person's life no matter how you abortion cheerleaders say that it isn't and there is nothing that you can say that will make me change the way that I look at this matter.

God bless you always!!!

Bless your heart. No one said you can't have an opinion on the matter. Only that you can't force your opinion on others. Abortion remains legal no matter how much you protest.
What the fuck do you think you do with your evil? Not only do you force your evil you demand we all pay for it!!!

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Google holocaust

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

A) since the 1970s, the HYDE AMENDMENT specifically bans federal tax dollars to be earmarked for abortion, so *you* aren't paying for any.

B) there is no equivalency between abortion & the Holocaust

C) Thanx for the usage of a talking point

D) Imagine if Hitler had been aborted
Nice passage but nowhere does it say anything about the wife being pregnant, not even a hint of her being pregnant. If the wife was guilty of adultery, she would get sick and her belly would swell. If the wife was innocent, God would protect her from the effects of the concoction. There was nothing magical about the concoction. It was entirely a matter of God using the result to demonstrate whether a woman was innocent or guilty. No mention of abortion or even a miscarriage at all.

What do you think was meant by 'the curse'? That meant that she would bleed. Woman have used that term forever in regards to menstruation & that's where the expression originated from. That concoction would make her bleed & therefore miscarry.

Your definition of "curse" isn't the Bibles definition.

kurs ('alah (Numbers 5:21,23,17, etc.), me'erah (Proverbs 3:33; Malachi 2:2, etc.), klalah (Genesis 27:12,13); katara (Galatians 3:10,13)):
This word as noun and verb renders different Hebrew words, some of them being more or less synonymous, differing only in degree of strength. It is often used in contrast with "bless" or "blessing" (Deuteronomy 11:29). When a curse is pronounced against any person, we are not to understand this as a mere wish, however violent, that disaster should overtake the person in question, any more than we are to understand that a corresponding "blessing" conveys simply a wish that prosperity should be the lot of the person on whom the blessing is invoked. A curse was considered to possess an inherent power of carrying itself into effect. Prayer has been defined as a wish referred to God. Curses (or blessings) were imprecations referred to supernatural beings in whose existence and power to do good or inflict harm primitive man believed. The use of magic and spells of all kinds is based on the belief that it is possible to enlist the support of the superhuman beings with whom the uerse abounds, and to persuade them to carry out the suppliant's wishes. It has been suggested that spells were written on pieces of parchment and cast to the winds in the belief that they would find their way to their proper destination--that some demoniac being would act as postman and deliver them at the proper address. In Zechariah 5:1-3 the "flying roll," with curses inscribed on it "goeth forth over the face of the whole land." It would find its way into the house of every thief and perjurer. But it was not always possible to commit curses to writing, it was enough to utter them aloud. Generally the name of some deity would be coupled with such imprecations, as Goliath cursed David by his gods (1 Samuel 17:43). Such curses once uttered possessed the power of self- realization. It was customary for heads of families in their declining years to bless their children, such a blessing being, not simply a paternal wish that their children should prosper in life, but a potent factor in determining their welfare (Genesis 9:25). in this case Jacob seeks his father's blessing, which was more than his father's good wishes for his future career. Such blessings and curses were independent of moraI considerations. Before moral distinctions played any part in molding theological conceptions it was not necessary, before a spell could be effectual, that the individual against whom the spell was pronounced should be deserving, on moral grounds, of the fate which was invoked on him. It was sufficient that he should be the foe of the author of the curse. We may assume that such curses signalized the commencement of a battle. But in process of time such indiscriminate imprecations would not satisfy enlightened moral judgment. In the dramatic situation depicted in Deuteronomy 11:29; 27:12 f the curse was placed on Mt. Ebal and the blessing. on Mr. Gerizim. But the curse was the penalty for disobedience, as the blessing was the reward for obedience. The Book of Proverbs 26:2 summarily dismisses the traditional belief--"the curse that is causeless alighteth not." "In the discourses of Jesus we find blessings and curses. They are however simply authoritative declarations of the eternal connection between right doing and happiness, wrong doing and misery" (Cheyne).
Whereas curses by ordinary persons were considered more or less efficacious--some god being always only too glad to speed them on their way to their destination--yet special persons--"holy" persons--in virtue of their special relation to Divine beings possessed special powers of pronouncing effectual curses on account of their powers of enlisting supernatural aid. Balaam, according to the narrative in Numbers 22, was an expert in the article Balak was convinced that Balaam's curse would bring about the defeat of the Israelites (see Gray, "Numbers," ICC).
The term--and the thing signified--plays an important part in Paul's interpretation of the cross. In the light of the law all men are guilty. There is no acquittal through appeal to a law that commands and never forgives--prohibits and never relents. The violator of the law is under a curse. His doom has been pronounced. Escape is impossible. But on the cross Jesus Christ endured the curse--for "cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree" (Galatians 3:10,13)--and a curse that has overtaken its victim is a spent force.
Curse - Definition and Meaning, Bible Dictionary

Nothing about "bleeding".
Fortunately, the meaning of, 'and her thigh shall rot,' has been interpreted into more modern times linguistics...

Numbers 5:27 New International Version (NIV)

27 If she has made herself impure and been unfaithful to her husband, this will be the result: When she is made to drink the water that brings a curse and causes bitter suffering, it will enter her, her abdomen will swell and her womb will miscarry, and she will become a curse.

That's quite a stretch in interpretation. Thigh means womb? Rot means miscarry?
Let me see if I've got this right. You're quoting the Bible... But now you're saying the Bible is wrong?

No I'm saying thigh doesn't mean womb and rot doesn't mean miscarry and only an idiot would think that they do.
^^^ I can still say whatever it is that I stand for on anything and if you abortion cheerleaders do not like what comes from me, it isn't my problem and to me it is still the start of another person's life no matter how you abortion cheerleaders say that it isn't and there is nothing that you can say that will make me change the way that I look at this matter.

God bless you always!!!

Bless your heart. No one said you can't have an opinion on the matter. Only that you can't force your opinion on others. Abortion remains legal no matter how much you protest.
What the fuck do you think you do with your evil? Not only do you force your evil you demand we all pay for it!!!

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Google holocaust

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
Google Lithium.
What do you think was meant by 'the curse'? That meant that she would bleed. Woman have used that term forever in regards to menstruation & that's where the expression originated from. That concoction would make her bleed & therefore miscarry.

Your definition of "curse" isn't the Bibles definition.

kurs ('alah (Numbers 5:21,23,17, etc.), me'erah (Proverbs 3:33; Malachi 2:2, etc.), klalah (Genesis 27:12,13); katara (Galatians 3:10,13)):
This word as noun and verb renders different Hebrew words, some of them being more or less synonymous, differing only in degree of strength. It is often used in contrast with "bless" or "blessing" (Deuteronomy 11:29). When a curse is pronounced against any person, we are not to understand this as a mere wish, however violent, that disaster should overtake the person in question, any more than we are to understand that a corresponding "blessing" conveys simply a wish that prosperity should be the lot of the person on whom the blessing is invoked. A curse was considered to possess an inherent power of carrying itself into effect. Prayer has been defined as a wish referred to God. Curses (or blessings) were imprecations referred to supernatural beings in whose existence and power to do good or inflict harm primitive man believed. The use of magic and spells of all kinds is based on the belief that it is possible to enlist the support of the superhuman beings with whom the uerse abounds, and to persuade them to carry out the suppliant's wishes. It has been suggested that spells were written on pieces of parchment and cast to the winds in the belief that they would find their way to their proper destination--that some demoniac being would act as postman and deliver them at the proper address. In Zechariah 5:1-3 the "flying roll," with curses inscribed on it "goeth forth over the face of the whole land." It would find its way into the house of every thief and perjurer. But it was not always possible to commit curses to writing, it was enough to utter them aloud. Generally the name of some deity would be coupled with such imprecations, as Goliath cursed David by his gods (1 Samuel 17:43). Such curses once uttered possessed the power of self- realization. It was customary for heads of families in their declining years to bless their children, such a blessing being, not simply a paternal wish that their children should prosper in life, but a potent factor in determining their welfare (Genesis 9:25). in this case Jacob seeks his father's blessing, which was more than his father's good wishes for his future career. Such blessings and curses were independent of moraI considerations. Before moral distinctions played any part in molding theological conceptions it was not necessary, before a spell could be effectual, that the individual against whom the spell was pronounced should be deserving, on moral grounds, of the fate which was invoked on him. It was sufficient that he should be the foe of the author of the curse. We may assume that such curses signalized the commencement of a battle. But in process of time such indiscriminate imprecations would not satisfy enlightened moral judgment. In the dramatic situation depicted in Deuteronomy 11:29; 27:12 f the curse was placed on Mt. Ebal and the blessing. on Mr. Gerizim. But the curse was the penalty for disobedience, as the blessing was the reward for obedience. The Book of Proverbs 26:2 summarily dismisses the traditional belief--"the curse that is causeless alighteth not." "In the discourses of Jesus we find blessings and curses. They are however simply authoritative declarations of the eternal connection between right doing and happiness, wrong doing and misery" (Cheyne).
Whereas curses by ordinary persons were considered more or less efficacious--some god being always only too glad to speed them on their way to their destination--yet special persons--"holy" persons--in virtue of their special relation to Divine beings possessed special powers of pronouncing effectual curses on account of their powers of enlisting supernatural aid. Balaam, according to the narrative in Numbers 22, was an expert in the article Balak was convinced that Balaam's curse would bring about the defeat of the Israelites (see Gray, "Numbers," ICC).
The term--and the thing signified--plays an important part in Paul's interpretation of the cross. In the light of the law all men are guilty. There is no acquittal through appeal to a law that commands and never forgives--prohibits and never relents. The violator of the law is under a curse. His doom has been pronounced. Escape is impossible. But on the cross Jesus Christ endured the curse--for "cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree" (Galatians 3:10,13)--and a curse that has overtaken its victim is a spent force.
Curse - Definition and Meaning, Bible Dictionary

Nothing about "bleeding".
Fortunately, the meaning of, 'and her thigh shall rot,' has been interpreted into more modern times linguistics...

Numbers 5:27 New International Version (NIV)

27 If she has made herself impure and been unfaithful to her husband, this will be the result: When she is made to drink the water that brings a curse and causes bitter suffering, it will enter her, her abdomen will swell and her womb will miscarry, and she will become a curse.

That's quite a stretch in interpretation. Thigh means womb? Rot means miscarry?
Let me see if I've got this right. You're quoting the Bible... But now you're saying the Bible is wrong?

No I'm saying thigh doesn't mean womb and rot doesn't mean miscarry and only an idiot would think that they do.
The Bible uses the term, "miscarry." Are you saying that's wrong?
Your definition of "curse" isn't the Bibles definition.

kurs ('alah (Numbers 5:21,23,17, etc.), me'erah (Proverbs 3:33; Malachi 2:2, etc.), klalah (Genesis 27:12,13); katara (Galatians 3:10,13)):
This word as noun and verb renders different Hebrew words, some of them being more or less synonymous, differing only in degree of strength. It is often used in contrast with "bless" or "blessing" (Deuteronomy 11:29). When a curse is pronounced against any person, we are not to understand this as a mere wish, however violent, that disaster should overtake the person in question, any more than we are to understand that a corresponding "blessing" conveys simply a wish that prosperity should be the lot of the person on whom the blessing is invoked. A curse was considered to possess an inherent power of carrying itself into effect. Prayer has been defined as a wish referred to God. Curses (or blessings) were imprecations referred to supernatural beings in whose existence and power to do good or inflict harm primitive man believed. The use of magic and spells of all kinds is based on the belief that it is possible to enlist the support of the superhuman beings with whom the uerse abounds, and to persuade them to carry out the suppliant's wishes. It has been suggested that spells were written on pieces of parchment and cast to the winds in the belief that they would find their way to their proper destination--that some demoniac being would act as postman and deliver them at the proper address. In Zechariah 5:1-3 the "flying roll," with curses inscribed on it "goeth forth over the face of the whole land." It would find its way into the house of every thief and perjurer. But it was not always possible to commit curses to writing, it was enough to utter them aloud. Generally the name of some deity would be coupled with such imprecations, as Goliath cursed David by his gods (1 Samuel 17:43). Such curses once uttered possessed the power of self- realization. It was customary for heads of families in their declining years to bless their children, such a blessing being, not simply a paternal wish that their children should prosper in life, but a potent factor in determining their welfare (Genesis 9:25). in this case Jacob seeks his father's blessing, which was more than his father's good wishes for his future career. Such blessings and curses were independent of moraI considerations. Before moral distinctions played any part in molding theological conceptions it was not necessary, before a spell could be effectual, that the individual against whom the spell was pronounced should be deserving, on moral grounds, of the fate which was invoked on him. It was sufficient that he should be the foe of the author of the curse. We may assume that such curses signalized the commencement of a battle. But in process of time such indiscriminate imprecations would not satisfy enlightened moral judgment. In the dramatic situation depicted in Deuteronomy 11:29; 27:12 f the curse was placed on Mt. Ebal and the blessing. on Mr. Gerizim. But the curse was the penalty for disobedience, as the blessing was the reward for obedience. The Book of Proverbs 26:2 summarily dismisses the traditional belief--"the curse that is causeless alighteth not." "In the discourses of Jesus we find blessings and curses. They are however simply authoritative declarations of the eternal connection between right doing and happiness, wrong doing and misery" (Cheyne).
Whereas curses by ordinary persons were considered more or less efficacious--some god being always only too glad to speed them on their way to their destination--yet special persons--"holy" persons--in virtue of their special relation to Divine beings possessed special powers of pronouncing effectual curses on account of their powers of enlisting supernatural aid. Balaam, according to the narrative in Numbers 22, was an expert in the article Balak was convinced that Balaam's curse would bring about the defeat of the Israelites (see Gray, "Numbers," ICC).
The term--and the thing signified--plays an important part in Paul's interpretation of the cross. In the light of the law all men are guilty. There is no acquittal through appeal to a law that commands and never forgives--prohibits and never relents. The violator of the law is under a curse. His doom has been pronounced. Escape is impossible. But on the cross Jesus Christ endured the curse--for "cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree" (Galatians 3:10,13)--and a curse that has overtaken its victim is a spent force.
Curse - Definition and Meaning, Bible Dictionary

Nothing about "bleeding".
Fortunately, the meaning of, 'and her thigh shall rot,' has been interpreted into more modern times linguistics...

Numbers 5:27 New International Version (NIV)

27 If she has made herself impure and been unfaithful to her husband, this will be the result: When she is made to drink the water that brings a curse and causes bitter suffering, it will enter her, her abdomen will swell and her womb will miscarry, and she will become a curse.

That's quite a stretch in interpretation. Thigh means womb? Rot means miscarry?
Let me see if I've got this right. You're quoting the Bible... But now you're saying the Bible is wrong?

No I'm saying thigh doesn't mean womb and rot doesn't mean miscarry and only an idiot would think that they do.
The Bible uses the term, "miscarry." Are you saying that's wrong?

Depends on which version you want to read and believe, the fact that man has altered the word doesn't mean a thing. The King James and the English Standard version doesn't not say miscarry. This New International version does not say miscarry.Numbers 5:11-31 - NIV - Then the LORD said to Moses,

Scripture Engagement

Numbers 5:11–31

Numbers 5:11-31

Numbers 5:11-31

Seems only the NIV interprets rot as miscarry. And some NIV that I've looked at online doesn't interpret it that way.

So now I don't believe its meant to be interpreted as miscarry.
Fortunately, the meaning of, 'and her thigh shall rot,' has been interpreted into more modern times linguistics...

Numbers 5:27 New International Version (NIV)

27 If she has made herself impure and been unfaithful to her husband, this will be the result: When she is made to drink the water that brings a curse and causes bitter suffering, it will enter her, her abdomen will swell and her womb will miscarry, and she will become a curse.

That's quite a stretch in interpretation. Thigh means womb? Rot means miscarry?
Let me see if I've got this right. You're quoting the Bible... But now you're saying the Bible is wrong?

No I'm saying thigh doesn't mean womb and rot doesn't mean miscarry and only an idiot would think that they do.
The Bible uses the term, "miscarry." Are you saying that's wrong?

Depends on which version you want to read and believe, the fact that man has altered the word doesn't mean a thing. The King James and the English Standard version doesn't not say miscarry. This New International version does not say miscarry.Numbers 5:11-31 - NIV - Then the LORD said to Moses,

Scripture Engagement

Numbers 5:11–31

Numbers 5:11-31

Numbers 5:11-31

Seems only the NIV interprets rot as miscarry. And some NIV that I've looked at online doesn't interpret it that way.

So now I don't believe its meant to be interpreted as miscarry.

What does the letter 'V' stand for in KJV? How many times does the actual name 'YHWH' appear instead of the replacement 'God' in either the KJV or English Standard? If 'curse' did indeed mean to bleed/miscarry, then it would be spontaneous & if a woman was considered unclean when she bled in that way, then ya- her 'thigh would rot'.
That's quite a stretch in interpretation. Thigh means womb? Rot means miscarry?
Let me see if I've got this right. You're quoting the Bible... But now you're saying the Bible is wrong?

No I'm saying thigh doesn't mean womb and rot doesn't mean miscarry and only an idiot would think that they do.
The Bible uses the term, "miscarry." Are you saying that's wrong?

Depends on which version you want to read and believe, the fact that man has altered the word doesn't mean a thing. The King James and the English Standard version doesn't not say miscarry. This New International version does not say miscarry.Numbers 5:11-31 - NIV - Then the LORD said to Moses,

Scripture Engagement

Numbers 5:11–31

Numbers 5:11-31

Numbers 5:11-31

Seems only the NIV interprets rot as miscarry. And some NIV that I've looked at online doesn't interpret it that way.

So now I don't believe its meant to be interpreted as miscarry.

What does the letter 'V' stand for in KJV? How many times does the actual name 'YHWH' appear instead of the replacement 'God' in either the KJV or English Standard?

V stands for version, same as it does in NIV and ESV.

To answer your question, I don't know and it doesn't matter. The translation or replacement as you call it was done around 700 AD when they were adding a system of vowel points to the Hebrew text.

But back to the scripture that's in question, show me how they translated "rot" as "miscarry" and the word "thigh" as "womb" and show where it has been translated as such in different parts of the bible.
^^^ I can still say whatever it is that I stand for on anything and if you abortion cheerleaders do not like what comes from me, it isn't my problem and to me it is still the start of another person's life no matter how you abortion cheerleaders say that it isn't and there is nothing that you can say that will make me change the way that I look at this matter.

God bless you always!!!


It is however your body, so you have no say in the choices the woman takes.

You can blow hot air, but it's just air
No matter how often you complain about abortions killing children, the fact is your are wrong.
The topic is about a child that was raped. She suffer her step-fathers abuse and now she is caring for an infant. That is a tragedy.
Every one should be outraged. The fact that so many pre teen girls are pregnant should have more people trying to stop the abuse, not worrying about a life that does not yet exist.

The devotion you have about abortion would be better served to use that energy to end child rape so they don't have to seek abortions in the first place.

How do you plan to stop the rape of children? How would you care for the children that are raped, so they can find their way back to their childhood?

I've seen too many that have been raped. Many ended up dead. Others were abandoned by their family because they believed the girl had brought shame on the family name. It was not the fault of the girl but the rapist that committed the crime. It is the girl that far too often suffers the shame and isolation.

To think someone can just get over being raped and that pregnancy is only nine months and can be forgotten afterwards is just plain wrong. The change in the body and hormones that the girl goes through is dramatic. It cannot just be dismissed as nine month as if your are talking about a few hours and then having a bowel movement. Nine month to a ten year old child is nearly 10% of her life time. For an adult nine month might seen a short time. For a child or a pregnant woman, nine months seem like an eternity.

It is not just nine months, and it is not just the life of a baby/fetus, it begins and ends with the life of the girl and how it will effect the rest of her life.

Instead of picketing an abortion clinic, go volunteer to help rape victims or abused children.
Help the living, not a fetus that is not yet born
I don't believe in leaving anyone out which is why you don't see me casting the unborn aside like an old pair of shoes. So what if an unborn baby is not out here yet in the world like the rest of us are? To me, its well being should be considered too because another person is what an unborn baby is growing into. You people make it sound like it is a form of cancer that needs to be removed as soon as possible when it isn't! Babies are created to replenish this planet, not kills those who carry them like cancer does.

^^^ I can still say whatever it is that I stand for on anything and if you abortion cheerleaders do not like what comes from me, it isn't my problem and to me it is still the start of another person's life no matter how you abortion cheerleaders say that it isn't and there is nothing that you can say that will make me change the way that I look at this matter.

God bless you always!!!

Bless your heart. No one said you can't have an opinion on the matter. Only that you can't force your opinion on others. Abortion remains legal no matter how much you protest.
I don't believe that what you say here is a one way street. If you are going to force your opinion down the throats of other people, be prepared for their opinions to be right down yours as well. Don't go dishing it if you can not take it.

^^^ What you abortion cheerleaders say is way worse than anything that can be thrown out here by anyone else. You say that kids should be killed if they are not wanted. How do you know that they will be unwanted for the remainder of their lives? A person can not grow up and get married by a person who wants them and then have kids who also want them if they are dead. So what if they were not conceived the way that they should be? To me, no one should have the right to decide another person's life in such a way because of how things have gone for other people in the same position when no two lives are the same.
If a woman wants to terminate but is forced to continue a pregnancy will certainly contemplate suicide.
A pregnancy doesn't last forever, but once a person has killed themselves, there is no going back.

God bless you two always!!!


P.S. This subject has started to remind me of the scene of that Sling Blade film when Carl goes to see his dad and gets on to his dad for killing his brother. So what if Carl was retarded? At least he had the brains and the sense where it really mattered.
The memories of the offspring moving & kicking inside her will be with her forever. That alone will torture her mind. Why do you insist that 9 months is the only time she'll endure that torture?
I never said that the torture wouldn't continue, but why should an innocent life have to be taken out in the process when that would only give the girl more to feel guilty about? To me, taking out the baby will no longer make that girl an innocent victim, but just as bad as whoever raped her if not more. Getting an abortion is the act of taking out another life when the rapist is only guilty of rape. The girl should consider herself lucky that the rapist did not kill her after they were done raping her. If her life is going to be spared, why can't the baby's life be spared as well?

^^^ Well to me, there is nothing moral about doing away with a child because of the chance that no one will want it.

God bless you always!!!

You are certainly entitled to feel that way. Not everyone does. You can be as anti-choice as you can & still not want to decide that choice be taken away from others.
Well that will never be how I am. To me, taking another innocent life should never be an option.

^^^ I can still say whatever it is that I stand for on anything and if you abortion cheerleaders do not like what comes from me, it isn't my problem and to me it is still the start of another person's life no matter how you abortion cheerleaders say that it isn't and there is nothing that you can say that will make me change the way that I look at this matter.

God bless you always!!!


Nobody is 'cheerleading for abortion'. We are cheerleading for the autonomous right of a female over her own uterus.
That including abortion makes you a cheer leader whether you mean to be or not.

God bless you people always!!!

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^^^ I can still say whatever it is that I stand for on anything and if you abortion cheerleaders do not like what comes from me, it isn't my problem and to me it is still the start of another person's life no matter how you abortion cheerleaders say that it isn't and there is nothing that you can say that will make me change the way that I look at this matter.

God bless you always!!!


It is however your body, so you have no say in the choices the woman takes.

You can blow hot air, but it's just air
No matter how often you complain about abortions killing children, the fact is your are wrong.
The topic is about a child that was raped. She suffer her step-fathers abuse and now she is caring for an infant. That is a tragedy.
Every one should be outraged. The fact that so many pre teen girls are pregnant should have more people trying to stop the abuse, not worrying about a life that does not yet exist.

The devotion you have about abortion would be better served to use that energy to end child rape so they don't have to seek abortions in the first place.

How do you plan to stop the rape of children? How would you care for the children that are raped, so they can find their way back to their childhood?

I've seen too many that have been raped. Many ended up dead. Others were abandoned by their family because they believed the girl had brought shame on the family name. It was not the fault of the girl but the rapist that committed the crime. It is the girl that far too often suffers the shame and isolation.

To think someone can just get over being raped and that pregnancy is only nine months and can be forgotten afterwards is just plain wrong. The change in the body and hormones that the girl goes through is dramatic. It cannot just be dismissed as nine month as if your are talking about a few hours and then having a bowel movement. Nine month to a ten year old child is nearly 10% of her life time. For an adult nine month might seen a short time. For a child or a pregnant woman, nine months seem like an eternity.

It is not just nine months, and it is not just the life of a baby/fetus, it begins and ends with the life of the girl and how it will effect the rest of her life.

Instead of picketing an abortion clinic, go volunteer to help rape victims or abused children.
Help the living, not a fetus that is not yet born
I don't believe in leaving anyone out which is why you don't see me casting the unborn aside like an old pair of shoes. So what if an unborn baby is not out here yet in the world like the rest of us are? To me, its well being should be considered too because another person is what an unborn baby is growing into. You people make it sound like it is a form of cancer that needs to be removed as soon as possible when it isn't! Babies are created to replenish this planet, not kills those who carry them like cancer does.

^^^ I can still say whatever it is that I stand for on anything and if you abortion cheerleaders do not like what comes from me, it isn't my problem and to me it is still the start of another person's life no matter how you abortion cheerleaders say that it isn't and there is nothing that you can say that will make me change the way that I look at this matter.

God bless you always!!!

Bless your heart. No one said you can't have an opinion on the matter. Only that you can't force your opinion on others. Abortion remains legal no matter how much you protest.
I don't believe that what you say here is a one way street. If you are going to force your opinion down the throats of other people, be prepared for their opinions to be right down yours as well. Don't go dishing it if you can not take it.

^^^ What you abortion cheerleaders say is way worse than anything that can be thrown out here by anyone else. You say that kids should be killed if they are not wanted. How do you know that they will be unwanted for the remainder of their lives? A person can not grow up and get married by a person who wants them and then have kids who also want them if they are dead. So what if they were not conceived the way that they should be? To me, no one should have the right to decide another person's life in such a way because of how things have gone for other people in the same position when no two lives are the same.
If a woman wants to terminate but is forced to continue a pregnancy will certainly contemplate suicide.
A pregnancy doesn't last forever, but once a person has killed themselves, there is no going back.

God bless you two always!!!


P.S. This subject has started to remind me of the scene of that Sling Blade film when Carl goes to see his dad and gets on to his dad for killing his brother. So what if Carl was retarded? At least he had the brains and the sense where it really mattered.
The memories of the offspring moving & kicking inside her will be with her forever. That alone will torture her mind. Why do you insist that 9 months is the only time she'll endure that torture?
I never said that the torture wouldn't continue, but why should an innocent life have to be taken out in the process when that would only give the girl more to feel guilty about? To me, taking out the baby will no longer make that girl an innocent victim, but just as bad as whoever raped her if not more. Getting an abortion is the act of taking out another life when the rapist is only guilty of rape. The girl should consider herself lucky that the rapist did not kill her after they were done raping her. If her life is going to be spared, why can't the baby's life be spared as well?

^^^ Well to me, there is nothing moral about doing away with a child because of the chance that no one will want it.

God bless you always!!!

You are certainly entitled to feel that way. Not everyone does. You can be as anti-choice as you can & still not want to decide that choice be taken away from others.
Well that will never be how I am. To me, taking another innocent life should never be an option.

^^^ I can still say whatever it is that I stand for on anything and if you abortion cheerleaders do not like what comes from me, it isn't my problem and to me it is still the start of another person's life no matter how you abortion cheerleaders say that it isn't and there is nothing that you can say that will make me change the way that I look at this matter.

God bless you always!!!


Nobody is 'cheerleading for abortion'. We are cheerleading for the autonomous right of a female over her own uterus.
That including abortion makes you a cheer leader whether you mean to be or not.

God bless you people always!!!


No it does not. Would you cheerlead for a woman to be forced to have a hysterectomy or her tubes tied because she had too many kids & was on welfare?

Why not? Because it's her uterus... that's why. I wouldn't cheerlead for that either- & for the same reason.
^^^ A woman having a hysterectomy or getting her tubes tied is not the same thing and you know it. Those two things keep conceptions from happening. They don't kill when abortion does. To me, once a conception has happened, the baby should be allowed to live.

God bless you always!!!

^^^ A woman having a hysterectomy or getting her tubes tied is not the same thing and you know it. Those two things keep conceptions from happening. They don't kill when abortion does. To me, once a conception has happened, the baby should be allowed to live.

God bless you always!!!


That's not the point. The point is would you cheerlead for that surgery to be forced on a woman even if she didn't want it? Why not?

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