Huckabee:Evangelicals Will Walk if GOP Backs Gay Marriage

Huckabee: Evangelicals Will Walk if GOP Backs Gay Marriage

Mike Huckabee warns that Republicans risk losing the vote from evangelical Christians if they back away from their opposition to gay marriage.

Last week, Ohio Sen. Bob Portman announced he has reversed his position and now supports gay marriage.

In an exclusive interview with Newsmax TV, former Arkansas Gov. Huckabee — and ordained Southern Baptist minister — was asked if he sees the GOP ever pivoting and backing gay marriage.

“They might. And if they do, they’re going to lose a large part of their base because evangelicals will take a walk,” he responds.


You won't be missed and maybe, just maybe the GOP can get back to the Constitution without them.

I hope he's right. If the republican party can actually get back to its conservative roots, I can get back to the party. Getting the evangelicals out would be an excellent start.

The real problem is that they make up too damn much of the base that decides the primaries. It is the primaries that kill the right because the zealot’s voice is magnified. Perhaps opening up the primaries like the dems do would be a good idea, get more moderates to vote. The only problem I have is that I don’t want democrats taking over the Republican Party (or moderate republicans for that matter). I want TRUE republicans that are not following religious dogma in place of smaller government and freedom.
Good. What needs to walk is the idea that a political party should have a religious base in the first place. That needs to go, yesterday.

Democrats have wanted to prevent Christians from voting for a long time.
Keillor: Born-agains should not have right to vote

"Tater Tots!?? I thought they were deep fried shrimp!!!"

...that's a line from a Garrison Keillor story, which proves you are still the least intelligent poster on this board.
At some point a person has to stop trying to bail out the ship of state and let it sink. The nation is slipping into degeneracy. If the majority wants to take the nation into into that kind of depravity a few decent people can't stop them. When the boat has a huge hole in the hull and the whole crew is filling the scuppers with water one passenger with a cup won't stop the boat from going down. You grab a lifejacket for yourself. You get into a lifeboat with anyone else who was bailing out instead of bailing in. Then you kick anyone else trying to burden your boat in the head and let them drown.
If it werent for those preachers, we would never have declared independence.

Liberty is only possible when the hearts and minds of the people have been transformed. Because it's the truth that sets you free.

I'll need a historical link clearing showing that it was preachers they pushed us to rebellion.

Look up the black robe regiment.

Read about the fire-eating preachers in the Antebellum south.
Huckabee: Evangelicals Will Walk if GOP Backs Gay Marriage

Mike Huckabee warns that Republicans risk losing the vote from evangelical Christians if they back away from their opposition to gay marriage.

Last week, Ohio Sen. Bob Portman announced he has reversed his position and now supports gay marriage.

In an exclusive interview with Newsmax TV, former Arkansas Gov. Huckabee — and ordained Southern Baptist minister — was asked if he sees the GOP ever pivoting and backing gay marriage.

“They might. And if they do, they’re going to lose a large part of their base because evangelicals will take a walk,” he responds.


You won't be missed and maybe, just maybe the GOP can get back to the Constitution without them.

Well they have no one but themselves to blame. They had their chance to get out and vote for a Presidential candidate who is now and always has been opposed to gay marriage - but they decided to sit at home in a huff because he was one of them Mormons. So now, we are stuck with Obama and everything that he drags along.

Good work guys. Thanks for that.
80% of voters under 30 and 58% of all Americans support gays rights to marry. Fighting gay marriage makes Republicans look petty and mean spirited

If Huckabee says choose.......he will lose
Huckabee: Evangelicals Will Walk if GOP Backs Gay Marriage

Mike Huckabee warns that Republicans risk losing the vote from evangelical Christians if they back away from their opposition to gay marriage.

Last week, Ohio Sen. Bob Portman announced he has reversed his position and now supports gay marriage.

In an exclusive interview with Newsmax TV, former Arkansas Gov. Huckabee — and ordained Southern Baptist minister — was asked if he sees the GOP ever pivoting and backing gay marriage.

“They might. And if they do, they’re going to lose a large part of their base because evangelicals will take a walk,” he responds.


You won't be missed and maybe, just maybe the GOP can get back to the Constitution without them.

Where will they walk to, the Democratic Party or Libertarian Party? :lol:
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Huckabee: Evangelicals Will Walk if GOP Backs Gay Marriage

Mike Huckabee warns that Republicans risk losing the vote from evangelical Christians if they back away from their opposition to gay marriage.

Last week, Ohio Sen. Bob Portman announced he has reversed his position and now supports gay marriage.

In an exclusive interview with Newsmax TV, former Arkansas Gov. Huckabee — and ordained Southern Baptist minister — was asked if he sees the GOP ever pivoting and backing gay marriage.

“They might. And if they do, they’re going to lose a large part of their base because evangelicals will take a walk,” he responds.


You won't be missed and maybe, just maybe the GOP can get back to the Constitution without them.

Where will they walk to, the democrat Party or Libertarian Party? :lol:

They will start their own party...."The Know-Nothing Party Jr."
Huckabee: Evangelicals Will Walk if GOP Backs Gay Marriage

Mike Huckabee warns that Republicans risk losing the vote from evangelical Christians if they back away from their opposition to gay marriage.

Last week, Ohio Sen. Bob Portman announced he has reversed his position and now supports gay marriage.

In an exclusive interview with Newsmax TV, former Arkansas Gov. Huckabee — and ordained Southern Baptist minister — was asked if he sees the GOP ever pivoting and backing gay marriage.

“They might. And if they do, they’re going to lose a large part of their base because evangelicals will take a walk,” he responds.


You won't be missed and maybe, just maybe the GOP can get back to the Constitution without them.

Good hopefully he will take all the bible thumping lunatics with him and they take a long walk off a short pier :clap2::clap2:
Huckabee: Evangelicals Will Walk if GOP Backs Gay Marriage

Mike Huckabee warns that Republicans risk losing the vote from evangelical Christians if they back away from their opposition to gay marriage.

Last week, Ohio Sen. Bob Portman announced he has reversed his position and now supports gay marriage.

In an exclusive interview with Newsmax TV, former Arkansas Gov. Huckabee — and ordained Southern Baptist minister — was asked if he sees the GOP ever pivoting and backing gay marriage.

“They might. And if they do, they’re going to lose a large part of their base because evangelicals will take a walk,” he responds.


You won't be missed and maybe, just maybe the GOP can get back to the Constitution without them.

There is no where for them to go

They can go to the same place the democrats sent the liberals in ‘92: the back seat.
Huckabee: Evangelicals Will Walk if GOP Backs Gay Marriage

Mike Huckabee warns that Republicans risk losing the vote from evangelical Christians if they back away from their opposition to gay marriage.

Last week, Ohio Sen. Bob Portman announced he has reversed his position and now supports gay marriage.

In an exclusive interview with Newsmax TV, former Arkansas Gov. Huckabee — and ordained Southern Baptist minister — was asked if he sees the GOP ever pivoting and backing gay marriage.

“They might. And if they do, they’re going to lose a large part of their base because evangelicals will take a walk,” he responds.


You won't be missed and maybe, just maybe the GOP can get back to the Constitution without them.

He's right.
Huckabee: Evangelicals Will Walk if GOP Backs Gay Marriage

Mike Huckabee warns that Republicans risk losing the vote from evangelical Christians if they back away from their opposition to gay marriage.

Last week, Ohio Sen. Bob Portman announced he has reversed his position and now supports gay marriage.

In an exclusive interview with Newsmax TV, former Arkansas Gov. Huckabee — and ordained Southern Baptist minister — was asked if he sees the GOP ever pivoting and backing gay marriage.

“They might. And if they do, they’re going to lose a large part of their base because evangelicals will take a walk,” he responds.


You won't be missed and maybe, just maybe the GOP can get back to the Constitution without them.

He's right.

Evangelicals are killing the party
Huckabee: Evangelicals Will Walk if GOP Backs Gay Marriage

Mike Huckabee warns that Republicans risk losing the vote from evangelical Christians if they back away from their opposition to gay marriage.

Last week, Ohio Sen. Bob Portman announced he has reversed his position and now supports gay marriage.

In an exclusive interview with Newsmax TV, former Arkansas Gov. Huckabee — and ordained Southern Baptist minister — was asked if he sees the GOP ever pivoting and backing gay marriage.

“They might. And if they do, they’re going to lose a large part of their base because evangelicals will take a walk,” he responds.


You won't be missed and maybe, just maybe the GOP can get back to the Constitution without them.

He's right.

Evangelicals are killing the party

In other words, you think the Republican Party would be best served if it just one day lost all it's morals and became like the Demokkkratt party?

As of December 6, both gay marriage and marijuana became legal in Washington state. Great line I just saw on LinkedIn:

"The fact that gay marriage and marijuana were legalized on the same day makes perfect biblical sense because Leviticus 20:13 says "If a man lies with another man they should be stoned." We just hadn't interpreted it correctly before!"



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