Huckabee:Evangelicals Will Walk if GOP Backs Gay Marriage

Just marvelous. Now all the gays and lesbians get to to to vegas for six weeks. it ain't fair.

Just kidding.

I agree. If the feds stay out of it, it's ok. Couple gets married in Mass, they can't get divorced in Miss, which is ok cause they could get divorced elsewhere. But how does a custodial parent enforce child support obligations, if Miss doesn't recognize the divorce? What happens if a noncustodial parent has a kid on visitation, and decides to flea here ... well not to Miss but somewhere else that also doesn't recognize SS marriage/unions?

Not dissing SS. But imo ultimately we'll end up with something like 3-5% divorces/custody issues involving SS, and states like Miss will not be able to just ignore it. Seems inevitable to me. Like the Vegas divorce thing.

Parental responsibilities and child custody/support orders are not related to Same-sex Civil Marriage.

An unmarried woman has a child, the woman identifies the father - she takes him to court for support. The court issues a support order, the state honors the order and even if the father flees to a different state the woman can petition for legal assistance in obtaining the support from the new state even though the original order was issued by the original state. No Civil Marriage involved and there is already legal methods of redress. Same-sex Civil Marriage wouldn't be treated any different.

Just because a State may not recognize the Civil Marriage doesn't mean they don't recognize the legal parentage.

Just marvelous. Now all the gays and lesbians get to to to vegas for six weeks. it ain't fair.

Just kidding.

I agree. If the feds stay out of it, it's ok. Couple gets married in Mass, they can't get divorced in Miss, which is ok cause they could get divorced elsewhere. But how does a custodial parent enforce child support obligations, if Miss doesn't recognize the divorce? What happens if a noncustodial parent has a kid on visitation, and decides to flea here ... well not to Miss but somewhere else that also doesn't recognize SS marriage/unions?

Not dissing SS. But imo ultimately we'll end up with something like 3-5% divorces/custody issues involving SS, and states like Miss will not be able to just ignore it. Seems inevitable to me. Like the Vegas divorce thing.

I think you touch on a major problem with states deciding gay marriage. How do you handle gay couples who move to states that don't have gay marriage? If a gay couple has three children and files for does the state handle disposition of the children?
If a military base is in a non-gay marriage state, how do gay married soldiers access community services?
Just marvelous. Now all the gays and lesbians get to to to vegas for six weeks. it ain't fair.

Just kidding.

I agree. If the feds stay out of it, it's ok. Couple gets married in Mass, they can't get divorced in Miss, which is ok cause they could get divorced elsewhere. But how does a custodial parent enforce child support obligations, if Miss doesn't recognize the divorce? What happens if a noncustodial parent has a kid on visitation, and decides to flea here ... well not to Miss but somewhere else that also doesn't recognize SS marriage/unions?

Not dissing SS. But imo ultimately we'll end up with something like 3-5% divorces/custody issues involving SS, and states like Miss will not be able to just ignore it. Seems inevitable to me. Like the Vegas divorce thing.

I think you touch on a major problem with states deciding gay marriage. How do you handle gay couples who move to states that don't have gay marriage? If a gay couple has three children and files for does the state handle disposition of the children?
If a military base is in a non-gay marriage state, how do gay married soldiers access community services?

That's the gay agenda. (kidding) Seriously, imo it makes it pretty inevitable that even places like good ole Misssippi are gonna have to deal with it. There is no legal way for us to tell a Mass Court to fix a divorce on a marriage it granted to a couple living in Miss who split up.

I guess Mass could require gay/lesbians getting married to consent to being hauled back for Mass' jurisdiction to order child support or enforce it. But say I'm working in Mississippi. A Mass court sends down an order to garnish my wages to pay for a kid. That order is worthless unless my state, good ole Missssippi, enters some kind of uniform agreement. Maybe they can send the cops to get me, but that might end up involving federal courts. The cost would be prohibitive.

Not that any of that is an excuse to deny gay lesbian folks the same "enjoyment of marriage" I get to endure. (-:
Just marvelous. Now all the gays and lesbians get to to to vegas for six weeks. it ain't fair.

Just kidding.

I agree. If the feds stay out of it, it's ok. Couple gets married in Mass, they can't get divorced in Miss, which is ok cause they could get divorced elsewhere. But how does a custodial parent enforce child support obligations, if Miss doesn't recognize the divorce? What happens if a noncustodial parent has a kid on visitation, and decides to flea here ... well not to Miss but somewhere else that also doesn't recognize SS marriage/unions?

Not dissing SS. But imo ultimately we'll end up with something like 3-5% divorces/custody issues involving SS, and states like Miss will not be able to just ignore it. Seems inevitable to me. Like the Vegas divorce thing.

I think you touch on a major problem with states deciding gay marriage. How do you handle gay couples who move to states that don't have gay marriage? If a gay couple has three children and files for does the state handle disposition of the children?
If a military base is in a non-gay marriage state, how do gay married soldiers access community services?

That's the gay agenda. (kidding) Seriously, imo it makes it pretty inevitable that even places like good ole Misssippi are gonna have to deal with it. There is no legal way for us to tell a Mass Court to fix a divorce on a marriage it granted to a couple living in Miss who split up.

I guess Mass could require gay/lesbians getting married to consent to being hauled back for Mass' jurisdiction to order child support or enforce it. But say I'm working in Mississippi. A Mass court sends down an order to garnish my wages to pay for a kid. That order is worthless unless my state, good ole Missssippi, enters some kind of uniform agreement. Maybe they can send the cops to get me, but that might end up involving federal courts. The cost would be prohibitive.

Not that any of that is an excuse to deny gay lesbian folks the same "enjoyment of marriage" I get to endure. (-:

Child Support (in general) is based on being the legal parent of the child (whether biological or adoptive) when Massachusetts issues a child support order it is based on being a legal parent. Such an order if passed to Mississippi would be perfectly valid as it has nothing really to do with marital status, it has to do with parental status.

The previous well known case on the matter was Miller v. Jenkins where a woman took a child from Vermont to Virginia. Virginia has no Same-sex Civil Marriage or Civil Unions. The Virginia Supreme Court ruled that Lisa Miller was required to follow the Family Court order from Vermont. The case was appealed to the SCOTUS who declined to review meaning the ruling by the VASC remained intact.

Just marvelous. Now all the gays and lesbians get to to to vegas for six weeks. it ain't fair.

Just kidding.

I agree. If the feds stay out of it, it's ok. Couple gets married in Mass, they can't get divorced in Miss, which is ok cause they could get divorced elsewhere. But how does a custodial parent enforce child support obligations, if Miss doesn't recognize the divorce? What happens if a noncustodial parent has a kid on visitation, and decides to flea here ... well not to Miss but somewhere else that also doesn't recognize SS marriage/unions?

Not dissing SS. But imo ultimately we'll end up with something like 3-5% divorces/custody issues involving SS, and states like Miss will not be able to just ignore it. Seems inevitable to me. Like the Vegas divorce thing.

I think you touch on a major problem with states deciding gay marriage. How do you handle gay couples who move to states that don't have gay marriage? If a gay couple has three children and files for does the state handle disposition of the children?
If a military base is in a non-gay marriage state, how do gay married soldiers access community services?

Since that is such a tricky situation, the feds are going to have to make a federal law allowing same-sex marriage. If they don't and allow the states to continue to decide, then there are going to be too many cases that clog up the judicial branch more than it already is.
Ft Hood Texas is one of the largest military bases in the country. What happens when legally married gay soldiers stationed at Ft Hood have to use local services? Will the schools recognize gay parents? Will local hospitals recognize the spouse? Will local social services recognize the marriage?

Once DOMA goes away it will be hard to recognize state boundaries
Ft Hood Texas is one of the largest military bases in the country. What happens when legally married gay soldiers stationed at Ft Hood have to use local services? Will the schools recognize gay parents? Will local hospitals recognize the spouse? Will local social services recognize the marriage?

Once DOMA goes away it will be hard to recognize state boundaries

That is precisely why it is imperative the government makes a federal stature allowing the same rights for heterosexual and homosexual couples.
I think you touch on a major problem with states deciding gay marriage. How do you handle gay couples who move to states that don't have gay marriage? If a gay couple has three children and files for does the state handle disposition of the children?
If a military base is in a non-gay marriage state, how do gay married soldiers access community services?

That's the gay agenda. (kidding) Seriously, imo it makes it pretty inevitable that even places like good ole Misssippi are gonna have to deal with it. There is no legal way for us to tell a Mass Court to fix a divorce on a marriage it granted to a couple living in Miss who split up.

I guess Mass could require gay/lesbians getting married to consent to being hauled back for Mass' jurisdiction to order child support or enforce it. But say I'm working in Mississippi. A Mass court sends down an order to garnish my wages to pay for a kid. That order is worthless unless my state, good ole Missssippi, enters some kind of uniform agreement. Maybe they can send the cops to get me, but that might end up involving federal courts. The cost would be prohibitive.

Not that any of that is an excuse to deny gay lesbian folks the same "enjoyment of marriage" I get to endure. (-:

Child Support (in general) is based on being the legal parent of the child (whether biological or adoptive) when Massachusetts issues a child support order it is based on being a legal parent. Such an order if passed to Mississippi would be perfectly valid as it has nothing really to do with marital status, it has to do with parental status.

The previous well known case on the matter was Miller v. Jenkins where a woman took a child from Vermont to Virginia. Virginia has no Same-sex Civil Marriage or Civil Unions. The Virginia Supreme Court ruled that Lisa Miller was required to follow the Family Court order from Vermont. The case was appealed to the SCOTUS who declined to review meaning the ruling by the VASC remained intact.


Then the criminal birth mother fled the country with the child.
Huckabee better be ready because the tide is changing

Prop 8 will be struck down. With California and New York recognizing gay marriages half the population of the US will have either gay marriage or civil union available to them

DOMA is history. The Federal Government will have to recognize gay marriage for federal programs. Once that happens, gays in other states will flock to gay marriage states to be married. Like it or not, states that prohibit gay marriage will have married gays to deal with and they won't be quiet

It is only a matter of time Huck
Huckabee better be ready because the tide is changing

Prop 8 will be struck down. With California and New York recognizing gay marriages half the population of the US will have either gay marriage or civil union available to them

DOMA is history. The Federal Government will have to recognize gay marriage for federal programs. Once that happens, gays in other states will flock to gay marriage states to be married. Like it or not, states that prohibit gay marriage will have married gays to deal with and they won't be quiet

It is only a matter of time Huck

Maybe all those leaving the RNC can move to Texas when it secedes.
Nooooo, the federal government needs to stay out of it period. The federal government does not issue marriage licenses, nor should they.....It's a states issue, period, and it's the citizens of each state individually to decide, by vote....And if they vote to not recognize pervert civil unions, than so be it....If they decide to recognize pervert civil union, than so be it.....And the federal government needs to respect what the citizens decide, either way.
I personally find this a rather disingenuous position as there is no difference. Government is government either way and you are STILL asking government to enforce your ideology. I am not as opposed to this tactic as I am the federal government ONLY because the states have more legal standing to limit things than the federal government which is SUPPOSED to be limited in it duties but my ENTIRE argument still stands. None of my points rely on the limited duties of the federal government. They hinge on the fact that you are asking the ‘state’ to limit another’s rights or actions based on your morality. I feel that the states have no more right to outlaw the consumption of beef or pork on moral grounds than they do to limit marriage on the same. No matter what level of government is attempting to slam another’s morality down our collective throats, it is STILL wrong. Period. Even if it might not be strictly unconstitutional, it is a dark road to go down.
I think you touch on a major problem with states deciding gay marriage. How do you handle gay couples who move to states that don't have gay marriage? If a gay couple has three children and files for does the state handle disposition of the children?
If a military base is in a non-gay marriage state, how do gay married soldiers access community services?
That is not a problem. That is rather simple – the state (not the feds, they will recognize it no matter what) simply do not recognize that marriage. This is like a thousand other licenses that are not recognized in other states.

There is nothing that makes this state issue unworkable. It is not a matter of logistics. It is just wrong to limit those actions (getting married) without cause.
Huckabee better be ready because the tide is changing

Prop 8 will be struck down. With California and New York recognizing gay marriages half the population of the US will have either gay marriage or civil union available to them

DOMA is history. The Federal Government will have to recognize gay marriage for federal programs. Once that happens, gays in other states will flock to gay marriage states to be married. Like it or not, states that prohibit gay marriage will have married gays to deal with and they won't be quiet

It is only a matter of time Huck

Maybe all those leaving the RNC can move to Texas when it secedes.

Please. If Texas tries to secede, I'll go get a gun. All that talk is just Rick Perry's syphilitic brain, working overtime.
Interesting conversations about legal issues, but to get back to the point.

Huckabee is arguing that the GOP will lose votes if it supports gay marriage. He might well have a point. There are a lot of people who vote Republican because of this issue, not because they are really concerned if Mitt Romney gets a tax break for his Dressage Pony or not.

So from a tactical point of view, how many votes does the GOP pick up by dropping their oppossition (few, unless every gay person bumps his head and develops amnesia about what a bunch of pricks the GOP have been on this issue in the past) vs. how many will they lose when people just give up on the political process because this was a defining issue for them (potentially a lot).

I think the GOP does need for this issue to go away, because frankly, the longer it drags on, the worse they look for it. But it also needs to fix all the other problems that are scaring away people in the middle.
Interesting conversations about legal issues, but to get back to the point.

Huckabee is arguing that the GOP will lose votes if it supports gay marriage. He might well have a point. There are a lot of people who vote Republican because of this issue, not because they are really concerned if Mitt Romney gets a tax break for his Dressage Pony or not.

So from a tactical point of view, how many votes does the GOP pick up by dropping their oppossition (few, unless every gay person bumps his head and develops amnesia about what a bunch of pricks the GOP have been on this issue in the past) vs. how many will they lose when people just give up on the political process because this was a defining issue for them (potentially a lot).

I think the GOP does need for this issue to go away, because frankly, the longer it drags on, the worse they look for it. But it also needs to fix all the other problems that are scaring away people in the middle.

The best thing that could happen to the GOP is for the Supreme to make gay marriage the law of the land

It is going to happen anyway and gets them off the hook

The best thing that could happen to the GOP is for the Supreme to make gay marriage the law of the land

It is going to happen anyway and gets them off the hook

I think SCOTUS will shoot down DOMA< but I'm not so sure about the Prop 8 case. I think they already are regretting taking it.

I think they might just do a limited ruling that overturns Prop 8 in California.

Sure, nothing Gay about the powdered wigs, silk stockings, velvet coats and frilly shirts the Founders wore.

Immigration + GOP moving to the centre on moral issues = South becoming blue again

Will the GOP recapture the Midwest or California? I don&#8217;t think so.

From 2014, i think that Democrats will enjoy one or two decades of comfortable federal majorities.
Interesting conversations about legal issues, but to get back to the point.

Huckabee is arguing that the GOP will lose votes if it supports gay marriage. He might well have a point. There are a lot of people who vote Republican because of this issue, not because they are really concerned if Mitt Romney gets a tax break for his Dressage Pony or not.

So from a tactical point of view, how many votes does the GOP pick up by dropping their oppossition (few, unless every gay person bumps his head and develops amnesia about what a bunch of pricks the GOP have been on this issue in the past) vs. how many will they lose when people just give up on the political process because this was a defining issue for them (potentially a lot).

I think the GOP does need for this issue to go away, because frankly, the longer it drags on, the worse they look for it. But it also needs to fix all the other problems that are scaring away people in the middle.

The best thing that could happen to the GOP is for the Supreme to make gay marriage the law of the land

It is going to happen anyway and gets them off the hook

They can run the abortion gambit again...get money and support promising to do something about gay marriage, with no intention of eliminating that golden goose.
Huckabee: Evangelicals Will Walk if GOP Backs Gay Marriage

Mike Huckabee warns that Republicans risk losing the vote from evangelical Christians if they back away from their opposition to gay marriage.

Last week, Ohio Sen. Bob Portman announced he has reversed his position and now supports gay marriage.

In an exclusive interview with Newsmax TV, former Arkansas Gov. Huckabee — and ordained Southern Baptist minister — was asked if he sees the GOP ever pivoting and backing gay marriage.

“They might. And if they do, they’re going to lose a large part of their base because evangelicals will take a walk,” he responds.


You won't be missed and maybe, just maybe the GOP can get back to the Constitution without them.

Indeed, good riddance.

The GOP should have shown them the door 5 years ago.

Go form your own party bible-thumpers.

Sure, nothing Gay about the powdered wigs, silk stockings, velvet coats and frilly shirts the Founders wore.


Someone should explain the meaning of Yankee Doodle Dandy to the bigoted wop Justice.

The song was sung by British soldiers to mock the colonials. Macaroni refers to a homosexual social club in England. The British were calling us fags to our face and we liked the song so much we made it musical.

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