Huckabee:Evangelicals Will Walk if GOP Backs Gay Marriage

Everybody opposes homosexual marriage even the most liberal state in the union. That's why the radical sissies are trying to lobby the Supreme Court.

If "Everybody" opposes homosexual marriage, please explain why it won at the ballot during the last General Election (3 states approving it directly and 1 state not placing discriminatory language in their Constitution)?

If "Everybody" opposed Same-sex Civil Marriage, wouldn't logic dictate that it would have lost?

It should be fun watching them explain that one....great post.
My marriage isn't based on the choice to be an abject pervert, as your civil union is....It's just the way it is.

We have marriages too. I know you don't like it...for some strange reason, you are afraid that us having legalized gay marriage diminishes your marriage/civil union in some way.
Noooooo, you are in no way a threat to my marriage.....Ya' see, you perverts are just too damn dense to understand what it's all about, and that's why you repeatedly throw out stupid shit, such as the same old worn out, bullshit talking points, as you just did.

And, you are involved in a civil union between two perverts, nothing more.....I'm committed to an actual marriage between a man and woman.....Big difference.

Here's the thing, lil' bopete....All you perverts are trying to do, is force everybody to accept your perverted lifestyle as normal.....It's not normal, any more than a relationship between a perverted man and his blow-up doll, a NAMBLA member and his victim, a perverted man and the sheep he fucks, or a teacher and the child she is molesting, is normal.

It's really quite simple...Go get an attorney, enter into an agreement, sign off on the powers of attorney, and go play marriage until the cows home.

Then why are you crying so much? Methinks you are protesting TOOOOOOOO much there, Skippie.
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My marriage isn't based on the choice to be an abject pervert, as your civil union is....It's just the way it is.

We have marriages too. I know you don't like it...for some strange reason, you are afraid that us having legalized gay marriage diminishes your marriage/civil union in some way.
Noooooo, you are in no way a threat to my marriage.....Ya' see, you perverts are just too damn dense to understand what it's all about, and that's why you repeatedly throw out stupid shit, such as the same old worn out, bullshit talking points, as you just did.

And, you are involved in a civil union between two perverts, nothing more.....I'm committed to an actual marriage between a man and woman.....Big difference.

Here's the thing, lil' bopete....All you perverts are trying to do, is force everybody to accept your perverted lifestyle as normal.....It's not normal, any more than a relationship between a perverted man and his blow-up doll, a NAMBLA member and his victim, a perverted man and the sheep he fucks, or a teacher and the child she is molesting, is normal.

It's really quite simple...Go get an attorney, enter into an agreement, sign off on the powers of attorney, and go play marriage until the cows home.

I am torn on this issue. I'm such a straight guy that I can't comprehend the "appeal" of same sex relationships (marriage). I think it's unnatural also and if you look at a lot of these people, they really don't look happy or healthy, most of them. They look like tormented souls.

I have gay friends. I also know of two people - one a family member - who went gay then came back.

This whole thing is way beyond me.
The GOP doesn't need to endorse gay marriage, they don't need to even discuss opposition to it. The only people who really give a shit about it are queers, and idiots that are consumed with what the queers are doing.

The economy is the issue. Win elections based on policies that revive the economy and allow for social mobility. They can make laws about moral issues later.
The GOP doesn't need to endorse gay marriage, they don't need to even discuss opposition to it. The only people who really give a shit about it are queers, and idiots that are consumed with what the queers are doing.

The economy is the issue. Win elections based on policies that revive the economy and allow for social mobility. They can make laws about moral issues later.

Sumbitch, I agree! Square the economy away and things go a lot smoother.
We have marriages too. I know you don't like it...for some strange reason, you are afraid that us having legalized gay marriage diminishes your marriage/civil union in some way.
Noooooo, you are in no way a threat to my marriage.....Ya' see, you perverts are just too damn dense to understand what it's all about, and that's why you repeatedly throw out stupid shit, such as the same old worn out, bullshit talking points, as you just did.

And, you are involved in a civil union between two perverts, nothing more.....I'm committed to an actual marriage between a man and woman.....Big difference.

Here's the thing, lil' bopete....All you perverts are trying to do, is force everybody to accept your perverted lifestyle as normal.....It's not normal, any more than a relationship between a perverted man and his blow-up doll, a NAMBLA member and his victim, a perverted man and the sheep he fucks, or a teacher and the child she is molesting, is normal.

It's really quite simple...Go get an attorney, enter into an agreement, sign off on the powers of attorney, and go play marriage until the cows home.

Then why are you crying so much? Methinks you are protesting TOOOOOOOO much there, Skippie.
Crying?.....Noooooo.......Standing up for what is morally right?....Damn right!, and there isn't a damn thing you perverts, or anybody else is going to do to make me feel any differently, or give up the fight.

Ya' see, there is no way in hell that I would ever sell out my beliefs, or my politics, in order to appease a certain segment of the population who wants to force people to accept their perverted lifestyle as normal.

It's just the way it is, petey my boy....Deal with it, or not....I really don't give a rats ass.
Noooooo, you are in no way a threat to my marriage.....Ya' see, you perverts are just too damn dense to understand what it's all about, and that's why you repeatedly throw out stupid shit, such as the same old worn out, bullshit talking points, as you just did.

And, you are involved in a civil union between two perverts, nothing more.....I'm committed to an actual marriage between a man and woman.....Big difference.

Here's the thing, lil' bopete....All you perverts are trying to do, is force everybody to accept your perverted lifestyle as normal.....It's not normal, any more than a relationship between a perverted man and his blow-up doll, a NAMBLA member and his victim, a perverted man and the sheep he fucks, or a teacher and the child she is molesting, is normal.

It's really quite simple...Go get an attorney, enter into an agreement, sign off on the powers of attorney, and go play marriage until the cows home.

Then why are you crying so much? Methinks you are protesting TOOOOOOOO much there, Skippie.
Crying?.....Noooooo.......Standing up for what is morally right?....Damn right!, and there isn't a damn thing you perverts, or anybody else is going to do to make me feel any differently, or give up the fight.

Ya' see, there is no way in hell that I would ever sell out my beliefs, or my politics, in order to appease a certain segment of the population who wants to force people to accept their perverted lifestyle as normal.

It's just the way it is, petey my boy....Deal with it, or not....I really don't give a rats ass.

Still crying, I see. Would you like some tissues?
Then why are you crying so much? Methinks you are protesting TOOOOOOOO much there, Skippie.
Crying?.....Noooooo.......Standing up for what is morally right?....Damn right!, and there isn't a damn thing you perverts, or anybody else is going to do to make me feel any differently, or give up the fight.

Ya' see, there is no way in hell that I would ever sell out my beliefs, or my politics, in order to appease a certain segment of the population who wants to force people to accept their perverted lifestyle as normal.

It's just the way it is, petey my boy....Deal with it, or not....I really don't give a rats ass.

Still crying, I see. Would you like some tissues?
What, that's all you got, dude...just another snarky lil' comment that adds absolutely nothing to the conversation?

You're too predictable, son.
Crying?.....Noooooo.......Standing up for what is morally right?....Damn right!, and there isn't a damn thing you perverts, or anybody else is going to do to make me feel any differently, or give up the fight.

Ya' see, there is no way in hell that I would ever sell out my beliefs, or my politics, in order to appease a certain segment of the population who wants to force people to accept their perverted lifestyle as normal.

It's just the way it is, petey my boy....Deal with it, or not....I really don't give a rats ass.

Still crying, I see. Would you like some tissues?
What, that's all you got, dude...just another snarky lil' comment that adds absolutely nothing to the conversation?

You're too predictable, son.

And STILL crying, I see.
Still crying, I see. Would you like some tissues?
What, that's all you got, dude...just another snarky lil' comment that adds absolutely nothing to the conversation?

You're too predictable, son.

And STILL crying, I see.
Ya, see, petey.....that's why you get very little respect on this board.....Apart from being busted by your myriad of lies, you never add anything of substance to a discussion or debate, EVER....All you have is one line, snarky lil' comments, nothing more.

And the sad thing is, is that you don't even realize how weak you make yourself appear to be, and you obviously think you're being clever.
What, that's all you got, dude...just another snarky lil' comment that adds absolutely nothing to the conversation?

You're too predictable, son.

And STILL crying, I see.
Ya, see, petey.....that's why you get very little respect on this board.....Apart from being busted by your myriad of lies, you never add anything of substance to a discussion or debate, EVER....All you have is one line, snarky lil' comments, nothing more.

And the sad thing is, is that you don't even realize how weak you make yourself appear to be, and you obviously think you're being clever.

And STILL crying, I see.
Ya, see, petey.....that's why you get very little respect on this board.....Apart from being busted by your myriad of lies, you never add anything of substance to a discussion or debate, EVER....All you have is one line, snarky lil' comments, nothing more.

And the sad thing is, is that you don't even realize how weak you make yourself appear to be, and you obviously think you're being clever.

Are you saying that if California approves Gay Marriage and a same sex couple gets married in California, Texas needn't recognize it?
That would be up the citizens of Texas to decide, by vote.

If the Citizens vote to not recognize pervert "CIVIL UNION", then the citizens have spoken,....Texas then needn't recognize it.

So you want your marriage to come with special privileges mine doesn't. You want your "special right" all to yourself.
You have the special right to execute a life growing inside of you.

Republicans need to cut their losses.

Of the two cases this week it appears both will go in favor of Gay Marriage. While I doubt if the court will declare gay marriage a constitutional right (yet), they will strike down Prop 8 in California. DOMA never had a chance and will be struck down

As the majority of the nation tips to gay marriage and our military allows it, the remaining states will have little recourse but to accept it
The GOP doesn't need to endorse gay marriage, they don't need to even discuss opposition to it. The only people who really give a shit about it are queers, and idiots that are consumed with what the queers are doing.

The economy is the issue. Win elections based on policies that revive the economy and allow for social mobility. They can make laws about moral issues later.

Nailed it.

It is a useless issue that dems use to distract from the undeniable fact that obama is an utter failure.

and it works
That would be up the citizens of Texas to decide, by vote.

If the Citizens vote to not recognize pervert "CIVIL UNION", then the citizens have spoken,....Texas then needn't recognize it.

So you want your marriage to come with special privileges mine doesn't. You want your "special right" all to yourself.
You have the special right to execute a life growing inside of you.


Nice red herring. What did you use for bait?
The GOP doesn't need to endorse gay marriage, they don't need to even discuss opposition to it. The only people who really give a shit about it are queers, and idiots that are consumed with what the queers are doing.

The economy is the issue. Win elections based on policies that revive the economy and allow for social mobility. They can make laws about moral issues later.

Nailed it.

It is a useless issue that dems use to distract from the undeniable fact that obama is an utter failure.

and it works

Then why did the GOP put opposition to Gay Marriage in its 2012 Presidential Platform?
Noooooo, you are in no way a threat to my marriage.....Ya' see, you perverts are just too damn dense to understand what it's all about, and that's why you repeatedly throw out stupid shit, such as the same old worn out, bullshit talking points, as you just did.

And, you are involved in a civil union between two perverts, nothing more.....I'm committed to an actual marriage between a man and woman.....Big difference.

Here's the thing, lil' bopete....All you perverts are trying to do, is force everybody to accept your perverted lifestyle as normal.....It's not normal, any more than a relationship between a perverted man and his blow-up doll, a NAMBLA member and his victim, a perverted man and the sheep he fucks, or a teacher and the child she is molesting, is normal.

It's really quite simple...Go get an attorney, enter into an agreement, sign off on the powers of attorney, and go play marriage until the cows home.

Then why are you crying so much? Methinks you are protesting TOOOOOOOO much there, Skippie.
Crying?.....Noooooo.......Standing up for what is morally right?....Damn right!, and there isn't a damn thing you perverts, or anybody else is going to do to make me feel any differently, or give up the fight.

Ya' see, there is no way in hell that I would ever sell out my beliefs, or my politics, in order to appease a certain segment of the population who wants to force people to accept their perverted lifestyle as normal.

It's just the way it is, petey my boy....Deal with it, or not....I really don't give a rats ass.
Here is the problem with that stance though:

You are not asking that you be allowed to reject said behavior as immoral or that you be allowed to deny its validity – you are demanding that the government do that.

If, say, my moral code included a belief that consuming pork or beef was immoral and depraved. I am free to ban pork and beef within my home, not serve it at my restaurant and, in general, fight the practice as I see fit. I am not, however, free to demand that the government ban beef and pork. For the government to do so would be wrong and an infringement on other freedoms, no matter how terrible I thought the practice was. This is what you are asking for, the government to limit others because you find the act deplorable or wrong and asking the government to enforce that is far more deplorable than the act itself can ever be.

Further, you justify this with this statement: “It's really quite simple...Go get an attorney, enter into an agreement, sign off on the powers of attorney, and go play marriage until the cows home.” That statement is outright false and I think that you know it. You cannot sign anything that is going to give you the same tax status, the same death benefits, the same insurance benefits etc. There is simply no legal way for a same sex relationship to ‘play’ marriage because it is legally blocked. Blocked based on nothing more than a moral belief.

The terminology is not the problem either. This idea that it is all right as long as they call it something else is, well, nuts. I don’t really care what they want to call it, all that really matters is that they are afforded the same legal status when they ‘play’ marriage as you are when you are ‘actually’ married and I really do not believe for one second that if they decided to call it something else people would suddenly be on board. It really boils down to the fact that some people simply want to demand that the government enforce their morality over others. Do you really want to be in that category?
The GOP doesn't need to endorse gay marriage, they don't need to even discuss opposition to it. The only people who really give a shit about it are queers, and idiots that are consumed with what the queers are doing.

The economy is the issue. Win elections based on policies that revive the economy and allow for social mobility. They can make laws about moral issues later.

Nailed it.

It is a useless issue that dems use to distract from the undeniable fact that obama is an utter failure.

and it works

Then why did the GOP put opposition to Gay Marriage in its 2012 Presidential Platform?

To hide the fact that ALL their candidates were utter failures.
Then why are you crying so much? Methinks you are protesting TOOOOOOOO much there, Skippie.
Crying?.....Noooooo.......Standing up for what is morally right?....Damn right!, and there isn't a damn thing you perverts, or anybody else is going to do to make me feel any differently, or give up the fight.

Ya' see, there is no way in hell that I would ever sell out my beliefs, or my politics, in order to appease a certain segment of the population who wants to force people to accept their perverted lifestyle as normal.

It's just the way it is, petey my boy....Deal with it, or not....I really don't give a rats ass.
Here is the problem with that stance though:

You are not asking that you be allowed to reject said behavior as immoral or that you be allowed to deny its validity – you are demanding that the government do that.

If, say, my moral code included a belief that consuming pork or beef was immoral and depraved. I am free to ban pork and beef within my home, not serve it at my restaurant and, in general, fight the practice as I see fit. I am not, however, free to demand that the government ban beef and pork. For the government to do so would be wrong and an infringement on other freedoms, no matter how terrible I thought the practice was. This is what you are asking for, the government to limit others because you find the act deplorable or wrong and asking the government to enforce that is far more deplorable than the act itself can ever be.

Further, you justify this with this statement: “It's really quite simple...Go get an attorney, enter into an agreement, sign off on the powers of attorney, and go play marriage until the cows home.” That statement is outright false and I think that you know it. You cannot sign anything that is going to give you the same tax status, the same death benefits, the same insurance benefits etc. There is simply no legal way for a same sex relationship to ‘play’ marriage because it is legally blocked. Blocked based on nothing more than a moral belief.

The terminology is not the problem either. This idea that it is all right as long as they call it something else is, well, nuts. I don’t really care what they want to call it, all that really matters is that they are afforded the same legal status when they ‘play’ marriage as you are when you are ‘actually’ married and I really do not believe for one second that if they decided to call it something else people would suddenly be on board. It really boils down to the fact that some people simply want to demand that the government enforce their morality over others. Do you really want to be in that category?

I could not agree more.

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