Huckabee:Evangelicals Will Walk if GOP Backs Gay Marriage


I think the man who has made the most sense on this board in regards to this topic was Liability. Basically he said that the government should get out of the marriage business all together and simply issue "civil union" licenses for want of a better term. In other words, to qualify under law for what is now called marriage, the government changes these to civil unions. So survivor benefits, the "right" to pull the plug on a vegetated loved one, etc... is determined by your civil union standing with the government.

Liability continued that a marriage should be something that you enter into in the eyes of your faith be it Hebrew, Islam, Methodist or Luthern. In the eyes of the religion you practice, you can (or can be rejected I suppose) become "married".

My question to you is this: Do you think the government should be in a position to bless your relationship when the withholding of the blessing prevents your significant other from receiving the authorized benefits that are willfully and unquestionably delivered to the survivor of a traditional marriage?
The federal government should not be involved in marriage, period. It's a states issue, and if the citizens of a state vote to not recognize pervert marriage, that's the way it is. The people have decided, not the damn federal government....If two perverts of the same gender want to enter into a "civil union", and laughingly call themselves ""married", play house, and receive the benefits that come with it, fine....As long as the citizens of the state VOTE to recognize it as a "civil union".....And if the citizens vote to not recognize the "civil unions" of perverts of the same gender, then the federal government needs to stay out of it.

Are you saying that if California approves Gay Marriage and a same sex couple gets married in California, Texas needn't recognize it?
That would be up the citizens of Texas to decide, by vote.

If the Citizens vote to not recognize pervert "CIVIL UNION", then the citizens have spoken,....Texas then needn't recognize it.
Legalize gay marriage and we'll kill this dog!!!!!

The federal government should not be involved in marriage, period. It's a states issue, and if the citizens of a state vote to not recognize pervert marriage, that's the way it is. The people have decided, not the damn federal government....If two perverts of the same gender want to enter into a "civil union", and laughingly call themselves ""married", play house, and receive the benefits that come with it, fine....As long as the citizens of the state VOTE to recognize it as a "civil union".....And if the citizens vote to not recognize the "civil unions" of perverts of the same gender, then the federal government needs to stay out of it.

Are you saying that if California approves Gay Marriage and a same sex couple gets married in California, Texas needn't recognize it?
That would be up the citizens of Texas to decide, by vote.

If the Citizens vote to not recognize pervert "CIVIL UNION", then the citizens have spoken,....Texas then needn't recognize it.

So you want your marriage to come with special privileges mine doesn't. You want your "special right" all to yourself.
Are you saying that if California approves Gay Marriage and a same sex couple gets married in California, Texas needn't recognize it?
That would be up the citizens of Texas to decide, by vote.

If the Citizens vote to not recognize pervert "CIVIL UNION", then the citizens have spoken,....Texas then needn't recognize it.

So you want your marriage to come with special privileges mine doesn't. You want your "special right" all to yourself.
My marriage isn't based on the choice to be an abject pervert, as your civil union is....It's just the way it is.
I am still surprised at the anti-religious idiocy on this board. I don't know why, but I am.

The board (any board really)is a very thin step ahead of drunks at a local bar except they often think before they put something out there. Some here have deepened the pit of ignorance beyond measure. Watch.
Poet and Yourself seem to have a real facination with sucking dicks.....Why is that?

Looks like you two should hook up, and get a room.

And, it's quite obvious that the FACT that many libs here in Cali support prop 8, really bothers you......Good!.....Any time a libprog loon has to deal with the reality that clear thinking people don't buy into all their bullshit, it's a good thing, and positive sign for this great country.

Thanks, but your attempts at playing Cupid only reveals your bigotry and juvenile thought process. I'm happily married. 10 years. Monogamous. And there is no one here I'd remotely consider "making eyes at", even. Obviously, you're "projecting". LOL.
As you were projecting also, dumbass....I've been married, happily , going on twenty years, Have twin 11 year old daughters.....I gave the high hard one to several women, for many years before being married....Ya' see, you too were projecting when you laughingly tried to infer that I wanted to suck, simply because I don't support pervert marriage....Are you now going to try and deny it?

Christ, do you seriously not understand how hypocritical you libprog loons constantly make yourselves out to be?

I mean, you libprogs run around cackling on about how you just love the gays, but then have no problem throwing terms that are abjectly offensive to gays, at those who don't agree with the libprog BS.....It's no different then somebody who claims to love blacks, running around throwing terms like ****** and such towards those whose opinions differ....Both examples only show what prejudices may lie deep inside someone.

And I see you didn't have any qualms about writing the n-word out. It probably gave you an orgasm to do that. The "high hard one"????????????????? LMAO. What a hypocrite you are.
That would be up the citizens of Texas to decide, by vote.

If the Citizens vote to not recognize pervert "CIVIL UNION", then the citizens have spoken,....Texas then needn't recognize it.

So you want your marriage to come with special privileges mine doesn't. You want your "special right" all to yourself.
My marriage isn't based on the choice to be an abject pervert, as your civil union is....It's just the way it is.

We have marriages too. I know you don't like it...for some strange reason, you are afraid that us having legalized gay marriage diminishes your marriage/civil union in some way.
That would be up the citizens of Texas to decide, by vote.

If the Citizens vote to not recognize pervert "CIVIL UNION", then the citizens have spoken,....Texas then needn't recognize it.

So you want your marriage to come with special privileges mine doesn't. You want your "special right" all to yourself.
My marriage isn't based on the choice to be an abject pervert, as your civil union is....It's just the way it is.

You didn't choose your wife? Shotgun eh? Poor dear. No wonder you're so threatened.

BTW, like Bod, I'm legally married. I don't have a civil union.
I wish the internet was around the in 18th century so we could watch the poor whites in the South use this exact same logic to justify their racism and enslavement of a race of people while calling other people who think that's fucked up bigots.
Everybody opposes homosexual marriage even the most liberal state in the union. That's why the radical sissies are trying to lobby the Supreme Court.
Everybody opposes homosexual marriage even the most liberal state in the union. That's why the radical sissies are trying to lobby the Supreme Court.

If "Everybody" opposes homosexual marriage, please explain why it won at the ballot during the last General Election (3 states approving it directly and 1 state not placing discriminatory language in their Constitution)?

If "Everybody" opposed Same-sex Civil Marriage, wouldn't logic dictate that it would have lost?

Everybody opposes homosexual marriage even the most liberal state in the union. That's why the radical sissies are trying to lobby the Supreme Court.

Is that how we decide rights now? The Supreme Court is supposed to be a rubber stamp for popular opinion?

Why even have a Supreme Court then? Why even have a Constitution then for that matter.
Legalize gay marriage and we'll kill this dog!!!!!


Jesus, is that inbreeding looks like? That entire family looks like a genetic fail and looks like they've all been repeatedly whipped with an ugly stick.

Someone needs to be held responsible for those stripped shirts!!!!!!

I still want to know how the hell Chris Christie got superimposed in the middle of the back row. If that ain't Chris Christie, I'll eat eminorflat's shoes!
Everybody opposes homosexual marriage even the most liberal state in the union. That's why the radical sissies are trying to lobby the Supreme Court.

If "Everybody" opposes homosexual marriage, please explain why it won at the ballot during the last General Election (3 states approving it directly and 1 state not placing discriminatory language in their Constitution)?

If "Everybody" opposed Same-sex Civil Marriage, wouldn't logic dictate that it would have lost?


I think that was more Whitehall reaching back about 25 years for that comment.
So you want your marriage to come with special privileges mine doesn't. You want your "special right" all to yourself.
My marriage isn't based on the choice to be an abject pervert, as your civil union is....It's just the way it is.

We have marriages too. I know you don't like it...for some strange reason, you are afraid that us having legalized gay marriage diminishes your marriage/civil union in some way.
Noooooo, you are in no way a threat to my marriage, nor do you diminsh it....How would two bow legged, tree trunk thighed bull dykes playing house, be a threat to my marriage?.....Ya' see, you perverts are just too damn dense to understand what it's all about, and that's why you repeatedly throw out stupid shit, such as the same old worn out, bullshit talking points, as you just did.

And, you are involved in a civil union between two perverts, nothing more.....I'm committed to an actual marriage between a man and woman....Big difference.

Here's the thing, lil' bopete....All you perverts are trying to do, is force everybody to accept your perverted lifestyle as normal.....It's not normal, any more than a relationship between a perverted man and his blow-up doll, a NAMBLA member and his victim, a perverted man and the sheep he fucks, or a teacher and the child she is molesting, is normal.

It's really quite simple...Go get an attorney, enter into an agreement, sign off on the powers of attorney, and go play marriage until the cows home.
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