Huckabee Out

It ain't 2012 yet. All politicians say such things, then later on say "well, ok then. So many have urged me to run, I will do as requested" or some such thing.
I didn't think he would run,. He is a great speaker, I'll give him that. My wife absolutely despises him. I will admit that I sometimes listen to the Huckabee Report on the radio, but I've just gotta say that he really sucks as a bass player. :D
Huckabee's decision further muddies the GOP field as the Republican Party seeks a challenger for President Barack Obama.

A prominent social conservative, he ranks high in national popularity polls. And, had he run, he would have been a serious contender for the party nod with instant support among Christian evangelicals who dominate the Iowa caucuses and the early South Carolina primary

I don’t see these folks getting excited about Mitt, who is really the only viable candidate left.
Huck sucks and only did well in the end because it was a big Fuck You to McCain.
Huckabee's decision further muddies the GOP field as the Republican Party seeks a challenger for President Barack Obama.

A prominent social conservative, he ranks high in national popularity polls. And, had he run, he would have been a serious contender for the party nod with instant support among Christian evangelicals who dominate the Iowa caucuses and the early South Carolina primary

I don’t see these folks getting excited about Mitt, who is really the only viable candidate left.

Ron Paul =D

Oohh, you talk shit now but we'll just have to wait and see... As it stands atm, yeah he's gonna own.
I didn't think he would run,. He is a great speaker, I'll give him that. My wife absolutely despises him. I will admit that I sometimes listen to the Huckabee Report on the radio, but I've just gotta say that he really sucks as a bass player. :D

Why does your wife despise him?
I was channel surfing and came across his show...ol huck had Ted Fucking Nuggent on...they are perfect together. There was no way ol huck was going to run. He has a gravy train over there at fox and I knew he wasnt about to give up his easy gig.

I dont know whats worse, huck or his fans.
Huckabee is a "populist" which is another way of saying socialist with conservative social values. I am glad he recogmized reality and withdrew from consideration.
This leaves the GOP with fewer divisive candidates. I hope Mitch Daniels runs and gets the nomination. He will clean Obama's clock on every issue.
I didn't think he would run,. He is a great speaker, I'll give him that. My wife absolutely despises him. I will admit that I sometimes listen to the Huckabee Report on the radio, but I've just gotta say that he really sucks as a bass player. :D

Why does your wife despise him?

We believe in gay rights, my wife especially. She helped found a predominantly gay church in North Little Rock while Huckabee was Governor. As you probably know, Huckabee is anti-gay and we got to hear the gay counter argument firsthand. After a while, the intolerance of Huckabee towards gays was just unbearable. She used to say that Huckabee wanted to run Arkansas like a Baptist Minister. It's difficult to watch friends die of AIDS while Huckabee talks about gays going to Hell. I'm a bit more forgiving, but my wife can't even hear his voice on the radio or see him on TV. It's an instant negative reaction for her.
I didn't think he would run,. He is a great speaker, I'll give him that. My wife absolutely despises him. I will admit that I sometimes listen to the Huckabee Report on the radio, but I've just gotta say that he really sucks as a bass player. :D

Why does your wife despise him?

We believe in gay rights, my wife especially. She helped found a predominantly gay church in North Little Rock while Huckabee was Governor. As you probably know, Huckabee is anti-gay and we got to hear the gay counter argument firsthand. After a while, the intolerance of Huckabee towards gays was just unbearable. She used to say that Huckabee wanted to run Arkansas like a Baptist Minister. It's difficult to watch friends die of AIDS while Huckabee talks about gays going to Hell. I'm a bit more forgiving, but my wife can't even hear his voice on the radio or see him on TV. It's an instant negative reaction for her.

I like him a little more already.
Why does your wife despise him?

We believe in gay rights, my wife especially. She helped found a predominantly gay church in North Little Rock while Huckabee was Governor. As you probably know, Huckabee is anti-gay and we got to hear the gay counter argument firsthand. After a while, the intolerance of Huckabee towards gays was just unbearable. She used to say that Huckabee wanted to run Arkansas like a Baptist Minister. It's difficult to watch friends die of AIDS while Huckabee talks about gays going to Hell. I'm a bit more forgiving, but my wife can't even hear his voice on the radio or see him on TV. It's an instant negative reaction for her.

I like him a little more already.

:lol: I respect your opinion.
Huckabee's decision further muddies the GOP field as the Republican Party seeks a challenger for President Barack Obama.

A prominent social conservative, he ranks high in national popularity polls. And, had he run, he would have been a serious contender for the party nod with instant support among Christian evangelicals who dominate the Iowa caucuses and the early South Carolina primary

I don’t see these folks getting excited about Mitt, who is really the only viable candidate left.

Yeah, and if Mittens the Pander Bear is the only viable candidate....:lol::lol::lol:
We believe in gay rights, my wife especially. She helped found a predominantly gay church in North Little Rock while Huckabee was Governor. As you probably know, Huckabee is anti-gay and we got to hear the gay counter argument firsthand. After a while, the intolerance of Huckabee towards gays was just unbearable. She used to say that Huckabee wanted to run Arkansas like a Baptist Minister. It's difficult to watch friends die of AIDS while Huckabee talks about gays going to Hell. I'm a bit more forgiving, but my wife can't even hear his voice on the radio or see him on TV. It's an instant negative reaction for her.

First, Im glad the liberal in disguise decided not to pollute the waters with his running.

But, again someone speaks about RIGHTS that gays are being denied.
Im all about all legal citizens getting their rights too, but for the life of me, no matter how much I research, I cannot find one single right that the gays are being denied. The blacks were denied rights, and thats easy enough to prove. God bless the civil rights leaders that brought about change (not jessie jackass or Al Sharptongue)

So, At last I have someone here that can take out the constitution, blow off the dust and specifically show me where gays are being denied a right given in the constitution. I am so happy not to have to hear about privileges as rights again.
I heard his announcement. What a pompous jackass. Apparently he had a higher calling that compelled him to forego trying to serve his country, and instead continue his sacred mission as a partisan hack on Fox. What a load.

Btw, how was it the voices told him NOW not to run for president? He didn't have that problem in 2008.
I had a major problem with the whole issue of jails with revolving doors. No way, no how.

Now to google mitch daniels

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