Huckabee Out

He's not running.

Huckabee says he won't run for president - Yahoo! News

I'm a bit surprised. This might be his best chance.

I am not certain this was his or any republican's best chance....I think he probably can see the writing on the wall...Obama will probably be reelected, as most sitting Presidents are....if memory serves?

If he went for it in 2008 and then 2012....both with losses, then in 2016 he could carry the baggage of being a 2 time LOSER in that run.....?

Maybe the republicans are not putting their best foot forward this time, when it comes to candidates.... because they all know deep down inside, that Obama will get reelected?

I dunno?

no, I don't think so. the media has done their level best to drive the news, of course they want a race NOW, anything, thats what they thrive on. So they are stampeding everyone trying to speed up the process and get the blood flowing, thats how it goes.

I frankly think this is to early to start I thought it was to early last time, is this the new paradigm now?2 years of governance and 2 years of running for office?

They are of course congenitally driven to put their best foot forward ala a democrat, instead of saying hey, he has no primary opponent, we are in a world of hurt, how about some more office time and skip the campaigning, theres plenty of time..... that would be the responsible thing to do but.....its backwards, since th rep. are running a primary that will draw several candidates they should be the ones in a hurry.....
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I wonder if this changes Sarah Palin's thinking at all?

It's a pretty weak field. It's hard to believe the base getting all fired up about Romney.

the media would love that, but she would be wasting her time.
He's not running.

Huckabee says he won't run for president - Yahoo! News

I'm a bit surprised. This might be his best chance.

I am not certain this was his or any republican's best chance....I think he probably can see the writing on the wall...Obama will probably be reelected, as most sitting Presidents are....if memory serves?

If he went for it in 2008 and then 2012....both with losses, then in 2016 he could carry the baggage of being a 2 time LOSER in that run.....?

Maybe the republicans are not putting their best foot forward this time, when it comes to candidates.... because they all know deep down inside, that Obama will get reelected?

I dunno?

i think it's as simple as huckabee enjoying the money he's making. he's never been rich, before, if i'm not mistaken and he's pulling in tons of cash now. plus, even if he got the nomination, his changes of winning a general election aren't so great. so why give up the cash?

true. If it were his best chance and he really had a shot at it, then maybe giving up the money would fancy him, but since he knows his chances are dim, then the money wins?
He's not running.

Huckabee says he won't run for president - Yahoo! News

I'm a bit surprised. This might be his best chance.
I told ya'll, I told ya'll - three or two times, he would not run.

He's alot of things but he's not a dumbass, he's making money hand over fist in a relatively stress-free life right now. He would be stupid to run in 2012 especially when it is so clear no one outside of Hillary Clinton herself is any threat to unseat Obama.
I wonder if this changes Sarah Palin's thinking at all?

It's a pretty weak field. It's hard to believe the base getting all fired up about Romney.

the media would love that, but she would be wasting her time.

Palin screwed to pooch publically to be considered serious. It would also eat into her vast profits to run. She's fine doing what she's doing.:eusa_whistle:
He's not running.

Huckabee says he won't run for president - Yahoo! News

I'm a bit surprised. This might be his best chance.

I am not certain this was his or any republican's best chance....I think he probably can see the writing on the wall...Obama will probably be reelected, as most sitting Presidents are....if memory serves?

If he went for it in 2008 and then 2012....both with losses, then in 2016 he could carry the baggage of being a 2 time LOSER in that run.....?

Maybe the republicans are not putting their best foot forward this time, when it comes to candidates.... because they all know deep down inside, that Obama will get reelected?

I dunno?

This reminds me a lot of 1992, when everyone thought Bush would get reelected and the Democrat field was considered weak. I think one wag called the Democratic candidates "The Seven Dwarfs" at the time. You had other big names pulling out then too, thinking they couldn't win. That's why maybe a Daniels or a Huntsman could come out of nowhere and win it all.

Obama is vulnerable. The economy is going to be weak. Obama's polling numbers are poor. I think he's very beatable.

The ultimate irony of ironies is that the conservative media may be removing conservative candidates. People like Huckabee and Palin have become wealthy through the conservative media. Twenty years ago, it wouldn't be a question about whether they would run or not, at least not based on newly-found income as pundits, commentators and authors in the conservative media. But now, why go through the hassle if you are making $5 million a year when you were used to making $50,000 as a governor, or whatever they get paid?
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He's not running.

Huckabee says he won't run for president - Yahoo! News

I'm a bit surprised. This might be his best chance.
I told ya'll, I told ya'll - three or two times, he would not run.

He's alot of things but he's not a dumbass, he's making money hand over fist in a relatively stress-free life right now. He would be stupid to run in 2012 especially when it is so clear no one outside of Hillary Clinton herself is any threat to unseat Obama.

well, aside from the fact that hillary isn't running. i don't agree that obama is unbeatable. i think everyone is beatable. at this point in his presidency, daddy bush was polling 60% or better and had a successful gulf war. i think it is *likely* obama gets re-elected, but there are so many variables. it isn't just about him, it's also about what the alternatives are. if the republican base keeps pushing for idealogues, it is likely they'll lose the general election. the person who has the best chance of unseating the president is mitt romney and the right doesn't think he's dogmatic enough and he's the wrong brand of christian...
Honestly, with the financial mess out there, which will be with us for quite some time, no matter who sits in the Presidential seat.....

WHO WOULD WANT TO WIN THE PRESIDENCY? Who would really have the hutzpah to want to be the President, at this time? I know I wouldn't!....

Whoever gets the 2012 spot will carry the blame, just like Obama has carried the blame for what happened to us in 2008....

What bush 1's poor economy was, ......was fixable and Clinton fixed it, with his congresses.

there are so many things at once, hitting the fan at this time, like Medicare reform, social security reform, health care reform, pill bill reform, banks, housing, foreign oil, debt, high unemployment, infrastructure crisis-es, foreign unrest in the middle east.... etc.... :eek:

in 2016, some of these bad situations and reforms could have been addressed already and unemployment could be somewhat better by other words, it could be politically beneficial to not win this 2012 presidential election.

Even with obama's poor ratings...thehe Democrats have put no one up either....where's ted Kennedy's spirit when we need it...he ran against Carter's second run, I believe???
He's not running.

Huckabee says he won't run for president - Yahoo! News

I'm a bit surprised. This might be his best chance.
I told ya'll, I told ya'll - three or two times, he would not run.

He's alot of things but he's not a dumbass, he's making money hand over fist in a relatively stress-free life right now. He would be stupid to run in 2012 especially when it is so clear no one outside of Hillary Clinton herself is any threat to unseat Obama.

well, aside from the fact that hillary isn't running. i don't agree that obama is unbeatable. i think everyone is beatable. at this point in his presidency, daddy bush was polling 60% or better and had a successful gulf war. i think it is *likely* obama gets re-elected, but there are so many variables. it isn't just about him, it's also about what the alternatives are. if the republican base keeps pushing for idealogues, it is likely they'll lose the general election. the person who has the best chance of unseating the president is mitt romney and the right doesn't think he's dogmatic enough and he's the wrong brand of christian...

I agree, nobody is unbeatable, but I also agree that President Obama getting re-elected is highly likely.

President Obama is going into campaign mode and Barack Obama on campaign is a force to reckon with. He's done a lot in two and a half years and he's going to be out talking about the stuff he's done and what he wants to do. Remember, people like this President (74% in a Quinnepac poll) and that will play a factor.

The Republican candidates are going to be out running on...???

As for Flip Flop Romney...The President will be praising him on the campaign trail for his Romneycare. Mitt will just look more the flip-flopper (which will be played up as well).
while Huckabee talks about gays going to Hell.
:confused: I know he once wanted to isolate people infected with HIV/AIDS from the general public and is against gay marriage but as far as I can tell he never said such a thing.
I was shocked to hear the news.

I doubt Huckabee could beat Obama today in the general election. Let the current situation fester for the next 14-18 months though and we'll see.

One thing I knew Huck could have done was unite the GOP. Currently, there are no figures who can do that and fire up the base to show up on election day.

Do you guys get excited about Mitt Romney? Or Ron Paul?

Still too early to tell but for right now, there is the DNC and then there are like 2 or as many as 4 GOP's.
Theres the party moderates who will go for Mitt.
The Christian Right who won't go for Mitt
The Tea Partier' way in hell they are voting for Mitt.

Now there is a segment of each group that are pragmatic and would vote for any GOP candidate but when your party is fractured; it becomes a game of who is least negative; that was Huckster.

Put another way, Huck was good for all time zones. As far as politicians go, he wasn't exactly hard on the eyes either which never hurts.

Still way too early but it's a very sad day for GOP prospects.
I told ya'll, I told ya'll - three or two times, he would not run.

He's alot of things but he's not a dumbass, he's making money hand over fist in a relatively stress-free life right now. He would be stupid to run in 2012 especially when it is so clear no one outside of Hillary Clinton herself is any threat to unseat Obama.

well, aside from the fact that hillary isn't running. i don't agree that obama is unbeatable. i think everyone is beatable. at this point in his presidency, daddy bush was polling 60% or better and had a successful gulf war. i think it is *likely* obama gets re-elected, but there are so many variables. it isn't just about him, it's also about what the alternatives are. if the republican base keeps pushing for idealogues, it is likely they'll lose the general election. the person who has the best chance of unseating the president is mitt romney and the right doesn't think he's dogmatic enough and he's the wrong brand of christian...

I agree, nobody is unbeatable, but I also agree that President Obama getting re-elected is highly likely.

President Obama is going into campaign mode and Barack Obama on campaign is a force to reckon with. He's done a lot in two and a half years and he's going to be out talking about the stuff he's done and what he wants to do. Remember, people like this President (74% in a Quinnepac poll) and that will play a factor.

The Republican candidates are going to be out running on...???

As for Flip Flop Romney...The President will be praising him on the campaign trail for his Romneycare. Mitt will just look more the flip-flopper (which will be played up as well).

Thats the sad thing really;

Obama is beatable...

High unemployment
Several unfulfilled campaign promies
GOP states gaining electors while Blue states losing them
Record fund raising possibilities due to the out and out hatred of President Obama.

You asked who? It's about 2 years too early but Nikki Haley. She's a shoe in for Federal Office some day this election is maybe too early.

Still I seem to recall there was a guy who ran for President from Illinois who hadn't even completed his first term in the Senate. Hows that working out for him?
while Huckabee talks about gays going to Hell.
:confused: I know he once wanted to isolate people infected with HIV/AIDS from the general public and is against gay marriage but as far as I can tell he never said such a thing.

Huckabee in 1992:

"I feel homosexuality is an aberrant, unnatural and sinful lifestyle."

Last time I read the bible, sinners went to hell. Did I read that wrong?
while Huckabee talks about gays going to Hell.
:confused: I know he once wanted to isolate people infected with HIV/AIDS from the general public and is against gay marriage but as far as I can tell he never said such a thing.

Huckabee in 1992:

"I feel homosexuality is an aberrant, unnatural and sinful lifestyle."

Last time I read the bible, sinners went to hell. Did I read that wrong?

But he didnt say gays were going to hell. Right?
well, aside from the fact that hillary isn't running. i don't agree that obama is unbeatable. i think everyone is beatable. at this point in his presidency, daddy bush was polling 60% or better and had a successful gulf war. i think it is *likely* obama gets re-elected, but there are so many variables. it isn't just about him, it's also about what the alternatives are. if the republican base keeps pushing for idealogues, it is likely they'll lose the general election. the person who has the best chance of unseating the president is mitt romney and the right doesn't think he's dogmatic enough and he's the wrong brand of christian...

I agree, nobody is unbeatable, but I also agree that President Obama getting re-elected is highly likely.

President Obama is going into campaign mode and Barack Obama on campaign is a force to reckon with. He's done a lot in two and a half years and he's going to be out talking about the stuff he's done and what he wants to do. Remember, people like this President (74% in a Quinnepac poll) and that will play a factor.

The Republican candidates are going to be out running on...???

As for Flip Flop Romney...The President will be praising him on the campaign trail for his Romneycare. Mitt will just look more the flip-flopper (which will be played up as well).

Thats the sad thing really;

Obama is beatable...

High unemployment
Several unfulfilled campaign promies
GOP states gaining electors while Blue states losing them
Record fund raising possibilities due to the out and out hatred of President Obama.

You asked who? It's about 2 years too early but Nikki Haley. She's a shoe in for Federal Office some day this election is maybe too early.

Still I seem to recall there was a guy who ran for President from Illinois who hadn't even completed his first term in the Senate. Hows that working out for him?

Obama is very beatable. He would have to retain many of the states he won last time, like OH, VA, and NC. Also FL. With high unemployment in all of those and high gas prices and a record as incompetent as anybody's it won't be that easy.
It is still way too early to be doing this. At this point in the campaign last time Hillary was the anointed one. Right now she is the silent secretary of state. There hasn't been such a total cypher in the job since Warren Christopher. In 2006 no one was even interested in challenging her she was such a total shoe in.

Huckabee has lots of problems on both sides of the spectrum. For most folks his religious views are a joke. For the rest, some of his actions as governor make winning a single primary impossible.

For the world outside of MA, Romney's version of Obamacare is the kiss of death for him.

McCain shows the danger of listening to the pundits and taking their advice.
:confused: I know he once wanted to isolate people infected with HIV/AIDS from the general public and is against gay marriage but as far as I can tell he never said such a thing.

Huckabee in 1992:

"I feel homosexuality is an aberrant, unnatural and sinful lifestyle."

Last time I read the bible, sinners went to hell. Did I read that wrong?

But he didnt say gays were going to hell. Right?

No. According to Huckabee, Baptists don't tell anyone they are going to hell. He has said some pretty despicable things about gays and lesbians though.
This is what I expected.

He's making money; his family has a nice lifestyle and privacy. Why put them through the certain to be nightmare of a national campaign?

The big clue was that when he sent out the email that he was going to announce his decision on his show. If he were going to say yes, he would have been out at Fox immediately. As soon as he said yes, he'd have been hauled off the screen.
Huckabee in 1992:

"I feel homosexuality is an aberrant, unnatural and sinful lifestyle."

Last time I read the bible, sinners went to hell. Did I read that wrong?

But he didnt say gays were going to hell. Right?

No. According to Huckabee, Baptists don't tell anyone they are going to hell. He has said some pretty despicable things about gays and lesbians though.

OK. So whoever wrote that Huckabee said gays were going to hell lied. And whoever tried to imply that he had said that also lied.
Glad we cleared that up.

Geez, trying to keep people straight around here is damned near impossible.
He's not running.

Huckabee says he won't run for president - Yahoo! News

I'm a bit surprised. This might be his best chance.

Thank god. I can't believe how many Republican numbskulls like that RINO. He's the main reason we got stuck with McCain for as the nominee.

They love Huckabee here in South Carolina. As long as you are Protestant, wear your religion on your sleeve, and oppose abortion, you qualify as a good candidate in the south. Nothing else matters.

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