Huckabee: Schools "Become A Place Of Carnage" When "We Systematically Remove God"

When exactly did the phenomemon of school shootings or mass shootings in general begin in the US?
There have been far more school shootings in the US than in other countries.

we drug our children at the highest rate of any country in the world

Article Date: 13 Dec 2003

UK - Major antidepressants banned - suicide threat

All major antidepressant drugs other than Prozac, known as SSRIs, are set to be be banned for children under 18 by the Government today, amid concerns that the drugs cause young patients to commit suicide

UK - Major antidepressants banned - suicide threat

It beats teaching them morality and self discipline.
There have been far more school shootings in the US than in other countries.

we drug our children at the highest rate of any country in the world

Article Date: 13 Dec 2003

UK - Major antidepressants banned - suicide threat

All major antidepressant drugs other than Prozac, known as SSRIs, are set to be be banned for children under 18 by the Government today, amid concerns that the drugs cause young patients to commit suicide

UK - Major antidepressants banned - suicide threat

It beats teaching them morality and self discipline.

We drug are children at 9 times the rate of most other western countries

How is this an answer to my question?

Again, what caused these mass shootings to start, beginning with the one in 1966?
Huckabee: Schools "Become A Place Of Carnage" When "We Systematically Remove God" | Video | Media Matters for America

By Nick Wing & Paige Lavender

Former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee (R) weighed in on the massacre at an elementary school in Newtown, Conn. on Friday, saying the crime was no surprise because we have "systematically removed God" from public schools.

"We ask why there is violence in our schools, but we have systematically removed God from our schools," Huckabee said on Fox News. "Should we be so surprised that schools would become a place of carnage?"

This line of reasoning isn't new for Huckabee.

Speaking about a mass shooting in Aurora, Colo. over the summer, the former GOP presidential candidate claimed that such violent episodes were a function of a nation suffering from the removal of religion from the public sphere.

"We don't have a crime problem, a gun problem or even a violence problem. What we have is a sin problem," Huckabee said on Fox News. "And since we've ordered God out of our schools, and communities, the military and public conversations, you know we really shouldn't act so surprised ... when all hell breaks loose."

Mike Huckabee: Newtown Shooting No Surprise, We've 'Systematically Removed God' From Schools

He would have made such a fine president...
So what in your opinion happened around that time that triggored this epidemic starting in 1966?

Charles Whitman - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

How is this an answer to my question?

Again, what caused these mass shootings to start, beginning with the one in 1966?

DSM-I was to create a common nomenclature based on a consensus of the contemporary knowledge about psychiatric disorders. APA sent questionnaires to 10% of its membership and asked for comments on the proposed categories. The final version, which assigned categories based on lists of symptoms, was approved by a vote of the membership and published in 1952 DSM-I included 3 categories of psychopathology: organic brain syndromes, functional disorders, and mental deficiency. These categories contained 106 diagnoses. Only one diagnosis, Adjustment Reaction of Childhood/Adolescence, could be applied to children.

DSM-II was published in 1968 to
further facilitate communication among professionals. It had 11 major diagnostic categories. Increased attention was given to the problems of children and adolescence with the categorical addition of Behavior Disorders of Childhood-Adolescence. This category included Hyperkinetic Reaction, Withdrawing Reaction, Overanxious Reaction, Runaway Reaction, Unsocialized Aggressive Reaction, and Group Delinquent Reaction (Scotti and Morris, 2000). There were 185 diagnoses in DSM.

DSM-I and DSM-II were widely criticized for a variety of reasons. Most importantly, the reliability and validity of the first two editions were challenged (Blashfield, 1998; Kirk and Kutchins, 1994). The diagnostic descriptions were not detailed, leaving lots of room for error. Additionally, the descriptions had been written by a small number of academics rather than empirical studies. Many psychiatrists criticized the implicit medical model, stating that it was inappropriate because the cause of most disorders was unknown.

Development of the DSM
He's only saying what many are thinking, just look at some of the posts today. Apparently, gays, abortion, and single mothers are to blame for mass shooting sprees.

I'm waiting for Pat to come out, call us Sodom and Gomorrah and talk about how those kids died because of gods wrath.

He is always wacky and vicious but to blame the victims because they didn't pray in school - what a vile man he is. Yes, easily as bad as Robertson.

Its sad that this is being blamed on the left, blamed on the victims - and that its being used to further a political agenda.

I posted this same thing earlier to day but it disappeared.
Huckabee: Schools "Become A Place Of Carnage" When "We Systematically Remove God" | Video | Media Matters for America

By Nick Wing & Paige Lavender

Former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee (R) weighed in on the massacre at an elementary school in Newtown, Conn. on Friday, saying the crime was no surprise because we have "systematically removed God" from public schools.

"We ask why there is violence in our schools, but we have systematically removed God from our schools," Huckabee said on Fox News. "Should we be so surprised that schools would become a place of carnage?"

This line of reasoning isn't new for Huckabee.

Speaking about a mass shooting in Aurora, Colo. over the summer, the former GOP presidential candidate claimed that such violent episodes were a function of a nation suffering from the removal of religion from the public sphere.

"We don't have a crime problem, a gun problem or even a violence problem. What we have is a sin problem," Huckabee said on Fox News. "And since we've ordered God out of our schools, and communities, the military and public conversations, you know we really shouldn't act so surprised ... when all hell breaks loose."

Mike Huckabee: Newtown Shooting No Surprise, We've 'Systematically Removed God' From Schools

He would have made such a fine president...

And his good buddy, Poopy Pants Nugent could be his veep.
Since no one wants to take a stab at why these mass shootings began in the mid 1960's, I will.

A book called, "America to pray? or Not to pray?", was written by David Barton. In the book he makes a correlation between the time prayer was taken out of public schools and the subsequent moral decline of America.

He show statistics indicating that such things as SAT scores dramatically declined, but undesirable things escalated, such as STD's, premarital sex, pregnacy rates to teenagers, increased numbers of female head of household, people living together, divorce rates, alcoholism, and violent crime. In fact, these mass shootings seem to have started right after God was taken out of the schools. Now really screwed up children think they can walk into a school, open fire, and then turn the gun on themselves and never have to give an account.
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Since no one wants to take a stab at why these mass shootings began in the mid 1960's, I will.

A book called, "America to pray? or Not to pray?", was written by David Barton. In the book he makes a correlation between the time prayer was taken out of public schools and the subsequent moral decline of America.

He show statistics indicating that such things as SAT scores dramatically declined, but undesirable things escalated, such as STD's, premarital sex, pregnacy rates to teenagers, increased numbers of female head of household, people living together, divorce rates, alcoholism, and violent crime. In fact, these mass shootings seem to have started right after God was taken out of the schools. Now really screwed up children think they can walk into a school, open fire, and then turn the gun on themselves and never have to give an account.

Why isn't God doing something about it...?
Since no one wants to take a stab at why these mass shootings began in the mid 1960's, I will.

A book called, "America to pray? or Not to pray?", was written by David Barton. In the book he makes a correlation between the time prayer was taken out of public schools and the subsequent moral decline of America.

He show statistics indicating that such things as SAT scores dramatically declined, but undesirable things escalated, such as STD's, premarital sex, pregnacy rates to teenagers, increased numbers of female head of household, people living together, divorce rates, alcoholism, and violent crime. In fact, these mass shootings seem to have started right after God was taken out of the schools. Now really screwed up children think they can walk into a school, open fire, and then turn the gun on themselves and never have to give an account.

Why isn't God doing something about it...?

Who said he exists? So what is your explanation? I still await a response.
Since no one wants to take a stab at why these mass shootings began in the mid 1960's, I will.

AMERICA: To Pray Or Not To Pray

A book called, "America to pray? or Not to pray?", was written by David Barton. In the book he makes a correlation between the time prayer was taken out of public schools and the subsequent moral decline of America.

He show statistics indicating that such things as SAT scores dramatically declined, but undesirable things escalated, such as STD's, premarital sex, pregnacy rates to teenagers, increased numbers of female head of household, people living together, divorce rates, alcoholism, and violent crime. In fact, these mass shootings seem to have started right after God was taken out of the schools. Now really screwed up children think they can walk into a school, open fire, and then turn the gun on themselves and never have to give an account.

Will you also take a stab at explaining who David Barton is and the fallacy of his premise?

And certainly you’re not so naïve as to suggest that by violating the Constitution and reinstating prayer in public schools that gun violence will suddenly stop.

You and others on the right need to stop indulging in reactionary fantasies, and start dealing with the reality of today.
We are only allowed free speech in this country if it's something the Libs agree with.
But in this case Mr.Huckabee is a little out there..
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