Huckabee: Schools "Become A Place Of Carnage" When "We Systematically Remove God"

Since no one wants to take a stab at why these mass shootings began in the mid 1960's, I will.

A book called, "America to pray? or Not to pray?", was written by David Barton. In the book he makes a correlation between the time prayer was taken out of public schools and the subsequent moral decline of America.

He show statistics indicating that such things as SAT scores dramatically declined, but undesirable things escalated, such as STD's, premarital sex, pregnacy rates to teenagers, increased numbers of female head of household, people living together, divorce rates, alcoholism, and violent crime. In fact, these mass shootings seem to have started right after God was taken out of the schools. Now really screwed up children think they can walk into a school, open fire, and then turn the gun on themselves and never have to give an account.

Why isn't God doing something about it...?

Who said he exists? So what is your explanation? I still await a response.

He reportedly had a fatal brain tumor.

An autopsy conducted upon the body of Charles Whitman—approved by his father—was performed at the Cook Funeral Home on August 2. The autopsy discovered a glioblastoma (a highly aggressive and invariably fatal brain tumor) in the hypothalamus (the white matter located above the brain stem).[69] This tumor would have proven fatal by the end of the year in which Whitman died. Experts on the subsequently-convened "Connally Commission" concluded the tumor may have played a significant role in Whitman's actions on August 1. The document also stated that this lesion "conceivably could have contributed to his inability to control his emotions and actions."[18] Forensic investigators have theorized that the tumor may have been pressed against the nearby amygdalae regions of his brain. The amygdalae are known to effect on fight/flight responses. This has led some neurologists to speculate that his medical condition was in some way responsible for the attacks, in addition to his personal and social frames of reference.[70]

Charles Whitman - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The sheer level of hatred and vile, caustic meltdown coming from the board liberals is outright epic.
Huckabee: Schools "Become A Place Of Carnage" When "We Systematically Remove God" | Video | Media Matters for America

By Nick Wing & Paige Lavender

Former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee (R) weighed in on the massacre at an elementary school in Newtown, Conn. on Friday, saying the crime was no surprise because we have "systematically removed God" from public schools.

"We ask why there is violence in our schools, but we have systematically removed God from our schools," Huckabee said on Fox News. "Should we be so surprised that schools would become a place of carnage?"

This line of reasoning isn't new for Huckabee.

Speaking about a mass shooting in Aurora, Colo. over the summer, the former GOP presidential candidate claimed that such violent episodes were a function of a nation suffering from the removal of religion from the public sphere.

"We don't have a crime problem, a gun problem or even a violence problem. What we have is a sin problem," Huckabee said on Fox News. "And since we've ordered God out of our schools, and communities, the military and public conversations, you know we really shouldn't act so surprised ... when all hell breaks loose."

Mike Huckabee: Newtown Shooting No Surprise, We've 'Systematically Removed God' From Schools

i agree with mr huckabee. govt schools are places of secular humanism now.
Since no one wants to take a stab at why these mass shootings began in the mid 1960's, I will.

AMERICA: To Pray Or Not To Pray

A book called, "America to pray? or Not to pray?", was written by David Barton. In the book he makes a correlation between the time prayer was taken out of public schools and the subsequent moral decline of America.

He show statistics indicating that such things as SAT scores dramatically declined, but undesirable things escalated, such as STD's, premarital sex, pregnacy rates to teenagers, increased numbers of female head of household, people living together, divorce rates, alcoholism, and violent crime. In fact, these mass shootings seem to have started right after God was taken out of the schools. Now really screwed up children think they can walk into a school, open fire, and then turn the gun on themselves and never have to give an account.

Will you also take a stab at explaining who David Barton is and the fallacy of his premise?

And certainly you’re not so naïve as to suggest that by violating the Constitution and reinstating prayer in public schools that gun violence will suddenly stop.

You and others on the right need to stop indulging in reactionary fantasies, and start dealing with the reality of today.

I'm glad you brought up the Constitution. The Father of the Constitution, James Madison, said this, "We have staked the whole future of American civilization, not upon the power of government, far from it. We have staked the future of all our political institutions upon the capacity of mankind for self government; upon the capacity of each and all of us to govern ourselves, to control ourselves, to sustain ourselves according to the Ten Commandments of God."

Of course, today he would be labelled a right winged SOB.

In short, you could come up with the perfect form of government known to mankind, but it would do you no good if those at the helm were wicked as well as those who are governed.
The sheer level of hatred and vile, caustic meltdown coming from the board liberals is outright epic.

You can usually spot a progressive Obama lover by the profanity level. Not always but usually.
Why isn't God doing something about it...?

Who said he exists? So what is your explanation? I still await a response.

He reportedly had a fatal brain tumor.

An autopsy conducted upon the body of Charles Whitman—approved by his father—was performed at the Cook Funeral Home on August 2. The autopsy discovered a glioblastoma (a highly aggressive and invariably fatal brain tumor) in the hypothalamus (the white matter located above the brain stem).[69] This tumor would have proven fatal by the end of the year in which Whitman died. Experts on the subsequently-convened "Connally Commission" concluded the tumor may have played a significant role in Whitman's actions on August 1. The document also stated that this lesion "conceivably could have contributed to his inability to control his emotions and actions."[18] Forensic investigators have theorized that the tumor may have been pressed against the nearby amygdalae regions of his brain. The amygdalae are known to effect on fight/flight responses. This has led some neurologists to speculate that his medical condition was in some way responsible for the attacks, in addition to his personal and social frames of reference.[70]

Charles Whitman - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

First brain tumor occurred after 1966?
Who said he exists? So what is your explanation? I still await a response.

He reportedly had a fatal brain tumor.

An autopsy conducted upon the body of Charles Whitman—approved by his father—was performed at the Cook Funeral Home on August 2. The autopsy discovered a glioblastoma (a highly aggressive and invariably fatal brain tumor) in the hypothalamus (the white matter located above the brain stem).[69] This tumor would have proven fatal by the end of the year in which Whitman died. Experts on the subsequently-convened "Connally Commission" concluded the tumor may have played a significant role in Whitman's actions on August 1. The document also stated that this lesion "conceivably could have contributed to his inability to control his emotions and actions."[18] Forensic investigators have theorized that the tumor may have been pressed against the nearby amygdalae regions of his brain. The amygdalae are known to effect on fight/flight responses. This has led some neurologists to speculate that his medical condition was in some way responsible for the attacks, in addition to his personal and social frames of reference.[70]

Charles Whitman - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

First brain tumor occurred after 1966?

I don't know, Willy. You tell us...
Who said he exists? So what is your explanation? I still await a response.

He reportedly had a fatal brain tumor.

An autopsy conducted upon the body of Charles Whitman—approved by his father—was performed at the Cook Funeral Home on August 2. The autopsy discovered a glioblastoma (a highly aggressive and invariably fatal brain tumor) in the hypothalamus (the white matter located above the brain stem).[69] This tumor would have proven fatal by the end of the year in which Whitman died. Experts on the subsequently-convened "Connally Commission" concluded the tumor may have played a significant role in Whitman's actions on August 1. The document also stated that this lesion "conceivably could have contributed to his inability to control his emotions and actions."[18] Forensic investigators have theorized that the tumor may have been pressed against the nearby amygdalae regions of his brain. The amygdalae are known to effect on fight/flight responses. This has led some neurologists to speculate that his medical condition was in some way responsible for the attacks, in addition to his personal and social frames of reference.[70]

Charles Whitman - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

First brain tumor occurred after 1966?

no but mass drugging did..even of this man they gave him tranqulizers when he complained of his strange thinking..which may very well of increased his violent thoughts..but it also shows a damaged brain can cause violent behavior..and these drugs we have been feeding our children at an ever increasing rate cause permenent changes to the brain
Yeah who needs morality...all this liberalzation since the 60s has really helped out.......
Yeah who needs morality...all this liberalzation since the 60s has really helped out.......

Exactly! All children need is to be equiped intellectually to be successful in life. Then these same children who are armed with the knowledge they need to succeed in life can be unleashed upon society. Who needs morality in schools?

$child hitler.jpg

First brain tumor occurred after 1966?

no but mass drugging did..even of this man they gave him tranqulizers when he complained of his strange thinking..which may very well of increased his violent thoughts..but it also shows a damaged brain can cause violent behavior..and these drugs we have been feeding our children at an ever increasing rate cause permenent changes to the brain

I'm guessing that pot will be legalized very soon. It will become harder to govern and sober society.

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