Huckabee: Schools "Become A Place Of Carnage" When "We Systematically Remove God"

Some of us are not followers at all but follow our own nose.
We are however few in number.


Ok free thinking indepdent man.

Baaa on your own terms.

You know, there are always some in a pack that goes astray.
No, the truth of God.

So, if the lack of God in schools is to blame, would Shipman, who thought he was God, be an example of how religion is easily distorted?

When exactly did the phenomemon of school shootings or mass shootings in general begin in the US?

I can't say for certain about the mass shootings thing, but, when taken into consideration that H. H. Holmes was the first documented serial killer in 1886, I would say that violent acts like this haven't gone up, they're just being more publicized.

Like I said God has been taken out of school , that lets satan have the power and he is evil.

Respectfully disagree. I think it's the fact that parents are so quick to medicate their supposedly "A.D.D." children, that their mental faculties have hindered growth.

I don't think its a direct correlation to violent activity, because, like I said, things like this have been happening for a long time, probably with the same frequency as now. However, I think that parents should actually take more time with their children instead of medicating them and probably ignoring them.

I'm glad you brought up the Constitution. The Father of the Constitution, James Madison, said this, "We have staked the whole future of American civilization, not upon the power of government, far from it. We have staked the future of all our political institutions upon the capacity of mankind for self government; upon the capacity of each and all of us to govern ourselves, to control ourselves, to sustain ourselves according to the Ten Commandments of God."

Of course, today he would be labelled a right winged SOB.

I don't know... historically the Founding Fathers were a little weird about religion. Thomas Jefferson owned a Koran and held a Ramadan Iftar at the White House, for example.

Abortion kills babies. So what's the difference? What the fuck is wrong with people like you Lakhota?

I've come to this conclusion about abortion: We should not euthanize any species capable of calculus.

Thus, I've decided that I find abortion to be wrong. (Except life of the mother, possibly rape, but only because our adoption system is gutter trash.)
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Yep killed off all the good male genetics in the south. Why we have the political tards down there today that we do.

Seriously? You think it was worth half a million dead?

Was killing millions of Native Americans worth stealing their land and resources?

Was it worth it for material gain? Maybe. Was it worth it in moral terms? No.

Again, it all comes down to material gain when it comes to rationizing evil, that is what should give abortionists pause but it doesn't.
Seriously? You think it was worth half a million dead?

Was killing millions of Native Americans worth stealing their land and resources?

Was it worth it for material gain? Maybe. Was it worth it in moral terms? No.

Again, it all comes down to material gain when it comes to rationizing evil, that is what should give abortionists pause but it doesn't.

Can't speak for liberals, but back when I was a teenager I saw it as population control.
Man, I was fucked up back then.
No, the truth of God.

So, if the lack of God in schools is to blame, would Shipman, who thought he was God, be an example of how religion is easily distorted?

When exactly did the phenomemon of school shootings or mass shootings in general begin in the US?

I can't say for certain about the mass shootings thing, but, when taken into consideration that H. H. Holmes was the first documented serial killer in 1886, I would say that violent acts like this haven't gone up, they're just being more publicized.

Respectfully disagree. I think it's the fact that parents are so quick to medicate their supposedly "A.D.D." children, that their mental faculties have hindered growth.

I don't think its a direct correlation to violent activity, because, like I said, things like this have been happening for a long time, probably with the same frequency as now. However, I think that parents should actually take more time with their children instead of medicating them and probably ignoring them.

I'm glad you brought up the Constitution. The Father of the Constitution, James Madison, said this, "We have staked the whole future of American civilization, not upon the power of government, far from it. We have staked the future of all our political institutions upon the capacity of mankind for self government; upon the capacity of each and all of us to govern ourselves, to control ourselves, to sustain ourselves according to the Ten Commandments of God."

Of course, today he would be labelled a right winged SOB.

I don't know... historically the Founding Fathers were a little weird about religion. Thomas Jefferson owned a Koran and held a Ramadan Iftar at the White House, for example.

Abortion kills babies. So what's the difference? What the fuck is wrong with people like you Lakhota?

I've come to this conclusion about abortion: We should not euthanize any species capable of calculus.

Thus, I've decided that I find abortion to be wrong. (Except life of the mother, possibly rape, but only because our adoption system is gutter trash.)

So what changed in the mid 1960's that ushered in the epidemic of mass shootings? You discount the notion that God being taken out of the classroom has any correlation so what was it then?
Yep killed off all the good male genetics in the south. Why we have the political tards down there today that we do.

Seriously? You think it was worth half a million dead?

Was killing millions of Native Americans worth stealing their land and resources?

Can you name a single other race that hasn't fucked another over? Oh'yesss you're just pissed because your people got their ass kicked! It's CALLED BUTTHURT!
The Civil Rights Act of 1964 makes more sense than removing school prayer.
So what changed in the mid 1960's that ushered in the epidemic of mass shootings? You discount the notion that God being taken out of the classroom has any correlation so what was it then?

It could have been a lot of things.
The 60s were the first time really hardcore drugs like cocaine and heroin were widely available.

The Vietnam War flared up in a big way, and many soldiers came back from that hellhole... different.

Oh, and the Red Scare was in full effect. The Soviet Union and its presence was basically everywhere.

JFK was assassinated in broad daylight, and the shooter was shot himself.

I could correlate that massively increased stress levels due to all this probably led to people becoming less responsible in their personal lives. Mental disorders were only just becoming known (and even then, not very well at all), and the public was also coming off the Civil Rights Movement, which everyone back then had a big opinion about.

That said, I think its best if we asked someone who was raised in the sixties or was an adult through it to give us an opinion.

Didn't Grampa grow up during the sixties? I'd like his opinion.
Seriously? You think it was worth half a million dead?

Was killing millions of Native Americans worth stealing their land and resources?

Can you name a single other race that hasn't fucked another over? Oh'yesss you're just pissed because your people got their ass kicked! It's CALLED BUTTHURT!

No, it's called ANGER over a bunch of religious white lunatics slaughtering people in the name of their God.
Yep invading a sovern nation and occupying it for 10 years or so on the basis of what it MIGHT do to us is very moral.

That is just retarded because we all know abortion is a good thing. :badgrin:

Roe v. Wade says it's legal. Except NaziCons keep trying to undermine it by coming through the back door. I believe in a woman's right to choose.

Tell me one thing, if a person kills a pregnant woman, then why are they tried for the killing of the fetus too? I mean it's not a human yet? Right?

And you’re confusing criminal with civil law.

Conservatives certainly are confused.
No, it's called ANGER over a bunch of religious white lunatics slaughtering people in the name of their God. do realize that it had less to do with God and more to do with wanting more land, right?

Let's assume that it was all about God. Now take that away.
They would have slaughtered Native Americans still, because:
They're in the way.
They're not white.
They're different culturally.
They want the land.
Lakhota, you aren't going to remove me or 300 million other people from this land. As a white nationalist I feel the same damn thing about the 100 million non-whites...

Good luck to both of us.
So what changed in the mid 1960's that ushered in the epidemic of mass shootings? You discount the notion that God being taken out of the classroom has any correlation so what was it then?

It could have been a lot of things.
The 60s were the first time really hardcore drugs like cocaine and heroin were widely available.

The Vietnam War flared up in a big way, and many soldiers came back from that hellhole... different.

Oh, and the Red Scare was in full effect. The Soviet Union and its presence was basically everywhere.

JFK was assassinated in broad daylight, and the shooter was shot himself.

I could correlate that massively increased stress levels due to all this probably led to people becoming less responsible in their personal lives. Mental disorders were only just becoming known (and even then, not very well at all), and the public was also coming off the Civil Rights Movement, which everyone back then had a big opinion about.

That said, I think its best if we asked someone who was raised in the sixties or was an adult through it to give us an opinion.

Didn't Grampa grow up during the sixties? I'd like his opinion.

Whether mental disorders are discovered or not is irrelavent. Either "crazy" people killed in mass or they did not. You can't convince me that "crazy" people came on the scene in the mid 1960's but not before.

The "Red Menace" had been around since the end of WW2 and men came back from horrific wars like Korea an the two world wars without the same result.

Sure JFK was assassinated but so were other presidents in history.

I suppose the drug theory has the most validity but there again it all comes down to morals in terms of experimentation, doesn't it?
Lakhota, you aren't going to remove me or 300 million other people from this land. As a white nationalist I feel the same damn thing about the 100 million non-whites...

Good luck to both of us.

I looked in the mirror when you posted that.
Now I'm sad. :(
Some of us are not followers at all but follow our own nose.
We are however few in number.


Ok free thinking indepdent man.

Baaa on your own terms.

You know, there are always some in a pack that goes astray.

I am someone unknown to most.
I have no heroes, I follow no packs.
I do not follow the sports packs or any other type of pack.
I do not follow fashion or try and keep up with the jones's.

If more were like me political parties would wither and die.
But my way of life scares the hell out of most.

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