Huckabee: Schools "Become A Place Of Carnage" When "We Systematically Remove God"

No, it's called ANGER over a bunch of religious white lunatics slaughtering people in the name of their God. do realize that it had less to do with God and more to do with wanting more land, right?

Let's assume that it was all about God. Now take that away.
They would have slaughtered Native Americans still, because:
They're in the way.
They're not white.
They're different culturally.
They want the land.

Shhh. Don't make him see that people really kill in the name of the almighty dollar rather than the God they proport to hide behind. You do want him to rest well tonight don't you?
God and dollar are pretty inseperable in todays world of evangellism.
They even preach that wealth is good and send me your money and god will repay you tenfold.
I have never heard of a check signed by god.
Whether mental disorders are discovered or not is irrelavent. Either "crazy" people killed in mass or they did not. You can't convince me that "crazy" people came on the scene in the mid 1960's but not before.

Fair enough. I didn't mean to insinuate that they magically showed up in the sixties. I was merely pointing out that people actually realized that there was something mentally wrong with these people that was possibly repairable.

Not that the treatments were any better. Electroshock therapy, anyone?

The "Red Menace" had been around since the end of WW2 and men came back from horrific wars like Korea an the two world wars without the same result.

You know, I've always wondered about that. There's always been something about Vietnam that really messed up people more than any previous war.

Sure JFK was assassinated but so were other presidents in history.

Yeah, but how many on live television, in the view of millions?

I suppose the drug theory has the most validity but there again it all comes down to morals in terms of experimentation, doesn't it?

People didn't know smoking was bad for you till the sixties. If you knew nothing about heroin and shot up a dose of it, does that make you an immoral person? Nowadays we know the harm those drugs cause, but back then all people knew was that it made you high, and then you needed more.

If there's a Satan, then surely drugs like cocaine, meth, and heroin are his poison of choice.
Shhh. Don't make him see that people really kill in the name of the almighty dollar rather than the God they proport to hide behind. You do want him to rest well tonight don't you?

Not really.
If Lakhota really is a Native American, I can understand the anger, but his methodology of attacking every is tiresome and gets us nowhere.

Whites are due to become a minority in the near future.


We get to become a third world shit hole like Central America and Africa. What a wonderful fucked up future that will be...

You'd have to be insane to want the kind of fuckfulness that goes on in those lands here. :badgrin:

Just because they'll be a minority doesn't mean there will be a majority.
People didn't know smoking was bad for you till the sixties. If you knew nothing about heroin and shot up a dose of it, does that make you an immoral person? Nowadays we know the harm those drugs cause, but back then all people knew was that it made you high, and then you needed more.

If there's a Satan, then surely drugs like cocaine, meth, and heroin are his poison of choice.

Also to consider is the hyper medicating of the population. Now kids who were once declared hyperactive and sent to work off their natural energy at recess are told to pop a few pills to sit still in class.

Something to consider.
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Also to consider is the hyper medicating of the population. Now kids who were once declared hyperactive and sent to work off their natural energy are told to pop a few pills to sit still in class.

Something to consider.

Oh I agree with that 100% . My son is 2 and people are telling me he's ADD.

...He's fucking TWO! Of course he's ADD. I'd be worried if he wasn't!
Violent crime is at its lowest level in 50 years.

I guess Mike doesn't do much reading.
God and dollar are pretty inseperable in todays world of evangellism.
They even preach that wealth is good and send me your money and god will repay you tenfold.
I have never heard of a check signed by god.

Attacking religious leaders? What do you want people to think, do you want them to think you follow the example of Christ in doing so?

Just be careful when you do it so that people won't think you actually believe all that stuff about God Jesus spoke of.
Violent crime is at its lowest level in 50 years.

I guess Mike doesn't do much reading.

Yes, according to the FBI violent crime rates have been falling since 2008, right about the time the economy went down hill.

Here is an interesting article about this phenomenon.

Violent Crime In U.S. Drops For Fourth Consecutive Year

A former FBI agent in the article questions the data because anytime there is a down turn in the economy crime typically goes up. He says that the FBI relies on cities to record the crime rates accurately, and question whether they do. He speculates that perhaps they are playing with the numbers in order to promote tourism in a bad economy.


I don't know if this is true or not, however, ask yourself this. Could people leave their doors unlocked at night in 1960? Could they send their children to school with a peace of mind? It just does not jive with what we are being told.
Dan Holmes, Lanza's mother's former landscaper, told reporters that she was a gun enthusiast who took her sons to the shooting range.

He explained, "She took her two sons to the gun ranges quite a bit to practice their aim. She was a really great shot from what she told me. Whenever I finished work and went inside to chit chat, she spoke often about her fascination with firearms. Nancy had an extensive gun collection and she was really quite proud of it."

Connecticut School Shooting -- Cops Moving Closer to Establishing Motive |
He's right, and you progressives can hate on me all you want, but the further this country moves away from god the more fucked up it's getting.

No, he’s not.

And how exactly do you and others on the right plan to move America ‘toward god’?

I don't plan anything beyond my family and friends. just stating the facts. I don't speak for any "right" or anyone else, I'm just me now fuckoff.

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