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Debunking HuffPo’s Chris Lane Killing Narrative

August 23, 2013 By Jack Kerwick


In “Reinforcing the Self-Serving Myth that Blacks Kill Whites Because They’re White,” Earl Ofari Hutchinson—Huffington Post writer, MSNBC contributor, and a co-host for Al Sharpton’s radio show—addresses the cold-blooded murder of white Australian Christopher Lane by black teenagers in Oklahoma.

Although “there is not a shred of evidence or even the hint that [the] killing of Lane was racially motivated,” Hutchinson asserts, right-wingers imply otherwise. Theirs is a “false, self-serving,” and “cheap ploy” to marginalize “civil rights leaders” while promoting the “myth” of a national press determined to conceal an “epidemic” of black-on-white killing.


To Hutchinson’s analysis several replies are in order.

First, contrary to his assertion, there most certainly is evidence that the punks that murdered Lane were motivated, at least in part, by animus toward whites. According to The Daily Caller, one of the suspects, James Edwards, had tweeted the following just a few months ago: “90% of white ppl are nasty. #HATE THEM.” Shortly after George Zimmerman was acquitted of any wrongdoing in the shooting death of Trayvon Martin, Edwards tweeted that he had “knocked out 5 woods”—i.e. “peckerwoods,” a derogatory term for whites.


This brings us to the next point.

Even in conceding that blacks do indeed murder whites more often than the reverse, Hutchinson still can’t resist interpreting this fact in the light of his myth of perpetual black suffering: Whites “are perceived to have valuables… that poor blacks aren’t likely to have.”

Notice, Hutchinson is hereby legitimizing what he in other contexts he would surely decry as “racial profiling.” He tells us that black criminals seek out white victims because they “perceive”—they assume—that, because the latter are white, they will also have “valuables.”

So, without realizing it, Hutchinson undermines his own argument and inadvertently acknowledges that, after all, there is a racial angle to black-on-white murder.


If only Mr. Hutchinson was right, if only the black-on-white violence of which the poor, unsuspecting Chris Lane was the most recent victim, was a myth. It is not. It is an evil of the first order that all decent people, and God-fearing folks especially, must repudiate unequivocally.

And we must be just as resolved to repudiate Hutchinson and his fellow ideologues—people like Barack Obama, Al Sharpton, and, yes, Oprah Winfrey—who, in spite of being well positioned to decry this wickedness, have actually sought to fuel the flames.

Dripping from their hands is the blood of many innocents.

Debunking HuffPo?s Chris Lane Killing Narrative | FrontPage Magazine
Liberals. The just won't stop sucking until they turn this planet into a black hole.

Mini Black Holes Easier To Create Than Thought, But Still No Threat To Earth, Scientists Say

By Lizzie Wade
Posted: 03/12/2013

Back in 2008, physicists repeatedly assured us that a black hole produced by the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) was not going to swallow Earth. But that doesn't mean they weren't hoping to make one. Collisions between high energy particles, like the LHC's protons, could theoretically squeeze enough mass and energy into a small enough space to create a tiny black hole—and making one might be a bit easier than physicists believed.


Even with the new energy estimates, the chances of making a black hole in a particle accelerator are still vanishingly small. But because spotting one at the relatively low energy of the LHC would be solid experimental evidence for extra dimensions, physicists are keeping their fingers crossed.

Mini Black Holes Easier To Create Than Thought, But Still No Threat To Earth, Scientists Say



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