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HuffPost Says Court Can "Install" Clinton

First, this is NOT a Huffington Post Staff Article....this is the section where the HP allows outside writers post their blogs or opinion pieces that they wrote.

Second, he does not say the court can simply do this, he is saying if somewhere down the road, there is PROOF the Russians or anyone, HACKED the VOTES, then there is somewhat of a precedence, that a court could 'install' the other candidate as the winner, or rather uninstall the winner.

HOWEVER the article goes on to say, that this case in Pennsylvania, where the court made this ruling, did NOT have electors involved and a constitutional presidential process for the "what ifs".....and a Presidential election does have means to handle these situations without the courts making the decision.... IT'S JUST A BLOG, don't panic!

Patton Oswalt Reacts To Russian Hacking Revelation With No-Holds-Barred Post | The Huffington Post

The high court’s decision to not interfere with the lower court’s ruling indicates at least some federal legal precedent that high courts may rule the outcome of an election invalid due to fraud or interference. Which is to say, that if after Donald Trump assumes office it is shown that Russian hacking (or any fraud, for that matter) robbed Hillary Clinton of the presidency, there is some legal authority on point that implies courts could seat Clinton instead.

So.... Can just anybody post something at HuffSuckandblo??

No, you say?

It must go through a process before it can be posted, you say?

What a load of fucking drivel. The HuffSuckandblo approved this article. They own it

That fucking simple.
First, this is NOT a Huffington Post Staff Article....this is the section where the HP allows outside writers post their blogs or opinion pieces that they wrote.

Second, he does not say the court can simply do this, he is saying if somewhere down the road, there is PROOF the Russians or anyone, HACKED the VOTES, then there is somewhat of a precedence, that a court could 'install' the other candidate as the winner, or rather uninstall the winner.

HOWEVER the article goes on to say, that this case in Pennsylvania, where the court made this ruling, did NOT have electors involved and a constitutional presidential process for the "what ifs".....and a Presidential election does have means to handle these situations without the courts making the decision.... IT'S JUST A BLOG, don't panic!

Patton Oswalt Reacts To Russian Hacking Revelation With No-Holds-Barred Post | The Huffington Post

The high court’s decision to not interfere with the lower court’s ruling indicates at least some federal legal precedent that high courts may rule the outcome of an election invalid due to fraud or interference. Which is to say, that if after Donald Trump assumes office it is shown that Russian hacking (or any fraud, for that matter) robbed Hillary Clinton of the presidency, there is some legal authority on point that implies courts could seat Clinton instead.
Yes, and if pigs could fly, you and I could make a fortune selling helmets.

Here's the truth: There is NO evidence that the Russians hacked the votes. What there is evidence of is that they hacked into both the DNC and RNC email systems and released DNC emails in order to influence the election. Since no votes were altered, it is just Liberal fantasizing that Hillary could still become POTUS.

CIA Concludes Russian Interference Aimed To Elect Trump
In addition to hacking into Democratic organizations, Russians hacked the Republican National Committee's computer systems, according to a separate report from The New York Times — but they did not release any information that might have been retrieved from Republican networks.

"Intelligence agencies have identified individuals with connections to the Russian government who provided WikiLeaks with thousands of hacked emails from the Democratic National Committee and others, including Hillary Clinton's campaign chairman, according to U.S. officials," the Post reports. "Those officials described the individuals as actors known to the intelligence community and part of a wider Russian operation to boost Trump and hurt Clinton's chances."
The NSA had been hacking Angel Merkel for YEARS until Wikileaks blew the whistle on them.

Everybody hacks everybody else. We hack them they hack us.... I mean, come on. Grow up already

dimocrap scum are just crying about -- Everything.

It makes me smile.
The courts could legally “install” Hillary Clinton as president instead of Donald Trump, because of Russia’s alleged interference in the election, The Huffington Post asserted in a story Friday.

Seizing on a breaking report that the CIA has concluded Russia worked covertly to help Trump win the election, Alex Mojaher writes in HuffPo the findings could be enough for a federal court to “invalidate” Trump’s win. “Russian Interference Could Give Courts Legal Authority To Install Clinton,” the headline reads.

“The development has Clinton supporters and other concerned Americans confused and hot in pursuit of potential remedies,” Mojaher writes. “No clear constitutional remedy exists to halt the certification of the outcome.”

But he then goes on to assert that a 1993 state senate election result reversed by the courts due to voter fraud provides precedent for turning the White House over to Clinton. The court invalidated the Pennsylvania result after two elected officials testified under oath they knew voter fraud was happening and intentionally did nothing and even tried to bury the story. That, according to Mojaher, “recalls” the report that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell knew Russia was interfering with the election and did nothing to stop the interference.

Reports from The Washington Post and New York Times on the CIA’s conclusion Friday are conflicting regarding the extent to which Russia did interfere, and whether the country was in fact trying to help Trump. Citing senior Obama administration officials, TheNYT reports the CIA concluded with “high confidence” that Russia was intentionally working to elect Trump and harm Clinton’s chances. That lines up with WaPo’s report.

But later in the same story, TheNYT reports it is “far from clear” Russia originally intended to help Trump, and says many intelligence officials and even Clinton campaign officials think Russia was trying to undermine the integrity of the election, not help Trump directly.

Of course, even if Russia was trying to help Trump win, turning over hacked emails to the American press does not constitute voter fraud. But Mojaher seems determined to stoke the irrational hopes of Clinton supporters who still have not accepted the result of the election, even as he undermines his own assertion over and over in the story.

“Obviously both the stakes and the office in question are much higher than in the 1994 case,” he writes, adding: “There is also, of course, no constitutional Electoral College process or system in Pennsylvania, so the situations are not exactly analagous. But the reasoning behind the federal court’s decision may hold muster.”

“It is not clear how the 1994 federal case would impact a presidential election,” he goes on. “Furthermore, that case involved the judge throwing out all absentee ballots and requiring the vote be decided only by those ballots cast at the machine, which would be problematic in the case at present.”

HuffPo Wildly Asserts Federal Courts Could ‘Install’ Clinton As President |

To be "illegal," a constitutional amendment, that made Donald Trump ineligible for the presidency, would have to be passed by 2/3rds of congress or 3/4ths of the state legislatures. But it's a nice LIbtard wet dream.
The courts could legally “install” Hillary Clinton as president instead of Donald Trump, because of Russia’s alleged interference in the election, The Huffington Post asserted in a story Friday.

Seizing on a breaking report that the CIA has concluded Russia worked covertly to help Trump win the election, Alex Mojaher writes in HuffPo the findings could be enough for a federal court to “invalidate” Trump’s win. “Russian Interference Could Give Courts Legal Authority To Install Clinton,” the headline reads.

“The development has Clinton supporters and other concerned Americans confused and hot in pursuit of potential remedies,” Mojaher writes. “No clear constitutional remedy exists to halt the certification of the outcome.”

But he then goes on to assert that a 1993 state senate election result reversed by the courts due to voter fraud provides precedent for turning the White House over to Clinton. The court invalidated the Pennsylvania result after two elected officials testified under oath they knew voter fraud was happening and intentionally did nothing and even tried to bury the story. That, according to Mojaher, “recalls” the report that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell knew Russia was interfering with the election and did nothing to stop the interference.

Reports from The Washington Post and New York Times on the CIA’s conclusion Friday are conflicting regarding the extent to which Russia did interfere, and whether the country was in fact trying to help Trump. Citing senior Obama administration officials, TheNYT reports the CIA concluded with “high confidence” that Russia was intentionally working to elect Trump and harm Clinton’s chances. That lines up with WaPo’s report.

But later in the same story, TheNYT reports it is “far from clear” Russia originally intended to help Trump, and says many intelligence officials and even Clinton campaign officials think Russia was trying to undermine the integrity of the election, not help Trump directly.

Of course, even if Russia was trying to help Trump win, turning over hacked emails to the American press does not constitute voter fraud. But Mojaher seems determined to stoke the irrational hopes of Clinton supporters who still have not accepted the result of the election, even as he undermines his own assertion over and over in the story.

“Obviously both the stakes and the office in question are much higher than in the 1994 case,” he writes, adding: “There is also, of course, no constitutional Electoral College process or system in Pennsylvania, so the situations are not exactly analagous. But the reasoning behind the federal court’s decision may hold muster.”

“It is not clear how the 1994 federal case would impact a presidential election,” he goes on. “Furthermore, that case involved the judge throwing out all absentee ballots and requiring the vote be decided only by those ballots cast at the machine, which would be problematic in the case at present.”

HuffPo Wildly Asserts Federal Courts Could ‘Install’ Clinton As President |

Except that there is no evidence that Russia had agents punching chads..............

LOL u peepl r so stupid that logic goes right over your heads, which are on the floor anyway
The NSA had been hacking Angel Merkel for YEARS until Wikileaks blew the whistle on them.

Everybody hacks everybody else. We hack them they hack us.... I mean, come on. Grow up already

dimocrap scum are just crying about -- Everything.

It makes me smile.
I agree.
Espionage among nations is absolutely normal!
Every country spies on other countries! :)
And in other news, The KKK has announced that the constitution when properly twisted while reading, allows for sending all of the blacks to Africa with nothing more than a bucket of KFC.
And in other news, The KKK has announced that the constitution when properly twisted while reading, allows for sending all of the blacks to Africa with nothing more than a bucket of KFC.
Oh those democrats.....:lol:

The second blacks stop voting democrat enmase, democrats will do just that...
The NSA had been hacking Angel Merkel for YEARS until Wikileaks blew the whistle on them.

Everybody hacks everybody else. We hack them they hack us.... I mean, come on. Grow up already

dimocrap scum are just crying about -- Everything.

It makes me smile.
I agree.
Espionage among nations is absolutely normal!
Every country spies on other countries! :)
Collecting intell on other nations is one thing. Using that intell to undermine another nation is a completely different matter.
The NSA had been hacking Angel Merkel for YEARS until Wikileaks blew the whistle on them.

Everybody hacks everybody else. We hack them they hack us.... I mean, come on. Grow up already

dimocrap scum are just crying about -- Everything.

It makes me smile.
I agree.
Espionage among nations is absolutely normal!
Every country spies on other countries! :)
Collecting intell on other nations is one thing. Using that intell to undermine another nation is a completely different matter.
In theory this is true. :)
But when it comes to espionage I think reality is different ;)
The NSA had been hacking Angel Merkel for YEARS until Wikileaks blew the whistle on them.

Everybody hacks everybody else. We hack them they hack us.... I mean, come on. Grow up already

dimocrap scum are just crying about -- Everything.

It makes me smile.
I agree.
Espionage among nations is absolutely normal!
Every country spies on other countries! :)
Collecting intell on other nations is one thing. Using that intell to undermine another nation is a completely different matter.
In theory this is true. :)
But when it comes to espionage I think reality is different ;)
Like the Chinese hacking into defense contractor computers to steal F-35 research and use it to build their J-31? Yes, espionage happens, but in this case the topic is about influencing an election through hacked emails.

Snowden: Chinese hackers stole F-35 fighter jet blueprints
Chinese hackers stole “many terabytes” of data about the American F-35 stealth fighter jet, new documents provided by NSA whistle-blower Edward Snowden contend.

The stolen materials, taken from the Pentagon and contractor Lockheed Martin Corp., included radar designs and engine schematics used in the crown jewel of American military aircraft.

The Pentagon had previously admitted hackers were able to breach governmental networks, but never pointed to China and claimed that no classified information was taken.

China’s version of the stealth fighter, the newly released J-31, has similar design elements, defense experts told Reuters.

Like the Chinese hacking into defense contractor computers to steal F-35 research and use it to build their J-31? Yes, espionage happens, but in this case the topic is about influencing an election through hacked emails.

Was any of the leaked information false?

Was any of it misleading?


What you're saying is that The American People should be deprived of any information that might do harm to dimocrap scum??

And this is how those e-vul Russians got through Podesta's sooper-sophisticated electronic wall?? --

The phishing email that hacked the account of John Podesta

The email, with the subject line “*Someone has your password,*” greeted Podesta, “Hi John” and then said, “Someone just used your password to try to sign into your Google Account [email protected].” Then it offered a time stamp and an IP address in “Location: Ukraine.”

“Google stopped this sign-in attempt. You should change your password immediately.” And it then offered a link to change his password.

“This is a legitimate email,” Charles Delevan at the HFA help desk wrote to Podesta’s chief of staff, Sara Latham. “John needs to change his password immediately, and ensure that two-factor authentication is turned on his account.”

Wowee-ZOWEE Batfink!!! That's some sooper-Hi-Tech shit, dewd!!!!

My 12 year old grandson would laugh at that kind of stupidity. In fact, he does.

dimocraps are not only scum, they're stupid. No not 'stupid' FUCKING stupid
Like the Chinese hacking into defense contractor computers to steal F-35 research and use it to build their J-31? Yes, espionage happens, but in this case the topic is about influencing an election through hacked emails.

Was any of the leaked information false?

Was any of it misleading?


What you're saying is that The American People should be deprived of any information that might do harm to dimocrap scum??

Why are you supporting the Chinese committing espionage? Are you a fucking commie sympathizer?
Did Chinese really do that Divine.Wind? I'm really surprised because I heard F35 was a very bad military aircraft :eek-52:

Pentagon’s big budget F-35 fighter ‘can’t turn, can’t climb, can’t run’
Yes they did. The F-35 is new technology and new technology always has teething pains. Additionally, a finicky Congress which first authorizes budgets then cuts those budgets creates a Yo-Yo effect on long term programs....not to mention the state politics involved of where different components are built.

Nonetheless, it's always cheaper to steal developed tech than it is to do it yourself. The Apple patent infringement lawsuit against Samsung is an example of this fact. It's akin to copying off the smart kid's test in class rather than do all that studying yourself. ;)

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