Huge achievement gap between illegal and american students in CA gets HUGER

America stole mexico??? WTF are you talking about?

Of course America didn't steal anything. What these Mexicans believe is that the Treaty of Guadalupe is a forgery and the Gadsen Purchase never happened. The entire country of the United States was and still is Mexican territory

Mexicans have been saying that for 160 years. Unfortunately possession is 9/10ths of the law.
America stole mexico??? WTF are you talking about?

Of course America didn't steal anything. What these Mexicans believe is that the Treaty of Guadalupe is a forgery and the Gadsen Purchase never happened. The entire country of the United States was and still is Mexican territory

Mexicans have been saying that for 160 years. Unfortunately possession is 9/10ths of the law.

There is some limited amount of truth. Countries have done these for centuries. Germans in the other countries, exploited by Hitler as a pre-text for taking the land.

Russia and Crimea. And numerous other examples.

Basically what happens is, regardless of why, a bunch of people from X country, populate a location, and then magically something ticks them off, and they claim "for the good of our fellow people" we annex the location.

So all the Germans in the Rhineland, and Austria and Czechoslovakia, were used a pretext to occupy those areas. Putin used the Russians in Crimea, and Eastern Ukraine, as a pretext for military intervention.

In this case, the Mexican government actually created their own problem.... TWICE...

After the war of independence in 1821 was finished, they created the constitution of 1824, which made Texas a state under the Mexican government. This didn't sit well with Mexicans born in Texas.

Combined with unhappy locals, the state was extremely sparsely populated, making it susceptible to raids by natives, and unauthorized white criminals.

The new Mexican government, in control of a country ravaged by civil war, didn't have the money to provide security. So instead, they did the first great error. They openly allowed high levels of immigration into Texas. In 1824, Texas had about 4,000 people. By 1834, there were 37,000 people, 30,000 of which were white Americans. And the Mexican Texans, were already unhappy.


Then the second major screw up, the Mexican government went a step further, by having this idiot, Santa Anna, conduct a Coup, and then after the Coup, pass dictatorship rulings.... one of which was to disarm the civilians in Texas.


Texas by the way, wasn't the only state that revolted against Santa Anna. There were a few others, and possibly the third great mistake was the way in which Santa Anna dealt with the first revolt that he subdued. After defeating the militias in Zacatecas, this idiot allowed his military to loot, pillage, and rape throughout the Zacatecas state for two days. Word of this of course will well spread across Texas, and shockingly, the Texan militias were willing to fight to the bitter death, before allowing this Mexican trash to take their state in a loot, pillage and rape fest.


So of course Texas ended up declaring independence, and then joining the US union.

And thus we "stole" Texas from Mexico. ... sort of... Unlike Crimea and Rhineland, the people in both were not revolting before Hitler and Putin showed up. Texas.... nnnnah... Mexico kind of caused us to "steal" it.

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