Huge Blunder Exposes Forgers’ Work on Obama Birth Certificate

Another nut job thread, it's that plain and simple.
Birthers, get a life or better yet, get some help.
Thank you.
I don't have a dog in the birther fight. Congress said both parents have to be US citizens. Barak's father wasn't American. End of story.


I am also somewhat of an expert at PDF documents. It is part of what I do for a living. The document Obama submitted as his birth certificate is most certainly tampered with, and it is so blatantly obvious that it has to be because Obama wants the birther controversy to continue. This is my opinion.

The PDF is indeed made up of layers with a top layer and then black under that layer in different blocks. The top layer is transparent where they want black to show through.

Is the end result the same? Maybe. I can't really tell. But I do know that of all the ways to scan a document for the world to see, this is the HARDEST and WORST way one could possibly do it. The easiest way is to scan in the birth certificate, make it a PDF and post it. The hardest is to take the document, scan it in, add an artificial background, make all the black parts transparent except for some signatures, create blocks of black to position behind the document so the black shows through, fail to flatten the image into a single image, make a PDF out of it via save as and not the distiller (PDF printer which would have flattened it), and post the results.

So there is definitely something very fishy going on. Personally I think the birthers are getting played by Obama for fools regardless of what the truth is.
One BIG thing to keep in mind is that Obama has NOT given anyone his original long form birth certificate. What he has presented is a digitally created electronic birth certificate, which has different electronic layers of detail, which strongly suggest a document produced by Adobe Illustrator and NOT a scanned 49 year old document. If this were a legal trial, a judge would reject anything but the original vault copy of the birth certificate, which is what all the lawsuits have been trying to subpoena. Because Obama did not supply his original birth certificate to impartial investigators, absolutely nothing has changed. Obama is just as illegitimate today as before his meaningless publicity stunt.

Given the tremendous deceit from the Obama regime and from the state of Hawaii up to this point, a reasonable person can only reject this electronic birth certificate. The fact that it’s layered raises the chance of it being a forgery to about 100 percent.

Impartial experts need to examine any original documents if they exist. Software experts need to examine the Hawaii records department to see if Obama’s records were added in the last few weeks or months, and hospital records (if any exist) need to be produced and examined also by impartial investigators.

Obama’s theatrics yesterday may deceive a few weak-minded moderates and liberals, but we need to start demanding his original documents and an independent investigation.

A number of graphics experts have come forward and expressed serious doubts about Obama’s alleged birth certificate. The first mainstream news article from KCJT in Colorado notes “Even after the White House offered up President Obama’s birth certificate, there are still those who are questioning it’s legitimacy. One Grand Junction man who works as a graphic artist says he has discovered something strange about the certificate. There’s no doubt that it has been edited and quite significantly,’ James Colby said. He’s been involved in graphic arts since 2004 and has never had a reason to doubt our president’s birthplace. In fact, he says he is politically independent. Yet, Colby says he can’t ignore the obvious. After downloading the birth certificate straight off of the White House’s website, he started noticing the apparent flaws in a computer program called Adobe Illustrator. ‘Legitimate digitized, scanned documents will always have [a] faded appearance… There are too many jagged features, here.’ he said as (he) scoured the certificate. ‘So, it’s not a single document, it’s actually ‘compositive’ layers.’ Colby says scanned images should only have one digitized layer. He says President Obama’s birth certificate has almost 50 layers.”

The forgers made an incredibly basic mistake, failing to “flatten” all the layers into one so that the document would at least appear to be a scanned document. This guarantees that all the currently smug liberals and moderates who “thought” that Obama finally had shown the public a legitimate birth certificate will soon be smacked in the face by reality as the talk about “layers” and Adobe Illustrator (similar to Photoshop) begin to dominate all the blogs about Obama.

The article continues ” ‘You can see the layers flash yourself just by rapidly zooming in and out in your web browser. That means that the browser is rendering different layers.’ Colby concedes that there are some instances where scanned images produce multiple layers. ‘It’s a program called OCR that converts text in the images into computer readable text,’ he said. ‘But, it would never work on signatures. So, the fact that the signatures have been edited discounts the possibility of it being OCR.’ Colby continued pointing out the apparent problems. ‘You’ll notice the white background behind these letters, which is also super-imposed, actually covers up a little bit of the ‘D’ in this word,’ he explained. ‘Even his name has been edited, all except for the ‘R’ in ‘Barack.’ ‘ …..Colby says… ‘It’s definitely been edited in it’s entirety, so the indication would point to the probability of it being fake,’ …Colby isn’t alone in believing the birth certificate has been altered. Other graphic artists and various conservative groups from across the country are saying the same thing.”

The Obama long form birth certificate also is missing a seal from the state of Hawaii but that appears to be the least of its problems. WorldNetDaily is doing an excellent job keeping track of all the inconsistencies in Obama’s latest forgery.

If Obama were a better student of history, he would have realized that it’s rarely the original crime that brings down a regime, it’s the attempted cover-up that causes everything to come crashing down. A 49 year old document is nearly impossible to forge. The forgery is further complicated by the need to keep things secret, which means you can’t openly recruit the best possible graphics experts to do the forgery, not to mention a document historian who would know exactly what information and signatures should go on the forgery.

Obama has set in motion the beginning of the end of his blundering, incompetent administration with a blundering, incompetent forgery as if the devastated economy was not going to ruin his chances of serving a second term.

As Jerome Corsi has said recently “Now (the) game begins”.

I don't have a dog in the birther fight. Congress said both parents have to be US citizens. Barak's father wasn't American. End of story.


I am also somewhat of an expert at PDF documents. It is part of what I do for a living. The document Obama submitted as his birth certificate is most certainly tampered with, and it is so blatantly obvious that it has to be because Obama wants the birther controversy to continue. This is my opinion.

The PDF is indeed made up of layers with a top layer and then black under that layer in different blocks. The top layer is transparent where they want black to show through.

Is the end result the same? Maybe. I can't really tell. But I do know that of all the ways to scan a document for the world to see, this is the HARDEST and WORST way one could possibly do it. The easiest way is to scan in the birth certificate, make it a PDF and post it. The hardest is to take the document, scan it in, add an artificial background, make all the black parts transparent except for some signatures, create blocks of black to position behind the document so the black shows through, fail to flatten the image into a single image, make a PDF out of it via save as and not the distiller (PDF printer which would have flattened it), and post the results.

So there is definitely something very fishy going on. Personally I think the birthers are getting played by Obama for fools regardless of what the truth is.

when you use the expression "dog in the fight", please be sure of it's implications. please...

and thank you.
We had the birthers.. Now we gotz the afterbirthers.



what do you think harper ?? i've already bought the rights to wag the dog two and the obama ... sorry amigo, the good news, is that it has to be filmed in canada, i guess you win .... rats again, and everyone thought that the osama story waz the biggun ....:cool:

anderson cooper is bailing out on obama...

i believe this is how they will feed in the "fake birth certificate" story... i'm sorry ya'll, i tried to tell you...
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One BIG thing to keep in mind is that Obama has NOT given anyone his original long form birth certificate. What he has presented is a digitally created electronic birth certificate, which has different electronic layers of detail, which strongly suggest a document produced by Adobe Illustrator and NOT a scanned 49 year old document. If this were a legal trial, a judge would reject anything but the original vault copy of the birth certificate, which is what all the lawsuits have been trying to subpoena. Because Obama did not supply his original birth certificate to impartial investigators, absolutely nothing has changed. Obama is just as illegitimate today as before his meaningless publicity stunt.

Given the tremendous deceit from the Obama regime and from the state of Hawaii up to this point, a reasonable person can only reject this electronic birth certificate. The fact that it’s layered raises the chance of it being a forgery to about 100 percent.

Impartial experts need to examine any original documents if they exist. Software experts need to examine the Hawaii records department to see if Obama’s records were added in the last few weeks or months, and hospital records (if any exist) need to be produced and examined also by impartial investigators.

Obama’s theatrics yesterday may deceive a few weak-minded moderates and liberals, but we need to start demanding his original documents and an independent investigation.

A number of graphics experts have come forward and expressed serious doubts about Obama’s alleged birth certificate. The first mainstream news article from KCJT in Colorado notes “Even after the White House offered up President Obama’s birth certificate, there are still those who are questioning it’s legitimacy. One Grand Junction man who works as a graphic artist says he has discovered something strange about the certificate. There’s no doubt that it has been edited and quite significantly,’ James Colby said. He’s been involved in graphic arts since 2004 and has never had a reason to doubt our president’s birthplace. In fact, he says he is politically independent. Yet, Colby says he can’t ignore the obvious. After downloading the birth certificate straight off of the White House’s website, he started noticing the apparent flaws in a computer program called Adobe Illustrator. ‘Legitimate digitized, scanned documents will always have [a] faded appearance… There are too many jagged features, here.’ he said as (he) scoured the certificate. ‘So, it’s not a single document, it’s actually ‘compositive’ layers.’ Colby says scanned images should only have one digitized layer. He says President Obama’s birth certificate has almost 50 layers.”

The forgers made an incredibly basic mistake, failing to “flatten” all the layers into one so that the document would at least appear to be a scanned document. This guarantees that all the currently smug liberals and moderates who “thought” that Obama finally had shown the public a legitimate birth certificate will soon be smacked in the face by reality as the talk about “layers” and Adobe Illustrator (similar to Photoshop) begin to dominate all the blogs about Obama.

The article continues ” ‘You can see the layers flash yourself just by rapidly zooming in and out in your web browser. That means that the browser is rendering different layers.’ Colby concedes that there are some instances where scanned images produce multiple layers. ‘It’s a program called OCR that converts text in the images into computer readable text,’ he said. ‘But, it would never work on signatures. So, the fact that the signatures have been edited discounts the possibility of it being OCR.’ Colby continued pointing out the apparent problems. ‘You’ll notice the white background behind these letters, which is also super-imposed, actually covers up a little bit of the ‘D’ in this word,’ he explained. ‘Even his name has been edited, all except for the ‘R’ in ‘Barack.’ ‘ …..Colby says… ‘It’s definitely been edited in it’s entirety, so the indication would point to the probability of it being fake,’ …Colby isn’t alone in believing the birth certificate has been altered. Other graphic artists and various conservative groups from across the country are saying the same thing.”

The Obama long form birth certificate also is missing a seal from the state of Hawaii but that appears to be the least of its problems. WorldNetDaily is doing an excellent job keeping track of all the inconsistencies in Obama’s latest forgery.

If Obama were a better student of history, he would have realized that it’s rarely the original crime that brings down a regime, it’s the attempted cover-up that causes everything to come crashing down. A 49 year old document is nearly impossible to forge. The forgery is further complicated by the need to keep things secret, which means you can’t openly recruit the best possible graphics experts to do the forgery, not to mention a document historian who would know exactly what information and signatures should go on the forgery.

Obama has set in motion the beginning of the end of his blundering, incompetent administration with a blundering, incompetent forgery as if the devastated economy was not going to ruin his chances of serving a second term.

As Jerome Corsi has said recently “Now (the) game begins”.


Hilarious and desperate.
After killing Bin Laden, President Obama has pretty much assured himself a second term.

You're very naive to believe that. If the election were like a month from now, you'd be right, but it's not. He'll see a pop in the polls over the next couple of months, but come mid summer the fervor will die down and people will once again start thinking about the same issues they had with him prior to today: the economy, gas prices, unemployment, etc. The killing of bin Laden has not changed any of those things. By November of next year, unless they have improved, those issues will very much dog him in his reelection campaign.
I don't have a dog in the birther fight. Congress said both parents have to be US citizens. Barak's father wasn't American. End of story.


I am also somewhat of an expert at PDF documents. It is part of what I do for a living. The document Obama submitted as his birth certificate is most certainly tampered with, and it is so blatantly obvious that it has to be because Obama wants the birther controversy to continue. This is my opinion.

The PDF is indeed made up of layers with a top layer and then black under that layer in different blocks. The top layer is transparent where they want black to show through.

Is the end result the same? Maybe. I can't really tell. But I do know that of all the ways to scan a document for the world to see, this is the HARDEST and WORST way one could possibly do it. The easiest way is to scan in the birth certificate, make it a PDF and post it. The hardest is to take the document, scan it in, add an artificial background, make all the black parts transparent except for some signatures, create blocks of black to position behind the document so the black shows through, fail to flatten the image into a single image, make a PDF out of it via save as and not the distiller (PDF printer which would have flattened it), and post the results.

So there is definitely something very fishy going on. Personally I think the birthers are getting played by Obama for fools regardless of what the truth is.

when you use the expression "dog in the fight", please be sure of it's implications. please...

and thank you.

My apologies. It is just an expression meaning I have no interest in this debate whichever way it goes. I was not condoning dog fighting or anything of that nature.

I've seen lots of conspiracy theories and when this issue came up about the PDF and I have experience in that arena, I thought I would see what is going on. To be honest, I didn't think I would find anything like I found. Like I said, I don't think the BC has been altered, but whoever created the PDF went to a LOT of effort to make it look like it had been. When someone is suppose to be submitting evidence to clear up conspiracy theories, the LAST thing someone should want to do is submit such obviously tampered with evidence..... unless, of course, one really wants to fuel the fires. Obama and the Democrats are playing tricks to make fools out of their opponents in my opinion. Brilliant strategy when you think about it.
One BIG thing to keep in mind is that Obama has NOT given anyone his original long form birth certificate. What he has presented is a digitally created electronic birth certificate, which has different electronic layers of detail, which strongly suggest a document produced by Adobe Illustrator and NOT a scanned 49 year old document.
Hey dumbass, take any pdf and open it in Adobe Illustrator and Illustrator will create layers no matter what program was used to create the pdf.
Right wing "expert" explaining how the Obama Birth Certificate was "forged".

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One BIG thing to keep in mind is that Obama has NOT given anyone his original long form birth certificate. What he has presented is a digitally created electronic birth certificate, which has different electronic layers of detail, which strongly suggest a document produced by Adobe Illustrator and NOT a scanned 49 year old document.
Hey dumbass, take any pdf and open it in Adobe Illustrator and Illustrator will create layers no matter what program was used to create the pdf.
WOW! Looks like the CON$ can't handle the truth. I got negged for pointing out the above fact about how Illustrator works.

Take any program, Word, Quark, In Design, whatever, flatten the document and then print or export it as a pdf or save it as a .ps or .eps and then make a pdf with Adobe Distiller. Then open the flattened pdf in Illustrator and Illustrator will create layers. That's what Illustrator does.

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