Huge Republican Fibs About Obamacare!

VA Employees Switched from Processing VA Applications to Obamacare Applications

. ^

"...we actually put incoming applications aside so we could focus on the ACA related applications that came in over last summer."

If you like your plan you can.....oh shoot, that wasn't a Republican

My bad

it was the insurance companies who canceled plans :eusa_whistle:

They did so because they had to comply with regulations in ObamaCare.
They didn't have to cancel them, they could have changed them. At any rate, those cut have almost all gotten new policies. It's another canard.If they didn't come up to the standards, they sucked anyway.
I would honestly be embarrassed if I were the OP to even have the gall to begin a thread about the biggest lie of this PRESIDENT's term, and cast a stone toward republicans. (I'm no fan of republicans) This has to be one of the most asinine threads to date here.
it was the insurance companies who canceled plans :eusa_whistle:

They did so because they had to comply with regulations in ObamaCare.
They didn't have to cancel them, they could have changed them. At any rate, those cut have almost all gotten new policies. It's another canard.If they didn't come up to the standards, they sucked anyway.

Are you a breathing human being with an actual brain capable of logic and reasoning? Just fucking stop already.. Some times the lies from the left are just too much.. this is one of those times.
So you have a list of three lies, none of which are actual lies.
Then you'd better put your glasses on and read it again, buddy. As I don't see how it can come any closer. And was being nice in using the word 'fib' instead of "Lies" though the article clearly calls it that.

Sure, you must feel real smart citing Occupy.

Argument invalid.
Many of the plans on the individual market are so bad that people who have them might as well be uninsured. "The only people who like those plans are people who have never needed them," says Nancy Metcalf, a senior editor at Consumer Reports. "They haven't figured out yet how terrible they are. They think they have good coverage but they don't."

A good example might be Dianne Barrette, 56, who appeared on CBS News with Jan Crawford last week for a segment about the wave of cancelations. Barrette, a realtor in Florida, was upset because her $54 a month insurance plan was being canceled. She believed a new one would cost her more than $500 a month due to Obamacare. "What I have right now is what I'm happy with," she said. "I just want to know why I can't keep what I have. Why do I have to be forced into something else?"

But here’s the rub: Barrette's $54 plan wasn't even insurance. When I talked to her, she was unsure of what her plan covered. But she said it was what Blue Cross calls a "supplemental" or discount plan, which only pays $50 toward doctor's office visits and a few other out-patient services, including mammograms. What her plan doesn’t cover: hospitalization. Not at all. So if she gets hit by a car, the people ultimately picking up the tab will be the hospital and everyone else (by way of higher medical costs). If she gets cancer, she’s basically out of luck. "It's all I could afford," she told me.

Blue Cross was selling these plans in malls and other retail insurance "shops" in an effort to target young people who don't have or don't think they need health insurance, luring them in with cheap premiums of between $24 to $54 a month. The plans came with a not-well-disclosed caveat that they were not designed to replace hospital-surgical plans, which Blue Cross encouraged people to buy—provided the purchasers could get past all the exclusions for preexisting conditions.

Blue Cross is now canceling 300,000 plans in Florida, and, no doubt, a lot of them are such "Go Blue" plans. (A spokesman from Blue Cross of Florida wouldn't answer any specific questions about which plans are getting canceled.) The ACA was designed to replace plans like the one Barrette bought. And every plan sold on the Obamacare exchanges must provide a minimum and meaningful level of coverage, including free preventive care, mental health and maternity coverage, hospitalization, and rehabilitation services that are indispensable for anyone who has a disability, who becomes injured in a bad accident, or who has a degenerative disease such as multiple sclerosis. These plans don't have annual or lifetime coverage limits of any sort. And the insurance companies selling plans on the exchange must disclose coverage terms in such a way that people know what they're getting and can compare similar plans.

Much of the recent media coverage treats the old junk plans as a national treasure, their loss a true scandal. Far from being a victim of Obamacare, Barrette should have been a story about someone who will benefit immensely from the Affordable Care Act. According to the Kaiser Family Foundation premium calculator, Barrette, who makes about $30,000 a year, is eligible for an annual tax credit of up to $3,967 a year, which could get her a silver plan on the exchange for $234 a month (in cost to her), or a bronze plan, with slightly higher out of pocket costs, for $97 a month. True, with the bronze plans, she’d be paying $43 a month more, but in return, she would have true protection and access to health care, not sham coverage. A bronze plan would replace her $50 doctor's office discount with free preventive care services, including mammograms, cover hospitalization and other services, and cap her out of pocket costs at slightly more than $6,000 a year. Barrette should be cheering the death of her old plan.

The same is true of the other conservatives who've groused about losing a plan, including Malkin. As Metcalf points out, "If they're having to cancel out a plan with a $10,000 deductible and end up with a plan with a $2,500 deductible, that's a better plan, period." Pollack says, "As people now get real protection, the premiums may be somewhat higher, but it's a different product and you're saving money on the back end. The Affordable Care Act eliminates lousy coverage, which ultimately saves cost for people when they receive care."

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Stephanie Mencimer is a staff reporter in Mother Jones' Washington bureau. For more of her stories, click here. You can also follow her on Twitter. RSS | TWITTER
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Policies that were cancelled were a scandal, hater dupes. Our media is too, not to mention Pub propaganda...
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So sorry you're not going to be able to buy total scams as insurance, functional moron hater dupes:cuckoo::cuckoo: and will be able to save tons on your new insurance. Idiots.:badgrin:
So sorry you're not going to be able to buy total scams as insurance, functional moron hater dupes:cuckoo::cuckoo: and will be able to save tons on your new insurance. Idiots.:badgrin:

Everyone has seen and witnessed the Obamacare train wreck and knows every word you just typed is an outright lie so my question to you is, who the fuck are you talking to?
-”Obamacare will question your sex life.” – Betsy McCaughey. False.

-”No U.S.-trained doctors will accept Obamacare.” -Ann Coulter. False.

-”The IRS will keep a database of health secrets.” – Michele Bachmann. False.

-”Obamacare means forced home inspections.” – Conservative Anon. bloggers. False.

-”Muslims are exempt from Obamacare.” – Chain email. False.

-”The Affordable Care Act alters the “sensible doctor-patient-relationship-centered health care program … we see today.” – Sarah Palin. False.

-”Small businesses — 60 percent — will lose their health care, 45 percent of big business and a large percentage of individual health.” – Sean Hannity. False.

-”The insurance industry is actually run by mostly Democrats.” – Dana Perino. False.

-”Hidden language in means users waive any reasonable right to privacy of your personal information.” – Joe Barton. False.

-”In 45 out of 50 states, on average men are seeing their premiums double, going up 99 percent. Women up 62 percent.” – Sean Hannity. False.

-”Local law enforcement . . . will have access to the [Obamacare] Data Hub’s treasure trove of personal info.” – Evan Feinberg. False.

-”President has given 1,100 special waivers to his friends” for Obamacare.” – Mick Mulvaney. False.

-”Virtually every person across this country has seen premiums going up and up and up” due to Obamacare.” – Ted Cruz. False.

-The health care marketplaces have “no privacy protections.” – Tom Cotton. False.

-”UPS left 15,000 employees’ spouses “without health insurance” and told them to, “go on an exchange with no employer subsidy.” – Ted Cruz. False.

-”Under Obamacare, people who “have a doctor they’ve been seeing for the last 15 or 20 years, they won’t be able to keep going to that doctor.” – Marco Rubio. False.

-”75 percent of small businesses now say they are going to be forced to either fire workers or cut their hours.” – Marco Rubio. False.

-”A hidden provision in Obamacare taxes sporting goods as medical devices.” -conservative chain email. False.

Do you have a viable source to prove all the above? Make sure you understand what[/B]viable [/B]means.

Yes. Any news but your "news"...

You've drowned in a twenty year tidal wave of bs propaganda...
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it was the insurance companies who canceled plans :eusa_whistle:

They did so because they had to comply with regulations in ObamaCare.
They didn't have to cancel them, they could have changed them. At any rate, those cut have almost all gotten new policies. It's another canard.If they didn't come up to the standards, they sucked anyway.

You are as ignorant as ever wetback.

A plan cannot simply "be changed".

A plan must be filed with the DOI and now with HHS also for approval, once the plan is approved it CANNOT be changed in ANY except for a re-filing for approval of changes, it then becomes a brand new plan filed under a brand new plan number.

The old PLANS had to be cancelled because they were FORCED to become compliant becoming NEW plans.

God you are a stupid one.
You, brainwashed functional shyttehead lol...praying for you.

Praying for me, for what?? I'm not the insane individual who isn't capable of living in reality. If you actually believe the lies you're pushing you need serious help..

#35- Ok, Mr. Scumbag Insurance man. The fact remains they had bad insurance and now they basically all have good insurance. Obama said they could keep their insurance if they liked it- he forgot they were idiots or dupes......

#35- Ok, Mr. Scumbag Insurance man. The fact remains they had bad insurance and now they basically all have good insurance. Obama said they could keep their insurance if they liked it- he forgot they were idiots or dupes......


Says who, you?

President liar counted on people being as stupid as you are.

The plans are not better, they are not priced better and what is worse for you is that the public knows it.

That's why you will lose the Senate this year.
So what's the number of the form for approval of changes, and wouldn't that have ended all this huge mess for policy holders, Mr. Pompous Windbag? Or do Pubs AND insurance men both love scaring the hell out of people, and for that matter taking their money?

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