Hugo Chavez Dies, Will They Hire "Fake Criers&Weepers" For The Funeral?

I personally have wondered about all these Right Wing Americans who get terribly, terribly upset about guys like Castro and Chavez for flipping us off. Like it ruins their day that there's someone out there who doesn't think we are all wonderful.

There would be a lot more leaders flipping us off if we weren't paying them off.
Sean Penn was last seen near the Santa Monica pier, wailing and pulling at his hair.........

Chavez dead...:clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

Yup. HOw dare a leader put his people ahead of big corporations?

Who the heck is talking about a leader who puts his people ahead of big corporations? We are talking about Chavez. a man who oppresses his people, delibrately keeps them ignorant, and pretty much treats everyone like crap.

No wonder you liked him.
What do you base this nonsense on?

Let me guess: FOXNEWS. :lol:
Chavez spewing anti-American and anti-Israel propaganda and befriending Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad ..... who needs it!
Yeah!!! Everyone in the world should be praising America. All the time!!!!

You sound like you would be very happy in North Korea, where nobody hears anything bad about their own country.
Hugo Chavez was popularly elected by the majority of Venezuelans, there will be true mourning for their sympathetic leader.

Yeah and im sure the people mourned Hitler too.

Leaders are usually a reflection of the people they lead.

Instead of being mad at Venezuala for electing Chavez, we should wonder why they were angry enough to support him to start with.

2000 people were crushed to death in the massive crowds at Josef Stalin's funeral.
LOL. 5 minutes into CBS news and NO mention his Hugo.
And if they did, you would complain that the Liberal Media cares more about a Socialist president in another country than the problems of our dysfunctional Congress, or what's happening in America.

Here's a clue for you: Chavez wasn't a big-time world player. He was a hugely popular president of a small South American country that happened to have oil. If not for that oil, NeoCons and wingnuts wouldn't give a shit.
I personally have wondered about all these Right Wing Americans who get terribly, terribly upset about guys like Castro and Chavez for flipping us off. Like it ruins their day that there's someone out there who doesn't think we are all wonderful.

you know anyone who has ever been there Joe?......i know 3 during his time....they all had the same basic opinion about the place.....they all wanted out after just a few days there...... and one couple using a time share passed themselves off as Cubans.....and they still wanted out of there......and these two were no RW's......
What's your point, Harry? I wanted out of Japan after 3 days.
I'm sure Joe Kennedy will be in the front row bawling his eyes out.

Representing 1.7 million Americans who were helped by Hugo Chavez and CITGO. Joe Kennedy II went to every US oil company asking for help to provide heating oil to the poor and elderly. They all said no. Hugo Chavez, CITGO and the people of Venezuela said YES.

Joe Kennedy II Mourns Chavez


Former U.S. Rep. Joseph Kennedy II is mourning the death of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, saying he cared deeply about the poor.

Kennedy, who heads the heating assistance charity Citizens Energy, said nearly two million people in the United States have received donated heating oil thanks to Chavez.

Citizens Energy distributes oil to lower income families in 25 states and Washington, D.C. It offers 100 gallons of free oil per family. A Kennedy spokesman said Chavez and the Venezuelan people have donated about 200 million gallons of heating oil over eight years.

Kennedy said Chavez cared about the poor when "some of the wealthiest people on our planet have more money than they can ever reasonably expect to spend."

Kennedy, a nephew of President John F. Kennedy, said his prayers go to Chavez's family and Venezuela.

And then you wonder why the right calls the Progressive Dems like Kennedy, Socialists and Marxists and Communists. :eek:
The Dictators of the world like Chavez care for the poor, no they only care for the poor to get votes for them, with Government hand outs just like the Dems do here.

Under Chavez it is true that the poors living standards improved.
But look at what happened because of his political policies.
Thousand fled from the Country.
Income capital fell 35%
Poverty rates jumped from 33% to 49%
There have badly managed Government programs.
They have soaring street crimes.
Frequent power outages.
High inflation
The jobless rate went down only because he doubled the number of state workers
There are social programs infused with political ideology.
One example - people now have free medical check ups but they have to participate in workshops on how to defend the Chavez revolution.
They have State news and television, that means no free speech.
Oh yeah right he is for the poor so that makes it OK
Way to go- Dictators of the world unite, because we are for the people. NOT.

Controlled monologue is never a good thing. That was a flaw.
But a State-controlled media is as bad as a Corporate-controlled media.
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1.7 million Americans will say a prayer. It was CITGO and Hugo Chavez who helped the poor and elderly stay warm during the coldest months of winter by donating more than 200 million gallons of heating oil worth more than $400 million.

Since the program's creation, CITGO has partnered with Citizens Energy Corporation, a non-profit organization created in 1979 by former U.S. Rep. Joseph P. Kennedy II. Citizens Energy Corporation, which has used successful ventures in the energy and health care industries to finance charitable programs in the U.S. and abroad, has provided energy assistance to families in need for more than 30 years.

"We are so grateful for this generous donation from the people of Venezuela and CITGO Petroleum Corporation. After eight years and more than 200 million gallons of heating oil distributed within the U.S., the burden of another difficult winter threatens the livelihood and safety of senior citizens and low-income families," Kennedy said. "It is critical that we continue to support American families through this program. Thanks to this partnership, we will help more than 400,000 people stay warm and safe this winter."

Kennedy emphasized the commitment CITGO has made to American communities.

Kennedy said that he has approached major U.S. oil companies and oil-producing nations to ask them to assist the poor in bearing the burden of rising energy costs. "They all said no," he said, "except for CITGO, President Chávez and the people of Venezuela."


gee i wonder if he had an ulterior motive for doing that?......:eusa_eh:
What motive would that be?

Looks like Hugo Chavez is the first fatality of the Sequester. And like they did with Chin Wung Ill, the Government will need to hire about 200 locals to "Pretend Cry" at the funeral. Shouldn't be that hard, just give all of them "1/2 an Onion" and they will cry for an hour.
So what are your thoughts about the "Unexpected Death" of The president's best buddy?

First off: "Unexpected Death" really?
Why would they have to hire any mourners. There are plenty of Venezuelans that really will mourn his death. He was a hero to the poor in Venezuela.
Chavez, the $2Billion Dictator

The people had no gas, no food, but that fat fuck has a $2B fortune

No wonder American Progressives Loved him
You're such a blatant liar, the first and correct inclination is to dismiss your posts as just more lies.

So I have.
I personally have wondered about all these Right Wing Americans who get terribly, terribly upset about guys like Castro and Chavez for flipping us off. Like it ruins their day that there's someone out there who doesn't think we are all wonderful.

you know anyone who has ever been there Joe?......i know 3 during his time....they all had the same basic opinion about the place.....they all wanted out after just a few days there...... and one couple using a time share passed themselves off as Cubans.....and they still wanted out of there......and these two were no RW's......

As people say to me all the time, an anecdote isn't proof.

Again, there are so many dictators out there who are a lot worse than Hugo, and some of them are even our allies, so we turn a blind eye.

We don't like Hugo because he spent time flipping us the bird. So this is really about our hurt feelings rather than any concern for the people of his country.

Same thing with Cuba. Man, if Cuba were a woman, we'd be the Ex-Boyfriend From Hell.

still ......if you know someone who has been there its proof enough for me.....especially when all 3 had basically the same feeling about the place......just like when guys were coming back from Iraq.....many got jobs in the PO.....we had 3-4 guys in our City who got jobs as new Carriers....they ALL told us that some of the stories about how it is over there are either false or exaggerated quite a bit..... so who do i believe.....those who have been there or those who write a story for a paper?
I'm sure Joe Kennedy will be in the front row bawling his eyes out.

Representing 1.7 million Americans who were helped by Hugo Chavez and CITGO. Joe Kennedy II went to every US oil company asking for help to provide heating oil to the poor and elderly. They all said no. Hugo Chavez, CITGO and the people of Venezuela said YES.

Joe Kennedy II Mourns Chavez


Former U.S. Rep. Joseph Kennedy II is mourning the death of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, saying he cared deeply about the poor.

Kennedy, who heads the heating assistance charity Citizens Energy, said nearly two million people in the United States have received donated heating oil thanks to Chavez.

Citizens Energy distributes oil to lower income families in 25 states and Washington, D.C. It offers 100 gallons of free oil per family. A Kennedy spokesman said Chavez and the Venezuelan people have donated about 200 million gallons of heating oil over eight years.

Kennedy said Chavez cared about the poor when "some of the wealthiest people on our planet have more money than they can ever reasonably expect to spend."

Kennedy, a nephew of President John F. Kennedy, said his prayers go to Chavez's family and Venezuela.

And then you wonder why the right calls the Progressive Dems like Kennedy, Socialists and Marxists and Communists. :eek:
The Dictators of the world like Chavez care for the poor, no they only care for the poor to get votes for them, with Government hand outs just like the Dems do here.

Under Chavez it is true that the poors living standards improved.
But look at what happened because of his political policies.
Thousand fled from the Country.
Income capital fell 35%
Poverty rates jumped from 33% to 49%
There have badly managed Government programs.
They have soaring street crimes.
Frequent power outages.
High inflation
The jobless rate went down only because he doubled the number of state workers
There are social programs infused with political ideology.
One example - people now have free medical check ups but they have to participate in workshops on how to defend the Chavez revolution.
They have State news and television, that means no free speech.
Oh yeah right he is for the poor so that makes it OK
Way to go- Dictators of the world unite, because we are for the people. NOT.
Where are your links?

Or are you pulling this out of your ass?
Chavez, the $2Billion Dictator

The people had no gas, no food, but that fat fuck has a $2B fortune

No wonder American Progressives Loved him

"No gas"?? Dude, do you have the slightest clue what you're talking about? Know what gas costs in Venezuela?

Eighteen cents a gallon.

The level of ignorance.... smh
It's willful ignorance, Pogo.

CrusaderFrank learned everything he needs to know from sucking Liability's dick.

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