Hugo Chavez Dies, Will They Hire "Fake Criers&Weepers" For The Funeral?

from our other Muslim lover


"Rosalynn and I extend our condolences to the family of Hugo Chávez Frías. We met Hugo Chávez when he was campaigning for president in 1998 and The Carter Center was invited to observe elections for the first time in Venezuela. We returned often, for the 2000 elections, and then to facilitate dialogue during the political conflict of 2002-2004. We came to know a man who expressed a vision to bring profound changes to his country to benefit especially those people who had felt neglected and marginalized. Although we have not agreed with all of the methods followed by his government, we have never doubted Hugo Chávez's commitment to improving the lives of millions of his fellow countrymen.

President Chávez will be remembered for his bold assertion of autonomy and independence for Latin American governments and for his formidable communication skills and personal connection with supporters in his country and abroad to whom he gave hope and empowerment. During his 14-year tenure, Chávez joined other leaders in Latin America and the Caribbean to create new forms of integration. Venezuelan poverty rates were cut in half, and millions received identification documents for the first time allowing them to participate more effectively in their country's economic and political life.

At the same time, we recognize the divisions created in the drive towards change in Venezuela and the need for national healing. We hope that as Venezuelans mourn the passing of President Chávez and recall his positive legacies — especially the gains made for the poor and vulnerable — the political leaders will move the country forward by building a new consensus that ensures equal opportunities for all Venezuelans to participate in every aspect of national life."
Chavez, the $2Billion Dictator

The people had no gas, no food, but that fat fuck has a $2B fortune

No wonder American Progressives Loved him
You're such a blatant liar, the first and correct inclination is to dismiss your posts as just more lies.

So I have.

It is not a lie.
There was a shortage of gas because of a strike that they had, since been resolved.
Food shortages
Food Shortages In Venezuela: Plenty of Oil, Not Enough Food
Chavez, the $2Billion Dictator

The people had no gas, no food, but that fat fuck has a $2B fortune

No wonder American Progressives Loved him

The people had more under Chavez than the folks who proceeded him...

you sure about that?.....or are you going to just believe what you are told by the news or Sean Penn? i said Joe.....knowing someone who has actually been there and says that's not what they saw is a little more if you knew someone who has been there and they told you that's an exaggeration...who would you believe?....
Chaez is dead, now what? We can take the high road and offer sympathy to the people of Venezuela for the loss of their leader elected by the people, or we can be callous and self righteous ugly Americans as represented by many who posted above, further alienating others with whom we share the earth.
Chavez, the $2Billion Dictator

The people had no gas, no food, but that fat fuck has a $2B fortune

No wonder American Progressives Loved him
You're such a blatant liar, the first and correct inclination is to dismiss your posts as just more lies.

So I have.

It is not a lie.
There was a shortage of gas because of a strike that they had, since been resolved.
Food shortages
Food Shortages In Venezuela: Plenty of Oil, Not Enough Food

We had shortages of gas that pushed the price over $4 under Bush. Remember Poor Sarah shrieking "drill, baby, drill"?

Where's the link to Chavez having a $2 billion fortune?
I'm sure Joe Kennedy will be in the front row bawling his eyes out.

Representing 1.7 million Americans who were helped by Hugo Chavez and CITGO. Joe Kennedy II went to every US oil company asking for help to provide heating oil to the poor and elderly. They all said no. Hugo Chavez, CITGO and the people of Venezuela said YES.

Joe Kennedy II Mourns Chavez


Former U.S. Rep. Joseph Kennedy II is mourning the death of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, saying he cared deeply about the poor.

Kennedy, who heads the heating assistance charity Citizens Energy, said nearly two million people in the United States have received donated heating oil thanks to Chavez.

Citizens Energy distributes oil to lower income families in 25 states and Washington, D.C. It offers 100 gallons of free oil per family. A Kennedy spokesman said Chavez and the Venezuelan people have donated about 200 million gallons of heating oil over eight years.

Kennedy said Chavez cared about the poor when "some of the wealthiest people on our planet have more money than they can ever reasonably expect to spend."

Kennedy, a nephew of President John F. Kennedy, said his prayers go to Chavez's family and Venezuela.

And then you wonder why the right calls the Progressive Dems like Kennedy, Socialists and Marxists and Communists. :eek:
The Dictators of the world like Chavez care for the poor, no they only care for the poor to get votes for them, with Government hand outs just like the Dems do here.

Under Chavez it is true that the poors living standards improved.
But look at what happened because of his political policies.
Thousand fled from the Country.
Income capital fell 35%
Poverty rates jumped from 33% to 49%
There have badly managed Government programs.
They have soaring street crimes.
Frequent power outages.
High inflation
The jobless rate went down only because he doubled the number of state workers
There are social programs infused with political ideology.
One example - people now have free medical check ups but they have to participate in workshops on how to defend the Chavez revolution.
They have State news and television, that means no free speech.
Oh yeah right he is for the poor so that makes it OK
Way to go- Dictators of the world unite, because we are for the people. NOT.

LINK(s) required.
You're such a blatant liar, the first and correct inclination is to dismiss your posts as just more lies.

So I have.

It is not a lie.
There was a shortage of gas because of a strike that they had, since been resolved.
Food shortages
Food Shortages In Venezuela: Plenty of Oil, Not Enough Food

We had shortages of gas that pushed the price over $4 under Bush. Remember Poor Sarah shrieking "drill, baby, drill"?

Where's the link to Chavez having a $2 billion fortune?

That was because of hurricane Katrina which closed down the gulf and the damages to the ports.

Link to Chavez billions
Analyst estimates Chávez?s family fortune at around $2 billion
WOW!.....this thread is fully exposing those up here who were already suspected of being socialist loving, anti-american twits.

No surprise though, to say the least, that they're ALL loony lil' Obamabots.
Why do you care? .........................

Why? because I just care of what is happening in the world.That's why.

If you really care, then you need to have the curiosity and courage to learn what the Empire of America has done in the rest of the world. Learn what Ron Paul is talking about when he explains 'blow back'. Learn the history of the CIA. Learn why President Kennedy started the Alliance for Progress because America was the most hated nation in our OWN hemisphere.

until they need something......
Shit, they don't need to hire fakes. I'm sure Barack Obama is wailing for real at the moment....
Representing 1.7 million Americans who were helped by Hugo Chavez and CITGO. Joe Kennedy II went to every US oil company asking for help to provide heating oil to the poor and elderly. They all said no. Hugo Chavez, CITGO and the people of Venezuela said YES.

Joe Kennedy II Mourns Chavez


Former U.S. Rep. Joseph Kennedy II is mourning the death of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, saying he cared deeply about the poor.

Kennedy, who heads the heating assistance charity Citizens Energy, said nearly two million people in the United States have received donated heating oil thanks to Chavez.

Citizens Energy distributes oil to lower income families in 25 states and Washington, D.C. It offers 100 gallons of free oil per family. A Kennedy spokesman said Chavez and the Venezuelan people have donated about 200 million gallons of heating oil over eight years.

Kennedy said Chavez cared about the poor when "some of the wealthiest people on our planet have more money than they can ever reasonably expect to spend."

Kennedy, a nephew of President John F. Kennedy, said his prayers go to Chavez's family and Venezuela.

And then you wonder why the right calls the Progressive Dems like Kennedy, Socialists and Marxists and Communists. :eek:
The Dictators of the world like Chavez care for the poor, no they only care for the poor to get votes for them, with Government hand outs just like the Dems do here.

Under Chavez it is true that the poors living standards improved.
But look at what happened because of his political policies.
Thousand fled from the Country.
Income capital fell 35%
Poverty rates jumped from 33% to 49%
There have badly managed Government programs.
They have soaring street crimes.
Frequent power outages.
High inflation
The jobless rate went down only because he doubled the number of state workers
There are social programs infused with political ideology.
One example - people now have free medical check ups but they have to participate in workshops on how to defend the Chavez revolution.
They have State news and television, that means no free speech.
Oh yeah right he is for the poor so that makes it OK
Way to go- Dictators of the world unite, because we are for the people. NOT.

LINK(s) required.

Last edited:
1.7 million Americans will say a prayer. It was CITGO and Hugo Chavez who helped the poor and elderly stay warm during the coldest months of winter by donating more than 200 million gallons of heating oil worth more than $400 million.

Since the program's creation, CITGO has partnered with Citizens Energy Corporation, a non-profit organization created in 1979 by former U.S. Rep. Joseph P. Kennedy II. Citizens Energy Corporation, which has used successful ventures in the energy and health care industries to finance charitable programs in the U.S. and abroad, has provided energy assistance to families in need for more than 30 years.

"We are so grateful for this generous donation from the people of Venezuela and CITGO Petroleum Corporation. After eight years and more than 200 million gallons of heating oil distributed within the U.S., the burden of another difficult winter threatens the livelihood and safety of senior citizens and low-income families," Kennedy said. "It is critical that we continue to support American families through this program. Thanks to this partnership, we will help more than 400,000 people stay warm and safe this winter."

Kennedy emphasized the commitment CITGO has made to American communities.

Kennedy said that he has approached major U.S. oil companies and oil-producing nations to ask them to assist the poor in bearing the burden of rising energy costs. "They all said no," he said, "except for CITGO, President Chávez and the people of Venezuela."


gee i wonder if he had an ulterior motive for doing that?......:eusa_eh:

Who gives a flying fuck. Chazev DID it, Chavez HELPED millions of REAL Americans. No other big oil corporation would help, even American owned big oil said let them fucking freeze.
i give a flying fuck.....when someone is doing something "good" but inside they can give a fuck and are only doing it to further their own agenda it matters.....maybe these dipshits here should quit acting like the guy is a wonderful human being .....he is doing just what our own political parties do.....if there is something in it for me,we will lets throw them a bone so i can get one over on Bush.....
It is not a lie.
There was a shortage of gas because of a strike that they had, since been resolved.
Food shortages
Food Shortages In Venezuela: Plenty of Oil, Not Enough Food

We had shortages of gas that pushed the price over $4 under Bush. Remember Poor Sarah shrieking "drill, baby, drill"?

Where's the link to Chavez having a $2 billion fortune?

That was because of hurricane Katrina which closed down the gulf and the damages to the ports.

Link to Chavez billions
Analyst estimates Chávez?s family fortune at around $2 billion
Well, it's still a gas shortage, isn't it? :lol:
I personally have wondered about all these Right Wing Americans who get terribly, terribly upset about guys like Castro and Chavez for flipping us off. Like it ruins their day that there's someone out there who doesn't think we are all wonderful.

you know anyone who has ever been there Joe?......i know 3 during his time....they all had the same basic opinion about the place.....they all wanted out after just a few days there...... and one couple using a time share passed themselves off as Cubans.....and they still wanted out of there......and these two were no RW's......

Here is someone who lived there and has visited many times.

Howard Steven Friedman: Goodbye Chavez, America Never Knew You

News of Hugo Chavez's death is spreading rapidly. In America, we can anticipate a large collection of articles noting his activities, articles that are nearly all a product of our American/corporate view of the world.

These American articles will be mostly negative, a one-sided portrayal of a complex leader who was beloved by much of his country, admired by large parts of the world, but nearly always portrayed in the American media as a one-dimensional character.

American articles will talk about when Chavez led an attempted coup, they will talk about his friendship with Castro, Ahmadinejad, Putin and other leaders, and they will reference his famous "devil" quote about George Bush but they will steer away from hints of Chavez's accomplishments.

These articles will not mention the fact that Venezuela has made strong steps in education and health. The expected number of years of education rose from 10.5 years in 2000 to 14.2 years by 2011, no doubt driven by the Missions that Chavez championed. Venezuela's life expectancy increased from 72.4 years to 74.4 years during that same time period.

These articles might mention that Chavez pushed through legislation to change the presidential term limits possibly even accusing him of being authoritarian. These articles will probably not mention that Chavez has been democratically elected with popular margins and higher turnout rates than we have seen in the U.S. in decades.

These articles will talk about poor prison conditions in Venezuela but not mention that Chavez pardoned those who attempted to overthrow his democratically elected government in 2002.

These articles will mention that his government benefited from a rise in oil prices but are not likely to mention that he used those inflated oil revenues to support citizens of many nations in need, including Americans in need of low-cost heating oil.
so its 3 for me.....people i know.....1 for you some of the people i know has been to the Country from the nineties to now.....dozens of times on business.....and sometimes stays for weeks......he does not think Chavez was such a wonderful guy.....i will take his word over some writer in the paper.....
It is not a lie.
There was a shortage of gas because of a strike that they had, since been resolved.
Food shortages
Food Shortages In Venezuela: Plenty of Oil, Not Enough Food

We had shortages of gas that pushed the price over $4 under Bush. Remember Poor Sarah shrieking "drill, baby, drill"?

Where's the link to Chavez having a $2 billion fortune?

That was because of hurricane Katrina which closed down the gulf and the damages to the ports.

Link to Chavez billions
Analyst estimates Chávez?s family fortune at around $2 billion

Peach. You linked to a .tumblr page, which is like linking to a facebook page. Then when you click the link in the story title, it takes you to a 'page not found'.

I mean, if you're not even gonna try . . . :lol:
The people had more under Chavez than the folks who proceeded him...


Like all leftists, Chavez provided handouts to the poverty stricken, but virtually eradicated the developing Middle Class. The merchant and small business community was destroyed and those who ran businesses joined the poverty class.

This is the model of the left, the same one Obama follows. The Venezuelan elite did fine under Chavez; who like all leftists, propped up a wealthy elite. It was the middle who were crushed - as is always the case when the left is in charge.

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