Human caused climate change!

There are people out there who still believe we can make it rain by sacrificing a virgin to the climate change gods.
Are there still denier's out there? If so, how so!?

How so? Easy. The fossil fuel industry, in an attempt to preserve their trillion dollar a year profit steam, mounted a well funded propaganda campaign that has duped and bamboozled quite a few of the right wing retards who didn't trust science anyway because of their fundamentalist evolution-denying upbringing.

Deniers = clueless retards.
[ame=]BBC Documentary Climate Wars Episode 2 - YouTube[/ame]
Is snitching on deniers cool? Maybe? If you go through the threads, you'll see deniers all over the place. A couple of these checked in, at the top of this thread, and they get their behavior encouraged, by staff, which includes neo-cons, who post goofy rants and YouTube gags and smilies, but few links, to studies and reports, since skeptics suck.

About the craziest neo-con skeptic-tard of all is sucksassandballs, since he rants like a cheerleader, for anything neo-con, in about 3000 posts, per year. At least a third to half of those are at environment threads, where he might have put up a graph, the other day, for the first time. Or was that bigretardedqueenofcalinkey?

If this thread gets going, we will see a regular game of zombies vs. plants, but hey, we's farmers.
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in a billion years, what the heck differnce would it matter?

We live on a planet, there are no promises by God that it will be an easy ride, just ask the dinosaurs.
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Are there still denier's out there? If so, how so!?
Oh, I don't know. Maybe because this silly thing called the Scientific Method and observable fact keeps getting in the way of the Chicken Little Chorus Cargo Cult of global dooooooooooooooooommmmmmm's prediction we're all going to die by a freezy burny locusty drought-flood.

And it's all man's fault.
It is a very good thing that there were no liberals around during the Medieval Warming Period.
Actually there were. They were called the Nobility. We've seen this before. Centralized power in a small group of people who controlled all aspects of commerce and ownership while leaving the peasants to wallow in the mud, constantly squabbling with their believed superiority with the clergy and fighting among themselves for bigger slices of the pie.

Then the damn merchant class sprung up and fucked the whole sordid system up. They've hated capitalism ever since.

As for science, reality was what they claimed it was. They were the 'morning and evening star'. They controlled what the cosmos did for God appointed them to be so.

Yep. Nothing new under the sun.
in a billion years, what the heck differnce would it matter?

We live on a planet, there are no promises by God that it will be an easy ride, just ask the dinosaurs.

Moon-unit, "God" is bullshit. Get a clue. Ask an existentialist, or read a book. I recommend page 1 of the Qu'ran, for idiots who haven't figured out why Islam came along. Watch some TV! Wherever you walk whatever walk, you aren't learning, to talk or write, after thinking. Humanity and human habitat is worth some planning and performing.

If you are inferring stuff, about "God" and leaping a billion years, you over-reach, twice, in the same, two-sentence post. Do you have a clue, you need to step aside, or plant something, when the time comes, to re-green? Any time now . . . humans can be like the dinosaurs, without staying around, as long. Dinos lasted for millions of years.
in a billion years, what the heck differnce would it matter?

We live on a planet, there are no promises by God that it will be an easy ride, just ask the dinosaurs.

Moon-unit, "God" is bullshit. Get a clue. Ask an existentialist, or read a book. I recommend page 1 of the Qu'ran, for idiots who haven't figured out why Islam came along. Watch some TV! Wherever you walk whatever walk, you aren't learning, to talk or write, after thinking. Humanity and human habitat is worth some planning and performing.

If you are inferring stuff, about "God" and leaping a billion years, you over-reach, twice, in the same, two-sentence post. Do you have a clue, you need to step aside, or plant something, when the time comes, to re-green? Any time now . . . humans can be like the dinosaurs, without staying around, as long. Dinos lasted for millions of years.

Yo Dave bro.........looks like, not only do we have a gay minority racist..........we have a gay, minority, agnostic racist. Not only is ths guy fringe, he is fringe amongst the fringe..........what is known as the true 1%ers!! And you wonder why all the anger??:up:

Dont worry Dave........they always find God when a big old telephone pole called "life" slams them in the pooper for a spell. Fcuking a-social oddball..........personal choices have caused him to be banned from society!!!:banned::2up: :banned:
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Are there still denier's out there? If so, how so!?
Oh, I don't know. Maybe because this silly thing called the Scientific Method and observable fact keeps getting in the way of the Chicken Little Chorus Cargo Cult of global dooooooooooooooooommmmmmm's prediction we're all going to die by a freezy burny locusty drought-flood.

And it's all man's fault.

World socialism is the only thing that can save us!!

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