Human chain formed to protect Christians during Lahore mass

And the OP is about Muslims taking a stand against extremists :) That's the difference...
What it really looks like here, Coyote, is that you don't want to say anything against the Muslims even though the Sunnis are after the Shiites and Ahmadis in Pakistan. You didn't seem to have a problem digging up some article about Thailand, now did you? If it were just the Muslims versus the Buddhists in Pakistan, then I am sure you would be digging up some article to show they are equally to blame. However, you can't say that the Shiites and Ahmadis are equally to blame in Pakistan so you just want to skip over that.

What it really looks like Hoss is you can't stand to have a thread that says anything nice about Muslims in the world.

It's ok.

I'm sticking to my topic ;)
I have no criticism against normal, peaceful Muslims. It's the "other kind".
  • Thread starter
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  • #22
What it really looks like here, Coyote, is that you don't want to say anything against the Muslims even though the Sunnis are after the Shiites and Ahmadis in Pakistan. You didn't seem to have a problem digging up some article about Thailand, now did you? If it were just the Muslims versus the Buddhists in Pakistan, then I am sure you would be digging up some article to show they are equally to blame. However, you can't say that the Shiites and Ahmadis are equally to blame in Pakistan so you just want to skip over that.

What it really looks like Hoss is you can't stand to have a thread that says anything nice about Muslims in the world.

It's ok.

I'm sticking to my topic ;)
I have no criticism against normal, peaceful Muslims. It's the "other kind".

Then you should have no issue with this thread. Why try to destroy it?
What it really looks like Hoss is you can't stand to have a thread that says anything nice about Muslims in the world.

It's ok.

I'm sticking to my topic ;)
I have no criticism against normal, peaceful Muslims. It's the "other kind".

Then you should have no issue with this thread. Why try to destroy it?
Just curious, Coyote. With all the different forums here (especially with the Middle East forum you are now on), how come you can never find anything to condemn the radical Muslims with, whose numbers are huge? You have to be aware that innocent people are killed every day because of their religious beliefs, and yet you are so silent about the people who are doing this. So big deal your example might be very nice, but there are so many examples of where they are actually persecuting and murdering Christians but you say nothing. I can feel for those innocent Muslims who are murdered because of the sect they belong to, but you seem to close your eyes to what is going on. By the way, have you by chance signed the Voice of the Martyrs petition to get Asia Bibi out of jail? You must be aware of this Christian woman who was thrown into a Pakistani prison because of allegedly committing blasphemy by her neighbor and who is suffering very badly now. We don't even know how many Christians and Hindus have been accused of blasphemy and who are now rotting away in a Pakistani jail.
Hossfly----Coyote is simply letting you know that if you ever complain about
the very significant FACT of islamic terrorism ----widespread on the planet---
she will call you a "BIGOT" and accuse you have 'HATING ALL MUSLIMS"----and
even INSIST that you "think" that all muslims are "terrorists"
Muslims protecting non-muslims from ISLAM!

Finally some muslim realized what a monster their religion is I guess.
  • Thread starter
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  • #26
I have no criticism against normal, peaceful Muslims. It's the "other kind".

Then you should have no issue with this thread. Why try to destroy it?
Just curious, Coyote. With all the different forums here (especially with the Middle East forum you are now on), how come you can never find anything to condemn the radical Muslims with, whose numbers are huge? You have to be aware that innocent people are killed every day because of their religious beliefs, and yet you are so silent about the people who are doing this. So big deal your example might be very nice, but there are so many examples of where they are actually persecuting and murdering Christians but you say nothing. I can feel for those innocent Muslims who are murdered because of the sect they belong to, but you seem to close your eyes to what is going on. By the way, have you by chance signed the Voice of the Martyrs petition to get Asia Bibi out of jail? You must be aware of this Christian woman who was thrown into a Pakistani prison because of allegedly committing blasphemy by her neighbor and who is suffering very badly now. We don't even know how many Christians and Hindus have been accused of blasphemy and who are now rotting away in a Pakistani jail.

Evidently Hoss, you can't find it within yourself to accept good actions when they occur. 99 out of every 100 threads here involving Muslims are negative and you seem to need to turn even positive threads into negative ones. I think you've made your position very clear.

I'll stick to the topic - it's good to hear good news on these things, the media mostly ignores these sorts of things. They're worth bringing up.
Then you should have no issue with this thread. Why try to destroy it?
Just curious, Coyote. With all the different forums here (especially with the Middle East forum you are now on), how come you can never find anything to condemn the radical Muslims with, whose numbers are huge? You have to be aware that innocent people are killed every day because of their religious beliefs, and yet you are so silent about the people who are doing this. So big deal your example might be very nice, but there are so many examples of where they are actually persecuting and murdering Christians but you say nothing. I can feel for those innocent Muslims who are murdered because of the sect they belong to, but you seem to close your eyes to what is going on. By the way, have you by chance signed the Voice of the Martyrs petition to get Asia Bibi out of jail? You must be aware of this Christian woman who was thrown into a Pakistani prison because of allegedly committing blasphemy by her neighbor and who is suffering very badly now. We don't even know how many Christians and Hindus have been accused of blasphemy and who are now rotting away in a Pakistani jail.

Evidently Hoss, you can't find it within yourself to accept good actions when they occur. 99 out of every 100 threads here involving Muslims are negative and you seem to need to turn even positive threads into negative ones. I think you've made your position very clear.

I'll stick to the topic - it's good to hear good news on these things, the media mostly ignores these sorts of things. They're worth bringing up.
I thought their action was commendable, I just don't dwell on it. I don't think all people are uncivilized. And I thanked the OP, too.
Muslims in Egypt form a human chain and pray together around a church to prevent it from being attacked by Islamists


I saw this one reported.

Not in the Lame Stream Media though.
i am Pakistani and to be honest with you most Muslims in Pakistan treating Christians and other beliefs like dirty socks....

in Pakistan Christian communities built far from Muslim societies they aren't not allowed in certain areas to visit and to have governmental jobs.
  • Thread starter
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  • #32
Even better then, to see these people standing up for the rights of Christians :)
Muslims in Egypt form a human chain and pray together around a church to prevent it from being attacked by Islamists


I saw this one reported.

Not in the Lame Stream Media though.

If it doesn't involve blood, bombs or sex, it doesn't get reported much.
You're right, Coyote and so is Tinnie. Some things are never reported in the mainstream media. However, for every good story you might find about the Muslims helping the Christians, you will find plenty of stories that show just the opposite. I would imagine that you and Tinnie didn't think it important to even mention what was happening to the Christian Copts which you certainly must have been aware of.

Bangladeshi Christians told close church, convert

Indonesia: Over 100 Churches Closed in 3 Years
  • Thread starter
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  • #34
I saw this one reported.

Not in the Lame Stream Media though.

If it doesn't involve blood, bombs or sex, it doesn't get reported much.
You're right, Coyote and so is Tinnie. Some things are never reported in the mainstream media. However, for every good story you might find about the Muslims helping the Christians, you will find plenty of stories that show just the opposite. I would imagine that you and Tinnie didn't think it important to even mention what was happening to the Christian Copts which you certainly must have been aware of.

Bangladeshi Christians told close church, convert

Indonesia: Over 100 Churches Closed in 3 Years

Actually Hossfly, I'm not mentioning it in this thread. And the reason why?

Because it has been brought up in multiple other threads. Did you know that? For example, I have condemned Egypts lack of protections for it's minority religions - no government can be considered legitimate if it can't protect it's citizens.

I see no reason to have to bring it into this thread but clearly you do.

Thank you for your contribution.
If it doesn't involve blood, bombs or sex, it doesn't get reported much.
You're right, Coyote and so is Tinnie. Some things are never reported in the mainstream media. However, for every good story you might find about the Muslims helping the Christians, you will find plenty of stories that show just the opposite. I would imagine that you and Tinnie didn't think it important to even mention what was happening to the Christian Copts which you certainly must have been aware of.

Bangladeshi Christians told close church, convert

Indonesia: Over 100 Churches Closed in 3 Years

Actually Hossfly, I'm not mentioning it in this thread. And the reason why?

Because it has been brought up in multiple other threads. Did you know that? For example, I have condemned Egypts lack of protections for it's minority religions - no government can be considered legitimate if it can't protect it's citizens.

I see no reason to have to bring it into this thread but clearly you do.

Thank you for your contribution.
Just makin' sure Christians know what's in store for them.
  • Thread starter
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  • #36
Another cool story:

In one hard-knock British city, a secret Muslim donor helps save a synagogue

Bradford, a city of 300,000 people in the British county of West Yorkshire, is no stranger to social unrest and racial conflict. Once a boom-town of the Industrial Revolution and the former center of Britain's textile industry, the infamous race riots here in 1995 and 2001, exacerbated by neo-Nazi organizers, placed this economically starved region in an unflattering spotlight.

But in 2010 this hard-knock spot got a bit of a boost. Bradford was named a "city of sanctuary" in 2010, noted as a place with a history of welcoming newcomers from all corners of the world. These peoples included Jewish immigrants in the 1930s who fled persecution in Continental Europe, as well as Pakistani and Bangladeshi economic migrants who came in the 1960s, just as the first Jewish immigrants in the late 19th century had, to work in the textile industry. So many immigrants poured in from South Asia that the city came to be known as the curry capital of Britain.

Even more recently, a bit of serendipity in the form of leaky roof brought together the city's Jewish and Muslim communities.

For years, the Jews and Muslims of Bradford have lived in close proximity to each other: Bradford's only remaining synagogue sits just 500 meters from the city's main mosque in the inner city neighborhood of Manningham. But the two groups kept to themselves. That is, of course, until the synagogue's roof started to leak and Bradford's Muslim community stepped in as a surprise donor for the repairs.

“It was a true mitzvah,” says Rudi Leavor, the 87-year-old chairman of the synagogue, of the gift from the Muslim community.

Built in 1880 by Rabbi Joseph Strauss, one of the first Reform rabbis in England, Bradford's synagogue features Sephardi-influenced Moorish architecture.

Bradford's Jewish population has been dwindling for decades, and took a serious hit during the economic crisis of the 1980s. When the roof of the synagogue started leaking, the congregation counted just 40 families and was facing possible closure.

The city's Orthodox synagogue, which was also founded in the late 19th century, had closed its doors in 2011 after routinely coming up short on its requisite 10-man quorum for prayer. Compared to the 25,000-person strong Jewish community in nearby Leeds, Bradford's Jews seemed orphaned and adrift.

Leavor says that the congregation was considering selling the building out of desperation, but enough members were opposed to that idea that they scrapped it. Instead, a new Friends of the Synagogue organization was founded, offering concerned citizens – both Jews and non-Jews alike – membership for 60 GBP a year. In turn, they received invitations to social events at Hanukkah and on other festive occasions.

Donations trickled in, but not as fast as the water from the leaky roof. Things looked very dire for the Bradford Synagogue until some concerned neighbors intervened.

Zulfi Karim, the 47-year-old secretary of the Bradford Council of Mosques, was at Friday prayers when he heard of the synagogue's plight. The news came to him thanks to a local Pakistani restaurant called Sweet Centre, which sits close to both the synagogue and the mosque.

The restaurant was so popular with some of the synagogue’s congregants for a Saturday lunch that they had joined forces with the restaurant’s owner to lobby against the conversion of a nearby building into a rival eatery. So when Sweet Centre's owner got wind of the synagogue's financial woes, he referred Leavor to a local South Asian merchant's association, which gifted GBP 500 toward repairs. And it was through this connection that Leavor met Mahmood Mohammed, a development officer for Bradford council, who in turn got in touch with Karim.

“I was shocked to hear the news,” says Karim, who was born and raised a few hundred yards from the Bradford Reform Synagogue,” and I immediately reached out to others in the Muslim community.”

Within a few days, the community had raised GBP 2,000 for emergency repairs – 1,000 from a variety of individuals, and 1,000 matched by a donor who at first asked to remain anonymous.

....entire article at link.
Business is business. In my town the pakistani shop keepers and jews are interdependent
too----- Several months ago----I encountered a chassidic guy ----all dressed up in
costume----from beard to side-locks to black coat----etc---------giving a pakistani shop
keeper lessons in how to best display merchandise for optimal sales. It was very
entertaining------they were so deeply absorbed in the subject as if they were discussing
PHILOSOPHY ------a kind of intellectual truce. It beats discussing religion
Another cool story:

In one hard-knock British city, a secret Muslim donor helps save a synagogue

Bradford, a city of 300,000 people in the British county of West Yorkshire, is no stranger to social unrest and racial conflict. Once a boom-town of the Industrial Revolution and the former center of Britain's textile industry, the infamous race riots here in 1995 and 2001, exacerbated by neo-Nazi organizers, placed this economically starved region in an unflattering spotlight.

But in 2010 this hard-knock spot got a bit of a boost. Bradford was named a "city of sanctuary" in 2010, noted as a place with a history of welcoming newcomers from all corners of the world. These peoples included Jewish immigrants in the 1930s who fled persecution in Continental Europe, as well as Pakistani and Bangladeshi economic migrants who came in the 1960s, just as the first Jewish immigrants in the late 19th century had, to work in the textile industry. So many immigrants poured in from South Asia that the city came to be known as the curry capital of Britain.

Even more recently, a bit of serendipity in the form of leaky roof brought together the city's Jewish and Muslim communities.

For years, the Jews and Muslims of Bradford have lived in close proximity to each other: Bradford's only remaining synagogue sits just 500 meters from the city's main mosque in the inner city neighborhood of Manningham. But the two groups kept to themselves. That is, of course, until the synagogue's roof started to leak and Bradford's Muslim community stepped in as a surprise donor for the repairs.

“It was a true mitzvah,” says Rudi Leavor, the 87-year-old chairman of the synagogue, of the gift from the Muslim community.

Built in 1880 by Rabbi Joseph Strauss, one of the first Reform rabbis in England, Bradford's synagogue features Sephardi-influenced Moorish architecture.

Bradford's Jewish population has been dwindling for decades, and took a serious hit during the economic crisis of the 1980s. When the roof of the synagogue started leaking, the congregation counted just 40 families and was facing possible closure.

The city's Orthodox synagogue, which was also founded in the late 19th century, had closed its doors in 2011 after routinely coming up short on its requisite 10-man quorum for prayer. Compared to the 25,000-person strong Jewish community in nearby Leeds, Bradford's Jews seemed orphaned and adrift.

Leavor says that the congregation was considering selling the building out of desperation, but enough members were opposed to that idea that they scrapped it. Instead, a new Friends of the Synagogue organization was founded, offering concerned citizens – both Jews and non-Jews alike – membership for 60 GBP a year. In turn, they received invitations to social events at Hanukkah and on other festive occasions.

Donations trickled in, but not as fast as the water from the leaky roof. Things looked very dire for the Bradford Synagogue until some concerned neighbors intervened.

Zulfi Karim, the 47-year-old secretary of the Bradford Council of Mosques, was at Friday prayers when he heard of the synagogue's plight. The news came to him thanks to a local Pakistani restaurant called Sweet Centre, which sits close to both the synagogue and the mosque.

The restaurant was so popular with some of the synagogue’s congregants for a Saturday lunch that they had joined forces with the restaurant’s owner to lobby against the conversion of a nearby building into a rival eatery. So when Sweet Centre's owner got wind of the synagogue's financial woes, he referred Leavor to a local South Asian merchant's association, which gifted GBP 500 toward repairs. And it was through this connection that Leavor met Mahmood Mohammed, a development officer for Bradford council, who in turn got in touch with Karim.

“I was shocked to hear the news,” says Karim, who was born and raised a few hundred yards from the Bradford Reform Synagogue,” and I immediately reached out to others in the Muslim community.”

Within a few days, the community had raised GBP 2,000 for emergency repairs – 1,000 from a variety of individuals, and 1,000 matched by a donor who at first asked to remain anonymous.

....entire article at link.

That reminds me about something that happened a few years ago. Lebanon wanted to rebuild a synagogue that was damaged in the war.

Hezbollah voted in favor of the proposal.
If it doesn't involve blood, bombs or sex, it doesn't get reported much.
You're right, Coyote and so is Tinnie. Some things are never reported in the mainstream media. However, for every good story you might find about the Muslims helping the Christians, you will find plenty of stories that show just the opposite. I would imagine that you and Tinnie didn't think it important to even mention what was happening to the Christian Copts which you certainly must have been aware of.

Bangladeshi Christians told close church, convert

Indonesia: Over 100 Churches Closed in 3 Years

Actually Hossfly, I'm not mentioning it in this thread. And the reason why?

Because it has been brought up in multiple other threads. Did you know that? For example, I have condemned Egypts lack of protections for it's minority religions - no government can be considered legitimate if it can't protect it's citizens.

I see no reason to have to bring it into this thread but clearly you do.

Thank you for your contribution.

Amnesty just issued a report largely blaming the Egyptian government for what is happening to Christians there.

I think it is great seeing people in these countries join together to protect Christians.

We are about to have a Revival at my church and the evangelist is going to be returning from Pakistan, our church will be the first church he speaks at after his return. I cannot wait to hear what he has to tell us about what God is doing today in Pakistan. It is in Persecution where God always does great things.
Another cool story:

In one hard-knock British city, a secret Muslim donor helps save a synagogue

Bradford, a city of 300,000 people in the British county of West Yorkshire, is no stranger to social unrest and racial conflict. Once a boom-town of the Industrial Revolution and the former center of Britain's textile industry, the infamous race riots here in 1995 and 2001, exacerbated by neo-Nazi organizers, placed this economically starved region in an unflattering spotlight.

But in 2010 this hard-knock spot got a bit of a boost. Bradford was named a "city of sanctuary" in 2010, noted as a place with a history of welcoming newcomers from all corners of the world. These peoples included Jewish immigrants in the 1930s who fled persecution in Continental Europe, as well as Pakistani and Bangladeshi economic migrants who came in the 1960s, just as the first Jewish immigrants in the late 19th century had, to work in the textile industry. So many immigrants poured in from South Asia that the city came to be known as the curry capital of Britain.

Even more recently, a bit of serendipity in the form of leaky roof brought together the city's Jewish and Muslim communities.

For years, the Jews and Muslims of Bradford have lived in close proximity to each other: Bradford's only remaining synagogue sits just 500 meters from the city's main mosque in the inner city neighborhood of Manningham. But the two groups kept to themselves. That is, of course, until the synagogue's roof started to leak and Bradford's Muslim community stepped in as a surprise donor for the repairs.

“It was a true mitzvah,” says Rudi Leavor, the 87-year-old chairman of the synagogue, of the gift from the Muslim community.

Built in 1880 by Rabbi Joseph Strauss, one of the first Reform rabbis in England, Bradford's synagogue features Sephardi-influenced Moorish architecture.

Bradford's Jewish population has been dwindling for decades, and took a serious hit during the economic crisis of the 1980s. When the roof of the synagogue started leaking, the congregation counted just 40 families and was facing possible closure.

The city's Orthodox synagogue, which was also founded in the late 19th century, had closed its doors in 2011 after routinely coming up short on its requisite 10-man quorum for prayer. Compared to the 25,000-person strong Jewish community in nearby Leeds, Bradford's Jews seemed orphaned and adrift.

Leavor says that the congregation was considering selling the building out of desperation, but enough members were opposed to that idea that they scrapped it. Instead, a new Friends of the Synagogue organization was founded, offering concerned citizens – both Jews and non-Jews alike – membership for 60 GBP a year. In turn, they received invitations to social events at Hanukkah and on other festive occasions.

Donations trickled in, but not as fast as the water from the leaky roof. Things looked very dire for the Bradford Synagogue until some concerned neighbors intervened.

Zulfi Karim, the 47-year-old secretary of the Bradford Council of Mosques, was at Friday prayers when he heard of the synagogue's plight. The news came to him thanks to a local Pakistani restaurant called Sweet Centre, which sits close to both the synagogue and the mosque.

The restaurant was so popular with some of the synagogue’s congregants for a Saturday lunch that they had joined forces with the restaurant’s owner to lobby against the conversion of a nearby building into a rival eatery. So when Sweet Centre's owner got wind of the synagogue's financial woes, he referred Leavor to a local South Asian merchant's association, which gifted GBP 500 toward repairs. And it was through this connection that Leavor met Mahmood Mohammed, a development officer for Bradford council, who in turn got in touch with Karim.

“I was shocked to hear the news,” says Karim, who was born and raised a few hundred yards from the Bradford Reform Synagogue,” and I immediately reached out to others in the Muslim community.”

Within a few days, the community had raised GBP 2,000 for emergency repairs – 1,000 from a variety of individuals, and 1,000 matched by a donor who at first asked to remain anonymous.

....entire article at link.

That reminds me about something that happened a few years ago. Lebanon wanted to rebuild a synagogue that was damaged in the war.

Hezbollah voted in favor of the proposal.

Another point, Robert Fisk visited that synagogue and reported on how it had been attacked in 1982 by Israeli air strikes.

So, Israel destroys synagogues in Beirut.

And Hezbollah helps rebuild them.

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