Human chain formed to protect Christians during Lahore mass

i am Pakistani and to be honest with you most Muslims in Pakistan treating Christians and other beliefs like dirty socks....

in Pakistan Christian communities built far from Muslim societies they aren't not allowed in certain areas to visit and to have governmental jobs.

In Pakistan, muslims even treat muslims like they are a piece of dirt bags. Ahmediyya muslims can't acquire a passport in Pakistan.

Islamists are disgrace to human rights and the current understanding of the world and civilization. It is great some muslims are also aware of that.

And in the meantime, whole world is blocking the way for muslims to domesticate their religion, in the name of "respect to religion" bullshit.

Why would I respect some mid age monster that is ruining the whole world.

Did christians respect the church when they were burning people alive in the name of the religion?

If they have respected that, would it be possible to progress to what we are calling "human rights"?

Of course not.

You have to ridicule what deserves to be ridiculed, and islam is the #1 on the list.

Imagine the whole world telling muslims; "oh we love you muslims. You go insane and blow yourselves up in the name of your allah time to time but thats ok, it is a blessing to us for you to shit on our heads"

You think they would change a thing in their way of doing things?

No muslims, your religion suks, and you have to do something about that, starting with accepting this fact.
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LAHORE: The Muslim and Christian communities came together during Sunday mass in a show of solidarity in Lahore.

Hand in hand as many as 200-300 people formed a human chain outside the St Anthony’s Church adjacent to the District Police Lines at the Empress Road, in a show of solidarity with the victims of the Peshawar church attack two weeks back, which resulted in over a 100 deaths. The twin suicide attack on All Saints church occurred after Sunday mass ended and is believed to be the country’s deadliest attack on Christians.

Standing in the small courtyard of St Anthony’s Church, as Mufti Mohammad Farooq delivered a sermon quoting a few verses of the Holy Quran that preached tolerance and respect for other beliefs, Father Nasir Gulfam stepped right next to him after having conducted a two hour long Sunday service inside the church. The two men stood should to shoulder, hand in hand as part of the human chain that was formed outside the church not just as a show of solidarity but also to send out a message, ‘One Nation, One Blood’.

As part of an attempt to sensitize the public at large, the human chain was the second such event after a similar had been organized in Karachi last week outside the St Patrick’s Cathedral by an organization called Pakistan For All – a collective of citizens concerned about the growing attacks on minorities.

“Well the terrorists showed us what they do on Sundays. Here we are showing them what we do on Sundays. We unite,” said Mohammad Jibran Nasir, the organizer who made the calls for the event on social media...

:clap2: Interfaith solidarity and fellowhip :)
It's good to see that, after all the Churches blown up and innocents killed by Islamists in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and elsewhere across the Muslim world.
Even better then, to see these people standing up for the rights of Christians :)
It certainly is better than seeing the blood of Christians running down the streets by a suicide bomber, but it is too little compared to what is happening. Let's face it. You never thought it important to bring up what is happening to Christians, and there is plenty happening to them. Just the other week, there were many Nigerian Christian students murdered, but I guess this incident just passed you by.
SherriMunnerlyn That reminds me about something that happened a few years ago. Lebanon wanted to rebuild a synagogue that was damaged in the war. Hezbollah voted in favor of the proposal.[/QUOTE said:
Another point, Robert Fisk visited that synagogue and reported on how it had been attacked in 1982 by Israeli air strikes.

So, Israel destroys synagogues in Beirut.

And Hezbollah helps rebuild them.

Sherri lied again ----in a very typical isa-rerespecting manner. Hezbollah is not rebuilding
the damaged synagogue----the tiny remnant of jews still in Beirut-----after muslims there
comitted genocide upon that community ----are rebuilding it-----under dangerous
conditions-----there have been several attacks on the rebuilding process Hezbollah--
publically "permitted" the hundred of so remaining jews in Beirut to repair
the synagogue-----it gets them all in one place ----so a slut can ASS BOMB the place

An interesting aspect of the filth of isa-respecting law------jihado nazi money cannot
be used to repair synagogues JIHADO NAZI CLAIM TO FAME AND "TOLERATION"--
is that they sometimes "allow" jews to repair existing synagogues----and then again ---
most often not same is true of churches-------of course-----the temple of lots of
other people simply cannot exist in classical isa-respecting law. Jews lived in Saudi
arabia for more than 1000 years before the rapist pig was born------all synagogues
were destroyed Jews have lived in TUNISIA ----for more than 2500 years----all
synagogues now destroyed including one 2500 years old----recently put down along
with ancient manuscripts and a few people. I am surprised that the lawyer has so
little memory for that which she READS --------- Most lawyers are and MUST be really
good at remembering THE DETAILS
You're right, Coyote and so is Tinnie. Some things are never reported in the mainstream media. However, for every good story you might find about the Muslims helping the Christians, you will find plenty of stories that show just the opposite. I would imagine that you and Tinnie didn't think it important to even mention what was happening to the Christian Copts which you certainly must have been aware of.

Bangladeshi Christians told close church, convert

Indonesia: Over 100 Churches Closed in 3 Years

Actually Hossfly, I'm not mentioning it in this thread. And the reason why?

Because it has been brought up in multiple other threads. Did you know that? For example, I have condemned Egypts lack of protections for it's minority religions - no government can be considered legitimate if it can't protect it's citizens.

I see no reason to have to bring it into this thread but clearly you do.

Thank you for your contribution.

Amnesty just issued a report largely blaming the Egyptian government for what is happening to Christians there.

I think it is great seeing people in these countries join together to protect Christians.

We are about to have a Revival at my church and the evangelist is going to be returning from Pakistan, our church will be the first church he speaks at after his return. I cannot wait to hear what he has to tell us about what God is doing today in Pakistan. It is in Persecution where God always does great things.
Helpful information and solutions to persecution of Christians.
This should be of vital interest to Sherri.

Immediate Action « Persecution of Christians & Persecuted Churches
for those who do not know KARACHI is the PROGRESSIVE part of pakistan ---
it is where the big universities are located and the people -------who are
"the intellectuals" It is not the capital ----but so prominent that it was a long
time before I figured that out. I think it is kinda like the MANHATTAN of Pakistan.

The capital is ISLAMABAD------I wonder if there are any churches at all over there
You're right, Coyote and so is Tinnie. Some things are never reported in the mainstream media. However, for every good story you might find about the Muslims helping the Christians, you will find plenty of stories that show just the opposite. I would imagine that you and Tinnie didn't think it important to even mention what was happening to the Christian Copts which you certainly must have been aware of.

Bangladeshi Christians told close church, convert

Indonesia: Over 100 Churches Closed in 3 Years

Actually Hossfly, I'm not mentioning it in this thread. And the reason why?

Because it has been brought up in multiple other threads. Did you know that? For example, I have condemned Egypts lack of protections for it's minority religions - no government can be considered legitimate if it can't protect it's citizens.

I see no reason to have to bring it into this thread but clearly you do.

Thank you for your contribution.

Amnesty just issued a report largely blaming the Egyptian government for what is happening to Christians there.

I think it is great seeing people in these countries join together to protect Christians.

We are about to have a Revival at my church and the evangelist is going to be returning from Pakistan, our church will be the first church he speaks at after his return. I cannot wait to hear what he has to tell us about what God is doing today in Pakistan. It is in Persecution where God always does great things.
I sure hope that Frau Sherri asks him what is being done by the Christian community in Pakistan (and of course in Frau Sherri's little church) about getting Asia Bibi, that good Christian woman who is rotting away in a Pakistani prison released. Has Frau Sherri even signed the Voice of the Martyrs petition to get her released? By the way, I think we can see how Frau Sherri is loathe to condemn the Muslim Brotherhood for the terrible way the Christian Copts have been treated in Egypt. It's a good thing that the Egyptian Army has arrested some of those radical Muslim clerics who were inciting those of the Muslim Brotherhood to commit atrocities on the Copts.

By the way, since Frau Sherri has been so busy from the very early morning on this forum and is continuing all day by the looks of it, how does she even find time to attend her church?
I just want to let Hossfly know I am in Church right now, where I was this morning as well.

I just in my 5:00 BIble Study class on Gideon, got through showing my preachers wife the photos of the human chain around that church in Pakistan.

Listening to the woman who was a missionary for 5 years in Africa, living among a people group over 99% of whom were Muslim, singing a beautiful song . Her husbands name is Shadrach.
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  • Thread starter
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  • #49
Jews help guard UK mosques after attacks

London, UK - Muslim leaders in an area of north-east London have recruited the help of a police-trained ultra-orthodox Jewish neighbourhood patrol to bolster security following attacks on mosques and threats against Muslim communities in the UK.

The initiative, in the Stamford Hill neighbourhood of Hackney, has seen mosques added to a list of local sites watched over by Shomrim, a volunteer organisation that responds to reports of crime, anti-social behaviour and other incidents in the area and calls itself "the eyes and ears of the police".

"We keep an eye on all the mosques. If we see anything suspicious, we'll take down a car registration number, report it to the police, keep it for intelligence, log the call and hopefully there won't be any trouble," Chaim Hochhauser, Shomrim's supervisor, told Al Jazeera.

Munaf Zeena, chairman of the North London Muslim Community Centre, said the arrangement, under which Shomrim volunteers have also advised the centre on security issues, was prompted by a series of attacks targeting mosques and Muslims since the killing of Lee Rigby, a British soldier, in Woolwich, south London, in May.

...Police have also reported an increase in anti-Muslim hate crimes, while the far-right English Defence League, which is accused of fomenting Islamophobia, plans to march through the neighbouring borough of Tower Hamlets ...

  • Thread starter
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  • #50
Muslims, Jews and Christians come together to help the homeless at Portland's 'Day of Dignity'
Despite Sunday's headlines of terrorists killing scores of people in Nairobi, Kenya and Peshawar, Pakistan in the name of religion, Muslims, Jews and Christians came together to offer aid to the homeless in downtown Portland.

Sunday's "Day of Dignity" in the North Park Blocks offered hot chili, haircuts, flu shots, hygiene items, rain ponchos and knitted hats to several hundred homeless men, women and children. It was the ninth year of the event, staffed this year by 43 young volunteers and three agencies: Islamic Social Services of Oregon, Jewish Family & Child Service and, for the first time, the Catholic-run Society of St. Vincent de Paul.

...Last year, "Day of Dignity" served 500 people, said Laila Hajoo, a chief organizer. Numbers were down slightly this year because of the rain, she said. As president of Islamic Social Services of Oregon, Hajoo represents 10,000 Muslims in Oregon, serving refugees, families in crisis and people who need assistance, she said....

...Sunday's headlines from Nairobi, where Muslim terrorists killed shoppers at a mall, and from Peshawar, where Sunni extremist militant groups killed scores of Christians, heightened the sense of cooperation in Portland, Hajoo said.

"Today is about knowing each other," she said. "We have to do this to show who we are. The good is going to fight the bad. It's a matter of sticking to what you believe. The violence is about politics, not for religious reasons. It's about power and politics. It's not about human rights, human dignity and human well-being. If you take a look at all religions, it's love and care of the human being."

"Day of Dignity" shows different religions working together, said Anna Plaster, executive director of St. Vincent de Paul. "We all have the same intention, but when we partner, we have greater impact."

"It goes to the root of the human spirit," said Maria Rehbach, emergency aid coordinator for Jewish Family & Child Service. "Our gods teach us to help those less fortunate."

Interfaith cooperation to make at least one place a bit better :clap2:
  • Thread starter
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  • #51
Muslims, Jews gather at Denver mosque to help feed the hungry

The Denver event was timed in concert with an international
Andrea Mikulin, center, from Turkey, helps her son Demir Mikulin-Osi, 7, make peanut-butter-and-jelly sandwiches. Muslims and Jews worked together Sunday to make roughly 1,000 peanut-butter-and-jelly sandwiches to hand out to Denver's homeless and hungry. (Helen H. Richardson, The Denver Post)
initiative of the New York-based Foundation for Ethnic Understanding called the fifth annual Weekend of Twinning. The foundation says imams and rabbis, mosques and synagogues, in 17 North American cities and 26 countries cooperate annually to improve human relations.

"With all the hardship in the world, I want to focus on what is good — our commonalities with our Jewish and Christian neighbors and friends," said volunteer Pamela Altunsoy, a Muslim whose 4-year-old daughter Miriam was about to eat the nearest PB&J.

"We're putting our beliefs into action," Altunsoy said. "Feeding the hungry is a great way to do this."

This was last November, hopefully, it will happen again. :)
I just want to let Hossfly know I am in Church right now, where I was this morning as well.

I just in my 5:00 BIble Study class on Gideon, got through showing my preachers wife the photos of the human chain around that church in Pakistan.

Listening to the woman who was a missionary for 5 years in Africa, living among a people group over 99% of whom were Muslim, singing a beautiful song . Her husbands name is Shadrach.
Good girl, Sherri. May Allah (PBUH) bless you.
  • Thread starter
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  • #53
Six inspiring stories of Jews saving Muslims and Muslims saving Jews
Both the Mishna and the Quran state ‘Whoever destroys a single life is as though he had destroyed the entire world, and whoever saves a single life is as if he had saved the entire world’

This is cool and contains history of which I had no idea. I've only posted portions of it - it's worth reading the entire link. It's incredible...

1. Albania
At a time when the European nations were sending their Jews to the gas chambers; Albania, the only European country with a Muslim majority, not only saved its Jewish residents – but absorbed so many European refugees that the Jewish population grew a staggering 900% during the war...

2. Ivan Ceresnjes, Jakob Finci and the Sarajevo Jews

On the eve of the Bosnian war Radovan Karadzic, a Bosnian Serb leader, warned “Sarajevo will be a black cauldron, where 300,000 Muslims will die… Europe will be told to go f**k itself, not to come back until the job is finished”… in the ensuing bloodbath 100,000 people lost their lives.

A year earlier Ivan Ceresnjes and Jakob Finci, leaders of the Jewish community in Sarajevo, foresaw the oncoming war and instructed the community to stockpile supplies. When war finally broke out they were ready and together with the Jewish community they converted their synagogue into an aid distribution centre and began supplying the entire city with medical and humanitarian relief. As the death toll rose they organised the safe passage of 3,000 Muslims, Christians and Jews from the besieged city...

3. The Turkish diplomats
Throughout World War II a small number of Turkish diplomats (such as Necdet Kent, Namık Kemal Yolga, Selahattin Ülkümen and Behiç Erkin) risked everything to save the lives of 35,000 European Jews from the Nazi genocide. They were able to save so many Jews by leveraging Turkey’s neutral stance to pressure the Nazis into sparing the lives of Turkish Jews residing in Europe, while simultaneously granting thousands of European Jews fleeing the Nazi genocide refuge in Turkey...

4. Palestinians saved by Israeli doctors
You would be hard pressed to find something that has damaged Jewish / Muslim relations more than the Israeli / Palestinian conflict. Yet from the midst of this conflict incredible acts of humanity have been demonstrated by both sides. The World Health Organization reported that last year Israeli hospitals treated 210,469 Palestinians who were in need medical attention – thats 5% of the Palestinian population...

5. Abdol Hossein Sardari
When the Nazis came for the Iranian Jews living in France, Abdol Hossein Sardari, the Iranian Consul for Paris, used his position and influence to save the lives of the Iranian Jews in France. He fabricated a story that Iranian Jews were not ‘real’ Jews, but Persians who’d accepted the teachings of Moses centuries earlier and therefore not subject to Nazi racial law. After months of intense debate by German racial scientists he’d convinced everyone but Eichmann who simply declared Sardari’s claim was “the usual Jewish trick”.

However, the delay had given Sardari the one thing he desperately needed – time. While the experts were debating in Berlin, he issued as many passports and travel documents as he could to both Iranian and non-Iranian Jews...

6. Yoni Jesner, Ahmed Khatib and the organ donors
Yonatan “Yoni” Jesner’s story shatters many of the stereotypes surrounding the Israel/Palestine conflict. Yoni was a 19 year old British Jew studying religious Zionism in a West Bank settlement. With those credentials you may have already branded Yoni an evil oppressor, but when Hamas tragically took his life in terror attack on a bus in Tel Aviv – his family did the unexpected… they donated his kidneys to a 7-year old Palestinian girl called Yasmin Rumeileh. Yoni’s brother Ari spoke to the media about the family decision saying “I think the most important principle here is that life was given to another human being.” Yasmin Rumeileh’s father expressed his gratitude by telling the press “We are one family. They saved my daughter. Part of their son is living in my daughter. We are all one people.”..
Even better then, to see these people standing up for the rights of Christians :)

yes it's a good thing to see that a tiny minority of Muslims in the Indian subcontinent
object to the filth which is and has been since the inception of islam-----islam's
policy of hatred of christians. The movie SCHINDLER's LIST was all about a
German who objected to the NAZI FILTH which is the basis for ISLAMO NAZI POLICY.

Very optimistic people do hope that someday---the minority opinion of people
like SCHINDLER and the few people who do not want to murder christians in
Pakistan will WIN OUT over the filth that isa-respecters world-wide ---LOVE
  • Thread starter
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  • #55
Jews, Muslims support Christian neighbors

...“It’s a real bonus. I like to be able to help other people, and I also get the chance to help people enjoy their holidays,” she said.

Sponsored by the Jewish Community Relations Council of Metropolitan Detroit, Mitzvah Day combines efforts of local volunteers who step in to help local charities on the holiday and provide the opportunity for Christian volunteers to take the day off to celebrate the tradition of Christmas.

“It’s a chance to give Christians a chance to celebrate without feeling like they have neglected their volunteering duties,” Barr said.

The Jewish community has been sponsoring Mitzvah Day in the Metro Detroit area for some 20 years and this is the fourth year that area Muslims will join with them in an effort to relieve their Christian neighbors of their volunteer responsibilities on Christmas....
I am such a MITZVAH doer--------My college years income---was rendered significant
by my FILL IN TIME FOR CHRISTIANS on christian holidays----and new year's eve---
well----actually I did it for the money. Later on -----during my years working in my
profession------I did fill-in too. gee whiz HEAVEN AWAITS ME----with a golden
So what's going to happen now, are Muslims going to form human chains around ALL churches and non Muslim houses of worship in order to prevent their co-religionists from blowing them up and massacring the non Muslims in the name of Allah? Clearly we know that's not going to happen.

The only reason for THIS human chain is that Muslims just blew up another church in Pakistan and massacred 100 Christians during worship about two weeks ago. And why isn't the govt of Pakistan the entity that is guarding this Church? Why aren't Muslim govt.'s going after these Islamists and preventing this kind of routine carnage from taking place? What happened to all the other churches and Christians that have been blown up? Where are the arrests and executions of the perpetrators? You never see that. Why isn't there rioting in the streets of Muslim capitals over this kind of barbaric behavior? Seems like they keep the rioting for anybody who insults Mohammad or Islam.

Although the message of this human chain is heartwarming, it still highlights the endemic violence and intolerance towards non Muslims that is prevalent in Muslim countries today. In other words, it is merely a drop in the bucket.
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  • #58
A journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step :)
A journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step :)
As long as you're not going backwards. How many human chains vs bombings and massacres of non Muslims in the last two years?

If they work on changing the mindset and indoctrination of their people with hatred and intolerance, which in many cases is sanctioned by the govt.'s and the religious leaders, maybe there won't be any more bombings or need for human chains after bombings occur. <winking>
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Actually Hossfly, I'm not mentioning it in this thread. And the reason why?

Because it has been brought up in multiple other threads. Did you know that? For example, I have condemned Egypts lack of protections for it's minority religions - no government can be considered legitimate if it can't protect it's citizens.

I see no reason to have to bring it into this thread but clearly you do.

Thank you for your contribution.

Amnesty just issued a report largely blaming the Egyptian government for what is happening to Christians there.

I think it is great seeing people in these countries join together to protect Christians.

We are about to have a Revival at my church and the evangelist is going to be returning from Pakistan, our church will be the first church he speaks at after his return. I cannot wait to hear what he has to tell us about what God is doing today in Pakistan. It is in Persecution where God always does great things.
Helpful information and solutions to persecution of Christians.
This should be of vital interest to Sherri.

Immediate Action « Persecution of Christians & Persecuted Churches

for the record----information I have gotten from Coptic colleagues----over the past
30 years -----DOES INCLUDE QUITE FERVENT blame upon the Egyptian government---
chrisitan leaders "disappear" regularly. Circa 1990----a coptic told me ----with
tears of INDIGNATION----that Mubarak had assassinated ---the COPTIC PATRIARCH
PRIEST----(the leader of that church) He predicted the downfall of Mubarak---
but in his version ---mubarak gets shot in the head ( I think he hoped it would be
with a bullet from the gun of a copt)

A tidbit of history Omar Sharif is a Copt. In order to marry an actress---
he had to "convert" to islam. Of course that makes his kids muslims----
his son married a jew Recently Omar attended the bar mitzvah of his grandson.

yes-----there is hope (for the record----strictly speaking----should the bar mitzvah
boy visit Iran-----according to the shariah law that sherry supports---he should be
executed for APOSTASY ----since according to shariah law a convert to islam is muslim
for LIFE as are all of his offspring. It is an irreversible sickness)

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