Human chain formed to protect Christians during Lahore mass

Hamas, Fatah leaders in Eid phone call

GAZA CITY (AFP) -- Leaders of rival Palestinian factions Fatah and Hamas spoke via telephone on the eve of the Muslim Eid al-Adha holiday, stressing the need for reconciliation, a Hamas official said Tuesday. Gaza prime minister Ismail Haniyeh spoke to President Mahmoud Abbas of the "need for a return to national unity and an end to division" during the late night conversation, a Hamas official said on condition of anonymity.The two men exchanged greetings for Eid al-Adha, which Muslims began celebrating on Tuesday.

Hamas, Fatah leaders in Eid phone call | Maan News Agency

' so typical of isa-respecting treachery and hypocrisy sherri----has just endorsed a
post by Coyote describing a bid of friendship between a rabbi and a Qadi for both
their people and -----now endorses the reformation of an alliance designed to destroy
the jews of the middle east. Some things never change -----there is nothing so
enduring as the love between DEPRAVED SOULMATES

Presumably, Rosie, it would be too much to ask of you to let this thread be somewhat positive?

I would have liked to -----but then sherri waxed joyful over the UNITY TO DESTROY JEWS
conference held by two of her baby murdering heroes -------something like a reprise of
the friendship between the isa-respecting heroes Adolf abu ali and Al Husseini

we could call this revival alliance -------the TRIPLE 'A' memorial alliance

A bu ali A l husseini A uschwitz alliance have a drink, coyote
Shiite Pilgrimage Leads to Church

Saturday, July 29, 2006. RMEISH, Lebanon --

The word went out -- there was refuge in a Christian village -- and thousands came.In a pilgrimage of fear, Shiite Muslims from the towns most ravaged along the Lebanese border fled for Rmeish, a hilltop hamlet along a road where Israeli shells fell, at times, every 15 seconds Friday. Here, they escaped to a church, and at the church, a basement lit by soft shafts of sunlight. In it were the wretched of this war: children with dirty feet and a pregnant woman who feared giving birth in squalor, an 85-year-old man whose donkey, his sole possession, was killed by a bomb and hundreds of others among the at least 10,000 who arrived in Rmeish, some drinking from a fetid pool and walking the streets in search of food and goodwill."

The safety of God," said Heidar Issa, one of those here. "That's what we were counting on."In a country fractured by faith, torn asunder by 15 years of civil war, they found refuge among the Lebanese Christians they once fought. Their politics often diverged -- over support for Hezbollah, their views of today's conflict -- but they shared a plight. And in a common misery wrought by war, less than a mile from the Israeli border, there was fleeting coexistence rather than talk of strife.

Everyone is opening their doors to anyone who comes," said Tannous Alem, a 43-year-old resident of Rmeish with a cross around his neck, who had brought 120 people into his home over 12 days. "We're all the same in times like these."Southern Lebanon, populated largely by Shiite Muslims, has borne the brunt of Israel's attacks, its villages depopulated, its roads and bridges in shambles and nearly every family touched by the war. But the road to Rmeish along Lebanon's border is a microcosm of the diverse country itself: Sunni Muslim village, then Shiite hamlet, alongside Christian town.Along the sea was Alma al-Shaab, a Christian village with its olive trees, cactuses bearing prickly pears and gardens wilting with no water. Inland was Yarine, a largely Sunni Muslim town, along rolling green hills with cream-colored stones and shrub-like trees. With a wave, an inhabitant there beckoned a passing car: "Welcome! Come join us!" On the Israeli side of the border, antennas stood like sentries along a ridge. Horses, seemingly lost, wandered the streets, unfazed by the explosions. Passing them was a gaggle of Syrian workers, fleeing on foot. Their white flags were tethered to crooked branches, held by hand.

Shiite Pilgrimage Leads to Church
Since your article is from 2006, could you possibly tell us how many Christians have been killed so far by Shiite car and suicide bombing, And if these Shiites are so ecumenical, could you tell us what they are doing in Iran with regard to getting all the Christians released from jail there?
it takes so little to impress coyote ---of course---bombing an EXISTING
church of dhimmis who kiss the feet of Imams ---is illegal in islamic law.

I knew that Dhimmis are "permitted" to exist if they agree to subjugation to
islamic rule

coyote's all time fave AL AZHAR has issued fatwahs ----way back ----more than
40 years ago------the HOLY EDICT regarding jews was that ANY ISRAELI
BY HOLY MUSLIMS (this edict justified those long ago airport attacks which
are a kind of NOSTALGIC memory for -----well----you know who)

Coyote's ALL TIME FAVE Al Azhar has ---in the past few years ----
issued FURTHER fatwahs legalizing the killing of any jew regardless of
age or gender----ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD

Her all time fave hero SHAYKH ABDEL RAHMAN now rots from
the gangrenous diabetic feet up -------in a New York Jail for ---to her
DELIGHT bombing the WORLD TRADE CENTER in 1993 ---well--
she is not so delighted -----the operation sorta failed Only about
six or seven people died for the glory of ISA/ALLAH in that HOLY

an interesting -----side-bar------even USA jewish children lay dead in the
gutter because of the HOLY AL AZHAR EDICTS of which COYOTE is so
PROUD. well---only a few so far.--------but-----a few non jewish children

Time to put the bottle down Rosie :)

The murder of Ari Halberstam was difficult for me-----but it did not
drive me to drink. are you and yours still celebrating?

The bombing of the World Trade Center in 1993 was quite a disappointment
for you-------try to get over it -----your people did succeed in 2001 and are still
celebrating ------drink up Coyote:eusa_angel: Have hope---there's more
to come. Just think-----fun and games in Kenya used to be just a beheaded
raped christian or hindu school girl now and then------but your colleagues have
graduated to MALLS and MASS MURDER
Makes you wonder if there are going to be many copy-cat attempts to massacre innocent people like the one in Kenya.

UK police foil Kenyan massacre copycat plot
Shiite Pilgrimage Leads to Church

Saturday, July 29, 2006. RMEISH, Lebanon --

The word went out -- there was refuge in a Christian village -- and thousands came.In a pilgrimage of fear, Shiite Muslims from the towns most ravaged along the Lebanese border fled for Rmeish, a hilltop hamlet along a road where Israeli shells fell, at times, every 15 seconds Friday. Here, they escaped to a church, and at the church, a basement lit by soft shafts of sunlight. In it were the wretched of this war: children with dirty feet and a pregnant woman who feared giving birth in squalor, an 85-year-old man whose donkey, his sole possession, was killed by a bomb and hundreds of others among the at least 10,000 who arrived in Rmeish, some drinking from a fetid pool and walking the streets in search of food and goodwill."

The safety of God," said Heidar Issa, one of those here. "That's what we were counting on."In a country fractured by faith, torn asunder by 15 years of civil war, they found refuge among the Lebanese Christians they once fought. Their politics often diverged -- over support for Hezbollah, their views of today's conflict -- but they shared a plight. And in a common misery wrought by war, less than a mile from the Israeli border, there was fleeting coexistence rather than talk of strife.

Everyone is opening their doors to anyone who comes," said Tannous Alem, a 43-year-old resident of Rmeish with a cross around his neck, who had brought 120 people into his home over 12 days. "We're all the same in times like these."Southern Lebanon, populated largely by Shiite Muslims, has borne the brunt of Israel's attacks, its villages depopulated, its roads and bridges in shambles and nearly every family touched by the war. But the road to Rmeish along Lebanon's border is a microcosm of the diverse country itself: Sunni Muslim village, then Shiite hamlet, alongside Christian town.Along the sea was Alma al-Shaab, a Christian village with its olive trees, cactuses bearing prickly pears and gardens wilting with no water. Inland was Yarine, a largely Sunni Muslim town, along rolling green hills with cream-colored stones and shrub-like trees. With a wave, an inhabitant there beckoned a passing car: "Welcome! Come join us!" On the Israeli side of the border, antennas stood like sentries along a ridge. Horses, seemingly lost, wandered the streets, unfazed by the explosions. Passing them was a gaggle of Syrian workers, fleeing on foot. Their white flags were tethered to crooked branches, held by hand.

Shiite Pilgrimage Leads to Church
Since your article is from 2006, could you possibly tell us how many Christians have been killed so far by Shiite car and suicide bombing, And if these Shiites are so ecumenical, could you tell us what they are doing in Iran with regard to getting all the Christians released from jail there?

Since no 'Evil Baby-Killing Zionists' were involved in those murders of Christians, Sherri has no interest.
Which of course means what? It means that she couldn't care less about Christians in Israel, all she cares about is demonizing Israeli/Jews.
It's really that simply Hoss...It's THAT simple ..

And she can't use the "We're in the I/P forum, not the Pakistan forum or not the Egypt forum etccc." excuse, because now we are in the Middle East forum. Yet Sherri STILL only focuses on Israel instead of other ME states where ACTUAL atrocities are taking place.
Weird, ain't it ?
Last edited:
There are some threads we try to keep positive here. Including certain Israeli threads. I would like to ask that we keep this one positive. There are plenty of anti-Islam threads available in which to trash Islam. I'm speaking as a poster, not a moderator and requesting, not demanding. :)

I am speaking as a POSTER. ----"PAKISTAN" is a buzzword for me. The very first
muslim I knew in my childhood was a pakistani. ------son of a diplomat (or so he said)
We were both kids. Since that time I have had CLOSE friendships---and close
professional relationships with lots and lots and lots of pakistanis. You speak of "POSTIVE"
---what is "POSITIVE" abuot the fact that churches NEED to be protected from attack in
Pakistan? I understand why churches NEED to be protected in Pakistan because I have
known lots of Pakistanis----and have a firm grasp on that which they are TAUGHT TO

I see nothing POSTIVE about the fact that for the past several years----ARMED GUARDS
are required to stand on the steps and in the lobby of the Synagogue I attend in THE
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA -----either (at the behest of the local cops---but the guards not the local cops----the guards are hired. I am particularly charmed
by the fact that a semi-permanent guard is a SIKH------bad news for you---SIKHS hate pakistani muslims----I feel sorry for any pakistani who might tries to attack that synagogue)

Getting back to pakistanis-----highly educated pakistanis I have known can quote the
HARD CORE NAZI PROPAGANDA----chapter and verse It may be a requirement for
entry into engineering and medical school

The very interesting aspect of pakistani hatred of jews is the fact that there are no
jews in pakistan. As to their hatred of christians ------ever wonder how they
JUSTIFY that hatred ? I can tell you in one word "MISSIONARIES" whose
sole purpose for being is THE DESTRUCTION OF ISLAAAAAM

Did you know that what is today PAKISTAN ---at one time had a jewish population?
There is a large synagugue in LAHORE (which according to pakistanis I have known
is a remarkably beautiful city---the natural beauty of the area) ----the synagogue is
UNDERNEATH A MOSQUE-----ie---the remnants of the pillaged and vandalized
synagogue------is that fact not interesting. Does the revelation constitute
"TRASHING ISLAM" ??? keep in mind-----our very own Sherri insists that

Now from whom is the church being protected? buddhist monks?
Hamas, Fatah leaders in Eid phone call

GAZA CITY (AFP) -- Leaders of rival Palestinian factions Fatah and Hamas spoke via telephone on the eve of the Muslim Eid al-Adha holiday, stressing the need for reconciliation, a Hamas official said Tuesday. Gaza prime minister Ismail Haniyeh spoke to President Mahmoud Abbas of the "need for a return to national unity and an end to division" during the late night conversation, a Hamas official said on condition of anonymity.The two men exchanged greetings for Eid al-Adha, which Muslims began celebrating on Tuesday.

Hamas, Fatah leaders in Eid phone call | Maan News Agency
"Ah Hello, my Muslim brotha, Ahlan wa sahlan, and EID Mubarek."
"Ahlan! EID Mubarek to you"
"Inshallah this year brings good tidings, and we can both kill more of those filthy evil Jews"
"Inshallah! I'm with you on that."
"As a special gift I am sending you a dozen one size fits all suicide vests."
"Allah Akbar! Shokran, I will make sure to find a few kids that will volunteer to perform their duty."
"Salam Aleykom"
"Wa Aleykom a Salam"
Hamas, Fatah leaders in Eid phone call

GAZA CITY (AFP) -- Leaders of rival Palestinian factions Fatah and Hamas spoke via telephone on the eve of the Muslim Eid al-Adha holiday, stressing the need for reconciliation, a Hamas official said Tuesday. Gaza prime minister Ismail Haniyeh spoke to President Mahmoud Abbas of the "need for a return to national unity and an end to division" during the late night conversation, a Hamas official said on condition of anonymity.The two men exchanged greetings for Eid al-Adha, which Muslims began celebrating on Tuesday.

Hamas, Fatah leaders in Eid phone call | Maan News Agency
"Ah Hello, my Muslim brotha, Ahlan wa sahlan, and EID Mubarek."
"Ahlan! EID Mubarek to you"
"Inshallah this year brings good tidings, and we can both kill more of those filthy evil Jews"
"Inshallah! I'm with you on that."
"As a special gift I am sending you a dozen one size fits all suicide vests."
"Allah Akbar! Shokran, I will make sure to find a few kids that will volunteer to perform their duty."
"Salam Aleykom"
"Wa Aleykom a Salam"

Hahahaha thanks for the laugh Roudy ! :lol:

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