Human rights lawyer to Trump: Shooting people for stealing things is murder

This should be an interesting debate. Under the law, is the national guard allowed to shoot people who are looting target? President Trump that looters will be shot.
(Please cite the relevant law when answering the question. Thanks).

Exactly. Read my mind. I hope these fine men and women approach their job with love and respect. I suspect most of them will err on the side of extreme caution.
If a person illegally enters my house, yeah, they're gonna get shot.
If you live in Texas, they won't even hardly question you.

In Texas, one has no rights if one unlawfully go into someone else's house for any reason whatsoever, and the consequences can be (typically are) fatal for the intruder.


As it should be. I live in South Texas.
Deadly force? I see it is in Texas. I can't believe property is worth a life. Wow.
For people who work hard for what they have property is worth fighting for
Not killing for it.
Why do you think it is up to you to decide for someone else if their stuff is worth killing for?

You can kill someone if you want, and deal with the law after.
The state I live in cheers killing looters, so I'm good.
This should be an interesting debate. Under the law, is the national guard allowed to shoot people who are looting target? President Trump that looters will be shot.
(Please cite the relevant law when answering the question. Thanks).

Abortion not murder
Shooting a looter who is stealing you property is murder

It all makes so much sense now
This should be an interesting debate. Under the law, is the national guard allowed to shoot people who are looting target? President Trump that looters will be shot.
(Please cite the relevant law when answering the question. Thanks).

Me to so called human rights asshats. Stealing and destroying other people shit is against the law and running amok breaks down society as a whole. Either get the fuck out or risk having your worthless stupid dumb ass blown away.

Looters have been begging you to try it all week long. Why are you afraid to get your hands dirty & shoot some looters instead of crying about it here???
It is not that I want to show Russia as a "civilised country", but "no looting - no shooting".

It is exactly what we see with white men on both sides.
Looters should be shot on sight along with progressive filth.
I'm not asking what should be done. I'm asking what's legal.

Polk County FL
Totally legal....

In a nation wide flame on flame out You'll probably get many a police 911 dispatchers across the nation telling folks help is not coming do what you have to do., if they even pick up the phone

When the spice comes..and its coming.....probably sooner rather than later.
Patriots just remember what they did to your country in the current year 2020

Don't say we didnt warn yas the twenties would be roaring
I was guessing we had till at least the middle of the decade .....not looking so good in the scamdemic riot former USA

The riots kinda have a tet offensive tinge no ?
The normies and spoiled rich suburban white kids ain't gonna like whats a coming

Big igloo indeed

Looters should be shot on sight along with progressive filth.
I'm not asking what should be done. I'm asking what's legal.

Polk County FL
Totally legal....

In a nation wide flame on flame out You'll probably get many a police 911 dispatchers across the nation telling folks help is not coming do what you have to do., if they even pick up the phone

When the spice comes..and its coming.....probably sooner rather than later.
Patriots just remember what they did to your country in the current year 2020

Don't say we didnt warn yas the twenties would be roaring
I was guessing we had till at least the middle of the decade .....not looking so good in the scamdemic riot former USA

The riots kinda have a tet offensive tinge no ?
The normies and spoiled rich suburban white kids ain't gonna like whats a coming

Big igloo indeed

This should be an interesting debate. Under the law, is the national guard allowed to shoot people who are looting target? President Trump that looters will be shot.
(Please cite the relevant law when answering the question. Thanks).

Me to so called human rights asshats. Stealing and destroying other people shit is against the law and running amok breaks down society as a whole. Either get the fuck out or risk having your worthless stupid dumb ass blown away.

Looters have been begging you to try it all week long. Why are you afraid to get your hands dirty & shoot some looters instead of crying about it here???

Because it is illegal for citizens to shoot or kill over property alone. You're safety has to be in jeopardy. Now if it was legal to do so, we wouldn't have had any riots, now would we?
If a person illegally enters my house, yeah, they're gonna get shot.
If you live in Texas, they won't even hardly question you.

In Texas, one has no rights if one unlawfully go into someone else's house for any reason whatsoever, and the consequences can be (typically are) fatal for the intruder.


In Ohio we have the castle doctrine to protect homeowners who use deadly force. But if I see some lowlife stealing my lawnmower out of my garage and shoot them, I'm going to prison for murder. That law needs to be changed.
The national guard do not carry those weapons for show, they work. Lethal force is authorized against looting and rioting.

Hopefully it won't come to that.

How do you keep looters out of your backyard? Hang one in your front yard.

Many years ago a middle-east family leased a building near my home and opened up a store. I went there a lot as I support small business. One day as I was walking in, the police were talking with the young store clerk. After they left I asked the clerk what the problem was. Apparently a drunk came in and stole some cigarettes off the counter. His complaint was that the police told him if the guy came back, give them a call and they will throw him out of the store. That's all they would do.

A few weeks earlier his grandmother wrote and wanted to know about his environment in this new country of his. Instead of writing a long letter back, he sent her a copy of our suburban paper. She wrote back with great concern because she read the police section. Her claim was we had more theft in our little suburb in one week than the entire middle-east has in a year. I asked him if that was true, and he concurred.

Where he was from they had outdoor markets with picnic tables setup for the customers. He said if a woman lay her purse on the table and walked away, it would most likely still be there the next day. In fact people who seen the purse would cross the street to be nowhere near it.

He said if somebody was caught stealing, off comes one hand, and not in a hospital either. Steal again, and off comes the other hand. He said there is no third time. That's why we have so much theft here and virtually none over there. A strong enough deterrent works every time it's tried.
This should be an interesting debate. Under the law, is the national guard allowed to shoot people who are looting target? President Trump that looters will be shot.
(Please cite the relevant law when answering the question. Thanks).

Me to so called human rights asshats. Stealing and destroying other people shit is against the law and running amok breaks down society as a whole. Either get the fuck out or risk having your worthless stupid dumb ass blown away.

Looters have been begging you to try it all week long. Why are you afraid to get your hands dirty & shoot some looters instead of crying about it here???

Because it is illegal for citizens to shoot or kill over property alone. You're safety has to be in jeopardy. Now if it was legal to do so, we wouldn't have had any riots, now would we?

Not true. See LA castle doctrine. Someone breaks into your home (or car) you do not have to inquire into whether they are there to steal or injure you. You can shoot to kill on the spot. Someone tries to carjack you shoot them dead.

I even had a cop tell me if someone breaks into your house shoot them dead and we'll come get the body. We do NOT fuck around here in Louisiana.
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This should be an interesting debate. Under the law, is the national guard allowed to shoot people who are looting target? President Trump that looters will be shot.
(Please cite the relevant law when answering the question. Thanks).

Me to so called human rights asshats. Stealing and destroying other people shit is against the law and running amok breaks down society as a whole. Either get the fuck out or risk having your worthless stupid dumb ass blown away.

Looters have been begging you to try it all week long. Why are you afraid to get your hands dirty & shoot some looters instead of crying about it here???

Because it is illegal for citizens to shoot or kill over property alone. You're safety has to be in jeopardy. Now if it was legal to do so, we wouldn't have had any riots, now would we?

Not true. See LA castle doctrine. Someone breaks into your home (or car) you do not have to inquire into whether they are there to steal or injure you. You can shoot to kill on the spot. Someone tries to carjack you shoot them dead.

I even had a cop tell me if someone breaks into your house shoot them dead and we'll come get the body. We do NOT fuck around here in Louisiana.

It's the same way here. However if I see somebody stealing my lawnmower out of the garage, and I gun them down, I'm going to prison. I disagree with it, but that's the law.
The national guard do not carry those weapons for show, they work. Lethal force is authorized against looting and rioting.

Hopefully it won't come to that.

How do you keep looters out of your backyard? Hang one in your front yard.

Many years ago a middle-east family leased a building near my home and opened up a store. I went there a lot as I support small business. One day as I was walking in, the police were talking with the young store clerk. After they left I asked the clerk what the problem was. Apparently a drunk came in and stole some cigarettes off the counter. His complaint was that the police told him if the guy came back, give them a call and they will throw him out of the store. That's all they would do.

A few weeks earlier his grandmother wrote and wanted to know about his environment in this new country of his. Instead of writing a long letter back, he sent her a copy of our suburban paper. She wrote back with great concern because she read the police section. Her claim was we had more theft in our little suburb in one week than the entire middle-east has in a year. I asked him if that was true, and he concurred.

Where he was from they had outdoor markets with picnic tables setup for the customers. He said if a woman lay her purse on the table and walked away, it would most likely still be there the next day. In fact people who seen the purse would cross the street to be nowhere near it.

He said if somebody was caught stealing, off comes one hand, and not in a hospital either. Steal again, and off comes the other hand. He said there is no third time. That's why we have so much theft here and virtually none over there. A strong enough deterrent works every time it's tried.
Wrong - Just ask the LA man who was in prison for years because he shot a looter after Hurricane Katrina.
The national guard do not carry those weapons for show, they work. Lethal force is authorized against looting and rioting.

Hopefully it won't come to that.

How do you keep looters out of your backyard? Hang one in your front yard.

Many years ago a middle-east family leased a building near my home and opened up a store. I went there a lot as I support small business. One day as I was walking in, the police were talking with the young store clerk. After they left I asked the clerk what the problem was. Apparently a drunk came in and stole some cigarettes off the counter. His complaint was that the police told him if the guy came back, give them a call and they will throw him out of the store. That's all they would do.

A few weeks earlier his grandmother wrote and wanted to know about his environment in this new country of his. Instead of writing a long letter back, he sent her a copy of our suburban paper. She wrote back with great concern because she read the police section. Her claim was we had more theft in our little suburb in one week than the entire middle-east has in a year. I asked him if that was true, and he concurred.

Where he was from they had outdoor markets with picnic tables setup for the customers. He said if a woman lay her purse on the table and walked away, it would most likely still be there the next day. In fact people who seen the purse would cross the street to be nowhere near it.

He said if somebody was caught stealing, off comes one hand, and not in a hospital either. Steal again, and off comes the other hand. He said there is no third time. That's why we have so much theft here and virtually none over there. A strong enough deterrent works every time it's tried.
Wrong - Just ask the LA man who was in prison for years because he shot a looter after Hurricane Katrina.

Perhaps he didn't know the laws or was expecting a jury to see his reasoning. However when you destroy public or private property, loot, you know fully well you are breaking the law. And every lowlife that is found should be given the maximum sentence.
Defending self family and property is considered a right worldwide. In any society governed by the rule of law it the government that is responsible for doing so for it's citizens whenever possible. Thieves that refuse to surrender peaceably should be shot.
The national guard do not carry those weapons for show, they work. Lethal force is authorized against looting and rioting.

Hopefully it won't come to that.

How do you keep looters out of your backyard? Hang one in your front yard.

Many years ago a middle-east family leased a building near my home and opened up a store. I went there a lot as I support small business. One day as I was walking in, the police were talking with the young store clerk. After they left I asked the clerk what the problem was. Apparently a drunk came in and stole some cigarettes off the counter. His complaint was that the police told him if the guy came back, give them a call and they will throw him out of the store. That's all they would do.

A few weeks earlier his grandmother wrote and wanted to know about his environment in this new country of his. Instead of writing a long letter back, he sent her a copy of our suburban paper. She wrote back with great concern because she read the police section. Her claim was we had more theft in our little suburb in one week than the entire middle-east has in a year. I asked him if that was true, and he concurred.

Where he was from they had outdoor markets with picnic tables setup for the customers. He said if a woman lay her purse on the table and walked away, it would most likely still be there the next day. In fact people who seen the purse would cross the street to be nowhere near it.

He said if somebody was caught stealing, off comes one hand, and not in a hospital either. Steal again, and off comes the other hand. He said there is no third time. That's why we have so much theft here and virtually none over there. A strong enough deterrent works every time it's tried.
Wrong - Just ask the LA man who was in prison for years because he shot a looter after Hurricane Katrina.
You're looking for sanity in LA? Seriously?

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