Humanitarian Border Crisis Was 'Manufactured', As AOC's Refusal To Vote For Funding Shows


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
As it turns out, the Democrats were right - the 'Humanitarian Crisis' at our southern border was 'Manufactured' just wasn't 'manufactured' by President Trump and his administration. It was manufactured by Democrats, like AOC, who refused to provide adequate funding and resources for the US BPA to deal with the constant invasion of approximate 100,000 illegals PER MONTH into the United States.

Ocasio-Cortez defiant in face of criticism for opposing border $$ bill while decrying conditions

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is firing back at accusations of
hypocrisy for railing against conditions in migrant detention centers, after having voted against funding legislation for the humanitarian crisis at the border.

“People like AOC create the disaster, refuse to fix it, vote against funding to help people and then go down there to attack the people who are saying to her, ‘we don’t have enough money, we don’t have enough facilities’”


Ocasio-Cortez defiant in face of criticism for opposing border $$ bill while decrying conditions

Mexico let's the asylum and refugee seekers to go through Mexico so they can seek asylum and refugee in the US. Now we have a problem at our border. Why not bus them up to the Canadian border and let them seek refugee and asylum status their. Isn't our Canadian friend dragonlady always claiming how superior her country is to ours anyway?
Mexico let's the asylum and refugee seekers to go through Mexico so they can seek asylum and refugee in the US. Now we have a problem at our border. Why not bus them up to the Canadian border and let them seek refugee and asylum status their. Isn't our Canadian friend dragonlady always claiming how superior her country is to ours anyway?
Mexico has for the time being stopped being travel guides for illegals. They are FINALLY beginning to do what they should have done without President Trump lowering the boom on them. They are a parasitic, corrupt country and if we don't keep the pressure on them, Mexico will go right back to being travel guides. They cannot be trusted.
As it turns out, the Democrats were right - the 'Humanitarian Crisis' at our southern border was 'Manufactured' just wasn't 'manufactured' by President Trump and his administration. It was manufactured by Democrats, like AOC, who refused to provide adequate funding and resources for the US BPA to deal with the constant invasion of approximate 100,000 illegals PER MONTH into the United States.

Ocasio-Cortez defiant in face of criticism for opposing border $$ bill while decrying conditions

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is firing back at accusations of
hypocrisy for railing against conditions in migrant detention centers, after having voted against funding legislation for the humanitarian crisis at the border.

“People like AOC create the disaster, refuse to fix it, vote against funding to help people and then go down there to attack the people who are saying to her, ‘we don’t have enough money, we don’t have enough facilities’”


Ocasio-Cortez defiant in face of criticism for opposing border $$ bill while decrying conditions

I will give AOC the benefit of the doubt and question WHY she opposed the bill.

Did it have too many bullshit riders that should could not accept? I cannot fault her for rejecting a bullshit bill with a bunch of unrelated pork nonsense.

As it turns out, the Democrats were right - the 'Humanitarian Crisis' at our southern border was 'Manufactured' just wasn't 'manufactured' by President Trump and his administration. It was manufactured by Democrats, like AOC, who refused to provide adequate funding and resources for the US BPA to deal with the constant invasion of approximate 100,000 illegals PER MONTH into the United States.

Ocasio-Cortez defiant in face of criticism for opposing border $$ bill while decrying conditions

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is firing back at accusations of
hypocrisy for railing against conditions in migrant detention centers, after having voted against funding legislation for the humanitarian crisis at the border.

“People like AOC create the disaster, refuse to fix it, vote against funding to help people and then go down there to attack the people who are saying to her, ‘we don’t have enough money, we don’t have enough facilities’”


Ocasio-Cortez defiant in face of criticism for opposing border $$ bill while decrying conditions

I will give AOC the benefit of the doubt and question WHY she opposed the bill.

Did it have too many bullshit riders that should could not accept? I cannot fault her for rejecting a bullshit bill with a bunch of unrelated pork nonsense.

Let's get real. EVERY fucking bill is packed with pork riders.
AOC is going to be a one term pony.
Then she can get her own show on MSNBC.
I will give AOC the benefit of the doubt and question WHY she opposed the bill. Did it have too many bullshit riders that should could not accept? I cannot fault her for rejecting a bullshit bill with a bunch of unrelated pork nonsense.

Pardon me, but it doesn't just sound like you are giving her the benefit of the doubt - it sounds like you are writing / creating / providing her with the excuse as well.

Even if the bill had excessive pork / riders included, the one's who should then be chastised / condemned are her fellow House members who added them, thereby preventing the crisis from being addressed, NOT the US BPA.
-- And excessive riders preventing her from being able to vote for the bill does NOT explain why she then went to the border and LIED about the conditions at the Detention Center she visited.

The Senate did not have a problem coming up with a bi-partisan bill that funded the crisis, so why did AOC and House Democrats have such a hard time doing so?

Perhaps it was because Speaker of the House Pelosi openly declared they would NOT provide the necessary funding and resources because they instead intended to fund their own plan that forced the US BPA to release detained immigrants faster?!
Let's get real. EVERY fucking bill is packed with pork riders.
AOC is going to be a one term pony.
Then she can get her own show on MSNBC.
Actually, since Congress will NEVER do it, I would love to see the President issue an Executive Order that eliminates the ability for any politician to attach un-associated PORK to a piece of legislation - if it has nothing directly to do with the legislation then it has to be submitted as its own as a separate piece of legislation!

Congress, of course, would sch!t itself, as their ability to load self-benefitting pork intended to help themselves /family / friends and get themselves re-elected into legislation would be under attack.
As it turns out, the Democrats were right - the 'Humanitarian Crisis' at our southern border was 'Manufactured' just wasn't 'manufactured' by President Trump and his administration. It was manufactured by Democrats, like AOC, who refused to provide adequate funding and resources for the US BPA to deal with the constant invasion of approximate 100,000 illegals PER MONTH into the United States.

Ocasio-Cortez defiant in face of criticism for opposing border $$ bill while decrying conditions

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is firing back at accusations of
hypocrisy for railing against conditions in migrant detention centers, after having voted against funding legislation for the humanitarian crisis at the border.

“People like AOC create the disaster, refuse to fix it, vote against funding to help people and then go down there to attack the people who are saying to her, ‘we don’t have enough money, we don’t have enough facilities’”


Ocasio-Cortez defiant in face of criticism for opposing border $$ bill while decrying conditions


The real crisis are illegals that are coming to America, not the conditions. Although the conditions were bad as well. However, that's only because so god damned many illegals are swarming in as democrat money is probably paying for them to.
I will give AOC the benefit of the doubt and question WHY she opposed the bill. Did it have too many bullshit riders that should could not accept? I cannot fault her for rejecting a bullshit bill with a bunch of unrelated pork nonsense.

Pardon me, but it doesn't just sound like you are giving her the benefit of the doubt - it sounds like you are writing / creating / providing her with the excuse as well.

Even if the bill had excessive pork / riders included, the one's who should then be chastised / condemned are her fellow House members who added them, thereby preventing the crisis from being addressed, NOT the US BPA.
-- And excessive riders preventing her from being able to vote for the bill does NOT explain why she then went to the border and LIED about the conditions at the Detention Center she visited.

The Senate did not have a problem coming up with a bi-partisan bill that funded the crisis, so why did AOC and House Democrats have such a hard time doing so?

Perhaps it was because Speaker of the House Pelosi openly declared they would NOT provide the necessary funding and resources because they instead intended to fund their own plan that forced the US BPA to release detained immigrants faster?!
I wasn't assigning any blame for the pork/riders.

I have seen it too often where others will include a bunch of irrelevant bullshit that nobody wants. If that were the case, AOC would not be wrong. I doubt that is the case, because she is an ignorant cluefuck of an open-borders commie psycho bitch. But, I am willing to allow her to explain.


I still support a constitutional amendment limiting the size and content of bills. All bills shall be no longer than 10 pages, written on 8.5x11 single-sided paper, double spaced with 12 point Times New Roman font. Make these bastards read what they vote on. Make it impossible for them to sneak bullshit into bills that the people have no time to read (Obama care).

The problem with getting funding was the Dems putting a bunch of poison pills into the funding legislation. Once that photo came out (and the reaction was NOT what the Dems were hoping for) Pelosi got forced to bring the bill the Senate and Trump wanted up to a full vote with NO amendments. Yet half the Dems STILL refused to vote for funding. So those who voted no have no right complaining about conditions when they refuse to help improve them.

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