Humanity Is Drowning In Washington's Criminality


What! Me Worry?
Mar 23, 2013
Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy under the Reagan administration and associate editor of the Wall Street Journal.

Humanity Is Drowning In Washington's Criminality

Americans will soon be locked into an unaccountable police state unless US Representatives and Senators find the courage to ask questions and to sanction the executive branch officials who break the law, violate the Constitution, withhold information from Congress, and give false information about their crimes against law, the Constitution, the American people and those in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Somalia, Guantanamo, and elsewhere. Congress needs to use the impeachment power that the Constitution provides and cease being subservient to the lawless executive branch. The US faces no threat that justifies the lawlessness and abuse of police powers that characterize the executive branch in the 21st century.

Impeachment is the most important power of Congress. Impeachment is what protects the citizens, the Constitution, and the other branches of government from abuse by the executive branch. If the power to remove abusive executive branch officials is not used, the power ceases to exist. An unused power is like a dead letter law. Its authority disappears. By acquiescing to executive branch lawlessness, Congress has allowed the executive branch to place itself above law and to escape accountability for its violations of law and the Constitution.
Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy under the Reagan administration and associate editor of the Wall Street Journal.

Humanity Is Drowning In Washington's Criminality

Americans will soon be locked into an unaccountable police state unless US Representatives and Senators find the courage to ask questions and to sanction the executive branch officials who break the law, violate the Constitution, withhold information from Congress, and give false information about their crimes against law, the Constitution, the American people and those in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Somalia, Guantanamo, and elsewhere. Congress needs to use the impeachment power that the Constitution provides and cease being subservient to the lawless executive branch. The US faces no threat that justifies the lawlessness and abuse of police powers that characterize the executive branch in the 21st century.

Impeachment is the most important power of Congress. Impeachment is what protects the citizens, the Constitution, and the other branches of government from abuse by the executive branch. If the power to remove abusive executive branch officials is not used, the power ceases to exist. An unused power is like a dead letter law. Its authority disappears. By acquiescing to executive branch lawlessness, Congress has allowed the executive branch to place itself above law and to escape accountability for its violations of law and the Constitution.

Congress is just as bad if not worse. All one has to do is notice that nothing is being done to stop corruption. The jig is up. No one is innocent or courageous enough to take up the cause.
Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy under the Reagan administration and associate editor of the Wall Street Journal.

Humanity Is Drowning In Washington's Criminality

Americans will soon be locked into an unaccountable police state unless US Representatives and Senators find the courage to ask questions and to sanction the executive branch officials who break the law, violate the Constitution, withhold information from Congress, and give false information about their crimes against law, the Constitution, the American people and those in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Somalia, Guantanamo, and elsewhere. Congress needs to use the impeachment power that the Constitution provides and cease being subservient to the lawless executive branch. The US faces no threat that justifies the lawlessness and abuse of police powers that characterize the executive branch in the 21st century.

Impeachment is the most important power of Congress. Impeachment is what protects the citizens, the Constitution, and the other branches of government from abuse by the executive branch. If the power to remove abusive executive branch officials is not used, the power ceases to exist. An unused power is like a dead letter law. Its authority disappears. By acquiescing to executive branch lawlessness, Congress has allowed the executive branch to place itself above law and to escape accountability for its violations of law and the Constitution.

Congress is just as bad if not worse. All one has to do is notice that nothing is being done to stop corruption. The jig is up. No one is innocent or courageous enough to take up the cause.

You're right all three branches are corrupt, congress will never have the political will to impeach anyone, hell they haven't even charged that NSA asshole that flat lied to their faces under oath. Yet the taxpayers keep funding their criminal enterprise. Go figure.
You're right all three branches are corrupt, congress will never have the political will to impeach anyone, hell they haven't even charged that NSA asshole that flat lied to their faces under oath. Yet the taxpayers keep funding their criminal enterprise. Go figure.
Yes, all three branches are corrupt -- including the courts.

When even the courts are corrupt, the Constitution is dead, and means nothing.

You're right all three branches are corrupt, congress will never have the political will to impeach anyone, hell they haven't even charged that NSA asshole that flat lied to their faces under oath. Yet the taxpayers keep funding their criminal enterprise. Go figure.
Yes, all three branches are corrupt -- including the courts.

When even the courts are corrupt, the Constitution is dead, and means nothing.


Why should this surprise anybody ? History is littered with the same excesses by the institution of the state, it has throughout recorded history been a tool for the economic and social exploitation of the masses by the well-connected, monied minority, not any different this time around.

As soon as power began to centralize in Washington the fate of the Republic was sealed.

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