Humongous Screw-up Israel Sending Ground Forces Into Gaza!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
Israel killing Hamas Military leader, Okay! Israel bombing dozens of targets in Gaza to stop rocket attacks on Israel, Okay! Israel sending ground forces into Gaza to stop rocket attacks, definitely definitely "Not" Okay! When Israel sends ground forces into Gaza it causes a huge amount of destruction to homes, businesses, transportations and power generation infrastructure, etc. in Gaza not to mention a significant loss of Palestinian life there; this causes great hardship on the Palestinian people living in Gaza and a corresponding great sympathy for these Palestinians throughout the world! America, the Israeli people themselves and people of good will throughout the world don't need this Israeli military action right now!

If Israel sends ground forces into Gaza now it will cause the following severe repercussions. It will very significantly undermine the value of the trade sanctions against Iran to stop them from building nuclear weapons. It will stiffen the Iranian peoples and the Iranian governments will to endure the sanctions and not negotiate a cessation to their nuclear weapons program as a way to punish Israel and their U.S. allies for Israeli aggression in Gaza and show solidarity with the Palestinian people! This would be a very major catastrophe for the U.S. and Israel because wise people know that the U.S. and Israel can't let Iran build nuclear weapons because of the unacceptable existential threat level this poses to the state of Israel and the nuclear arms race it will cause in the Middle East and these countries are not that political stable that the world can risk this! Wise people no that unless these sanctions work and bring Iran to the negotiating table and they negotiate this cessation and the time frame here is under two years the U.S. and Israel will have to conduct a sustained air campaign against Iran to stop this nuclear weapon threat from Iran; and if there is such an air campaign some U.S. and Israeli pilots will lose their life because Iran has so many ground to air missiles they will use in such a campaign some are bound to succeed. Mr. Netanyahu, the Israeli Prime Minister, maybe is willing to needlessly sacrifice some Israeli pilots lives to appear strong but the American people sure as hell don't think this way we want to make every possible effort to avoid this loss of life. Secondly, if Israel sends ground forces into Gaza its like going into a casino and making a very risky bet and putting up as the stakes the type of government the world will see in Egypt. Obviously, the Muslim Brotherhood won the elections to lead in Egypt and so far it appears that they have been responsible leaders, they appear to be sticking to their end in the peace deal with Israel. Granted the Muslim Brotherhood doesn't have the control over security throughout the country that the Hosni Mubarak government did but they are a new government keep in mind that this Egyptian government has enormous challenges they are dealing with a military that historically had a disordered role in a proper democratic form of government which is that the military is under the civilian government and the military sticks to military matters it isn't an economic powerhouse in the country and the current Egyptian government has to deal with an economy that is in great disrepair. Optimal wisdom calls for the Israeli government not sending ground forces into Gaza because this could empower militant forces in the Muslim Brotherhood to push the Egyptian Government to help the Palestinians in Gaza militarily which would increase the violence and result in both more Israelis and Palestinians losing their lives and would likely increase anti-Israel sentiments throughout the world which would undermine the worlds goal of a permanent and just Israeli/Palestinian peace.

The American people don't want the Israeli government to take off the table the possibility of one day sending in ground forces into Gaza to stop the threat of rocket attacks on Israel if they continue we just want the Israeli government to exhaust all the other options first. Israel has experienced episodes in the past where it has incurred higher rates of rocket attacks from Gaza and the Israeli Air Force responded strongly with bombings from their planes which brought the problem under control, Israel has just in the last couple of days carried out such a strong response with their air force let us see if that has the affect of getting this problem under control. Further, all these rockets landing up in the hands of Palestinians in Gaza means that significant numbers have to be coming in through Egypt, give the U.S. government the opportunity to lobby the current Egyptian government to shut off the spigot for these rockets the U.S. government has significant leverage in such a lobbying effort we dial down foreign aid to Egypt and/or put a travel ban on U.S. citizens traveling and/or doing business with Egypt, tourism is a big industry in Egypt.

I am really surprised that the Israeli people are acting like sheep and in a loddy-da-da fashion following Mr. Netanyahu allowing him to lead them into a ground war in Gaza. Mr. Netanyahu is a strong but dumb leader. He really turned a lot of Americans off interjecting himself in America's recent elections siding with Mr. Romney; many Americans couldn't believe that in the waning months of the election Mr. Netanyahu publicly pressured Mr. Obama to give Iran a final deadline date to negotiate a deal to stop their nuclear bomb program or face a military response Mr. Obama couldn't comply with such a request for many reasons including in part he would have needed Congress to pass a resolution authorizing him to make such a move it was a clear tarnishing of Mr. Obama's pro-Israel reputation was Mr. Netanyahu goal. Mr. Netanyahu support for Mr. Romney over Mr. Obama was colossally stupid for the Israeli people for Mr. Obama's reputation as an honest broker for peace in the Arab world is and would be ten times better than Mr. Romney's is and ever would be for Mr. Romney is and always would be biased toward Israel. Anyone with any sense knows that if Israel is to get a lasting good peace with the Palestinian people it is going to have to based on the two state solution and the Arab world is going to have to back the deal and the U.S. president is going to have to play an integral part in getting the Palestinian leadership and the Arab world leadership to back the deal and the U.S. president that achieves this will have credibility with these groups and a U.S. President that is biased toward Israel won't have the credibility. One could make a laundry list of Mr. Netanyahu poor leadership in the area of reaching a good and lasting peace treaty with the Palestinian people; but one thing that occurred over the last two weeks that sticks out as glowing symbol of Mr. Netanyahu's callousness and heavy handedness. It was reported in the media that in the past two weeks the Syrian Army "accidentally" fired a mortar into the state of Israel; now keep in mind it was an accident, it was not intentional and no Israeli citizen died over it and what was Mr. Netanyahu's response he had the Israeli Army fire shells into Syria until one Syrian military vehicle was destroyed presumably taking at least one Syrian citizens life. Mr. Netanyahu's actions here were probably not illegal for the Syrian Army fired the first shot but Mr. Netanyahu's actions were immoral meaning unjust, callous and heavy handed; the Syrian Army did not take an Israeli's life here the indications are that the firing of the Syrian mortar was not intentional Syrian actions did not provide Mr. Netanyahu with the justification to take Syrian life that was taken!
The missle batteries will be destroyed and the terrorist will flee.
Israel is reportedly preparing for a ground incursion into Gaza to root out terrorist cells responsible for smuggling rockets which were fired at Tel Aviv but escalating the conflict would be damaging for Israel considering the bad press it received in the wake of the last invasion after killing more than 1,200 Palestinians in 22 days and launching targeted air strikes on rocket launching sites is sufficient to contain Hamas and a major confrontation should be avoided to minimise civilian casualties. Hamas fired more than 500 rockets were fire at Israel since the assassination of the Hamas military leader, compared with 723 in total fired this year, which indicates that Hamas is determined to drag Israel into a ground war and Netanyahu's patience may be running out but an all-out war will only strengthen Hamas' position in Gaza.
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Granny says, "Dat's right - dey keep flingin' dem missiles at Israel...
CNN Poll: 57% of Americans say Israeli attacks in Gaza are justified
November 19th, 2012 - A majority of Americans say that Israel's current military strikes against Gaza are justified, according to a new national survey.
A CNN/ORC International poll released Monday indicates that 57% of the public says Israel is justified in taking military action in Gaza against Hamas, with one in four saying the attacks are unjustified. The fighting began last week with rocket attacks into Israel from Gaza, to which Israel responded with an aerial offensive. Palestinian emergency services said Monday that nearly 100 people have been killed in Gaza, with around 750 injured. The Israel Defense Forces said three people in Israel have been killed, with nearly 70 injured.

The fighting has raised fears of a widening conflict, and the possibility of a repeat of Israel's 2008 invasion of Gaza following similar rocket attacks by Hamas into Israel. "Although most Americans think the Israeli actions are justified, there are key segments of the public who don't necessarily feel that way," said CNN Polling Director Keating Holland. "Only four in ten Democrats think the Israeli actions in Gaza are justified, compared to 74% of Republicans and 59% of independents. Support for Israel's military action is 13 points higher among men than among women, and 15 points higher among older Americans than among younger Americans."

According to the survey, nearly six in ten say their sympathies are with the Israelis, with 13% saying they side more with the Palestinians and 11% saying their sympathies are with neither side in the conflict. "That's nothing new," added Holland. "The number of Americans who sympathize more with the Palestinians has never been higher than 18% since the question was first asked in 1988. Sympathies for Israel have sometimes dipped below 50%, but have been over that mark for the past eight years."

The CNN poll was conducted by ORC International from November 16-18, with 1,023 adult Americans questioned by telephone. The survey's overall sampling error is plus or minus three percentage points.


See also:

Israel bombing kills militant in Gaza Strip
Nov 19,`12 -- Israeli aircraft struck crowded areas in the Gaza Strip and killed a senior militant with a missile strike on a media center Monday, driving up the Palestinian death toll to 100, as Israel broadened its targets in the 6-day-old offensive meant to quell Hamas rocket fire on Israel.
Escalating its bombing campaign over the weekend, Israel began attacking homes of activists in Hamas, the Islamic militant group that rules Gaza. These attacks have led to a sharp spike in civilian casualties, killing 24 civilians in just under two days and doubling the number of civilians killed in the conflict, a Gaza health official said. The rising toll came as Egyptian-led efforts to mediate a cease-fire between Israel and Hamas got into gear. While Israel and Hamas were far apart in their demands, both sides said they were open to a diplomatic solution - and prepared for further escalation if that failed.

The leader of Hamas took a tough stance, rejecting Israel's demands that the militant group stop its rocket fire. Instead, Khaled Mashaal said, Israel must meet Hamas' demands for a lifting of the blockade of Gaza. "We don't accept Israeli conditions because it is the aggressor," he told reporters in Egypt. "We want a cease-fire along with meeting our demands." An Israeli official said Israel hoped to find a diplomatic solution to the crisis as well and signaled Egypt was likely to play a key role in enforcing any truce. `'We prefer the diplomatic solution if it's possible. If we see it's not going to bear fruit, we can escalate," he said, speaking on condition of anonymity because of the sensitive diplomatic efforts under way. The official said Israel doesn't want a "quick fix" that will result in renewed fighting months down the road. Instead, Israel wants "international guarantees" that Hamas will not rearm or use Egypt's neighboring Sinai peninsula for militant activity.

Overall, the offensive that began Wednesday killed 100 Palestinians, including 53 civilians, and wounded some 840 people, including 225 children, Gaza heath official Ashraf al-Kidra said. On the Israeli side, three civilians have died from Palestinian rocket fire and dozens have been wounded. A rocket-defense system has intercepted hundreds of rockets bound for populated areas. Hamas fighters have fired more than 1,000 rockets into Israel in the current round of fighting, including 95 on Monday, among them one that hit an empty school in the coastal city of Ashkelon. Israeli police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld said 29 rockets were intercepted by the Iron Dome anti-missile battery. Rockets landed in open areas of Beersheva, Ashdod, Ashkelon, and caused damage in a number of areas.

Schools in southern Israel have been closed since the start of the offensive on Wednesday, and large police units deployed in the area to respond to any potential damage and injuries from rockets. A poll published in the Haaretz daily on Monday showed widespread support in Israel for the offensive. It said that 84 percent of the public supports the operation, with 12 percent opposed. At the same time, it said just 30 percent of the public supports a ground invasion of Gaza. The poll, conducted by the Dialog agency, surveyed 520 people and had a margin of error of 4.4 percentage points. In Monday's violence, an Israeli airstrike on a high-rise building in Gaza City killed Ramez Harb, a senior figure in Islamic Jihad's military wing, the Al Quds Brigades, the group said in a text message to reporters. A number of foreign and local news organizations have offices in the building, which was also struck on Sunday. A passer-by was also killed, medics said.

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Quite frankly, Israel needs to completely level Gaza and be done with this shit already.

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