Hundreds of migrants rush California port of enter port has been down

They're trying to escape hell and end up in another hell. Welcome to Trump's new America. So sad...


Great fun.

Try to break into our home?

Expect to get bitch-slapped.



Pharaoh has hardened his heart.

Sux to be you.

We're not responsible for you, your brats, or the $hithole status of your third-world country.

Go home... or don't.. doesn't matter... don't care... but this is OUR home, not yours, and WE decide who gets to come in... not you.

Time have changed.. get used to it... the 'sucker' has wizened-up... and payback's a bitch.

Go home, and don't bother coming back.

Have a nice life... someplace else.
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Today I am ashamed for the United States of America. We are seeing the wreckage of a once-great country.

Yours is the site that is causing this wreckage, rejecting basic decency, morals, and common sense, and embracing madness, immorality, and outright evil. Yours is the side that openly takes the side of criminals and perverts and foreign invaders, against that of honest, decent Americans.

The United States would be in much better shape than it is, if not for your kind.
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They're trying to escape hell and end up in another hell. Welcome to Trump's new America. So sad...


U.S. Border Patrol Launches Tear Gas At Migrants Over Attempt To Breach Fence
Why would I be a "traitor"? Huh? Please explain. Stop acting shameful.

By definition, one who takes the side of foreign invaders, against that of his own country and his own countrymen, is a traitor. That is what the word means.

And you are here, openly taking the side of foreign invaders, against that of your own country and your own fellow Americans. How does this not make you a traitor? As far as I can see, the only way you could argue that you are not a traitor is to try to argue that the word “traitor” does not mean what everyone understands it to mean. You certainly are not on any grounds to argue that your conduct is not exactly that which meets the definition that everyone understands of what makes one a traitor.
They are throwing rocks now, getting more violent.

They should IMMEDIATELY start shooting those disgusting savages, throw a rock = shoot the filthy savages.

This is how the IDF operate, throw a rock = shoot the filthy savages.

If the IDF operate on THAT policy then EVERYONE else should ALSO operate on THAT policy.


Throw a rock and open up on the disgusting savages with LIVE rounds. Do it! Zero Tolerance.

Fuck the Commie UN. Fuck Human Rights Commie Groups. Fuck Commie NGOs. Fuck Commie Bedwetters.
I just heard. The dumb whore in the White House at his "finest." This is what happens when trash takes hold of the federal government. This is truly a moment to be ashamed to be an American. It's a new experience for me to be an American who cannot be proud of my country.
So you can’t be a proud American because foreigners try to crash thru our walls to invade America?

You’re a special kind of crazy. Flee to Venezuela.
I just heard. The dumb whore in the White House at his "finest." This is what happens when trash takes hold of the federal government. This is truly a moment to be ashamed to be an American. It's a new experience for me to be an American who cannot be proud of my country.
Michelle isn't First Lady anymore...
They're trying to escape hell and end up in another hell. Welcome to Trump's new America. So sad...


U.S. Border Patrol Launches Tear Gas At Migrants Over Attempt To Breach Fence

What kind of cowardly scumbags bring women and children with them when trying to conduct an illegal invasion of another country? Real men would leave their women and children back, where they are safe, and go ahead with the invasion by themselves, rather than putting their women and children in harm's way for propaganda purposes.

These are the kind of subhuman filth that the left wrong want to let into our country.
It’s amazing how much humanity republicans lack. Pure selfishness and a shocking lack of empathy.

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