Hundreds of migrants rush California port of enter port has been down

I hope they get violent! Time to open fire with full automatic weapons! Tanks,Helicopters!

Oh, so now the Republicans are the ones calling for violence.

Trump keeps telling you sheep that the Dems are a "mob".

Sorry, turdhead, but it's illegal for the troops to fire on the migrants.

Posse Comitatus Act Law and Legal Definition | USLegal, Inc.
.'s exactly like when a white cop shoots a violent, dangerous black jackass = SELF DEFENSE--which is totally legal and a right
SHOOT to KILL the invaders!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Parents make kids scream. No one cares any more.

Look at that picture. A grossly obese woman probably claiming starvation is waddling along with a couple of children. There they are, artfully draped in the foreground. All behind them are men attempting to attack our border. All men. This might be the only grossly obese waddler in miles. She and her whelp might have been deliberately posed. The rest are men. Fighting men from their behavior. Just what we have said all along.

The photo has no use as a sympathy ploy.
Canada has socialized medicine and legal weed, leave now.

I don't think that Canada wants our dregs and rejects, any more than we want those from Mexico and beyond.
------------------------------------ from what i hear Canada is taking in lots of 'muslim' dregs and 'canooks' and the Rulers want MORE . Just a comment as i don't follow Canada too much 'BobB' . Plus i HEAR that 'haitians' and others still running from their earthquake [what , 8 years ago] are being expelled by Trump from the USA and many are going to Canada to escape the Trump Rule . --------------------- just a comment , i think what i post is accurate general info BobB .
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I just heard. The dumb whore in the White House at his "finest." This is what happens when trash takes hold of the federal government. This is truly a moment to be ashamed to be an American. It's a new experience for me to be an American who cannot be proud of my country.
I am deeply ashamed also, but of trash like you.

When I was a kid, the U.S. landed a spacecraft on the moon, Even though I was home alone when our flag was planted on the moon, I stood up and saluted. I had pride and happiness. No more. Today I am ashamed for the United States of America. We are seeing the wreckage of a once-great country.
I just heard. The dumb whore in the White House at his "finest." This is what happens when trash takes hold of the federal government. This is truly a moment to be ashamed to be an American. It's a new experience for me to be an American who cannot be proud of my country.
I am deeply ashamed also, but of trash like you.

When I was a kid, the U.S. landed a spacecraft on the moon, Even though I was home alone when our flag was planted on the moon, I stood up and saluted. I had pride and happiness. No more. Today I am ashamed for the United States of America. We are seeing the wreckage of a once-great country.
And we are all ashamed of traitor scum like you. You are the ones wrecking it.

Why would I be a "traitor"? Huh? Please explain. Stop acting shameful.
you are a traitor
you WANT invaders invading America
------------------------------------ from what i hear Canada is taking in lots of 'muslim' dregs and 'canooks' Rulers want MORE . Just a comment as i don't follow Canada too much 'BobB' . Plus i HEAR that 'haitians' and others still running from their earthquake [what , 8 years ago] are being expelled by Trump from the USA and many are going to Canada to escape the Trump Rule . --------------------- just a comment , i think what i post is accurate general info BobB .

What language was that supposed to be? I couldn't understand any of it.

Perhaps you should try posting again when you are sober.
I hope they get violent! Time to open fire with full automatic weapons! Tanks,Helicopters!

Oh, so now the Republicans are the ones calling for violence.

Trump keeps telling you sheep that the Dems are a "mob".

Sorry, turdhead, but it's illegal for the troops to fire on the migrants.

Posse Comitatus Act Law and Legal Definition | USLegal, Inc.
First, the invaders are not U.S. citizens nor are they U.S. legal residents.
Second, illegally crossing the border is already breaking U.S. law.
Third, the invaders are an occupational force and the military is fully within its right to defend the border from foreign invaders.

Try again moron. Somebody said "Posse Comitatus" and the NPC detachment is parroting it over and over again.

If Trump makes the troops fire on a bunch of women and children, you're going to see an outrage that makes his putting migrant children in cages look like the best day care on earth.
I hope they kill them if necessary
I just heard. The dumb whore in the White House at his "finest." This is what happens when trash takes hold of the federal government. This is truly a moment to be ashamed to be an American. It's a new experience for me to be an American who cannot be proud of my country.
All the exits are open. Bon Voyage...
Does that mean you are leaving? Happy days are here again...…

I just heard. The dumb whore in the White House at his "finest." This is what happens when trash takes hold of the federal government. This is truly a moment to be ashamed to be an American. It's a new experience for me to be an American who cannot be proud of my country.
Try paying taxes dumbass! Then explain to us why illegals should be allowed to stampede the border!
Pretty much everybody but red state welfare Queens pay taxes.

Oh so there's no reason to raise taxes then, good to know.
Way to take my comment and run with it. You know that is the what j said.
Yet another Trump failure, yet another issue mismanaged by a failed Trump ‘administration.’

This could have been easily avoided had Trump simply followed immigration law, made the necessary preparations for asylum seekers, and not engaged in bigoted, hateful, inflammatory lies and rhetoric.
Trump is doing the correct thing
the other POTUSs would've just let them COME ON IN
It’s amazing how much humanity republicans lack. Pure selfishness and a shocking lack of empathy.
Why do you lock your doors when you leave? What kind of a creature are you to only want invited guests into your home, you little prick.
Seeking asylum has always been legal. I know you hate brown people, but the actual adults in the room have to show some decency.
if we let them in, it will be the same thing that happened to the Native Americans

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