Hundreds of migrants rush California port of enter port has been down

------------------------------------ from what i hear Canada is taking in lots of 'muslim' dregs and 'canooks' Rulers want MORE . Just a comment as i don't follow Canada too much 'BobB' . Plus i HEAR that 'haitians' and others still running from their earthquake [what , 8 years ago] are being expelled by Trump from the USA and many are going to Canada to escape the Trump Rule . --------------------- just a comment , i think what i post is accurate general info BobB .

What language was that supposed to be? I couldn't understand any of it.

Perhaps you should try posting again when you are sober.
------------------------------------- oh well stay ignorant BobBlaylock .
And we are all ashamed of traitor scum like you. You are the ones wrecking it.

Why would I be a "traitor"? Huh? Please explain. Stop acting shameful.
you are a traitor
you WANT invaders invading America

Did your ancestors invade America?
Which law did the Pilgrims violate, shitforbrains?

You mean other than killing natives and stealing their lands?
the NAs did the SAME thing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
they stole land/murdered/TORTURED/displaced/decimated/etc !!!!!!!!!!!
And we are all ashamed of traitor scum like you. You are the ones wrecking it.

Why would I be a "traitor"? Huh? Please explain. Stop acting shameful.
you are a traitor
you WANT invaders invading America

Did your ancestors invade America?
Which law did the Pilgrims violate, shitforbrains?

You mean other than killing natives and stealing their lands?
What law was violated? The Europeans didn’t rip their hearts out and show the beating heart to the victim like the Indians did?
We need this water cannon for fence jumpers. Israel's IDF has a harmless spray to deter protesters. Smells like skunk spray but is harmless. An article I read says you could actually drink the stuff and it won't make you sick.

Why would I be a "traitor"? Huh? Please explain. Stop acting shameful.
you are a traitor
you WANT invaders invading America

Did your ancestors invade America?
no--America was not a country

America existed - and had native residents. Some even had advanced governments.
1. it was not a country
2. as Weather stated--no laws broken
3. this is 2018--not 1850, 1650,etc = STUPID analogy

The laws of the Bible and humanity were broken - long before all the treaties were broken.
And we are all ashamed of traitor scum like you. You are the ones wrecking it.

Why would I be a "traitor"? Huh? Please explain. Stop acting shameful.
you are a traitor
you WANT invaders invading America

Did your ancestors invade America?
Which law did the Pilgrims violate, shitforbrains?

You mean other than killing natives and stealing their lands?

I didn't know true Natives spoke Spanish as their mother tongue??????
you are a traitor
you WANT invaders invading America

Did your ancestors invade America?
no--America was not a country

America existed - and had native residents. Some even had advanced governments.
1. it was not a country
2. as Weather stated--no laws broken
3. this is 2018--not 1850, 1650,etc = STUPID analogy

The laws of the Bible and humanity were broken - long before all the treaties were broken.
the Bible is FAKE--not real/not law/etc
It’s amazing how much humanity republicans lack. Pure selfishness and a shocking lack of empathy.
Why do you lock your doors when you leave? What kind of a creature are you to only want invited guests into your home, you little prick.
Seeking asylum has always been legal. I know you hate brown people, but the actual adults in the room have to show some decency.
BTW - I’ve been on several Missionary trips to help the poorest of the poor in Mexico and Central America.

What have you done?
I was in AmeriCorps and donate to charity on a monthly basis. I am also a crisis counselor volunteer.
Waving the Mexican flag as you storm the border.

Yeah, we know what’s going on.
-------------------------------- and its good that they wave their Foreign flags as they invade . Quite often it seems like some posters on the board want the invaders to wave American flags as if that would make their invasion OK .
border closed by Trump!!!!!
EXACTLY what should happen
common sense
Trump--another WIN
I just heard. The dumb whore in the White House at his "finest." This is what happens when trash takes hold of the federal government. This is truly a moment to be ashamed to be an American. It's a new experience for me to be an American who cannot be proud of my country.
I am deeply ashamed also, but of trash like you.

When I was a kid, the U.S. landed a spacecraft on the moon, Even though I was home alone when our flag was planted on the moon, I stood up and saluted. I had pride and happiness. No more. Today I am ashamed for the United States of America. We are seeing the wreckage of a once-great country.

Leftists want to destroy ALL Western nations, this by allowing UNLIMITED amounts of Third World Shit Holers into FIRST WORLD nations and in 20 years time those First World nations will have BECOME THIRD WORLD Shit Holes.

So STFU and GTFO already, you LOVE these Third World Shit Holers THAT much then go and join them IN their Third World Shit Holes.
It’s amazing how much humanity republicans lack. Pure selfishness and a shocking lack of empathy.
We are a nation of laws.
Don’t give me that shit. Seeking asylum has always been legal. Either way, have you broken the law before? The answer is yes so you’re a hypocrite.
They were offered asylum in Mexico. They storm our borders waving the flags from the countries they are “seeking amnesty” from? Right?
I just heard. The dumb whore in the White House at his "finest." This is what happens when trash takes hold of the federal government. This is truly a moment to be ashamed to be an American. It's a new experience for me to be an American who cannot be proud of my country.

STFU and get your ass to the border then.
Why must others protect you?


Why would I do this when there is no "invasion"? Just what am I supposed to be "protected" from? The cheap crap is already here on the north side of the border, This is a day of shame for Americans.
The cheap crap is here?

On the north side of which border?

Is this how you feel about our Hispanic citizens?

Cheap crap?

Are these people tainting your biological experiments?

Your mind is diseased.

You have no business working in any medical profession.
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The argument is..
Because pilgrims landed on Plymouth rock we are supposed to welcome the hostile invasion today. We don't have the right to say no

Is that about it?

It means that these invaders have the right to enter any business or private home and say "this is stolen land so I'm taking it. "

Is that what you mean to say?
We are living in historic times. This is the first time the United States has ever attempted to physically stop illegals from coming here that I recall. It is way past time and will be well worth the effort. 70 years of cowardly politicians may finally be coming to an end. Treasonous liberal traitors don't like it? Burn in hell where you belong.
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TRANNIES.... Dozens of them....all headed for S.F.?.....Cuz we don't have enough of them apparently!

^^^^ They are walking Biological Weapons.

Well, yeah..

Anybody who eats a ton of refried beans sure has a lot of biological gasses after that.

Well I was meaning more that they are probably full of all types of diseases and so are walking Biological Weapons.
We are living in an historic times. This is the first time the United States has ever attempted to physically stop illegals from coming here that I recall. It is way past time and will be well worth the effort. 70 years of cowardly politicians may finally be coming to an end. Treasonous liberal traitors don't like it? Burn in hell where you belong.
Yep! We have to take a stand now! Either we have a country with borders or we don’t! If we don’t then I want to stop wasting my money on taxes!
It’s amazing how much humanity republicans lack. Pure selfishness and a shocking lack of empathy.
Why do you lock your doors when you leave? What kind of a creature are you to only want invited guests into your home, you little prick.
Seeking asylum has always been legal. I know you hate brown people, but the actual adults in the room have to show some decency.
BTW - I’ve been on several Missionary trips to help the poorest of the poor in Mexico and Central America.

What have you done?
I was in AmeriCorps and donate to charity on a monthly basis. I am also a crisis counselor volunteer.
Ever step foot outside of America?

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