Hundreds of migrants rush California port of enter port has been down

All I want to know is how long it’s going to be closed, since I have to cross the US/Mexico border sometime in the next few days.
Doesn't everyone love immigrants? The human race evolved from nomads. We are wanderers. But don't equate illegal aliens with immigrants, don't make that mistake. We all have free will and make our own life choices.There is doing the right thing, and then there's' being a sneaky conniving liar with bad intent. Simplistic? Yes it is. This isn't that hard. Which of those two do you want allowed into our country?

It has always been "conservatives" who wanted to add the the world's population of poor people. We have had the technology for fifty years that would allow people across the world to limit their fertility. It was the "conservatives" who did not want this to happen. They just wanted willy-nilly babies with no place to put them. Go back forty years to the Zero Population Growth Movement.
I hope they get violent! Time to open fire with full automatic weapons! Tanks,Helicopters!

Oh, so now the Republicans are the ones calling for violence.

Trump keeps telling you sheep that the Dems are a "mob".

Sorry, turdhead, but it's illegal for the troops to fire on the migrants.

Posse Comitatus Act Law and Legal Definition | USLegal, Inc.
I thought the whole caravan thing was a Trump/FOX News fiction story.
The Democrats and their media lies and lies and lies.....and these idiots see that they are lies.....and then just move on to the next lie.
Doesn't everyone love immigrants? The human race evolved from nomads. We are wanderers. But don't equate illegal aliens with immigrants, don't make that mistake. We all have free will and make our own life choices.There is doing the right thing, and then there's' being a sneaky conniving liar with bad intent. Simplistic? Yes it is. This isn't that hard. Which of those two do you want allowed into our country?

It has always been "conservatives" who wanted to add the the world's population of poor people. We have had the technology for fifty years that would allow people across the world to limit their fertility. It was the "conservatives" who did not want this to happen. They just wanted willy-nilly babies with no place to put them. Go back forty years to the Zero Population Growth Movement.

If Trump makes the troops fire on a bunch of women and children, you're going to see an outrage that makes his putting migrant children in cages look like the best day care on earth.

Women and children are trying to bash through the border? My, those must be some really big women.

Check the Trump Kool-Aid IV in your arm, fathead, I know you couldn't handle reality if the line gets kinked.

Doesn't everyone love immigrants? The human race evolved from nomads. We are wanderers. But don't equate illegal aliens with immigrants, don't make that mistake. We all have free will and make our own life choices.There is doing the right thing, and then there's' being a sneaky conniving liar with bad intent. Simplistic? Yes it is. This isn't that hard. Which of those two do you want allowed into our country?

It has always been "conservatives" who wanted to add the the world's population of poor people. We have had the technology for fifty years that would allow people across the world to limit their fertility. It was the "conservatives" who did not want this to happen. They just wanted willy-nilly babies with no place to put them. Go back forty years to the Zero Population Growth Movement.
Well, America conservatives don't control world overpopulation. And this isn't a well thought out argument, it's human nature that drives overpopulation. It's a mixed bag of blame to go around. Go forth and multiply religious stuff, mixed with reckless liberalism be horny and do onto others stuff. So cry me river over spilled milk...:CryingCow:
And we are all ashamed of traitor scum like you. You are the ones wrecking it.

Why would I be a "traitor"? Huh? Please explain. Stop acting shameful.
you are a traitor
you WANT invaders invading America

Did your ancestors invade America?
no--America was not a country

America existed - and had native residents. Some even had advanced governments.

Maybe so. The Cherokees had a central Government near Atlanta, built wooden homes, had schools and even printed a newspaper before settlers landed. They were basically farmers too.
One thing you will have to admit and most every fails to remember: "Native Americans" were invaders too. They originated in Asia.
you are a traitor
you WANT invaders invading America

Did your ancestors invade America?
no--America was not a country

America existed - and had native residents. Some even had advanced governments.
1. it was not a country
2. as Weather stated--no laws broken
3. this is 2018--not 1850, 1650,etc = STUPID analogy

The laws of the Bible and humanity were broken - long before all the treaties were broken.
They laws of the Bible were broken when those people heard how much taxpayer money over here would be taken from our overtaxed people and given to them with no strings attached. The Biblical law that was broken was the "Thou shalt not covet anything that is thy neighbor's."
Doesn't everyone love immigrants? The human race evolved from nomads. We are wanderers. But don't equate illegal aliens with immigrants, don't make that mistake. We all have free will and make our own life choices.There is doing the right thing, and then there's' being a sneaky conniving liar with bad intent. Simplistic? Yes it is. This isn't that hard. Which of those two do you want allowed into our country?

It has always been "conservatives" who wanted to add the the world's population of poor people. We have had the technology for fifty years that would allow people across the world to limit their fertility. It was the "conservatives" who did not want this to happen. They just wanted willy-nilly babies with no place to put them. Go back forty years to the Zero Population Growth Movement.
But its not American Christian conservatives that you are worried about. American Christians want to ban abortion, I understand. We do have an issue here, but there is 7 billion people on the planet. And a good two thirds of them don't even know what Christianity is. China isn't Christian. India isn't Christian, two of the countries with the largest overpopulation problems.
Things aren't going too well for these campesinos who only want a better life at your expense.
I have been around so many Mexicans so much, I almost forget what it's like being around Americans. This isn't Mexico. Never has been. I have known so many "Hispanics" that I know better. Illegal aliens aren't acceptable viable immigrants. All the people, even Hispanics, I have known reject Latin American illegal aliens.Which begs the next question, HOW the hell do they get sanctuary and by who's authority? We the so called people were never asked if we want to give illegals sanctuary from federal law. Nope. Somebody usurped that authority and just did it anyway without American's consent. That should bother all of us. Regardless of party. Didn't somebody overstep their authority a tad? Doesn't that bother even liberals? This transends party affiliations.
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Things aren't going too well for these campesinos who only want a better life at your expense.
I have been around so many Mexicans so much, I almost forget what it's like being around Americans. This isn't Mexico. Never has been. I have known so many "Hispanics" that I know better. Illegal aliens aren't acceptable viable immigrants. All the people, even Hispanics, I have known reject Latin American illegal aliens.Which begs the next question, HOW the hell do they get sanctuary and by who's authority? we the so called people were never asked if we want to give illegals sanctuary from federal law. Nope. Somebody usurped that authority and just did it anyway without American's consent. That should bother all of us. Regardless of party. Didn't somebody overstep their authority a tad?
Facts mean nothing to the media.
We talk about Russian election tampering, and all that. That is alarming. But when it comes to sanctuary cities, that's ok? No one, but no one ever got to actually vote on whether their home city, state was made sanctuary for illegal aliens. Wake up people, that's a far larger far more prevent observable issue than Russian tampering. Just WHO made those decisions? People behind close doors in your local legislature. Well funded by PACs of various groups. And their major concerns weren't poor low income unskilled Americans. Fill in the blanks. Local businesses, contractors and their lawyers all have deep pockets. And illegal aliens are their neo- slaves. And they cynically abuse illegals and couch it as "Humanitarian". How about sanctuary for our own poor and needy? Anyone else feel disgusted with out political system about now?
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I want to believe in our political system But I can't comprehend HOW in the hell sanctuary cities happen. Especially since it seems to override the entire democratic process. And that should concern everyone, not just prigs or elderly conservatives.

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