Hundreds of migrants rush California port of enter port has been down

Rep. Cummings: It’s the law to let asylum seekers across the border
Democrat talking pile of animal dung, Elijah Cummings, says it's the law to let every person seeking asylum to enter the country (presumably so they can be turned loose within the country never to be heard from again, like during the good old days of Obama).

Cummings is saying if 100,000 refugees show up on the border they must all be let in.
Is there any question which party is trying to collapse the nation?

I'm a Democrat because my father worked for a trade union. I'm thinking it's sad that we need a wall but we do. It's not red or blue.. Long ago it was ascertained that we are not 911 for the world. Hussein, bin Laden and Gaddafi were some fires our military put out. The US doesn't have to respond to every humanitarian effort.
Deadly force, is deadly force, doesn't matter if its a pebble. If you throw it with the intent to harm an American, you can expect it will be answered.
It shouldn't be tear gas. It should be live fire.
Just shut up .

No you shut up Troll Boi, you have added ZERO of significance to this thread, just like you add ZERO of significance to any thread.
Tipsy wants to fire on those people and that’s laudable but I say shut up and you slam the door I my face.

I would put up a hospital tent and offer those poor people aid and food and clothing. Tipsy offers bullets.

To her and the bullies and idiots agreeing with her I say shut up

Well if you read my comments in this thread I also think those filthy violent savages should be shot, throwing rocks and violently attempting to storm a border are the actions of a dangerous invading mob of basic filthy savages and they should be treated as such with bullets.

"I would put up a hospital tent and offer those poor people aid and food and clothing."

Yes you would because you are a Leftist and suffer from Pathological Altruism and it's a disease that needs eradicating because with Pathological Altruism comes the collapse of Western Civilisation because all the Leftists would literally hold every door open for the Unlimited Invading Forces of Third World Shit Hole Savages to walk into every Western nation and then within 20 years every Western nation would be exactly like a Third World Shit Hole.
It’s been called compassion it’s been called humanity. It’s been considere Christian. But it takes an idiot Trumpian to call it a disease.
How do you sleep?
We don't even want our own damn dregs and rejects.

I agree, but alas, we cannot foist them on other countries, as other countries are trying to do to us.

I've been going on the premise that a country is responsible for its own citizens, and that one who is a citizen of a country cannot be banished from that country.

But I am beginning to wonder…

What if we decided to empty our jails and prisons, round up all our drug addicts, and criminals, and homeless and faggots and trannies and all the other lowest dregs of our citizenry, and send them all to Mexico, and refuse to allow them back into our country? What power on Earth is there that could stop us, if we, as a nation, decided to do this?

I bet that Mexico couldn't absorb even a tiny fraction of all the dregs we'd have to send them, without suffering a catastrophic collapse of what remains of their own civilization.

Perhaps if they thought that there was any chance that we'd do this, maybe they'd not be so quick to send their dregs across our border to us.
It shouldn't be tear gas. It should be live fire.
Just shut up .

No you shut up Troll Boi, you have added ZERO of significance to this thread, just like you add ZERO of significance to any thread.
Tipsy wants to fire on those people and that’s laudable but I say shut up and you slam the door I my face.

I would put up a hospital tent and offer those poor people aid and food and clothing. Tipsy offers bullets.

To her and the bullies and idiots agreeing with her I say shut up

Well if you read my comments in this thread I also think those filthy violent savages should be shot, throwing rocks and violently attempting to storm a border are the actions of a dangerous invading mob of basic filthy savages and they should be treated as such with bullets.

"I would put up a hospital tent and offer those poor people aid and food and clothing."

Yes you would because you are a Leftist and suffer from Pathological Altruism and it's a disease that needs eradicating because with Pathological Altruism comes the collapse of Western Civilisation because all the Leftists would literally hold every door open for the Unlimited Invading Forces of Third World Shit Hole Savages to walk into every Western nation and then within 20 years every Western nation would be exactly like a Third World Shit Hole.
It’s been called compassion it’s been called humanity. It’s been considere Christian. But it takes an idiot Trumpian to call it a disease.
How do you sleep?

"It’s been called compassion it’s been called humanity. It’s been considere Christian. But it takes an idiot Trumpian to call it a disease."

No it is not compassionate and it certainly is NOT Christian especially when the majority of the Pro-Open Borders For Third World Savages Crowd are Atheists and God Haters. As a Practising Christian I always have a good laugh when Leftist Atheists and Leftist God Haters attempt to lecture ME on what IS and what is NOT Christian, ESPECIALLY CONSIDERING that the SAME Leftist Atheists and Leftist God Haters are FANATICALLY Pro-Abortion on Demand and think it's GREAT to rip the most innocent out of the womb as they slumber.

Jesus Christ Our Lord and Savior and Messiah was NOT some Leftist Hippy and he would NOT have supported opening borders for violent mobs throwing rocks and he would NOT have supported opening borders for rapists and violent Street Gang members and drug dealers and whatever else filth is in the crowd.

Pathological Altruism IS a disease, it is taking normal empathy to it's most insane and unhealthy extreme and the result is the eventuality that it causes only destruction of whatever it is someone is Bedwetting about, it is Negative Empathy, Negative Altruism and is the polar opposite of Positive Empathy and Positive Altruism. It ONLY affects Leftists, you NEVER get Right-Winger's afflicted with this disease, this is because Leftists are devoid of ALL Logic and are consumed ENTIRELY by their fucking emotions and have this abnormal excessive desire to help EVERY Third World Shit Holer by wanting them to be brought into Western nations and given EVERYTHING that WE have that THEY have NOT done ANYTHING to DESERVE, but Leftists expect EVERYONE to just give UNLIMITED amounts of this crowd EVERYTHING we HAVE.

As Leftists are totally devoid of Logical Thinking you cannot THINK beyond Emotional Thinking, so because of that you are blind and totally oblivious to what is down the road in say 15, 20 years as a RESULT of your Pathological Altruism both the Cultural AND Evolutionary dimensions of your Pathological Altruism, that you are unable to see because of your SEVERE mental limitations on the Logical side that those who are coming FROM Third World Shit Holes into Western nations are going to conduct their lives AS they conducted them IN their Third World Shit Holes and that then in 15, 20 years time the FIRST WORLD Western nations are LOGICALLY going to be reduced to THIRD WORLD levels as Shit Holes.

"How do you sleep?"

I sleep like a baby.
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Tipsy wants to fire on those people and that’s laudable but I say shut up and you slam the door I my face.

I would put up a hospital tent and offer those poor people aid and food and clothing. Tipsy offers bullets.

To her and the bullies and idiots agreeing with her I say shut up

Giving aid to foreigners who are trying to carry out a hostile invasion of this country exactly meets the Constitutional definition of treason.

We used to put traitors before firing squads. I say that it is way past time to revive this tradition.
It shouldn't be tear gas. It should be live fire.
Just shut up .

No you shut up Troll Boi, you have added ZERO of significance to this thread, just like you add ZERO of significance to any thread.
Tipsy wants to fire on those people and that’s laudable but I say shut up and you slam the door I my face.

I would put up a hospital tent and offer those poor people aid and food and clothing. Tipsy offers bullets.

To her and the bullies and idiots agreeing with her I say shut up

Well if you read my comments in this thread I also think those filthy violent savages should be shot, throwing rocks and violently attempting to storm a border are the actions of a dangerous invading mob of basic filthy savages and they should be treated as such with bullets.

"I would put up a hospital tent and offer those poor people aid and food and clothing."

Yes you would because you are a Leftist and suffer from Pathological Altruism and it's a disease that needs eradicating because with Pathological Altruism comes the collapse of Western Civilisation because all the Leftists would literally hold every door open for the Unlimited Invading Forces of Third World Shit Hole Savages to walk into every Western nation and then within 20 years every Western nation would be exactly like a Third World Shit Hole.
It’s been called compassion it’s been called humanity. It’s been considere Christian. But it takes an idiot Trumpian to call it a disease.
How do you sleep?

It's called "let in those potential voters for leftards"........
Tipsy wants to fire on those people and that’s laudable but I say shut up and you slam the door I my face.

I would put up a hospital tent and offer those poor people aid and food and clothing. Tipsy offers bullets.

To her and the bullies and idiots agreeing with her I say shut up

Giving aid to foreigners who are trying to carry out a hostile invasion of this country exactly meets the Constitutional definition of treason.

We used to put traitors before firing squads. I say that it is way past time to revive this tradition.
If you sincerely believe that this nation is being invaded by hostile forces, I suggest you seek help either by professional mental health counselors or at a community college that offers remedial American history classes
No you shut up Troll Boi, you have added ZERO of significance to this thread, just like you add ZERO of significance to any thread.
Tipsy wants to fire on those people and that’s laudable but I say shut up and you slam the door I my face.

I would put up a hospital tent and offer those poor people aid and food and clothing. Tipsy offers bullets.

To her and the bullies and idiots agreeing with her I say shut up

Well if you read my comments in this thread I also think those filthy violent savages should be shot, throwing rocks and violently attempting to storm a border are the actions of a dangerous invading mob of basic filthy savages and they should be treated as such with bullets.

"I would put up a hospital tent and offer those poor people aid and food and clothing."

Yes you would because you are a Leftist and suffer from Pathological Altruism and it's a disease that needs eradicating because with Pathological Altruism comes the collapse of Western Civilisation because all the Leftists would literally hold every door open for the Unlimited Invading Forces of Third World Shit Hole Savages to walk into every Western nation and then within 20 years every Western nation would be exactly like a Third World Shit Hole.
It’s been called compassion it’s been called humanity. It’s been considere Christian. But it takes an idiot Trumpian to call it a disease.
How do you sleep?

No it is not compassionate and it certainly is NOT Christian especially when the majority of the Pro-Open Borders For Third World Savages Crowd are Athiests and God Haters. As a Practising Christian I always like it's a good laugh when Leftist Athiests and Leftist God Haters attempt to lecture ME on what IS and what is NOT Christian, Jesus Christ Our Lord and Savior and Messiah was NOT some Leftist Hippy and he would NOT have supported opening borders for violent mobs throwing rocks and he would NOT have supported opening borders for rapists and violent Street Gang members and drug dealers and whatever else filth is in the crowd.

Pathological Altruism IS a disease, it is taking normal empathy to it's most insane and unhealthy extreme and the result is the eventuality that it causes only destruction of whatever it is someone is Bedwetting about, it is Negative Empathy, Negative Altruism and is the polar opposite of Positive Empathy and Positive Altruism. It ONLY affects Leftists, you NEVER get Right-Winger's afflicted with this disease, this is because Leftists are devoid of ALL Logic and are consumed ENTIRELY by their fucking emotions and have this abnormal excessive desire to help EVERY Third World Shit Holer by wanting them to be brought into Western nations and given EVERYTHING that WE have that THEY have NOT done ANYTHING to DESERVE, but Leftists expect EVERYONE to just give UNLIMITED amounts of this crowd EVERYTHING we HAVE.

As Leftists are totally devoid of Logical Thinking you cannot THINK beyond Emotional Thinking, so because of that you are blind and totally oblivious to what is down the road in say 15, 20 years as a RESULT of your Pathological Altruism both the Cultural AND Evolutionary dimensions of your Pathological Altruism, that you are unable to see because of your SEVERE mental limitations on the Logical side that those who are coming FROM Third World Shit Holes into Western nations are going to conduct their lives AS they conducted them IN their Third World Shit Holes and that then in 15, 20 years time the FIRST WORLD Western nations are LOGICALLY going to be reduced to THIRD WORLD levels as Shit Holes.
You say you’re a practicing Christian.

Go practice some more. You’re not very good at it.

Hmmmm? One of those "invaders" was wearing Nike sweat pants and shoes.......
Just shut up .

No you shut up Troll Boi, you have added ZERO of significance to this thread, just like you add ZERO of significance to any thread.
Tipsy wants to fire on those people and that’s laudable but I say shut up and you slam the door I my face.

I would put up a hospital tent and offer those poor people aid and food and clothing. Tipsy offers bullets.

To her and the bullies and idiots agreeing with her I say shut up

Well if you read my comments in this thread I also think those filthy violent savages should be shot, throwing rocks and violently attempting to storm a border are the actions of a dangerous invading mob of basic filthy savages and they should be treated as such with bullets.

"I would put up a hospital tent and offer those poor people aid and food and clothing."

Yes you would because you are a Leftist and suffer from Pathological Altruism and it's a disease that needs eradicating because with Pathological Altruism comes the collapse of Western Civilisation because all the Leftists would literally hold every door open for the Unlimited Invading Forces of Third World Shit Hole Savages to walk into every Western nation and then within 20 years every Western nation would be exactly like a Third World Shit Hole.
It’s been called compassion it’s been called humanity. It’s been considere Christian. But it takes an idiot Trumpian to call it a disease.
How do you sleep?

It's called "let in those potential voters for leftards"........
If what you fear the most is losing the Hispanic vote, why not develop a more inclusive political message? Calling people rapists, murderers, drug dealers and criminals appeals only to mouth breathing hicks and bullies, not the general public or Hispanics.
It’s amazing how much humanity republicans lack. Pure selfishness and a shocking lack of empathy.
Why do you lock your doors when you leave? What kind of a creature are you to only want invited guests into your home, you little prick.
Seeking asylum has always been legal. I know you hate brown people, but the actual adults in the room have to show some decency.

ASYLUM is for the woman in Pakistan who was sentenced to death for "maligning Mohammed" based on heresay. International pressure caused them to drop the charges.. But NOW, she's running for her life from pissed off religious nuts who want her dead.

Point is -- if YOUR GOVT is maliciously targeting you or a GROUP you belong to --- you are an asylum case. Go to the front of the line. If your government is CORRUPT, INCOMPETENT and in collusion with criminals, -- take a number. You are behind about a BILLION folks in the world today.

This border assault is NOT an Asylum issue. It's a REFUGEE ISSUE. And refugees should be treated as refugees under temporary humanitarian aid. If you WANT THEM ALL within our borders --- they need to be in REFUGEE camps. Not wandering around fending for themselves.

All you leftists are doing is making their HOST COUNTRIES BIGGER SHITHOLES... You didn't even know there WERE SHITHOLES, when Trump used the phrase -- but that's what the cause is here. And you're not helping to fix it by relieving the pressure valves on their inept, corrupt leadership at home..
No you shut up Troll Boi, you have added ZERO of significance to this thread, just like you add ZERO of significance to any thread.
Tipsy wants to fire on those people and that’s laudable but I say shut up and you slam the door I my face.

I would put up a hospital tent and offer those poor people aid and food and clothing. Tipsy offers bullets.

To her and the bullies and idiots agreeing with her I say shut up

Well if you read my comments in this thread I also think those filthy violent savages should be shot, throwing rocks and violently attempting to storm a border are the actions of a dangerous invading mob of basic filthy savages and they should be treated as such with bullets.

"I would put up a hospital tent and offer those poor people aid and food and clothing."

Yes you would because you are a Leftist and suffer from Pathological Altruism and it's a disease that needs eradicating because with Pathological Altruism comes the collapse of Western Civilisation because all the Leftists would literally hold every door open for the Unlimited Invading Forces of Third World Shit Hole Savages to walk into every Western nation and then within 20 years every Western nation would be exactly like a Third World Shit Hole.
It’s been called compassion it’s been called humanity. It’s been considere Christian. But it takes an idiot Trumpian to call it a disease.
How do you sleep?

It's called "let in those potential voters for leftards"........
If what you fear the most is losing the Hispanic vote, why not develop a more inclusive political message? Calling people rapists, murderers, drug dealers and criminals appeals only to mouth breathing hicks and bullies, not the general public or Hispanics.

Hey, dipshit, even the citizens of Tijuana don't want these ungrateful, entitled squatters there...or haven't you heard? One other thing (and hear me out on this) after the false flag event that was 9/11/01, we were told that a total monitoring and storage of our phone calls, text messages, social media, Google searches, e-mails, etc, etc was necessary to (snicker) "keep us safe" all the while the southern border remained unsecured and muslim refugees were flown in covertly and overtly to satisfy the U.N's migration policy without proper vetting. Under the Bush and Barrypuppet's admin? If you could fog a mirror and could make it across even if your background wasn't clear? Well, that was just "peachy".

So, to sum it all up, you can go fuck and all your little commie SJW butthurt clowns. Are we clear on this?

Let me know how I can help you see what is obvious to's what I do.
MSNBC sank so low when they planted that photoshop picture of a lady scurrying from the tear gas with 2 young children.
NOBODY will argue that I'm an expert at graphic art and photoshop editing and as an expert I will point you to that extreme dark shadow of the fleeing family only, which is a result of studio lighting leaving deep shadows that lazy Photoshop novices can't remove or dumb people trying to blue screen a photo cut and paste don't realize can expose the fraud.
THIS OROVES HOW LOW MSM SINKS to create a narrative or create orooaganda or orchestrate reaction and anger and division thus mentally abuse the viewers by enslaving them to this image they frame the stories they like to control like the true fascist they are or as Tobin inadvertantly said; "TOTALITARIAN" in nature
Tipsy wants to fire on those people and that’s laudable but I say shut up and you slam the door I my face.

I would put up a hospital tent and offer those poor people aid and food and clothing. Tipsy offers bullets.

To her and the bullies and idiots agreeing with her I say shut up

Well if you read my comments in this thread I also think those filthy violent savages should be shot, throwing rocks and violently attempting to storm a border are the actions of a dangerous invading mob of basic filthy savages and they should be treated as such with bullets.

"I would put up a hospital tent and offer those poor people aid and food and clothing."

Yes you would because you are a Leftist and suffer from Pathological Altruism and it's a disease that needs eradicating because with Pathological Altruism comes the collapse of Western Civilisation because all the Leftists would literally hold every door open for the Unlimited Invading Forces of Third World Shit Hole Savages to walk into every Western nation and then within 20 years every Western nation would be exactly like a Third World Shit Hole.
It’s been called compassion it’s been called humanity. It’s been considere Christian. But it takes an idiot Trumpian to call it a disease.
How do you sleep?

No it is not compassionate and it certainly is NOT Christian especially when the majority of the Pro-Open Borders For Third World Savages Crowd are Athiests and God Haters. As a Practising Christian I always like it's a good laugh when Leftist Athiests and Leftist God Haters attempt to lecture ME on what IS and what is NOT Christian, Jesus Christ Our Lord and Savior and Messiah was NOT some Leftist Hippy and he would NOT have supported opening borders for violent mobs throwing rocks and he would NOT have supported opening borders for rapists and violent Street Gang members and drug dealers and whatever else filth is in the crowd.

Pathological Altruism IS a disease, it is taking normal empathy to it's most insane and unhealthy extreme and the result is the eventuality that it causes only destruction of whatever it is someone is Bedwetting about, it is Negative Empathy, Negative Altruism and is the polar opposite of Positive Empathy and Positive Altruism. It ONLY affects Leftists, you NEVER get Right-Winger's afflicted with this disease, this is because Leftists are devoid of ALL Logic and are consumed ENTIRELY by their fucking emotions and have this abnormal excessive desire to help EVERY Third World Shit Holer by wanting them to be brought into Western nations and given EVERYTHING that WE have that THEY have NOT done ANYTHING to DESERVE, but Leftists expect EVERYONE to just give UNLIMITED amounts of this crowd EVERYTHING we HAVE.

As Leftists are totally devoid of Logical Thinking you cannot THINK beyond Emotional Thinking, so because of that you are blind and totally oblivious to what is down the road in say 15, 20 years as a RESULT of your Pathological Altruism both the Cultural AND Evolutionary dimensions of your Pathological Altruism, that you are unable to see because of your SEVERE mental limitations on the Logical side that those who are coming FROM Third World Shit Holes into Western nations are going to conduct their lives AS they conducted them IN their Third World Shit Holes and that then in 15, 20 years time the FIRST WORLD Western nations are LOGICALLY going to be reduced to THIRD WORLD levels as Shit Holes.
You say you’re a practicing Christian.

Go practice some more. You’re not very good at it.

Hmmmm? One of those "invaders" was wearing Nike sweat pants and shoes.......

They nearly ALL have IPhones also, they are not destitute or starving, they are also not Refugees they are Economic Migrants, the situation is they do not belong in Western nations, it's not Western nations fault that their own nations are Third World Shit Holes run by a combination of incompetent morons and despots. The majority again are young, physically strong males of military age with random women and children thrown in for the specific purpose of being put in the front for all the cameras and the majority are not going to work because they will not have either the academic or manual skill levels that are required in Western nations, so the majority of them are just going straight onto Welfare and so Western taxpayers get to pay for this crowd to sit on their buttocks contributing ZERO to society.
And we are all ashamed of traitor scum like you. You are the ones wrecking it.

Why would I be a "traitor"? Huh? Please explain. Stop acting shameful.
you are a traitor
you WANT invaders invading America

Did your ancestors invade America?
no--America was not a country

America existed - and had native residents. Some even had advanced governments.

Tell us what THEIR immigration policies were then. Did they have "open borders"?? Is that why THEY got invaded and occupied?

There were no advanced govts. Just a lot of warring tribes. And they got eaten for a snack by colonists. And now WE have warring tribes and no effective Central government... See the parallel?
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Doesn't everyone love immigrants? The human race evolved from nomads. We are wanderers. But don't equate illegal aliens with immigrants, don't make that mistake. We all have free will and make our own life choices.There is doing the right thing, and then there's' being a sneaky conniving liar with bad intent. Simplistic? Yes it is. This isn't that hard. Which of those two do you want allowed into our country?

It has always been "conservatives" who wanted to add the the world's population of poor people. We have had the technology for fifty years that would allow people across the world to limit their fertility. It was the "conservatives" who did not want this to happen. They just wanted willy-nilly babies with no place to put them. Go back forty years to the Zero Population Growth Movement.

Go preach that to their country's leaders.. When you live in a ShitHole country, you NEED large families to survive. The left never understands how things work. FAMILY SIZE is a function of economic and social progress.. You got the cause and effect exactly backwards.

Solution is to REMOVE the corruption and the dysfunctional leadership. Not STERILIZE the population..
Couple things.

1) It's never OK on USMB to openly advocate "shooting them all". Don't care what group it is.

2) This type of thread just can't get PERSONAL. It's not germane to any solution or rational discussion of the topic. Don't like their opinions? TELL them why they are wrong and THEN call them names.
Well if you read my comments in this thread I also think those filthy violent savages should be shot, throwing rocks and violently attempting to storm a border are the actions of a dangerous invading mob of basic filthy savages and they should be treated as such with bullets.

"I would put up a hospital tent and offer those poor people aid and food and clothing."

Yes you would because you are a Leftist and suffer from Pathological Altruism and it's a disease that needs eradicating because with Pathological Altruism comes the collapse of Western Civilisation because all the Leftists would literally hold every door open for the Unlimited Invading Forces of Third World Shit Hole Savages to walk into every Western nation and then within 20 years every Western nation would be exactly like a Third World Shit Hole.
It’s been called compassion it’s been called humanity. It’s been considere Christian. But it takes an idiot Trumpian to call it a disease.
How do you sleep?

No it is not compassionate and it certainly is NOT Christian especially when the majority of the Pro-Open Borders For Third World Savages Crowd are Athiests and God Haters. As a Practising Christian I always like it's a good laugh when Leftist Athiests and Leftist God Haters attempt to lecture ME on what IS and what is NOT Christian, Jesus Christ Our Lord and Savior and Messiah was NOT some Leftist Hippy and he would NOT have supported opening borders for violent mobs throwing rocks and he would NOT have supported opening borders for rapists and violent Street Gang members and drug dealers and whatever else filth is in the crowd.

Pathological Altruism IS a disease, it is taking normal empathy to it's most insane and unhealthy extreme and the result is the eventuality that it causes only destruction of whatever it is someone is Bedwetting about, it is Negative Empathy, Negative Altruism and is the polar opposite of Positive Empathy and Positive Altruism. It ONLY affects Leftists, you NEVER get Right-Winger's afflicted with this disease, this is because Leftists are devoid of ALL Logic and are consumed ENTIRELY by their fucking emotions and have this abnormal excessive desire to help EVERY Third World Shit Holer by wanting them to be brought into Western nations and given EVERYTHING that WE have that THEY have NOT done ANYTHING to DESERVE, but Leftists expect EVERYONE to just give UNLIMITED amounts of this crowd EVERYTHING we HAVE.

As Leftists are totally devoid of Logical Thinking you cannot THINK beyond Emotional Thinking, so because of that you are blind and totally oblivious to what is down the road in say 15, 20 years as a RESULT of your Pathological Altruism both the Cultural AND Evolutionary dimensions of your Pathological Altruism, that you are unable to see because of your SEVERE mental limitations on the Logical side that those who are coming FROM Third World Shit Holes into Western nations are going to conduct their lives AS they conducted them IN their Third World Shit Holes and that then in 15, 20 years time the FIRST WORLD Western nations are LOGICALLY going to be reduced to THIRD WORLD levels as Shit Holes.
You say you’re a practicing Christian.

Go practice some more. You’re not very good at it.

"You say you’re a practicing Christian.

Go practice some more. You’re not very good at it."

My most recent at this forum act of me being a Practising Christian and having normal empathy and normal compassion - as OPPOSED to your Pathological Altruism - was me donating more than $1,000 to the Gracie Fund because Gracie has lost EVERYTHING in the Paradise fire thing, I add that Mr. Dale generously donated also Dale Smith.

We didn't see YOU in that thread giving anything and Gracie had NO food OR clothing or ROOF to live under anymore, is this because Gracie's NOT Brown and from a Third World Shit Hole? If she WAS you probably would have literally opened a vein to help her.
I was raised to be humble in my charitable works. It’s a pity humility never graced your character
You would come off so much less foolish and arrogant.

LOL! I suspect that your "charity" begins and ends with the federal with-holding rate. You lamely claim that "christians" don't practice what they preach but when proven wrong? You lamely declare that one shouldn't mention one even for an example. HOLY shit but are you a phony.....but don't fear, as that is exactly what defines a leftard.
Tipsy wants to fire on those people and that’s laudable but I say shut up and you slam the door I my face.

I would put up a hospital tent and offer those poor people aid and food and clothing. Tipsy offers bullets.

To her and the bullies and idiots agreeing with her I say shut up

Well if you read my comments in this thread I also think those filthy violent savages should be shot, throwing rocks and violently attempting to storm a border are the actions of a dangerous invading mob of basic filthy savages and they should be treated as such with bullets.

"I would put up a hospital tent and offer those poor people aid and food and clothing."

Yes you would because you are a Leftist and suffer from Pathological Altruism and it's a disease that needs eradicating because with Pathological Altruism comes the collapse of Western Civilisation because all the Leftists would literally hold every door open for the Unlimited Invading Forces of Third World Shit Hole Savages to walk into every Western nation and then within 20 years every Western nation would be exactly like a Third World Shit Hole.
It’s been called compassion it’s been called humanity. It’s been considere Christian. But it takes an idiot Trumpian to call it a disease.
How do you sleep?

It's called "let in those potential voters for leftards"........
If what you fear the most is losing the Hispanic vote, why not develop a more inclusive political message? Calling people rapists, murderers, drug dealers and criminals appeals only to mouth breathing hicks and bullies, not the general public or Hispanics.

Hey, dipshit, even the citizens of Tijuana don't want these ungrateful, entitled squatters there...or haven't you heard? One other thing (and hear me out on this) after the false flag event that was 9/11/01, we were told that a total monitoring and storage of our phone calls, text messages, social media, Google searches, e-mails, etc, etc was necessary to (snicker) "keep us safe" all the while the southern border remained unsecured and muslim refugees were flown in covertly and overtly to satisfy the U.N's migration policy without proper vetting. Under the Bush and Barrypuppet's admin? If you could fog a mirror and could make it across even if your background wasn't clear? Well, that was just "peachy".

So, to sum it all up, you can go fuck and all your little commie SJW butthurt clowns. Are we clear on this?

Let me know how I can help you see what is obvious to's what I do.
A rodeo clown told you that three hundred
hungry, footsore Guatalamalans are the biggest threat to this nation since Joe McCarthy and because you are stupid or bigoted or unsophisticated or gullibyor a combination of all the above you believed it

Well. not everyone is as susceptible to lies as you. You are to be pitied but never taken seriously.

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