Hundreds of migrants rush California port of enter port has been down

It’s been called compassion it’s been called humanity. It’s been considere Christian. But it takes an idiot Trumpian to call it a disease.
How do you sleep?

No it is not compassionate and it certainly is NOT Christian especially when the majority of the Pro-Open Borders For Third World Savages Crowd are Athiests and God Haters. As a Practising Christian I always like it's a good laugh when Leftist Athiests and Leftist God Haters attempt to lecture ME on what IS and what is NOT Christian, Jesus Christ Our Lord and Savior and Messiah was NOT some Leftist Hippy and he would NOT have supported opening borders for violent mobs throwing rocks and he would NOT have supported opening borders for rapists and violent Street Gang members and drug dealers and whatever else filth is in the crowd.

Pathological Altruism IS a disease, it is taking normal empathy to it's most insane and unhealthy extreme and the result is the eventuality that it causes only destruction of whatever it is someone is Bedwetting about, it is Negative Empathy, Negative Altruism and is the polar opposite of Positive Empathy and Positive Altruism. It ONLY affects Leftists, you NEVER get Right-Winger's afflicted with this disease, this is because Leftists are devoid of ALL Logic and are consumed ENTIRELY by their fucking emotions and have this abnormal excessive desire to help EVERY Third World Shit Holer by wanting them to be brought into Western nations and given EVERYTHING that WE have that THEY have NOT done ANYTHING to DESERVE, but Leftists expect EVERYONE to just give UNLIMITED amounts of this crowd EVERYTHING we HAVE.

As Leftists are totally devoid of Logical Thinking you cannot THINK beyond Emotional Thinking, so because of that you are blind and totally oblivious to what is down the road in say 15, 20 years as a RESULT of your Pathological Altruism both the Cultural AND Evolutionary dimensions of your Pathological Altruism, that you are unable to see because of your SEVERE mental limitations on the Logical side that those who are coming FROM Third World Shit Holes into Western nations are going to conduct their lives AS they conducted them IN their Third World Shit Holes and that then in 15, 20 years time the FIRST WORLD Western nations are LOGICALLY going to be reduced to THIRD WORLD levels as Shit Holes.
You say you’re a practicing Christian.

Go practice some more. You’re not very good at it.

"You say you’re a practicing Christian.

Go practice some more. You’re not very good at it."

My most recent at this forum act of me being a Practising Christian and having normal empathy and normal compassion - as OPPOSED to your Pathological Altruism - was me donating more than $1,000 to the Gracie Fund because Gracie has lost EVERYTHING in the Paradise fire thing, I add that Mr. Dale generously donated also Dale Smith.

We didn't see YOU in that thread giving anything and Gracie had NO food OR clothing or ROOF to live under anymore, is this because Gracie's NOT Brown and from a Third World Shit Hole? If she WAS you probably would have literally opened a vein to help her.
I was raised to be humble in my charitable works. It’s a pity humility never graced your character
You would come off so much less foolish and arrogant.

LOL! I suspect that your "charity" begins and ends with the federal with-holding rate. You lamely claim that "christians" don't practice what they preach but when proven wrong? You lamely declare that one shouldn't mention one even for an example. HOLY shit but are you a phony.....but don't fear, as that is exactly what defines a leftard.
The death of humility began at Trump
It’s been called compassion it’s been called humanity. It’s been considere Christian. But it takes an idiot Trumpian to call it a disease.
How do you sleep?

No it is not compassionate and it certainly is NOT Christian especially when the majority of the Pro-Open Borders For Third World Savages Crowd are Athiests and God Haters. As a Practising Christian I always like it's a good laugh when Leftist Athiests and Leftist God Haters attempt to lecture ME on what IS and what is NOT Christian, Jesus Christ Our Lord and Savior and Messiah was NOT some Leftist Hippy and he would NOT have supported opening borders for violent mobs throwing rocks and he would NOT have supported opening borders for rapists and violent Street Gang members and drug dealers and whatever else filth is in the crowd.

Pathological Altruism IS a disease, it is taking normal empathy to it's most insane and unhealthy extreme and the result is the eventuality that it causes only destruction of whatever it is someone is Bedwetting about, it is Negative Empathy, Negative Altruism and is the polar opposite of Positive Empathy and Positive Altruism. It ONLY affects Leftists, you NEVER get Right-Winger's afflicted with this disease, this is because Leftists are devoid of ALL Logic and are consumed ENTIRELY by their fucking emotions and have this abnormal excessive desire to help EVERY Third World Shit Holer by wanting them to be brought into Western nations and given EVERYTHING that WE have that THEY have NOT done ANYTHING to DESERVE, but Leftists expect EVERYONE to just give UNLIMITED amounts of this crowd EVERYTHING we HAVE.

As Leftists are totally devoid of Logical Thinking you cannot THINK beyond Emotional Thinking, so because of that you are blind and totally oblivious to what is down the road in say 15, 20 years as a RESULT of your Pathological Altruism both the Cultural AND Evolutionary dimensions of your Pathological Altruism, that you are unable to see because of your SEVERE mental limitations on the Logical side that those who are coming FROM Third World Shit Holes into Western nations are going to conduct their lives AS they conducted them IN their Third World Shit Holes and that then in 15, 20 years time the FIRST WORLD Western nations are LOGICALLY going to be reduced to THIRD WORLD levels as Shit Holes.
You say you’re a practicing Christian.

Go practice some more. You’re not very good at it.

"You say you’re a practicing Christian.

Go practice some more. You’re not very good at it."

My most recent at this forum act of me being a Practising Christian and having normal empathy and normal compassion - as OPPOSED to your Pathological Altruism - was me donating more than $1,000 to the Gracie Fund because Gracie has lost EVERYTHING in the Paradise fire thing, I add that Mr. Dale generously donated also Dale Smith.

We didn't see YOU in that thread giving anything and Gracie had NO food OR clothing or ROOF to live under anymore, is this because Gracie's NOT Brown and from a Third World Shit Hole? If she WAS you probably would have literally opened a vein to help her.
I was raised to be humble in my charitable works. It’s a pity humility never graced your character
You would come off so much less foolish and arrogant.

LOL! I suspect that your "charity" begins and ends with the federal with-holding rate. You lamely claim that "christians" don't practice what they preach but when proven wrong? You lamely declare that one shouldn't mention one even for an example. HOLY shit but are you a phony.....but don't fear, as that is exactly what defines a leftard.
The Decline of Humility began at Trump Tower and ended in your trailer park.
It is not compassion. It is not humanity. It is not even mercy.

At best it is using our principles as a weapon against us. At worst it is a huge trojan horse of the unwashed.

Either way, we stand together and end the invasion.
Why would I be a "traitor"? Huh? Please explain. Stop acting shameful.
you are a traitor
you WANT invaders invading America

Did your ancestors invade America?
no--America was not a country

America existed - and had native residents. Some even had advanced governments.

Tell us what THEIR immigration policies were then. Did they have "open borders"?? Is that why THEY got invaded and occupied?

There were no advanced govts. Just a lot of warring tribes. And they got eaten for a snack by colonists. And now WE have warring tribes... See the parallel?

Warring tribes? Yeah, and the history of Europe was so peaceful before they invaded Native America. Funny...

Cruelty in the Bible

List of conflicts in Europe - Wikipedia

Crusades - Wikipedia

Crusades - HISTORY

Crusades | Facts, Summary, & Legacy |
Well if you read my comments in this thread I also think those filthy violent savages should be shot, throwing rocks and violently attempting to storm a border are the actions of a dangerous invading mob of basic filthy savages and they should be treated as such with bullets.

"I would put up a hospital tent and offer those poor people aid and food and clothing."

Yes you would because you are a Leftist and suffer from Pathological Altruism and it's a disease that needs eradicating because with Pathological Altruism comes the collapse of Western Civilisation because all the Leftists would literally hold every door open for the Unlimited Invading Forces of Third World Shit Hole Savages to walk into every Western nation and then within 20 years every Western nation would be exactly like a Third World Shit Hole.
It’s been called compassion it’s been called humanity. It’s been considere Christian. But it takes an idiot Trumpian to call it a disease.
How do you sleep?

It's called "let in those potential voters for leftards"........
If what you fear the most is losing the Hispanic vote, why not develop a more inclusive political message? Calling people rapists, murderers, drug dealers and criminals appeals only to mouth breathing hicks and bullies, not the general public or Hispanics.

Hey, dipshit, even the citizens of Tijuana don't want these ungrateful, entitled squatters there...or haven't you heard? One other thing (and hear me out on this) after the false flag event that was 9/11/01, we were told that a total monitoring and storage of our phone calls, text messages, social media, Google searches, e-mails, etc, etc was necessary to (snicker) "keep us safe" all the while the southern border remained unsecured and muslim refugees were flown in covertly and overtly to satisfy the U.N's migration policy without proper vetting. Under the Bush and Barrypuppet's admin? If you could fog a mirror and could make it across even if your background wasn't clear? Well, that was just "peachy".

So, to sum it all up, you can go fuck and all your little commie SJW butthurt clowns. Are we clear on this?

Let me know how I can help you see what is obvious to's what I do.
A rodeo clown told you that three hundred
hungry, footsore Guatalamalans are the biggest threat to this nation since Joe McCarthy and because you are stupid or bigoted or unsophisticated or gullibyor a combination of all the above you believed it

Well. not everyone is as susceptible to lies as you. You are to be pitied but never taken seriously.

You got the numbers way wrong. It's not 300.. It's about 3000 a DAY without the caravans. About 1/2 of those are mannered enough to go thru a port of entry. The other half just sneaks in or gets caught violating the border.

And MULTIPLE caravans are in Mexico right now. The 1st wave is 10,000. With others to follow. No wonder you have no clue about the magnitude of the issue. When you demagogue the issue by belittling it, you're marginalized. Because you're ignoring an actual MAJOR problem. Do the math on 3000 a day. Then do the math on MAJOR FLOODS of refugee columns demanding entry because their home countries are ShitHoles.

There are a BILLION people in the world ahead of them. Take a fucking number.
To the mods. I advocated mercy, not killing.

Is mercy now no longer a virtue?

Is mercy a vice in the age of Trump?

Saints preserve us if that is so.

Understood. You post was deleted because it was replying to an avocation of mass violence that really is not welcome on USMB. That's never really viable discussion. Can't make that point unless the responses are cut out as well..
Well if you read my comments in this thread I also think those filthy violent savages should be shot, throwing rocks and violently attempting to storm a border are the actions of a dangerous invading mob of basic filthy savages and they should be treated as such with bullets.

"I would put up a hospital tent and offer those poor people aid and food and clothing."

Yes you would because you are a Leftist and suffer from Pathological Altruism and it's a disease that needs eradicating because with Pathological Altruism comes the collapse of Western Civilisation because all the Leftists would literally hold every door open for the Unlimited Invading Forces of Third World Shit Hole Savages to walk into every Western nation and then within 20 years every Western nation would be exactly like a Third World Shit Hole.
It’s been called compassion it’s been called humanity. It’s been considere Christian. But it takes an idiot Trumpian to call it a disease.
How do you sleep?

It's called "let in those potential voters for leftards"........
If what you fear the most is losing the Hispanic vote, why not develop a more inclusive political message? Calling people rapists, murderers, drug dealers and criminals appeals only to mouth breathing hicks and bullies, not the general public or Hispanics.

Hey, dipshit, even the citizens of Tijuana don't want these ungrateful, entitled squatters there...or haven't you heard? One other thing (and hear me out on this) after the false flag event that was 9/11/01, we were told that a total monitoring and storage of our phone calls, text messages, social media, Google searches, e-mails, etc, etc was necessary to (snicker) "keep us safe" all the while the southern border remained unsecured and muslim refugees were flown in covertly and overtly to satisfy the U.N's migration policy without proper vetting. Under the Bush and Barrypuppet's admin? If you could fog a mirror and could make it across even if your background wasn't clear? Well, that was just "peachy".

So, to sum it all up, you can go fuck and all your little commie SJW butthurt clowns. Are we clear on this?

Let me know how I can help you see what is obvious to's what I do.
A rodeo clown told you that three hundred
hungry, footsore Guatalamalans are the biggest threat to this nation since Joe McCarthy and because you are stupid or bigoted or unsophisticated or gullibyor a combination of all the above you believed it

Well. not everyone is as susceptible to lies as you. You are to be pitied but never taken seriously.

No further comment is needed, nothing that I could add that could drive home the fact that you are absolutely clueless as to what has transpired at the border.

you are a traitor
you WANT invaders invading America

Did your ancestors invade America?
no--America was not a country

America existed - and had native residents. Some even had advanced governments.

Tell us what THEIR immigration policies were then. Did they have "open borders"?? Is that why THEY got invaded and occupied?

There were no advanced govts. Just a lot of warring tribes. And they got eaten for a snack by colonists. And now WE have warring tribes... See the parallel?

Warring tribes? Yeah, and the history of Europe was so peaceful before they invaded Native America. Funny...

Cruelty in the Bible

List of conflicts in Europe - Wikipedia

Crusades - Wikipedia

Crusades - HISTORY

Crusades | Facts, Summary, & Legacy |

You can believe the American Indian tribes had mass Federal form of govt if you like. But their "open border" immigration policy is what got THEM invaded and subjugated.

We have no viable Federal form of govt on immigration right now either. BOTH fucking parties are AWOL on the issues and have been for DECADES.. The term INVASION is apt and correct. Because the GOVT is failing to exercise its basic primary Constitutional obligations on borders and naturalization. When that happens -- you can LOSE your land and country.. That's what the moral of the Indian lands story really is -- isn't it?
Couple things.

1) It's never OK on USMB to openly advocate "shooting them all". Don't care what group it is.

This is a war. Our nation is under direct attack, by a large foreign group that is trying to violently invade us.

“Shooting them all” is a proper response to such an invasion. How is it not OK to say so?

Now you know how Native Americans felt when they were invaded by diseased religious nuts from Europe. What goes around comes around. Are you a religious nut - or just a nut?

Native American Genocide
WTF Did Jim Bowie and Davy Crockett give their lives at the Alamo for if these leftists just let them in anyways?

Shoot them as they approach, fuck that! They are invaders.

Why don't they go out into the wilderness and start a new life in Mexico?

Their own country even?
I just heard. The dumb whore in the White House at his "finest." This is what happens when trash takes hold of the federal government. This is truly a moment to be ashamed to be an American. It's a new experience for me to be an American who cannot be proud of my country.

STFU and get your ass to the border then.
Why must others protect you?


Why would I do this when there is no "invasion"? Just what am I supposed to be "protected" from? The cheap crap is already here on the north side of the border, This is a day of shame for Americans.
The cheap crap is here?

On the north side of which border?

Is this how you feel about our Hispanic citizens?

Cheap crap?

Are these people tainting your biological experiments?

Your mind is diseased.

You have no business working in any medical profession.

The Donald and his Loyalists in his team NEED to get a way to declare what is happening on the American border with these filthy disgusting savages throwing rocks, attempting to VIOLENTLY storm the border etc as a DIRECT THREAT to the National Security of The United States and they then NEED to fully crack the whip.

Today Monday you know some filthy Leftist Traitor Judge is going to attempt to BLOCK the actions that American security personnel are doing at that border, the repelling of the Invasion of Filthy Savages and so The Donald needs to ASAP declare what the filthy savages are doing as a DIRECT THREAT to the National Security of The United States and that way telling ANY Leftist Traitor Judge to go and fuck themselves.

Headshots, fuck that. Remember The Alamo!

That part of the US was won by Patriots spilling their own blood.

There was no "Louisiana Purchase" out west. That land was fought for.
WTF Did Jim Bowie and Davy Crockett give their lives at the Alamo for if these leftists just let them in anyways?

Shoot them as they approach, fuck that! They are invaders.

Why don't they go out into the wilderness and start a new life in Mexico?

Their own country even?

Funny. Bowie and Crockett died while helping greedy NaziCons steal Mexican land. Give it back. The Alamo was a crock of shit - just more lies like with Native Americans.


The Hispanic Experience - Stolen Birthright
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WTF Did Jim Bowie and Davy Crockett give their lives at the Alamo for if these leftists just let them in anyways?

Shoot them as they approach, fuck that! They are invaders.

Why don't they go out into the wilderness and start a new life in Mexico?

Their own country even?

Funny. Bowie and Crockett died while helping greedy NaziCons steal Mexican land. Give it back.


The Hispanic Experience - Stolen Birthright
Traitor and liar
I just heard. The dumb whore in the White House at his "finest." This is what happens when trash takes hold of the federal government. This is truly a moment to be ashamed to be an American. It's a new experience for me to be an American who cannot be proud of my country.

STFU and get your ass to the border then.
Why must others protect you?


Why would I do this when there is no "invasion"? Just what am I supposed to be "protected" from? The cheap crap is already here on the north side of the border, This is a day of shame for Americans.
The cheap crap is here?

On the north side of which border?

Is this how you feel about our Hispanic citizens?

Cheap crap?

Are these people tainting your biological experiments?

Your mind is diseased.

You have no business working in any medical profession.

The Donald and his Loyalists in his team NEED to get a way to declare what is happening on the American border with these filthy disgusting savages throwing rocks, attempting to VIOLENTLY storm the border etc as a DIRECT THREAT to the National Security of The United States and they then NEED to fully crack the whip.

Today Monday you know some filthy Leftist Traitor Judge is going to attempt to BLOCK the actions that American security personnel are doing at that border, the repelling of the Invasion of Filthy Savages and so The Donald needs to ASAP declare what the filthy savages are doing as a DIRECT THREAT to the National Security of The United States and that way telling ANY Leftist Traitor Judge to go and fuck themselves.

Headshots, fuck that. Remember The Alamo!

That part of the US was won by Patriots spilling their own blood.

There was no "Louisiana Purchase" out west. That land was fought for.

Those who fought against Santa Ana at the Alamo were not "patriots." The Mexican government foolishly allowed them onto Mexican soil, and they turned around and bit the hand that fed them. If they had been "patriots," they would have owed their loyalty to the Mexican government.
STFU and get your ass to the border then.
Why must others protect you?


Why would I do this when there is no "invasion"? Just what am I supposed to be "protected" from? The cheap crap is already here on the north side of the border, This is a day of shame for Americans.
The cheap crap is here?

On the north side of which border?

Is this how you feel about our Hispanic citizens?

Cheap crap?

Are these people tainting your biological experiments?

Your mind is diseased.

You have no business working in any medical profession.

The Donald and his Loyalists in his team NEED to get a way to declare what is happening on the American border with these filthy disgusting savages throwing rocks, attempting to VIOLENTLY storm the border etc as a DIRECT THREAT to the National Security of The United States and they then NEED to fully crack the whip.

Today Monday you know some filthy Leftist Traitor Judge is going to attempt to BLOCK the actions that American security personnel are doing at that border, the repelling of the Invasion of Filthy Savages and so The Donald needs to ASAP declare what the filthy savages are doing as a DIRECT THREAT to the National Security of The United States and that way telling ANY Leftist Traitor Judge to go and fuck themselves.

Headshots, fuck that. Remember The Alamo!

That part of the US was won by Patriots spilling their own blood.

There was no "Louisiana Purchase" out west. That land was fought for.

Those who fought against Santa Ana at the Alamo were not "patriots." The Mexican government foolishly allowed them onto Mexican soil, and they turned around and bit the hand that fed them. If they had been "patriots," they would have owed their loyalty to the Mexican government.

Thank you! Whites have a history of biting the hand that feeds them.
WTF Did Jim Bowie and Davy Crockett give their lives at the Alamo for if these leftists just let them in anyways?

Shoot them as they approach, fuck that! They are invaders.

Why don't they go out into the wilderness and start a new life in Mexico?

Their own country even?

Funny. Bowie and Crockett died while helping greedy NaziCons steal Mexican land. Give it back. The Alamo was a crock of shit - just more lies like with Native Americans.


The Hispanic Experience - Stolen Birthright

GFY. If this shit keeps up, I suggest the US push south to that choke point. The wall will be much cheaper that way. It's not like Mexico is doing a great job of governing themselves, anyways.

Rangers vs. Cartels?

I would bet on the Rangers. They fuck shit up!
WTF Did Jim Bowie and Davy Crockett give their lives at the Alamo for if these leftists just let them in anyways?

Shoot them as they approach, fuck that! They are invaders.

Why don't they go out into the wilderness and start a new life in Mexico?

Their own country even?

Funny. Bowie and Crockett died while helping greedy NaziCons steal Mexican land. Give it back. The Alamo was a crock of shit - just more lies like with Native Americans.


The Hispanic Experience - Stolen Birthright

GFY. If this shit keeps up, I suggest the US push south to that choke point. The wall will be much cheaper that way. It's not like Mexico is doing a great job of governing themselves, anyways.

Rangers vs. Cartels?

I would bet on the Rangers. They fuck shit up!

Yeah, turn the Rangers on them - with dogs. The tear gas just isn't cruel enough.

WTF Did Jim Bowie and Davy Crockett give their lives at the Alamo for if these leftists just let them in anyways?

Shoot them as they approach, fuck that! They are invaders.

Why don't they go out into the wilderness and start a new life in Mexico?

Their own country even?

Funny. Bowie and Crockett died while helping greedy NaziCons steal Mexican land. Give it back. The Alamo was a crock of shit - just more lies like with Native Americans.


The Hispanic Experience - Stolen Birthright
WTF Did Jim Bowie and Davy Crockett give their lives at the Alamo for if these leftists just let them in anyways?

Shoot them as they approach, fuck that! They are invaders.

Why don't they go out into the wilderness and start a new life in Mexico?

Their own country even?

Funny. Bowie and Crockett died while helping greedy NaziCons steal Mexican land. Give it back. The Alamo was a crock of shit - just more lies like with Native Americans.


The Hispanic Experience - Stolen Birthright

GFY. If this shit keeps up, I suggest the US push south to that choke point. The wall will be much cheaper that way. It's not like Mexico is doing a great job of governing themselves, anyways.

Rangers vs. Cartels?

I would bet on the Rangers. They fuck shit up!

The "wall" is a stupid idea and always will be. A gigantic waste of money.

Who cares about Bowie and Crockett? You have been watching too much TV. I've spent a lot of time in texas, unfortunately, including visiting the Alamo. The whole "Texas" "patriot" thing is a farce, but the marketing of this myth generates a lot of tourist bucks.

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