Hundreds of migrants rush California port of enter port has been down

I bet Czechoslovakia in 1938 wished they had stopped the invading waves with a strong border wall. But those blokes had guns and tanks and were mean. And the Germans meant to occupy by any means necessary. But the Hondurans, this new crop of invaders at our border? They are needy and mean to occupy by any means necessary. They don't have guns and tanks and planes, but its an invasion. I have been saying that for years. If it isn't one Latin American country, its another. Honduras, Mexico or Cuba... Enough is enough.
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The argument is..
Because pilgrims landed on Plymouth rock we are supposed to welcome the hostile invasion today. We don't have the right to say no

Is that about it?

It means that these invaders have the right to enter any business or private home and say "this is stolen land so I'm taking it. "

Is that what you mean to say?
The Pilgrim analogy is a joke. If you want to make an equivalency, you would have to ship the migrants to remote Alaska where they would have to be fully self sufficient. That would put them on equal footing with the Pilgrims.
The pilgrim analogy: There wasn't an established country with internationally established borders THEN back in the 1700's. So comparing modern illegal aliens with prior European emigration, is like comparing apples to oranges.
We expect the President to stop these illegal criminal hordes trying to break in!

We absolutely and totally expect him to do his job!:thup:


I just heard. The dumb whore in the White House at his "finest." This is what happens when trash takes hold of the federal government. This is truly a moment to be ashamed to be an American. It's a new experience for me to be an American who cannot be proud of my country.

STFU and get your ass to the border then.
Why must others protect you?


Why would I do this when there is no "invasion"? Just what am I supposed to be "protected" from? The cheap crap is already here on the north side of the border, This is a day of shame for Americans.
The cheap crap is here?

On the north side of which border?

Is this how you feel about our Hispanic citizens?

Cheap crap?

Are these people tainting your biological experiments?

Your mind is diseased.

You have no business working in any medical profession.

The Donald and his Loyalists in his team NEED to get a way to declare what is happening on the American border with these filthy disgusting savages throwing rocks, attempting to VIOLENTLY storm the border etc as a DIRECT THREAT to the National Security of The United States and they then NEED to fully crack the whip.

Today Monday you know some filthy Leftist Traitor Judge is going to attempt to BLOCK the actions that American security personnel are doing at that border, the repelling of the Invasion of Filthy Savages and so The Donald needs to ASAP declare what the filthy savages are doing as a DIRECT THREAT to the National Security of The United States and that way telling ANY Leftist Traitor Judge to go and fuck themselves.
Don't bitch with me. You cheap scum have got what you wanted. Your whore did it. A shame upon the U.S.A. this day. This is a day of American humiliation.
I never thought that I would not be proud to be an American. This day has come.
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We expect the President to stop these illegal criminal hordes trying to break in!

We absolutely and totally expect him to do his job!:thup:


He will do everything he can but never underestimate corrupt Obama judges who will do anything to encourage the invasion.
We expect the President to stop these illegal criminal hordes trying to break in!

We absolutely and totally expect him to do his job!:thup:


He will do everything he can but never underestimate corrupt Obama judges who will do anything to encourage the invasion.

I know what you mean.....

but GOD IS with The President! :2up::2up:
I just heard. The dumb whore in the White House at his "finest." This is what happens when trash takes hold of the federal government. This is truly a moment to be ashamed to be an American. It's a new experience for me to be an American who cannot be proud of my country.

Trump is the Man of action, Trump 2020! Time to protect Americans, If you are not proud ,you could move to Mexico .
Doesn't everyone love immigrants? The human race evolved from nomads. We are wanderers. But don't equate illegal aliens with immigrants, don't make that mistake. We all have free will and make our own life choices.There is doing the right thing, and then there's' being a sneaky conniving liar with questionable intent. Simplistic? Yes it is. This isn't that hard. Which of those two do you want allowed into our country?
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Another thread has that the Mexicans are immediately deporting 500 immigrants that stormed the border.

Says the guy that continues to deny this is Under Obama’s watch...


If Trump makes the troops fire on a bunch of women and children, you're going to see an outrage that makes his putting migrant children in cages look like the best day care on earth.

Women and children are trying to bash through the border? My, those must be some really big women.

Check the Trump Kool-Aid IV in your arm, fathead, I know you couldn't handle reality if the line gets kinked.

It’s amazing how much humanity republicans lack. Pure selfishness and a shocking lack of empathy.
We are a nation of laws.
Don’t give me that shit. Seeking asylum has always been legal. Either way, have you broken the law before? The answer is yes so you’re a hypocrite.
Now we know what you think about our laws, but, I already knew what you thought about them.
Seeking asylum has always been legal, when done legally. Only those who don't believe in our laws would answer in the
manner which you did, traitor.
Yet another Trump failure, yet another issue mismanaged by a failed Trump ‘administration.’

This could have been easily avoided had Trump simply followed immigration law, made the necessary preparations for asylum seekers, and not engaged in bigoted, hateful, inflammatory lies and rhetoric.

Why don't you go down and help them clown, or we could send a few dozen to your house , moron.
It’s amazing how much humanity republicans lack. Pure selfishness and a shocking lack of empathy.
Why do you lock your doors when you leave? What kind of a creature are you to only want invited guests into your home, you little prick.
Seeking asylum has always been legal. I know you hate brown people, but the actual adults in the room have to show some decency.
And to think that people laid down their lives so Billie000 could spout off this kind of rhetoric. Truly sad

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