Hundreds of Thousands of Ballots MISSING In AZ, Boxes Full of BLANK BALLOTS

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:Those percentages for Biden in the vote drops did not happen by accident.
11 Times Trump Has Tweeted Against Vote-By-Mail

That's because Trump told his followers not to vote by mail. And most of them listened.

Biden told his supporters to vote by mail, and they did.
What Biden supporters? We never saw them.
Silent majority.
There is no way the majority of the people want this country destroyed.
There is no way the majority of the people want this country destroyed.

Breaking news: Photographic proof of election fraud with mail-in ballots.

Biden told his supporters to vote by mail, and they did.
What Biden supporters? We never saw them.
Because they voted from home.
A large portion of the 81 million of them.
Biden did not get 81 million votes. That is ridiculous. Biden missed the benchmarks a victorious candidate has when they win. Democrats overplayed their hand because Trump out preformed their highest estimates. That is one reason the fraud is so obvious.
Every day that goes by, it gets more and more ASININE to hear these bubble headed democrap hacks say, "there was no cheating, there is no proof, Biden won, Trump lost, blah frickin' blah." There is already a CARGO SHIP full of PROOF of MASSIVE DEMOCRAT CHEATING, and the day to pay the price for it grows near.


Audit Organizer Says Hundreds of Thousands of Ballots MISSING In Arizona, Boxes Full of Blank Ballots

'The ballots are missing'

Several hundred thousand votes that were counted in Maricopa County, Arizona are associated with missing ballots, according to an audit organizer who is speaking regularly with people on the audit floor.
“We found a ballot shortage, anywhere from 5 to 10 percent of the votes,” Josh Barnett, an audit organizer who led the affidavit drive to make the audit happen, tells NATIONAL FILE. “It looks like a couple hundred thousand ballots are unaccounted for. The ballots are missing.”
“I also know that there were boxes filled with blank ballots in those pallets. There were blanks in there,” Barnett said, citing a person who is frequently at the audit site as part of the audit process. “They (election officials) were doing it for appearance, to try to hide the fact that ballots are missing by saying, ‘It’s okay, they’re all right here.’ But the ballots are blank.”


Gee... I wonder what could have possibly happened to them? ... [/sarcasm-off]

After Finding Shredded Ballots in the Dumpster Earlier Today – A Mysterious Fire Breaks Out at Maricopa County Official’s Farm

The Arizona Maricopa County election coverup continues. These crooks are doing all they can to obstruct justice and tamper with evidence because they know they can get away with it.
The Arizona Maricopa County Board of Supervisors (MCBOS) on Wednesday loaded its 2020 Election ballots on a truck for delivery to the Arizona Senate. After months of attempting to obtain access to the ballots, the Senate won a court case where the judge ordered the ballots to be produced to the Senate. So immediately before being told when and where to deliver the ballots, the MCBOS loaded the ballots onto a truck even though the Senate had not yet asked for the ballots. It is not believed that this move of the ballots was performed under the proper chain of custody.
The newspapers somehow got ahold of this story and claimed the Senate was not ready for the truckload after months of asking for the ballots. They have consistently declared Joe Biden won the election and that there is no evidence of fraud.


Poor cultists will believe ANYTHING
Biden did not get 81 million votes. That is ridiculous.
Biden got 306 electoral college votes, to Trumps 232.

That's what counts. You can go over the ballots from now until the end of time. The electoral college is the only vote that counts.
Sadly, nothing will come of this, just like every other bombshell corruption reveal that's come to light in the past 10+ years. By next year it will just be a footnote in an argument on here about the newest scandal that's brewing at that time.
I don't think so. The audits are too much trouble to go through if you didn't have a plan for what you find.

I think electoral votes are going to be recalled, so, there's a real shit storm brewing.

Serious question, what do you anticipate happening from this if the outcome of the audit reports that Trump actually won Arizona?

Taking that one step further, what would you anticipate happening if similar audits reported that Trump actually won enough electoral votes for reelection?

Related question, what would you anticipate happening for downballot elections if the same were reported (US house, US senate, state elections)?

I have not seen any indication in the past decade that the American public nor the American justice system has the resolve to make changes at this juncture, even in the face of demonstrable corruption. The American media would certainly be of no help, quite the opposite. But I'm interested in others' views on this.
Many, many... MANY elections have been overturned, and/or a second election held. I suspect AZ will withdraw it's electoral votes for Biden, and we'll see what happens from there. If other states that conduct a full forensic audit also withdraw their electoral votes, then it's quite obvious by then that Biden is not truly the election winner, and thus not the legal president. A presidential election has never been overturned, but lots of others have. We'll have somewhat of a blue print to follow, but we'll be breaking new ground as well. That's why I say it'll be a shit storm. You know the left is going to have a melt down the likes of which we've never seen before. They'll pull out all the stops. They'll mobilize their propaganda wing to discredit the audits, and that will include their commie friends in big tech, and they'll pull out all the stops with the power they have in Washington to trample any attempt to unseat Sniff 'n Suck. It'll be epic. Pop your popcorn, get a good seat. Might even lead to a REAL insurrection, where the American people just say... BIDEN GOES, or the SHIT STARTS NOW.
What if the states that Trump won did a full forensic audit and find that....

Trump didn't win them?
Every day that goes by, it gets more and more ASININE to hear these bubble headed democrap hacks say, "there was no cheating, there is no proof, Biden won, Trump lost, blah frickin' blah." There is already a CARGO SHIP full of PROOF of MASSIVE DEMOCRAT CHEATING, and the day to pay the price for it grows near.


Audit Organizer Says Hundreds of Thousands of Ballots MISSING In Arizona, Boxes Full of Blank Ballots

'The ballots are missing'

Several hundred thousand votes that were counted in Maricopa County, Arizona are associated with missing ballots, according to an audit organizer who is speaking regularly with people on the audit floor.
“We found a ballot shortage, anywhere from 5 to 10 percent of the votes,” Josh Barnett, an audit organizer who led the affidavit drive to make the audit happen, tells NATIONAL FILE. “It looks like a couple hundred thousand ballots are unaccounted for. The ballots are missing.”
“I also know that there were boxes filled with blank ballots in those pallets. There were blanks in there,” Barnett said, citing a person who is frequently at the audit site as part of the audit process. “They (election officials) were doing it for appearance, to try to hide the fact that ballots are missing by saying, ‘It’s okay, they’re all right here.’ But the ballots are blank.”


Gee... I wonder what could have possibly happened to them? ... [/sarcasm-off]

After Finding Shredded Ballots in the Dumpster Earlier Today – A Mysterious Fire Breaks Out at Maricopa County Official’s Farm

The Arizona Maricopa County election coverup continues. These crooks are doing all they can to obstruct justice and tamper with evidence because they know they can get away with it.
The Arizona Maricopa County Board of Supervisors (MCBOS) on Wednesday loaded its 2020 Election ballots on a truck for delivery to the Arizona Senate. After months of attempting to obtain access to the ballots, the Senate won a court case where the judge ordered the ballots to be produced to the Senate. So immediately before being told when and where to deliver the ballots, the MCBOS loaded the ballots onto a truck even though the Senate had not yet asked for the ballots. It is not believed that this move of the ballots was performed under the proper chain of custody.
The newspapers somehow got ahold of this story and claimed the Senate was not ready for the truckload after months of asking for the ballots. They have consistently declared Joe Biden won the election and that there is no evidence of fraud.

Fake story.
Fact checkers suck worse than you do.
Its still a fake story.

Still no arrests?

You = Troll.
did I hurt your feelings? Poor snowflake.
You do not do anything to me or anything for me. You troll and seldom offer any substance. Let alone accept the facts about audits. Like any with Dominion present are total shit.

Yet you're the one whining like a little bitch.

Here is some substance. Did you know that in very few states--like 2--Trump got a higher % of the vote than he got in 2016? Did you know that of the 11 states that were supposedly "swing states", not one has had an outsized number of arrests for voter fraud--despite endless allegations that it took place by losers such as yourself?

Here is a substantive question: IF you're going to just hack the machines that count the votes, why in the world would you mess around with physically touching the ballots?

Feel free to take a shot at answering a question or continue being my bitch. You don't have a choice.
All those questions could have been answered if a real investigation took place. It didn't. I wonder why?
All of those questions were answered in the numerous re-counts that proved Biden kicked your blob's ass.

Oh wait, let me guess, you have an excuse for that too, right?
Sadly, nothing will come of this, just like every other bombshell corruption reveal that's come to light in the past 10+ years. By next year it will just be a footnote in an argument on here about the newest scandal that's brewing at that time.
I don't think so. The audits are too much trouble to go through if you didn't have a plan for what you find.

I think electoral votes are going to be recalled, so, there's a real shit storm brewing. I think people have come to realize that just sitting back and allowing the biggest cheat in America history, and seating the Sniffing buffoon and his horizontal whore is a massive mistake. They're quickly ruining America, and they need to be stopped. The cheat can't be allowed to stand.

No electoral votes will be recalled. The election has been certified. It will take far more than this clown show to prove anything. The biggest cheat in history is going on with this clown show in Arizona.
You know, if I was a Dem, I'd be calling for an audit in every State to prove Trump wrong.
But nobody is doing that.
Instead, they are trying to stop audits.
Thats stinks a little.

And if that happened and it proved that Biden won the election, you rubes still wouldn't believe it.

Because cults gonna cult.
Sadly, nothing will come of this, just like every other bombshell corruption reveal that's come to light in the past 10+ years. By next year it will just be a footnote in an argument on here about the newest scandal that's brewing at that time.
I don't think so. The audits are too much trouble to go through if you didn't have a plan for what you find.

I think electoral votes are going to be recalled, so, there's a real shit storm brewing.

Serious question, what do you anticipate happening from this if the outcome of the audit reports that Trump actually won Arizona?

Taking that one step further, what would you anticipate happening if similar audits reported that Trump actually won enough electoral votes for reelection?

Related question, what would you anticipate happening for downballot elections if the same were reported (US house, US senate, state elections)?

I have not seen any indication in the past decade that the American public nor the American justice system has the resolve to make changes at this juncture, even in the face of demonstrable corruption. The American media would certainly be of no help, quite the opposite. But I'm interested in others' views on this.
Many, many... MANY elections have been overturned, and/or a second election held. I suspect AZ will withdraw it's electoral votes for Biden, and we'll see what happens from there. If other states that conduct a full forensic audit also withdraw their electoral votes, then it's quite obvious by then that Biden is not truly the election winner, and thus not the legal president. A presidential election has never been overturned, but lots of others have. We'll have somewhat of a blue print to follow, but we'll be breaking new ground as well. That's why I say it'll be a shit storm. You know the left is going to have a melt down the likes of which we've never seen before. They'll pull out all the stops. They'll mobilize their propaganda wing to discredit the audits, and that will include their commie friends in big tech, and they'll pull out all the stops with the power they have in Washington to trample any attempt to unseat Sniff 'n Suck. It'll be epic. Pop your popcorn, get a good seat. Might even lead to a REAL insurrection, where the American people just say... BIDEN GOES, or the SHIT STARTS NOW.
What if the states that Trump won did a full forensic audit and find that....

Trump didn't win them?
What if massive fraud is exposed?
Every day that goes by, it gets more and more ASININE to hear these bubble headed democrap hacks say, "there was no cheating, there is no proof, Biden won, Trump lost, blah frickin' blah." There is already a CARGO SHIP full of PROOF of MASSIVE DEMOCRAT CHEATING, and the day to pay the price for it grows near.


Audit Organizer Says Hundreds of Thousands of Ballots MISSING In Arizona, Boxes Full of Blank Ballots

'The ballots are missing'

Several hundred thousand votes that were counted in Maricopa County, Arizona are associated with missing ballots, according to an audit organizer who is speaking regularly with people on the audit floor.
“We found a ballot shortage, anywhere from 5 to 10 percent of the votes,” Josh Barnett, an audit organizer who led the affidavit drive to make the audit happen, tells NATIONAL FILE. “It looks like a couple hundred thousand ballots are unaccounted for. The ballots are missing.”
“I also know that there were boxes filled with blank ballots in those pallets. There were blanks in there,” Barnett said, citing a person who is frequently at the audit site as part of the audit process. “They (election officials) were doing it for appearance, to try to hide the fact that ballots are missing by saying, ‘It’s okay, they’re all right here.’ But the ballots are blank.”


Gee... I wonder what could have possibly happened to them? ... [/sarcasm-off]

After Finding Shredded Ballots in the Dumpster Earlier Today – A Mysterious Fire Breaks Out at Maricopa County Official’s Farm

The Arizona Maricopa County election coverup continues. These crooks are doing all they can to obstruct justice and tamper with evidence because they know they can get away with it.
The Arizona Maricopa County Board of Supervisors (MCBOS) on Wednesday loaded its 2020 Election ballots on a truck for delivery to the Arizona Senate. After months of attempting to obtain access to the ballots, the Senate won a court case where the judge ordered the ballots to be produced to the Senate. So immediately before being told when and where to deliver the ballots, the MCBOS loaded the ballots onto a truck even though the Senate had not yet asked for the ballots. It is not believed that this move of the ballots was performed under the proper chain of custody.
The newspapers somehow got ahold of this story and claimed the Senate was not ready for the truckload after months of asking for the ballots. They have consistently declared Joe Biden won the election and that there is no evidence of fraud.

Fake story.

gatewaypundit roflmao
Sadly, nothing will come of this, just like every other bombshell corruption reveal that's come to light in the past 10+ years. By next year it will just be a footnote in an argument on here about the newest scandal that's brewing at that time.
I don't think so. The audits are too much trouble to go through if you didn't have a plan for what you find.

I think electoral votes are going to be recalled, so, there's a real shit storm brewing.

Serious question, what do you anticipate happening from this if the outcome of the audit reports that Trump actually won Arizona?

Taking that one step further, what would you anticipate happening if similar audits reported that Trump actually won enough electoral votes for reelection?

Related question, what would you anticipate happening for downballot elections if the same were reported (US house, US senate, state elections)?

I have not seen any indication in the past decade that the American public nor the American justice system has the resolve to make changes at this juncture, even in the face of demonstrable corruption. The American media would certainly be of no help, quite the opposite. But I'm interested in others' views on this.
Many, many... MANY elections have been overturned, and/or a second election held. I suspect AZ will withdraw it's electoral votes for Biden, and we'll see what happens from there. If other states that conduct a full forensic audit also withdraw their electoral votes, then it's quite obvious by then that Biden is not truly the election winner, and thus not the legal president. A presidential election has never been overturned, but lots of others have. We'll have somewhat of a blue print to follow, but we'll be breaking new ground as well. That's why I say it'll be a shit storm. You know the left is going to have a melt down the likes of which we've never seen before. They'll pull out all the stops. They'll mobilize their propaganda wing to discredit the audits, and that will include their commie friends in big tech, and they'll pull out all the stops with the power they have in Washington to trample any attempt to unseat Sniff 'n Suck. It'll be epic. Pop your popcorn, get a good seat. Might even lead to a REAL insurrection, where the American people just say... BIDEN GOES, or the SHIT STARTS NOW.
What if the states that Trump won did a full forensic audit and find that....

Trump didn't win them?
What if massive fraud is exposed?

It would have been exposed in the multiple recounts and audits in multiple states that happened after the election.

But it didn't.

The problem is with you guys who absolutely refuse to believe your Orange God lost.

It doesn't matter what evidence shows that, you wouldn't believe it.

You guys are going to believe whatever you want to believe no matter what.

Because feelings.
Sadly, nothing will come of this, just like every other bombshell corruption reveal that's come to light in the past 10+ years. By next year it will just be a footnote in an argument on here about the newest scandal that's brewing at that time.
I don't think so. The audits are too much trouble to go through if you didn't have a plan for what you find.

I think electoral votes are going to be recalled, so, there's a real shit storm brewing.

Serious question, what do you anticipate happening from this if the outcome of the audit reports that Trump actually won Arizona?

Taking that one step further, what would you anticipate happening if similar audits reported that Trump actually won enough electoral votes for reelection?

Related question, what would you anticipate happening for downballot elections if the same were reported (US house, US senate, state elections)?

I have not seen any indication in the past decade that the American public nor the American justice system has the resolve to make changes at this juncture, even in the face of demonstrable corruption. The American media would certainly be of no help, quite the opposite. But I'm interested in others' views on this.
Many, many... MANY elections have been overturned, and/or a second election held. I suspect AZ will withdraw it's electoral votes for Biden, and we'll see what happens from there. If other states that conduct a full forensic audit also withdraw their electoral votes, then it's quite obvious by then that Biden is not truly the election winner, and thus not the legal president. A presidential election has never been overturned, but lots of others have. We'll have somewhat of a blue print to follow, but we'll be breaking new ground as well. That's why I say it'll be a shit storm. You know the left is going to have a melt down the likes of which we've never seen before. They'll pull out all the stops. They'll mobilize their propaganda wing to discredit the audits, and that will include their commie friends in big tech, and they'll pull out all the stops with the power they have in Washington to trample any attempt to unseat Sniff 'n Suck. It'll be epic. Pop your popcorn, get a good seat. Might even lead to a REAL insurrection, where the American people just say... BIDEN GOES, or the SHIT STARTS NOW.
What if the states that Trump won did a full forensic audit and find that....

Trump didn't win them?
What if massive fraud is exposed?
Ya...oh. my. god.

What if the Republicans perpetrated MASSIVE FRAUD and in fact LOST NC, OH, and TX????

That will be really ugly. Not to mention embarressing. Or maybe not...the Party of Fraud (aka Sore Losers aka Party of Fraud) doesn't seem embarressed by much any more unless it involves transgenders.
Sadly, nothing will come of this, just like every other bombshell corruption reveal that's come to light in the past 10+ years. By next year it will just be a footnote in an argument on here about the newest scandal that's brewing at that time.
I don't think so. The audits are too much trouble to go through if you didn't have a plan for what you find.

I think electoral votes are going to be recalled, so, there's a real shit storm brewing.

Serious question, what do you anticipate happening from this if the outcome of the audit reports that Trump actually won Arizona?

Taking that one step further, what would you anticipate happening if similar audits reported that Trump actually won enough electoral votes for reelection?

Related question, what would you anticipate happening for downballot elections if the same were reported (US house, US senate, state elections)?

I have not seen any indication in the past decade that the American public nor the American justice system has the resolve to make changes at this juncture, even in the face of demonstrable corruption. The American media would certainly be of no help, quite the opposite. But I'm interested in others' views on this.
Many, many... MANY elections have been overturned, and/or a second election held. I suspect AZ will withdraw it's electoral votes for Biden, and we'll see what happens from there. If other states that conduct a full forensic audit also withdraw their electoral votes, then it's quite obvious by then that Biden is not truly the election winner, and thus not the legal president. A presidential election has never been overturned, but lots of others have. We'll have somewhat of a blue print to follow, but we'll be breaking new ground as well. That's why I say it'll be a shit storm. You know the left is going to have a melt down the likes of which we've never seen before. They'll pull out all the stops. They'll mobilize their propaganda wing to discredit the audits, and that will include their commie friends in big tech, and they'll pull out all the stops with the power they have in Washington to trample any attempt to unseat Sniff 'n Suck. It'll be epic. Pop your popcorn, get a good seat. Might even lead to a REAL insurrection, where the American people just say... BIDEN GOES, or the SHIT STARTS NOW.
What if the states that Trump won did a full forensic audit and find that....

Trump didn't win them?
What if massive fraud is exposed?
Ya...oh. my. god.

What if the Republicans perpetrated MASSIVE FRAUD and in fact LOST NC, OH, and TX????

That will be really ugly. Not to mention embarressing. Or maybe not...the Party of Fraud (aka Sore Losers aka Party of Fraud) doesn't seem embarressed by much any more unless it involves transgenders.
Making light of it does not make it go away. Try again.

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