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Hunger Strikes Escalate 12 Detainees On Hunger Strike

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Coyote----the overwhelming majority of pali rock
throwers also get a FREE PASS The real issue
involves those cases which either cause serious
injury or are related to attempts to cause a
distraction for the purpose of facilitating
terrorist attacks ----the organized jihadist
Ahrar: Occupation court announced that they lost they body of martyr Anees Doleh who was martyred during the hunger strike on 1980. He is from Qalqilia in West Bank


What do you want to bet Israeli Yehuda Hiss was involved with this disappearing body, too?

Ahrar: Occupation court announced that they lost they body of martyr Anees Doleh who was martyred during the hunger strike on 1980. He is from Qalqilia in West Bank


What do you want to bet Israeli Yehuda Hiss was involved with this disappearing body, too?


a story----told to me by a morgue attendant. -----he and his pal
were transporting an in-coffin corpse-----they drove at night thru a
large state park to get to their destination and when they arrived--
hatch back of the transport was a bit ajar and the coffin was gone--
actual true story.......

what is it with you and Yehuda Hiss? his entire thing was
that he removed corneas----a very thin outer covering of the
eyeball---like a bit of plastic wrap. -----and he did not do as
strict jewish law DEMANDS ---return every bit of body tissue
to the corpse. The corneas I understand because it is hard
to get them in Israel for the repair of some blindness-----I might
be tempted to do it myself----In the USA----corneas are harvested
regularly and ---and all people should SAY "YES"-------
Now---as to body parts----if you imagine that after an autopsy
in the USA every organ is STUFFED BACK IN------you are really
stupid. In Israel it is a law over which doctors bristle----because
the only way to learn anatomy is to examine the real thing.
In every hospital with a pathology department---there are '
THOUSANDS of specimens floating in formalin.

all of the above should be a clue as to why your fellows
REGULARLY MUTILATE those they capture

for a lawyer you function on very little information---lawyers
I have encountered require a knowlege of things before they
issue "conclusions"
Ahrar: Occupation court announced that they lost they body of martyr Anees Doleh who was martyred during the hunger strike on 1980. He is from Qalqilia in West Bank


What do you want to bet Israeli Yehuda Hiss was involved with this disappearing body, too?


a story----told to me by a morgue attendant. -----he and his pal
were transporting an in-coffin corpse-----they drove at night thru a
large state park to get to their destination and when they arrived--
hatch back of the transport was a bit ajar and the coffin was gone--
actual true story.......

what is it with you and Yehuda Hiss? his entire thing was
that he removed corneas----a very thin outer covering of the
eyeball---like a bit of plastic wrap. -----and he did not do as
strict jewish law DEMANDS ---return every bit of body tissue
to the corpse. The corneas I understand because it is hard
to get them in Israel for the repair of some blindness-----I might
be tempted to do it myself----In the USA----corneas are harvested
regularly and ---and all people should SAY "YES"-------
Now---as to body parts----if you imagine that after an autopsy
in the USA every organ is STUFFED BACK IN------you are really
stupid. In Israel it is a law over which doctors bristle----because
the only way to learn anatomy is to examine the real thing.
In every hospital with a pathology department---there are '
THOUSANDS of specimens floating in formalin.

all of the above should be a clue as to why your fellows
REGULARLY MUTILATE those they capture

for a lawyer you function on very little information---lawyers
I have encountered require a knowlege of things before they
issue "conclusions"

More about the Notorious Israeli Yehuda Hiss, he even admitted to stealing parts of the body of murdered Rachel Corrie.

"Somehow Hewitt and his fellow activists from the International Solidarity Movement were able to get Rachel Corrie’s body out of Gaza. But first Hewitt was ordered by Israeli troops to remove the body from the casket and carry it across a border checkpoint. Only Hewitt was allowed to escort Corrie’s body in the ambulance; the rest of the activists who witnessed her death were forced to hitchhike home in the desert. Finally, Corrie’s body was transported to the Abu Kabir Forensic Institute in Tel Aviv where the notorious Dr. Yehuda Hiss autopsied her. Who is Dr. Hiss? The chief pathologist of Israel for a decade and a half, Hiss was implicated by a 2001 investigation by the Israeli Health Ministry of stealing body parts ranging from legs to testicles to ovaries from bodies without permission from family members then selling them to research institutes. Bodies plundered by Hiss included those of Palestinians and Israeli soldiers. He was finally removed from his post in 2004 when the body of a teenage boy killed in a traffic accident was discovered to have been thoroughly gnawed on by a rat in Hiss’s laboratory. In an interview with researcher Nancy Schepper-Hughes, Hiss admitted that he harvested organs if he was confident relatives would not discover that they were missing. He added that he often used glue to close eyelids to hide missing corneas. When Craig and Cindy Corrie learned that Hiss would perform an autopsy on their daughter, they stipulated that they would only allow the doctor to go forward if an official from the American consulate was present throughout the entire procedure. An Israeli military police report stated that an American official did indeed witness the autopsy. However, when the Corries asked American diplomatic officials including former US Ambassador to Israel Daniel Kurtzner if the report was true, they were informed that no American was present at all. The Israelis had lied to them, and apparently fixed their own report to deceive the American government.

On March 14, during the first round of hearings in the Corries’ civil suit, Hiss admitted under oath that he had lied about the presence of an American official during the autopsy of Rachel Corrie. He also conceded to taking “samples” from Corrie’s body for “histological testing” without informing her family. Just which parts of Corrie’s body Hiss took remains unclear; despite Hiss’s claim that he “buried” the samples, her family has not confirmed the whereabouts of her missing body parts. “It’s so hard to know that Rachel’s body wasn’t respected,” Rachel’s sister, Sarah, told me. “Doctor Hiss and the Israeli government knew what our family’s wishes were. The fact that our wishes were disregarded and a judge hasn’t done anything is absolutely horrifying.”

?There Are No Civilians In Wartime?: Rachel Corrie?s family confronts the Israeli military in court | Mondoweiss

hiss has still not done anything that is not regularly done in the USA ---
with the exception of harvesting corneas without permission----but
few doctors have a problem getting permission in the USA .
As to Corrie----she was a case that REQUIRED AUTOPSY-----
In the US we call it a CORONER's case. In all autopsies
samples of tissues are retained --- for a lawyer you are
surprisingly stupid Right now arafart jarafart's brain is
floating in formalin. In the USA he is also a "coroner's
case" ----no permission from family required. The only
problem Hiss had is that the laws in Israel are insanely
strict----of course another problem is that there are people
like you around who dance and ululate with joy when
your fave mujahad severs the genitalia of a living jew and
shoves the organ down the living jew's throat and then
struggles to find a reason to critisize a standard autopsy--
but only if it is done by the JOOOOOOS

All Palestinian prisoners are held unlawfully, The Fourth Geneva Convention provides Occupiers cannot detain prisoners outside the occupied territories and most Palestinian prisoners are being held unlawfully, unlawfully imprisoned in Israel, outside the occupied territories. In addition, none have received fair trials, numerous NGO's have addressed countless ways Israel's military court system and court system for Palestinians inside Israel do not try Palestinians in abidance with international law, making every detention of Palestinian prisoners unlawful and every detention a war crime. Third, administrative detentions violate intl law.

Palestinian Female Prisoners remain in 'Israeli' Occupation jails:

Lina Jarbouni, she is the longest serving Palestinian woman political prisoner, she is from Arabba Al Batouf village, near the Palestinian City of Akka (Akko-Acre): She was arrested on 18th April 2002 and sentenced for 17 years by the court of the Occupation.

Manar Zawahreh from Bethlehem: Arrested on 13th September 2012 and sentenced for one year by the court of the Occupation.

Inam Al-Hasanat from Bethlehem: Arrested on 13th August 2012 and sentenced for two years by the court of the Occupation.

Asma Al-Batran, from Hebron: Arrested on 27th August 2012 sentenced to 10 months by the court of the Occupation and fined up to 680 USD.

Hadeel Abu Turki from Hebron: Arrested on 26th July 2012 sentenced to one year by the court of the Occupation.

Salwa Hassan, from Hebron: Arrested on 19th October 2011 sentenced to 21 months by the court of the Occupation.

Occupation is holding 6 female prisoners without trial, under unlawful administrative detentions, they are:

Alaa Aljobeh from Hebron, Arrested on 12th July 2011

Ayat Mahfoth from Hebron: Arrested on 4th February 2013

Nawal Asa’di from Jenin: Arrested on 5th November 2012

Muna Qa’dan from Jenin: Arrested on 13th November 2012

Alaa Abu Zayton from Nablus: Arrested on 9th February 2013

Intisar Alsayyed from Jerusalem: Arrested on 22nd November 2012

Oh gee---I just noticed----sherri has made a
mess out of that propaganda site

All Palestinian prisoners are held unlawfully, The Fourth Geneva Convention provides Occupiers cannot detain prisoners outside the occupied territories

When might you actually read the Fourth Geneva Convention, dumb twat? :lol:

Under international law, occupation is defined as a state exerting governmental or military control over another state. Is there a "palestinians" state? Nope. There is no Israeli "occupation" The palestinian excrement are occupying Israel.

Moreover, the Geneva Conventions were established to regulate the treatment of civilians during war and, thus, are inapplicable to this matter

Now, even you know :clap2:
a story----told to me by a morgue attendant. -----he and his pal
were transporting an in-coffin corpse-----they drove at night thru a
large state park to get to their destination and when they arrived--
hatch back of the transport was a bit ajar and the coffin was gone--
actual true story.......

what is it with you and Yehuda Hiss? his entire thing was
that he removed corneas----a very thin outer covering of the
eyeball---like a bit of plastic wrap. -----and he did not do as
strict jewish law DEMANDS ---return every bit of body tissue
to the corpse. The corneas I understand because it is hard
to get them in Israel for the repair of some blindness-----I might
be tempted to do it myself----In the USA----corneas are harvested
regularly and ---and all people should SAY "YES"-------
Now---as to body parts----if you imagine that after an autopsy
in the USA every organ is STUFFED BACK IN------you are really
stupid. In Israel it is a law over which doctors bristle----because
the only way to learn anatomy is to examine the real thing.
In every hospital with a pathology department---there are '
THOUSANDS of specimens floating in formalin.

all of the above should be a clue as to why your fellows
REGULARLY MUTILATE those they capture

for a lawyer you function on very little information---lawyers
I have encountered require a knowlege of things before they
issue "conclusions"

More about the Notorious Israeli Yehuda Hiss, he even admitted to stealing parts of the body of murdered Rachel Corrie.

"Somehow Hewitt and his fellow activists from the International Solidarity Movement were able to get Rachel Corrie’s body out of Gaza. But first Hewitt was ordered by Israeli troops to remove the body from the casket and carry it across a border checkpoint. Only Hewitt was allowed to escort Corrie’s body in the ambulance; the rest of the activists who witnessed her death were forced to hitchhike home in the desert. Finally, Corrie’s body was transported to the Abu Kabir Forensic Institute in Tel Aviv where the notorious Dr. Yehuda Hiss autopsied her. Who is Dr. Hiss? The chief pathologist of Israel for a decade and a half, Hiss was implicated by a 2001 investigation by the Israeli Health Ministry of stealing body parts ranging from legs to testicles to ovaries from bodies without permission from family members then selling them to research institutes. Bodies plundered by Hiss included those of Palestinians and Israeli soldiers. He was finally removed from his post in 2004 when the body of a teenage boy killed in a traffic accident was discovered to have been thoroughly gnawed on by a rat in Hiss’s laboratory. In an interview with researcher Nancy Schepper-Hughes, Hiss admitted that he harvested organs if he was confident relatives would not discover that they were missing. He added that he often used glue to close eyelids to hide missing corneas. When Craig and Cindy Corrie learned that Hiss would perform an autopsy on their daughter, they stipulated that they would only allow the doctor to go forward if an official from the American consulate was present throughout the entire procedure. An Israeli military police report stated that an American official did indeed witness the autopsy. However, when the Corries asked American diplomatic officials including former US Ambassador to Israel Daniel Kurtzner if the report was true, they were informed that no American was present at all. The Israelis had lied to them, and apparently fixed their own report to deceive the American government.

On March 14, during the first round of hearings in the Corries’ civil suit, Hiss admitted under oath that he had lied about the presence of an American official during the autopsy of Rachel Corrie. He also conceded to taking “samples” from Corrie’s body for “histological testing” without informing her family. Just which parts of Corrie’s body Hiss took remains unclear; despite Hiss’s claim that he “buried” the samples, her family has not confirmed the whereabouts of her missing body parts. “It’s so hard to know that Rachel’s body wasn’t respected,” Rachel’s sister, Sarah, told me. “Doctor Hiss and the Israeli government knew what our family’s wishes were. The fact that our wishes were disregarded and a judge hasn’t done anything is absolutely horrifying.”

?There Are No Civilians In Wartime?: Rachel Corrie?s family confronts the Israeli military in court | Mondoweiss


You are such a disgusting liar.

I am addressing events uncovered in Rachel Corrie's trial.

What is not true?
More about the Notorious Israeli Yehuda Hiss, he even admitted to stealing parts of the body of murdered Rachel Corrie.

"Somehow Hewitt and his fellow activists from the International Solidarity Movement were able to get Rachel Corrie’s body out of Gaza. But first Hewitt was ordered by Israeli troops to remove the body from the casket and carry it across a border checkpoint. Only Hewitt was allowed to escort Corrie’s body in the ambulance; the rest of the activists who witnessed her death were forced to hitchhike home in the desert. Finally, Corrie’s body was transported to the Abu Kabir Forensic Institute in Tel Aviv where the notorious Dr. Yehuda Hiss autopsied her. Who is Dr. Hiss? The chief pathologist of Israel for a decade and a half, Hiss was implicated by a 2001 investigation by the Israeli Health Ministry of stealing body parts ranging from legs to testicles to ovaries from bodies without permission from family members then selling them to research institutes. Bodies plundered by Hiss included those of Palestinians and Israeli soldiers. He was finally removed from his post in 2004 when the body of a teenage boy killed in a traffic accident was discovered to have been thoroughly gnawed on by a rat in Hiss’s laboratory. In an interview with researcher Nancy Schepper-Hughes, Hiss admitted that he harvested organs if he was confident relatives would not discover that they were missing. He added that he often used glue to close eyelids to hide missing corneas. When Craig and Cindy Corrie learned that Hiss would perform an autopsy on their daughter, they stipulated that they would only allow the doctor to go forward if an official from the American consulate was present throughout the entire procedure. An Israeli military police report stated that an American official did indeed witness the autopsy. However, when the Corries asked American diplomatic officials including former US Ambassador to Israel Daniel Kurtzner if the report was true, they were informed that no American was present at all. The Israelis had lied to them, and apparently fixed their own report to deceive the American government.

On March 14, during the first round of hearings in the Corries’ civil suit, Hiss admitted under oath that he had lied about the presence of an American official during the autopsy of Rachel Corrie. He also conceded to taking “samples” from Corrie’s body for “histological testing” without informing her family. Just which parts of Corrie’s body Hiss took remains unclear; despite Hiss’s claim that he “buried” the samples, her family has not confirmed the whereabouts of her missing body parts. “It’s so hard to know that Rachel’s body wasn’t respected,” Rachel’s sister, Sarah, told me. “Doctor Hiss and the Israeli government knew what our family’s wishes were. The fact that our wishes were disregarded and a judge hasn’t done anything is absolutely horrifying.”

?There Are No Civilians In Wartime?: Rachel Corrie?s family confronts the Israeli military in court | Mondoweiss


You are such a disgusting liar.

I am addressing events uncovered in Rachel Corrie's trial.

What is not true?

I urinated on her gravesite.
More about the Notorious Israeli Yehuda Hiss, he even admitted to stealing parts of the body of murdered Rachel Corrie.

"Somehow Hewitt and his fellow activists from the International Solidarity Movement were able to get Rachel Corrie’s body out of Gaza. But first Hewitt was ordered by Israeli troops to remove the body from the casket and carry it across a border checkpoint. Only Hewitt was allowed to escort Corrie’s body in the ambulance; the rest of the activists who witnessed her death were forced to hitchhike home in the desert. Finally, Corrie’s body was transported to the Abu Kabir Forensic Institute in Tel Aviv where the notorious Dr. Yehuda Hiss autopsied her. Who is Dr. Hiss? The chief pathologist of Israel for a decade and a half, Hiss was implicated by a 2001 investigation by the Israeli Health Ministry of stealing body parts ranging from legs to testicles to ovaries from bodies without permission from family members then selling them to research institutes. Bodies plundered by Hiss included those
of Palestinians and Israeli soldiers. He was finally removed from his post in 2004 when the body of a teenage boy killed in a traffic accident was discovered to have been thoroughly gnawed on by a rat in Hiss’s laboratory. In an interview with researcher Nancy Schepper-Hughes, Hiss admitted that he harvested organs if he was confident relatives would not
discover that they were missing. He added that he often used glue to close eyelids to hide missing corneas. When Craig and Cindy Corrie learned that Hiss would perform an autopsy on their daughter, they stipulated that they would only allow the doctor to go forward if an official from the American consulate was present throughout the entire procedure. An Israeli military police report stated that an American official did indeed witness the autopsy. However, when the Corries asked American diplomatic officials including former US
Ambassador to Israel Daniel Kurtzner if the report was true, they were informed that no American was present at all. The Israelis had lied to them, and apparently fixed their own report to deceive the American government.

On March 14, during the first round of hearings in the Corries’ civil suit, Hiss admitted under oath that he had lied about the presence of an American official during the autopsy of Rachel Corrie. He also conceded to taking “samples” from Corrie’s body for “histological testing” without informing her family. Just which parts of Corrie’s body Hiss took remains unclear; despite Hiss’s claim that he “buried” the samples, her family has not confirmed the
whereabouts of her missing body parts. “It’s so hard to know that Rachel’s body wasn’t respected,” Rachel’s sister, Sarah, told me. “Doctor Hiss and the Israeli government knew what our family’s wishes were. The fact that our wishes were disregarded and a judge hasn’t done anything is absolutely horrifying.”

Are No Civilians In Wartime?: Rachel Corrie?s family confronts the Israeli military in court | Mondoweiss


You are such a disgusting liar.

gravity---I do not think it is sherri's lie this time---she is getting it from
an idiot propaganda site Mondoweiss

One of the clues to the stupidity is that idea that relatives get to
decide if an autopsy can be done in a case like that of corrie or
arafart jaradart (?) They don't----autopsies are virtually mandatory
in such cases and at the discretion of the coroner in the usa----who
always DOES them ----same in Israel. Also---no autopsy
can be done without taking tissue samples-----and some jerk who
wrote an article decided to call that "stealing body parts"
I resent that accusation.
I wonder how sherri passed the bar-----she knows
no law. Unfortunately----sick people like sherri are handling
the Corrie family
Implementation of the Fourth Geneva Convention in the occupied Palestinian territories: history of a multilateral process (1997-2001)

Excerpts of this document of The International Red Cross, from Annexe 1:

30-09-2002 Article, International Review of the Red Cross, No. 847

"3. Taking into account art. 1 of the Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949 and bearing in mind the United Nations’ General Assembly Resolution ES-10/7, the participating High Contracting Parties reaffirm the applicability of the Convention to the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem and reiterate the need for full respect for the provisions of the said Convention in that Territory. Through the present Declaration, they recall in particular the respective obligations under the Convention of all High Contracting Parties (para 4-7), of the parties to the conflict (para 8-11) and of the State of Israel as the Occupying Power (para 12-15)."

"13. The participating High Contracting Parties call upon the Occupying Power to immediately refrain from committing grave breaches involving any of the acts mentioned in art. 147 of the Fourth Geneva Convention, such as wilful killing, torture, unlawful deportation, wilful depriving of the rights of fair and regular trial, extensive destruction and appropriation of property not justified by military necessity and carried out unlawfully and wantonly. The participating High Contracting Parties recall that according to art. 148 no High Contracting Party shall be allowed to absolve itself of any liability incurred by itself in respect to grave breaches. The participating High Contracting Parties also recall the responsibilities of the Occupying Power according to art. 29 of the Fourth Geneva Convention for the treatment of protected persons."

Implementation of the Fourth Geneva Convention in the occupied Palestinian territories: history of a multilateral process (1997-2001)

Implementation of the Fourth Geneva Convention in the occupied Palestinian territories: history of a multilateral process (1997-2001)

Excerpts of this document from Annexe 1:

30-09-2002 Article, International Review of the Red Cross, No. 847

"3. Taking into account art. 1 of the Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949 and bearing in mind the United Nations’ General Assembly Resolution ES-10/7, the participating High Contracting Parties reaffirm the applicability of the Convention to the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem and reiterate the need for full respect for the provisions of the said Convention in that Territory. Through the present Declaration, they recall in particular the respective obligations under the Convention of all High Contracting Parties (para 4-7), of the parties to the conflict (para 8-11) and of the State of Israel as the Occupying Power (para 12-15)."

"13. The participating High Contracting Parties call upon the Occupying Power to immediately refrain from committing grave breaches involving any of the acts mentioned in art. 147 of the Fourth Geneva Convention, such as wilful killing, torture, unlawful deportation, wilful depriving of the rights of fair and regular trial, extensive destruction and appropriation of property not justified by military necessity and carried out unlawfully and wantonly. The participating High Contracting Parties recall that according to art. 148 no High Contracting Party shall be allowed to absolve itself of any liability incurred by itself in respect to grave breaches. The participating High Contracting Parties also recall the responsibilities of the Occupying Power according to art. 29 of the Fourth Geneva Convention for the treatment of protected persons."

Implementation of the Fourth Geneva Convention in the occupied Palestinian territories: history of a multilateral process (1997-2001)


Problem is, Geneva law is inapplicable to the matter. The Geneva Conventions apply to the treatment of civilians during war. Moreover, under Geneva guidelines, Israel is not an occupier. The palestinians are occupiers in Israel

Furthermore, the pallies aren't signatories to the Geneva Conventions.

Now, even you know, dumb twat.
Annexe 2

"4. More precisely, the Fourth Geneva Convention sets out rules aimed at safeguarding the dignity and physical integrity of persons living under occupation, including detainees. It prohibits all forms of physical and mental ill-treatment and coercion, collective punishment, and reprisals against protected persons or property. It also prohibits the transfer of parts of the Occupying Power’s civilian population into the occupied territory, forcible transfer or deportation of protected persons from the occupied territory, and destruction of real or personal property, except when such destruction is rendered absolutely necessary by military operations.

5. In the course of its activities in the territories occupied by Israel, the ICRC has repeatedly noted breaches of various provisions of international humanitarian law, such as the transfer by Israel of parts of its population into the occupied territories, the destruction of houses, failure to respect medical activities, and detention of protected persons outside the occupied territories. Certain practices which contravene the Fourth Geneva Convention have been inc orporated into laws and administrative guidelines and have been sanctioned by the highest judicial authorities. While acknowledging the facilities it has been granted for the conduct of its humanitarian tasks, the ICRC has regularly drawn the attention of the Israeli authorities to the suffering and the heavy burden borne by the Palestinian population owing to the occupation policy and, in line with its standard practice, has increasingly expressed its concern through bilateral and multilateral representations and in public appeals. In particular, the ICRC has expressed growing concern about the consequences in humanitarian terms of the establishment of Israeli settlements in the occupied territories, in violation of the Fourth Geneva Convention. The settlement policy has often meant the destruction of Palestinian homes, the confiscation of land and water resources and the parcelling out of the territories. Measures taken to extend the settlements and to protect the settlers, entailing the destruction of houses, land requisitions, the sealing-off of areas, roadblocks and the imposition of long curfews, have also seriously hindered the daily life of the Palestinian population. However, the fact that settlements have been established in violation of the provisions of the Fourth Geneva Convention does not mean that civilians residing in those settlements can be the object of attack. They are protected by humanitarian law as civilians as long as they do not take an active part in fighting."

Implementation of the Fourth Geneva Convention in the occupied Palestinian territories: history of a multilateral process (1997-2001)

Implementation of the Fourth Geneva Convention in the occupied Palestinian territories: history of a multilateral process (1997-2001)

Excerpts of this document from Annexe 1:

30-09-2002 Article, International Review of the Red Cross, No. 847

"3. Taking into account art. 1 of the Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949 and bearing in mind the United Nations’ General Assembly Resolution ES-10/7, the participating High Contracting Parties reaffirm the applicability of the Convention to the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem and reiterate the need for full respect for the provisions of the said Convention in that Territory. Through the present Declaration, they recall in particular the respective obligations under the Convention of all High Contracting Parties (para 4-7), of the parties to the conflict (para 8-11) and of the State of Israel as the Occupying Power (para 12-15)."

"13. The participating High Contracting Parties call upon the Occupying Power to immediately refrain from committing grave breaches involving any of the acts mentioned in art. 147 of the Fourth Geneva Convention, such as wilful killing, torture, unlawful deportation, wilful depriving of the rights of fair and regular trial, extensive destruction and appropriation of property not justified by military necessity and carried out unlawfully and wantonly. The participating High Contracting Parties recall that according to art. 148 no High Contracting Party shall be allowed to absolve itself of any liability incurred by itself in respect to grave breaches. The participating High Contracting Parties also recall the responsibilities of the Occupying Power according to art. 29 of the Fourth Geneva Convention for the treatment of protected persons."

Implementation of the Fourth Geneva Convention in the occupied Palestinian territories: history of a multilateral process (1997-2001)


Problem is, Geneva law is inapplicable to the matter. The Geneva Conventions apply to the treatment of civilians during war.

Furthermore, the pallies aren't signatories to the Geneva Conventions.

Now, even you know, dumb twat.

International legal authorities tell us The Fourth Geneva Convention does apply.

With every post, you further disclose your ignorance and lack of respect for international law.

Annexe 2

"4. More precisely, the Fourth Geneva Convention sets out rules aimed at safeguarding the dignity and physical integrity of persons living under occupation, including detainees. It prohibits all forms of physical and mental ill-treatment and coercion, collective punishment, and reprisals against protected persons or property. It also prohibits the transfer of parts of the Occupying Power’s civilian population into the occupied territory, forcible transfer or deportation of protected persons from the occupied territory, and destruction of real or personal property, except when such destruction is rendered absolutely necessary by military operations.

5. In the course of its activities in the territories occupied by Israel, the ICRC has repeatedly noted breaches of various provisions of international humanitarian law, such as the transfer by Israel of parts of its population into the occupied territories, the destruction of houses, failure to respect medical activities, and detention of protected persons outside the occupied territories. Certain practices which contravene the Fourth Geneva Convention have been inc orporated into laws and administrative guidelines and have been sanctioned by the highest judicial authorities. While acknowledging the facilities it has been granted for the conduct of its humanitarian tasks, the ICRC has regularly drawn the attention of the Israeli authorities to the suffering and the heavy burden borne by the Palestinian population owing to the occupation policy and, in line with its standard practice, has increasingly expressed its concern through bilateral and multilateral representations and in public appeals. In particular, the ICRC has expressed growing concern about the consequences in humanitarian terms of the establishment of Israeli settlements in the occupied territories, in violation of the Fourth Geneva Convention. The settlement policy has often meant the destruction of Palestinian homes, the confiscation of land and water resources and the parcelling out of the territories. Measures taken to extend the settlements and to protect the settlers, entailing the destruction of houses, land requisitions, the sealing-off of areas, roadblocks and the imposition of long curfews, have also seriously hindered the daily life of the Palestinian population. However, the fact that settlements have been established in violation of the provisions of the Fourth Geneva Convention does not mean that civilians residing in those settlements can be the object of attack. They are protected by humanitarian law as civilians as long as they do not take an active part in fighting."

Implementation of the Fourth Geneva Convention in the occupied Palestinian territories: history of a multilateral process (1997-2001)


Geneva Conventions are inapplicable to the matter. The Fourth Geneva Convention regulates the treatment of civilians during war.

Under Geneva guidelines, Israel is not an occupier.

The pallies are not signatories to the Geneva Conventions.

Now, you know, dumb twat.
More about the Notorious Israeli Yehuda Hiss, he even admitted to stealing parts of the body of murdered Rachel Corrie.

"Somehow Hewitt and his fellow activists from the International Solidarity Movement were able to get Rachel Corrie’s body out of Gaza. But first Hewitt was ordered by Israeli troops to remove the body from the casket and carry it across a border checkpoint. Only Hewitt was allowed to escort Corrie’s body in the ambulance; the rest of the activists who witnessed her death were forced to hitchhike home in the desert. Finally, Corrie’s body was transported to the Abu Kabir Forensic Institute in Tel Aviv where the notorious Dr. Yehuda Hiss autopsied her. Who is Dr. Hiss? The chief pathologist of Israel for a decade and a half, Hiss was implicated by a 2001 investigation by the Israeli Health Ministry of stealing body parts ranging from legs to testicles to ovaries from bodies without permission from family members then selling them to research institutes. Bodies plundered by Hiss included those of Palestinians and Israeli soldiers. He was finally removed from his post in 2004 when the body of a teenage boy killed in a traffic accident was discovered to have been thoroughly gnawed on by a rat in Hiss’s laboratory. In an interview with researcher Nancy Schepper-Hughes, Hiss admitted that he harvested organs if he was confident relatives would not discover that they were missing. He added that he often used glue to close eyelids to hide missing corneas. When Craig and Cindy Corrie learned that Hiss would perform an autopsy on their daughter, they stipulated that they would only allow the doctor to go forward if an official from the American consulate was present throughout the entire procedure. An Israeli military police report stated that an American official did indeed witness the autopsy. However, when the Corries asked American diplomatic officials including former US Ambassador to Israel Daniel Kurtzner if the report was true, they were informed that no American was present at all. The Israelis had lied to them, and apparently fixed their own report to deceive the American government.

On March 14, during the first round of hearings in the Corries’ civil suit, Hiss admitted under oath that he had lied about the presence of an American official during the autopsy of Rachel Corrie. He also conceded to taking “samples” from Corrie’s body for “histological testing” without informing her family. Just which parts of Corrie’s body Hiss took remains unclear; despite Hiss’s claim that he “buried” the samples, her family has not confirmed the whereabouts of her missing body parts. “It’s so hard to know that Rachel’s body wasn’t respected,” Rachel’s sister, Sarah, told me. “Doctor Hiss and the Israeli government knew what our family’s wishes were. The fact that our wishes were disregarded and a judge hasn’t done anything is absolutely horrifying.”

?There Are No Civilians In Wartime?: Rachel Corrie?s family confronts the Israeli military in court | Mondoweiss


You are such a disgusting liar.

I am addressing events uncovered in Rachel Corrie's trial.

What is not true?

I took a huge prison shit on her grave site.
Annexe 2

"4. More precisely, the Fourth Geneva Convention sets out rules aimed at safeguarding the dignity and physical integrity of persons living under occupation, including detainees. It prohibits all forms of physical and mental ill-treatment and coercion, collective punishment, and reprisals against protected persons or property. It also prohibits the transfer of parts of the Occupying Power’s civilian population into the occupied territory, forcible transfer or deportation of protected persons from the occupied territory, and destruction of real or personal property, except when such destruction is rendered absolutely necessary by military operations.

5. In the course of its activities in the territories occupied by Israel, the ICRC has repeatedly noted breaches of various provisions of international humanitarian law, such as the transfer by Israel of parts of its population into the occupied territories, the destruction of houses, failure to respect medical activities, and detention of protected persons outside the occupied territories. Certain practices which contravene the Fourth Geneva Convention have been inc orporated into laws and administrative guidelines and have been sanctioned by the highest judicial authorities. While acknowledging the facilities it has been granted for the conduct of its humanitarian tasks, the ICRC has regularly drawn the attention of the Israeli authorities to the suffering and the heavy burden borne by the Palestinian population owing to the occupation policy and, in line with its standard practice, has increasingly expressed its concern through bilateral and multilateral representations and in public appeals. In particular, the ICRC has expressed growing concern about the consequences in humanitarian terms of the establishment of Israeli settlements in the occupied territories, in violation of the Fourth Geneva Convention. The settlement policy has often meant the destruction of Palestinian homes, the confiscation of land and water resources and the parcelling out of the territories. Measures taken to extend the settlements and to protect the settlers, entailing the destruction of houses, land requisitions, the sealing-off of areas, roadblocks and the imposition of long curfews, have also seriously hindered the daily life of the Palestinian population. However, the fact that settlements have been established in violation of the provisions of the Fourth Geneva Convention does not mean that civilians residing in those settlements can be the object of attack. They are protected by humanitarian law as civilians as long as they do not take an active part in fighting."

Implementation of the Fourth Geneva Convention in the occupied Palestinian territories: history of a multilateral process (1997-2001)


Geneva Conventions are inapplicable to the matter. The Fourth Geneva Convention regulates the treatment of civilians during war.

Under Geneva guidelines, Israel is not an occupier.

The pallies are not signatories to the Geneva Conventions.

Now, you know, dumb twat.

No, you show your ignorance one more time!

The document I discussed and quoted and provided a link for addresses actions of the UN, a UN Resolution, and The International Court of Justice advisory Opinion in 2004, that I have addressed before, they both provide that Israel is an Occupier of East Jerusalem and the West Bank and Gaza, and that The Fourth Geneva Convention applies to Israel's Occupation of East Jerusalem and the West Bank and Gaza.

In Israel children are not incarcerated with adults The problem here lies
with what islamo nazi pigs decide to call "children" They seen to have
a habit of describing fully grown 17 year olds who attempt murder or
who do murder as "children". Fact is-----in the USA we prosecute such
monsters as adults too They are too dangerous to imprison together with
children. Even in USA jails----JIHADIST SCUM are very dangerous to the
other convicts and to the guards

However, Palestine has no problem using minors as new terrorist recruits. Mariam Farahat, who was elected to the Palestinian parliament said, "We consider it holy duty," she told ABC News. "Our land is occupied. You take all the means to banish the occupier. I sacrificed my children for this holy, patriotic duty. I love my children, but as Muslims we pressure ourselves and sacrifice our emotions for the interest of the homeland. The greater interest takes precedence to the personal interest."

She is most famous for her presence in a Hamas video, showing her 17-year-old how to attack Israelis and telling him not to return. Shortly afterward, he killed five students in a Jewish settlement before he was killed himself."

Suicide Bombers' Mother Elected to Palestinian Parliament
Annexe 2

"4. More precisely, the Fourth Geneva Convention sets out rules aimed at safeguarding the dignity and physical integrity of persons living under occupation, including detainees. It prohibits all forms of physical and mental ill-treatment and coercion, collective punishment, and reprisals against protected persons or property. It also prohibits the transfer of parts of the Occupying Power’s civilian population into the occupied territory, forcible transfer or deportation of protected persons from the occupied territory, and destruction of real or personal property, except when such destruction is rendered absolutely necessary by military operations.

5. In the course of its activities in the territories occupied by Israel, the ICRC has repeatedly noted breaches of various provisions of international humanitarian law, such as the transfer by Israel of parts of its population into the occupied territories, the destruction of houses, failure to respect medical activities, and detention of protected persons outside the occupied territories. Certain practices which contravene the Fourth Geneva Convention have been inc orporated into laws and administrative guidelines and have been sanctioned by the highest judicial authorities. While acknowledging the facilities it has been granted for the conduct of its humanitarian tasks, the ICRC has regularly drawn the attention of the Israeli authorities to the suffering and the heavy burden borne by the Palestinian population owing to the occupation policy and, in line with its standard practice, has increasingly expressed its concern through bilateral and multilateral representations and in public appeals. In particular, the ICRC has expressed growing concern about the consequences in humanitarian terms of the establishment of Israeli settlements in the occupied territories, in violation of the Fourth Geneva Convention. The settlement policy has often meant the destruction of Palestinian homes, the confiscation of land and water resources and the parcelling out of the territories. Measures taken to extend the settlements and to protect the settlers, entailing the destruction of houses, land requisitions, the sealing-off of areas, roadblocks and the imposition of long curfews, have also seriously hindered the daily life of the Palestinian population. However, the fact that settlements have been established in violation of the provisions of the Fourth Geneva Convention does not mean that civilians residing in those settlements can be the object of attack. They are protected by humanitarian law as civilians as long as they do not take an active part in fighting."

Implementation of the Fourth Geneva Convention in the occupied Palestinian territories: history of a multilateral process (1997-2001)


Geneva Conventions are inapplicable to the matter. The Fourth Geneva Convention regulates the treatment of civilians during war.

Under Geneva guidelines, Israel is not an occupier.

The pallies are not signatories to the Geneva Conventions.

Now, you know, dumb twat.

No, you show your ignorance one more time!

The document I discussed and quoted and provided a link for addresses actions of the UN, a UN Resolution, and The International Court of Justice advisory Opinion in 2004, that I have addressed before, they both provide that Israel is an Occupier of East Jerusalem and the West Bank and Gaza, and that The Fourth Geneva Convention applies to Israel's Occupation of East Jerusalem and the West Bank and Gaza.


The UN and the ICJ have no jurisdiction in the matter. Moreover, they are politically motivated, controlled by the Islamic bloc.

Israel is not an occupier under Geneva and Hague law. There is no palestinian state to be occupied, the predicate for occupation. Moreover, Israel exerts no governmental or military control over any state, a further condition for occupation.

You are, essentially, full of shit.
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