Hunter Biden agrees to open testimony

Still getting off on pics of Hunter's pen is, weirdo?
They had hundreds of people they were interviewing and wanted each witness's testimony, not influenced by what other witnesses testified to.... By interviewing them separately, without each witness knowing what the other witnesses said, they felt they would better get to the truth.

In Hunter's case, there are not hundreds of other witnesses that he can be influenced by or that he can influence to coordinate stories.
No. Jordan has showed us they can just be ignored. His lawyer will send a letter, stating thanks but no thanks.
Then he will be in contempt of congress.... and all the spotlights will be on this through the election....
So why are teabaggers so afraid of proving that in open court?
Wait till we get closer to voting... then the republicans will.... the republicans want Joe to run so they can lay this down just before November does October surprise mean anything to you?....
Then he will be in contempt of congress.... and all the spotlights will be on this through the election....
With an approval rating of just 13%, I'd say most Americans hold Congress in Contempt. Besides we all know it's a meaningless gesture on the part of the Neo-GOP because to do anything about it, the matter will have to be decide in a court of law. We all know how the Neo-GOP feels about our Courts too.
With an approval rating of just 13%, I'd say most Americans hold Congress in Contempt. Besides we all know it's a meaningless gesture on the part of the Neo-GOP because to do anything about it, the matter will have to be decide in a court of law. We all know how the Neo-GOP feels about our Courts too.
Biden polls at 37%... I would like to see what Hunter polls at... being a deadbeat dad and all....
Has President Biden threaten to hold any of the Neo-GOP in contempt of the White House? Is that even a thing? What office is Hunter running for?
What office was Trump's son's running for?...

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