Hunter Biden: "Daddy I am broke. I can't pay my Alimony"

Sure they are. Trump gets audited every year. You still believe Over Twenty Shell Corps *Joe released all his tax returns. Where are those shell corp. returns? Why aren’t you and the leftist media screaming 24/7 about their release like you did with Trump?


Trump never released tax-returns.

Joe Biden did.

You can't spot the difference?
Funny, I thought it was because Trump wrecked the economy, and it's taken time to put it back together.

Because all those things went wrong when Trump was at the wheel.

The GOP Cycle.
Republicans fuck things up.
Democrats get voted in to fix the things Republicans Fucked up.
Republicans complain that Democrats aren't fixing the things they fucked up fast enough.
After things are fixed, Republicans move on to bullshit social issues playing on people's racial, religious and sexual fears.

With the economy in pretty good shape, you guys are already moving on to step 4.
Trump wrecked the economy ? you are one stupid lying democrap shill .. we had record growth and prosperity under the Trump admin ... we had it till the biggest polluter on earth by far unleashed a virus on the world ! and dims like you refuse to acknowledge that fact .. heck dims are such treasonous Chicom shills they refuse to criticize China for being by far the biggest polluter on the planet .. dims claim man made climate change is the biggest threat to the planet but refuse to condemn the biggest polluter on the planet China !
Trump wrecked the economy ? you are one stupid lying democrap shill .. we had record growth and prosperity under the Trump admin ... we had it till the biggest polluter on earth by far unleashed a virus on the world ! and dims like you refuse to acknowledge that fact .. heck dims are such treasonous Chicom shills they refuse to criticize China for being by far the biggest polluter on the planet .. dims claim man made climate change is the biggest threat to the planet but refuse to condemn the biggest polluter on the planet China !

The leftist freaks truly do believe that if they say something enough times, and loudly enough, it will be true.

Hunted was taught how to treat women by his lowlife fuckup of a daddy. But even the Briben crime family was thunderstruck when he got caught getting a 'footjob' from his naked, 14-year old niece. The sister-in-law (his brother's widow that he was fucking) forbid the statutory rapist from ever entering her house again. The filthy animal had crossed an obscure line that nobody knew existed, or exactly where it was. This shithole is being run by 3rd-generation trailer trash... thanks Dominion!

It's all on the laptop. :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

turd not far.jpg
The Briben 2017 1044 has $10 million more in income than 2016, 2015, etc. With no explanation.

As if we wouldn't notice.

View attachment 835940

The dnc and their media wing have already released their usual talking point for the useful idiots. The same one the used for the Clinton’s and Obamas and any other dem that gets mega rich. They wrote a book and did speaking engagements. Works every time.
The dnc and their media wing have already released their usual talking point for the useful idiots. The same one the used for the Clinton’s and Obamas and any other dem that gets mega rich. They wrote a book and did speaking engagements. Works every time.

Paying to watch that stuttering fuck struggle with the English language is not worth more than pocket change. The fake doctor is just as stupid - in her dissertation, she starts off with "50% of the students were black, 50% of the students were hispanic, and the rest were white and asian."

They give inbred trailer trash a bad name.
Trump's reckless borrowing, spending, and tax cuts, with mismanagment of Covid, resulted in a devastated economy, yes.
the economy is much worse under the Big Guy and his gender confused marxist abortion death cult . polls say that most Americans believe they are worse off than they were 4 yrs ago ! thats a fact !
Did Tax Evading *Joe release his taxes on his 20 shell corporations? Yes or no?

"20 shell corporations" is just something Republicans play slight of hand with to dupes like you.

If you read with a critical eye you'd notice that they don't actually say they are Joe's companies.

The Briben 2017 1044 has $10 million more in income than 2016, 2015, etc. With no explanation.

As if we wouldn't notice.

View attachment 835940
Pure bullshit - Biden's 2017 income bump is well accounted for.

Funny, I thought it was because Trump wrecked the economy, and it's taken time to put it back together.

Because all those things went wrong when Trump was at the wheel.

The GOP Cycle.
Republicans fuck things up.
Democrats get voted in to fix the things Republicans Fucked up.
Republicans complain that Democrats aren't fixing the things they fucked up fast enough.
After things are fixed, Republicans move on to bullshit social issues playing on people's racial, religious and sexual fears.

With the economy in pretty good shape, you guys are already moving on to step 4.
The economy is in pretty good shape? In what alternate universe is that happening, Joey? The economy was in great shape under Trump before Covid shut the world down. It sucks now because of Joe Biden's policies. The Democrats are fixing things? Like what? The border is now a raging humanitarian crisis! Inflation is costing the average American another five thousand dollars a year! Crime is running rampant in Democrat controlled cities across the nation! We're losing more Americans to drug overdoses each year now than we lost during the Vietnam War! Are those the "bullshit social issues" you're referring to? (eye roll)

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