Hunter Biden: "Daddy I am broke. I can't pay my Alimony"

"20 shell corporations" is just something Republicans play slight of hand with to dupes like you.

If you read with a critical eye you'd notice that they don't actually say they are Joe's companies.

Pure bullshit - Biden's 2017 income bump is well accounted for.

Of course they aren't "Joe's companies", Anton! They're the companies started by Hunter and James to launder the money coming in from the families influence peddling...the whole reason to create them is to hide what the family is doing! Duh?

And the real "dupes" are you on the left that are STILL trying to pretend that the Biden family taking in way over $20,000,000 from corrupt individuals from China, Russia, Ukraine, Romania and on and on was something on the up and up! The Biden's are guilty of influence peddling and the Biden DOJ is guilty of attempting to cover those crimes up!
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The economy is in pretty good shape? In what alternate universe is that happening, Joey? The economy was in great shape under Trump before Covid shut the world down. It sucks now because of Joe Biden's policies. The Democrats are fixing things? Like what? The border is now a raging humanitarian crisis! Inflation is costing the average American another five thousand dollars a year! Crime is running rampant in Democrat controlled cities across the nation! We're losing more Americans to drug overdoses each year now than we lost during the Vietnam War! Are those the "bullshit social issues" you're referring to? (eye roll)
Yeah it was in good shape until Trump and the GOP fucked it up.
The economy is in pretty good shape? In what alternate universe is that happening, Joey? The economy was in great shape under Trump before Covid shut the world down. It sucks now because of Joe Biden's policies. The Democrats are fixing things? Like what? The border is now a raging humanitarian crisis! Inflation is costing the average American another five thousand dollars a year! Crime is running rampant in Democrat controlled cities across the nation! We're losing more Americans to drug overdoses each year now than we lost during the Vietnam War! Are those the "bullshit social issues" you're referring to? (eye roll)

The Twilight Zone

Yeah it was in good shape until Trump and the GOP fucked it up.
How do you figure, Moonie? The fact is that the American economy before Covid was creating some historically good economic numbers! Now under Biden it's going into a death spiral. It's far left idiotic policies that are killing the country and that fact is getting increasingly hard to blame on Trump no matter how the Main Stream Media tries. People are fleeing Democrat controlled areas in record numbers. They can SEE what you on the left are doing and want no part of it!
How do you figure, Moonie? The fact is that the American economy before Covid was creating some historically good economic numbers! Now under Biden it's going into a death spiral. It's far left idiotic policies that are killing the country and that fact is getting increasingly hard to blame on Trump no matter how the Main Stream Media tries. People are fleeing Democrat controlled areas in record numbers. They can SEE what you on the left are doing and want no part of it!
If ifs and butts were candy and nutz we'd all have a merry Xmas...Now tell me again what I am doing to anyone at any time to influence their lives. The simple fact is that Trump dumped the economy over the Covid deal so now you get the shit end of the stick. People move that is what humans do.
Of course they aren't "Joe's companies", Anton! They're the companies started by Hunter and James to launder the money coming in from the families influence peddling...the whole reason to create them is to hide what the family is doing! Duh?

And the real "dupes" are you on the left that are STILL trying to pretend that the Biden family taking in way over $20,000,000 from corrupt individuals from China, Russia, Ukraine, Romania and on and on was something on the up and up! The Biden's are guilty of influence peddling and the Biden DOJ is guilty of attempting to cover those crimes up!

Joe Biden is not Hunter Biden last I checked. You can’t just baselessly conflate their income.

Joe Biden made public his tax returns like all other presidents since Nixon.

Trump lied and didn’t.

That’s a fact. What you are posting are just wishful conjectures.
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New texts show Hunter Biden complaining his money is ‘all gone’ and seeking dad’s help: ‘Can’t pay alimony’

How the HECK can you be broke with all the money you were paid?? Oh, I know strippers and blow up your nose. He asked his uncle and it gets back to his daddy enabler...

New text messages have revealed how Hunter Biden told his uncle James in December 2018 he had run out money and needed his father's help.
The now-first son told James Biden in text messages revealed in IRS whistleblower documents that he was broke and couldn't pay alimony.
In the messages dated December 29, 2018, he wrote: 'I can work when I'm in NYC all day every day for the next 3 months from 8-12. But I can't pay alimony w/o Dad or tuitions or for food and gas.

What a trip! Biden stumbles on the Air Force One stairs AGAIN
Joe Biden trips as he climbs up Air Force One stairs in Helsinki
Biden's aides try to prevent moreage-related stumbles
'Really it's all gone. I can go make it up in 15/20 days I'm sure, but he's basically made it clear that he's not paying alimony b/c Mom made clear that she won't do it.'
Hunter, 53, also talks about moving into his father's Delaware mansion following the collapse of his relationship with his sister-in-law turned lover Hallie Biden.
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James and Sara Biden arrive at the White House to attend the State Dinner for South Korea, Thursday, Oct. 13, 2011

Hunter got two China payments where Joe's HOME was listed as address
839 viewing now

First Joe Biden impeachment hearing kicks off
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Republicans hold first impeachment hearing into Biden
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The text continues: 'Hallie wont allow me to be at the house or lend me or pay me back any money.
'Ashley moves into momoms house after I told dad that I would move in there.
'That night I tell dad I want to probably stay in the area and specifically I wanted to live by you and teach my course at Penn and maybe develop another on.'
In response, James Biden said: 'This can work, you need a safe harbor. I can work with you father alone!!
'We as usual just need several months of his help for this to work. Let's talk about it. It makes perfect sense to me. This is difficult to fully vet without talking.
'Will you please call me on w/A. We can develop a plan together. It can work. I'm going to try to call yo again please Ans.'
The exchange was revealed in a litany of documents released by the House Ways and Means Committee earlier this week.
The text exchange muddles claims made by Hunter to his daughter Naomi in January 2019 in which he claimed he gave half his salary to his Father.
It comes just days after financial records obtained by Congress revealed Chinese businesses sent $250,000 to Joe Biden's private home in 2019.
The payments came in two wire transfers to Hunter Biden who listed his father's house in Wilmington, Delaware as his own address.
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The now-first son told his Uncle James Biden in text messages revealed in IRS whistleblower documents that he was broke and couldn't pay alimony
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The records state that Joe's Wilmington, Delaware, home at '1209 Barley Mill Rd' was listed as the beneficiary address
It comes just days after financial records obtained by Congress revealed Chinese businesses sent $250,000 to Joe Biden's private home in 2019.
The payments came in two wire transfers to Hunter Biden who listed his father's house in Wilmington, Delaware as his own address.
The revelation marked a stunning escalation of the investigation into whether Joe Biden benefitted from Hunter's business dealings in countries including China and Ukraine.
James Comer, the chair of the House Oversight and Accountability committee, obtained bank records through a subpoena and they that showed Hunter received payments from Beijing in 2019, while his father was a private citizen.
The records state that Joe Biden's Wilmington, Delaware, home at '1209 Barley Mill Rd' was the beneficiary address.
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Joe Biden 's Delaware home was listed as the beneficiary address on two wire transfers Hunter Biden received from China, a top Republican says after obtaining bank records. Hunter is seen in his father's Corvette outside the home
Hunter is believed to have lived there for two years following his divorce from first wife Kathleen Buhle in 2017.
The first wire on July 26, 2019, for $100,000 came from a Ms. Wang Xin, who is listed on the website for Beijing equity firm BHR Partners.
The second was allegedly from Jonathan Li, the Chinese national Hunter supposedly threatened over WhatsApp while Joe was in the room.
'I am sitting here waiting for the call with my father', Hunter said to Li in the messages revealed by an IRS whistleblower.
Comer, who has been investigating the Biden family and their overseas deals, subpoenaed financial records from a specific bank account connected to Hunter.
That revelation came just two weeks after Hunter was indicted on three felony charges for lying about his addiction to crack cocaine when buying a gun.
Hunter will have to appear in court after a Delaware grand jury returned three charges against him, including two counts of false statements on his gun forms, and one of possessing a firearm while addicted to illicit drugs.
It is a shattering blow for President Joe Biden who has stood by his son and is running for reelection in 2024.
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Hunter Biden departs federal court after a plea hearing on two misdemeanor charges of willfully failing to pay income taxes in Wilmington, Delaware, U.S. July 26, 2023

Hunter allegedly lied on a firearm report (above) required for his gun transaction. A photo of the form shows he answered 'no' when asked if he was an 'unlawful user of, or addicted to, marijuana or any depressant, stimulant, narcotic drug, or any other controlled substance'
The move by Special Counsel Davis Weiss is a significant escalation in his investigation into the president's son for gun and tax crimes, which is still ongoing.
Republicans allege that Hunter is guilty of even more felonies and that Weiss' indictment on just the gun charges is insufficient.
The maximum time in prison would be 25 years total if he is convicted on all of the counts, although federal sentences are usually less than the maximum. Hunter could also be slapped with a max $250,000 fine and three years probation.
According to the indictment, Hunter lied about his drug use when he purchased a gun in 2018.
The First Son purchased a 0.38 Colt Cobra caliber pistol in Delaware, a state that makes any buyer answer a series of questions before they can lay their hands on a weapon.
One from the 2018 application asks if the applicant uses or is addicted to drugs. The box is clearly checked 'no.'
Hunter has admitted that he was addicted to crack cocaine at the time of the gun purchase.
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A picture from Hunter Biden's laptop showed the now 53-year-old first son posing nude with
Hunter Biden is seen in a picture discovered on his abandoned laptop
Video discovered on Hunter's laptop computer shows him naked and brandishing a handgun in a hotel room in 2018, allegedly five days after buying the gun.
About two weeks later his lover and brother's widow Hallie Biden found it 'unlocked' in his truck and threw it in a grocery store trash can. Its discovery sparked a police investigation.
In addition, now-President Biden sounded close to tears in the voicemail left on Hunter's abandoned laptop on October 15 - three days after Hunter bought the gun and lied about being a drug addict - begging him to get help.
'It's Dad. I called to tell you I love you. I love you more than the whole world pal,' Joe said in the October 15 message. 'You gotta get some help. I know you don't know what to do, I don't either.'
Earlier this summer, the president's son had reached a deal after the five-year investigation that would have allowed him to avoid trial for the firearms charges if he abided by parole conditions over 24 months.
Biden appears to ignore reporters' question about Hunter indictment

New Hunter Biden texts show him complaining to his uncle about not being able to 'pay alimony or for food or gas without dad': The money's 'all gone'​

Hard to believe that as bad as the Biden's s are....... the ones who are covering up for them are far worse.

Not to sound like Trump but these are very bad people that we're dealing with.
Hard to believe that as bad as the Biden's s are....... the ones who are covering up for them are far worse.

Not to sound like Trump but these are very bad people that we're dealing with.

Remind me what “bad” things Joe Biden did.

Not some reaching rightwing bullshit, see if you can cite something half-way objective.
Remind me what “bad” things Joe Biden did.

Not some reaching rightwing bullshit, see if you can cite something half-way objective.

Trump wrecked the economy ? you are one stupid lying democrap shill .. we had record growth and prosperity under the Trump admin ... we had it till the biggest polluter on earth by far unleashed a virus on the world ! and dims like you refuse to acknowledge that fact .. heck dims are such treasonous Chicom shills they refuse to criticize China for being by far the biggest polluter on the planet .. dims claim man made climate change is the biggest threat to the planet but refuse to condemn the biggest polluter on the planet China !

So you give Trump credit for stuff he had nothing to do with (he inherited a good economy from Obama) and don't blame him for the things he fucked up.

That's kind of like saying Hitler wasn't all that bad if you ignore the war and the Holocaust.

The economy is in pretty good shape? In what alternate universe is that happening, Joey?
I posted 6 figures last year. First time that ever happened.
The economy was in great shape under Trump before Covid shut the world down.

But that was the point... Trump fumbled the Covid response.
Of course they aren't "Joe's companies", Anton! They're the companies started by Hunter and James to launder the money coming in from the families influence peddling...the whole reason to create them is to hide what the family is doing! Duh?

And the real "dupes" are you on the left that are STILL trying to pretend that the Biden family taking in way over $20,000,000 from corrupt individuals from China, Russia, Ukraine, Romania and on and on was something on the up and up! The Biden's are guilty of influence peddling and the Biden DOJ is guilty of attempting to cover those crimes up!

The US does close to four trillion dollars in trade with other countries.

Until you can show that it wasn't a legit deal, and that joe actually got that money, all you have is innendo.

I'm more worried about Jared's two billion deal with the Saudis, who really are the enemy.
The US does close to four trillion dollars in trade with other countries.

Until you can show that it wasn't a legit deal, and that joe actually got that money, all you have is innendo.

I'm more worried about Jared's two billion deal with the Saudis, who really are the enemy.
whats your problem with jerrads deal??
he was doing this same kind of business with saudis before he got near the WH so it makes sense he would go back to doing what he did before,,
So you give Trump credit for stuff he had nothing to do with (he inherited a good economy from Obama) and don't blame him for the things he fucked up.

That's kind of like saying Hitler wasn't all that bad if you ignore the war and the Holocaust.

I posted 6 figures last year. First time that ever happened.

But that was the point... Trump fumbled the Covid response.
more people died from covid under the Briben admin and Briben had the vaccine created during the Trump admin . ... but you dont hear me blaming Briben ... instead i blame the REAL culprit dim ally China !

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