Hunter Biden FOIA Bombshell

An official said Tramontano wanted to speak to Novelli “about getting a better understanding of how the U.S. came to the determination that the company is corrupt.”

“According to Tramontano there is no evidence of corruption, has been no hearing or process, and evidence to the contrary has not been considered,” the official said.

At the time, Burisma’s owner, Mykola Zlochevsky, was under investigation for money laundering in the United Kingdom. Prosecutors in Ukraine have investigating Zlochevsky and Burisma off and on over the past several years, but no charges have been filed against either.
Burisma Consultant Contacted State Department Over Hunter Biden Concerns: Emails

and VP Biden did not do the same thing as tramp did, all the world (Obama admin, most people in Ukraine, Europe, IMF wanted Shokin out.

And even if Hunter Biden was crooked, which there is no evidence of , it doesn't matter, tramp used his Potus to strong arm a newly elected President to make up dirt on the Bidens, Clinton and the 2016 election was intruded on by Ukraine and not Russia.

Make up dirt? Why would they need to make up dirt? There is more than enough to go around.

Did you libtards ever think that if you impeach Trump and Biden gets elected, he can be impeached for the same "crime" and we have his admission on videotape?

Didn't ever cross your mind that what is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander?

Trump does all things for nefarious reason
Biden is a good person.
An official said Tramontano wanted to speak to Novelli “about getting a better understanding of how the U.S. came to the determination that the company is corrupt.”

“According to Tramontano there is no evidence of corruption, has been no hearing or process, and evidence to the contrary has not been considered,” the official said.

At the time, Burisma’s owner, Mykola Zlochevsky, was under investigation for money laundering in the United Kingdom. Prosecutors in Ukraine have investigating Zlochevsky and Burisma off and on over the past several years, but no charges have been filed against either.
Burisma Consultant Contacted State Department Over Hunter Biden Concerns: Emails

and VP Biden did not do the same thing as tramp did, all the world (Obama admin, most people in Ukraine, Europe, IMF wanted Shokin out.

And even if Hunter Biden was crooked, which there is no evidence of , it doesn't matter, tramp used his Potus to strong arm a newly elected President to make up dirt on the Bidens, Clinton and the 2016 election was intruded on by Ukraine and not Russia.

So you telling us anyone smoking crack can get a job making a 100 grand a month?


Word has it was 50 , then about 80 and now 100 grand a month!!


Trump's relatives do not get paid. No nepotism.

Biden's son gets a job because Daddy is VP and gets tons of dough for doing nothing, which is exactly what he was qualified to do!
An official said Tramontano wanted to speak to Novelli “about getting a better understanding of how the U.S. came to the determination that the company is corrupt.”

“According to Tramontano there is no evidence of corruption, has been no hearing or process, and evidence to the contrary has not been considered,” the official said.

At the time, Burisma’s owner, Mykola Zlochevsky, was under investigation for money laundering in the United Kingdom. Prosecutors in Ukraine have investigating Zlochevsky and Burisma off and on over the past several years, but no charges have been filed against either.
Burisma Consultant Contacted State Department Over Hunter Biden Concerns: Emails

and VP Biden did not do the same thing as tramp did, all the world (Obama admin, most people in Ukraine, Europe, IMF wanted Shokin out.

And even if Hunter Biden was crooked, which there is no evidence of , it doesn't matter, tramp used his Potus to strong arm a newly elected President to make up dirt on the Bidens, Clinton and the 2016 election was intruded on by Ukraine and not Russia.

Make up dirt? Why would they need to make up dirt? There is more than enough to go around.

Did you libtards ever think that if you impeach Trump and Biden gets elected, he can be impeached for the same "crime" and we have his admission on videotape?

Didn't ever cross your mind that what is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander?

Not the same thing at all. Biden was listening to England, the IMF (who was in charge of the money for Ukraine) and the Obama admin.

By the way who was the pollical rival VP President want them to investigate??
You're wasting your time.
An official said Tramontano wanted to speak to Novelli “about getting a better understanding of how the U.S. came to the determination that the company is corrupt.”

“According to Tramontano there is no evidence of corruption, has been no hearing or process, and evidence to the contrary has not been considered,” the official said.

At the time, Burisma’s owner, Mykola Zlochevsky, was under investigation for money laundering in the United Kingdom. Prosecutors in Ukraine have investigating Zlochevsky and Burisma off and on over the past several years, but no charges have been filed against either.
Burisma Consultant Contacted State Department Over Hunter Biden Concerns: Emails

and VP Biden did not do the same thing as tramp did, all the world (Obama admin, most people in Ukraine, Europe, IMF wanted Shokin out.

And even if Hunter Biden was crooked, which there is no evidence of , it doesn't matter, tramp used his Potus to strong arm a newly elected President to make up dirt on the Bidens, Clinton and the 2016 election was intruded on by Ukraine and not Russia.

Where are you getting TRUMP wanted Ukraine to make-up dirt? The transcript of TRUMP's perfect call asks for Ukraine to investigate the matter.

Covering for Hillary caused democrats to lose the election in 2016, covering for Biden will cause them to lose in 2020.

Democrats only hope is in impeachment. They know they can't beat TRUMP with Biden and they know they are stuck with Biden.

The Burisma investigation has been dropped and Biden was never part of the investigation, so obviously tramp wanted the Gov of Ukraine to make up anything on the Bidens.

Tramps memo of the call wants the Ukrainian Pres. to investigate the Bidens, which has become a political rival of tramp. So in other words , make something up.

But regardless they have already smeared the Bidens name, just like they did to Clinton.

None of that is actually true
An official said Tramontano wanted to speak to Novelli “about getting a better understanding of how the U.S. came to the determination that the company is corrupt.”

“According to Tramontano there is no evidence of corruption, has been no hearing or process, and evidence to the contrary has not been considered,” the official said.

At the time, Burisma’s owner, Mykola Zlochevsky, was under investigation for money laundering in the United Kingdom. Prosecutors in Ukraine have investigating Zlochevsky and Burisma off and on over the past several years, but no charges have been filed against either.
Burisma Consultant Contacted State Department Over Hunter Biden Concerns: Emails

and VP Biden did not do the same thing as tramp did, all the world (Obama admin, most people in Ukraine, Europe, IMF wanted Shokin out.

And even if Hunter Biden was crooked, which there is no evidence of , it doesn't matter, tramp used his Potus to strong arm a newly elected President to make up dirt on the Bidens, Clinton and the 2016 election was intruded on by Ukraine and not Russia.

Where are you getting TRUMP wanted Ukraine to make-up dirt? The transcript of TRUMP's perfect call asks for Ukraine to investigate the matter.

Covering for Hillary caused democrats to lose the election in 2016, covering for Biden will cause them to lose in 2020.

Democrats only hope is in impeachment. They know they can't beat TRUMP with Biden and they know they are stuck with Biden.

The Burisma investigation has been dropped and Biden was never part of the investigation, so obviously tramp wanted the Gov of Ukraine to make up anything on the Bidens.

Tramps memo of the call wants the Ukrainian Pres. to investigate the Bidens, which has become a political rival of tramp. So in other words , make something up.

But regardless they have already smeared the Bidens name, just like they did to Clinton.

None of that is actually true

What is not true??
An official said Tramontano wanted to speak to Novelli “about getting a better understanding of how the U.S. came to the determination that the company is corrupt.”

“According to Tramontano there is no evidence of corruption, has been no hearing or process, and evidence to the contrary has not been considered,” the official said.

At the time, Burisma’s owner, Mykola Zlochevsky, was under investigation for money laundering in the United Kingdom. Prosecutors in Ukraine have investigating Zlochevsky and Burisma off and on over the past several years, but no charges have been filed against either.
Burisma Consultant Contacted State Department Over Hunter Biden Concerns: Emails

and VP Biden did not do the same thing as tramp did, all the world (Obama admin, most people in Ukraine, Europe, IMF wanted Shokin out.

And even if Hunter Biden was crooked, which there is no evidence of , it doesn't matter, tramp used his Potus to strong arm a newly elected President to make up dirt on the Bidens, Clinton and the 2016 election was intruded on by Ukraine and not Russia.

So you telling us anyone smoking crack can get a job making a 100 grand a month?


Word has it was 50 , then about 80 and now 100 grand a month!!


Trump's relatives do not get paid. No nepotism.

Biden's son gets a job because Daddy is VP and gets tons of dough for doing nothing, which is exactly what he was qualified to do!

That's not even the big deal.
Lots of people get paid to have their name on a letterhead.
it's the corruption and more importantly - IT'S THE COVERUP.
It's always the cover-up.
An official said Tramontano wanted to speak to Novelli “about getting a better understanding of how the U.S. came to the determination that the company is corrupt.”

“According to Tramontano there is no evidence of corruption, has been no hearing or process, and evidence to the contrary has not been considered,” the official said.

At the time, Burisma’s owner, Mykola Zlochevsky, was under investigation for money laundering in the United Kingdom. Prosecutors in Ukraine have investigating Zlochevsky and Burisma off and on over the past several years, but no charges have been filed against either.
Burisma Consultant Contacted State Department Over Hunter Biden Concerns: Emails

and VP Biden did not do the same thing as tramp did, all the world (Obama admin, most people in Ukraine, Europe, IMF wanted Shokin out.

And even if Hunter Biden was crooked, which there is no evidence of , it doesn't matter, tramp used his Potus to strong arm a newly elected President to make up dirt on the Bidens, Clinton and the 2016 election was intruded on by Ukraine and not Russia.

Where are you getting TRUMP wanted Ukraine to make-up dirt? The transcript of TRUMP's perfect call asks for Ukraine to investigate the matter.

Covering for Hillary caused democrats to lose the election in 2016, covering for Biden will cause them to lose in 2020.

Democrats only hope is in impeachment. They know they can't beat TRUMP with Biden and they know they are stuck with Biden.

The Burisma investigation has been dropped and Biden was never part of the investigation, so obviously tramp wanted the Gov of Ukraine to make up anything on the Bidens.

Tramps memo of the call wants the Ukrainian Pres. to investigate the Bidens, which has become a political rival of tramp. So in other words , make something up.

But regardless they have already smeared the Bidens name, just like they did to Clinton.

Make something up? That was never said, nor even hinted. Is you brain functional much above the involuntary responses like breathing? Apparently not! Nobody that stupid should be allowed to be left unsupervised.
An official said Tramontano wanted to speak to Novelli “about getting a better understanding of how the U.S. came to the determination that the company is corrupt.”

“According to Tramontano there is no evidence of corruption, has been no hearing or process, and evidence to the contrary has not been considered,” the official said.

At the time, Burisma’s owner, Mykola Zlochevsky, was under investigation for money laundering in the United Kingdom. Prosecutors in Ukraine have investigating Zlochevsky and Burisma off and on over the past several years, but no charges have been filed against either.
Burisma Consultant Contacted State Department Over Hunter Biden Concerns: Emails

and VP Biden did not do the same thing as tramp did, all the world (Obama admin, most people in Ukraine, Europe, IMF wanted Shokin out.

And even if Hunter Biden was crooked, which there is no evidence of , it doesn't matter, tramp used his Potus to strong arm a newly elected President to make up dirt on the Bidens, Clinton and the 2016 election was intruded on by Ukraine and not Russia.

Where are you getting TRUMP wanted Ukraine to make-up dirt? The transcript of TRUMP's perfect call asks for Ukraine to investigate the matter.

Covering for Hillary caused democrats to lose the election in 2016, covering for Biden will cause them to lose in 2020.

Democrats only hope is in impeachment. They know they can't beat TRUMP with Biden and they know they are stuck with Biden.

The Burisma investigation has been dropped and Biden was never part of the investigation, so obviously tramp wanted the Gov of Ukraine to make up anything on the Bidens.

Tramps memo of the call wants the Ukrainian Pres. to investigate the Bidens, which has become a political rival of tramp. So in other words , make something up.

But regardless they have already smeared the Bidens name, just like they did to Clinton.

None of that is actually true
Actually every single letter of it is true, honest, verifiable fact.

I don't expect you to recognize that though.
An official said Tramontano wanted to speak to Novelli “about getting a better understanding of how the U.S. came to the determination that the company is corrupt.”

“According to Tramontano there is no evidence of corruption, has been no hearing or process, and evidence to the contrary has not been considered,” the official said.

At the time, Burisma’s owner, Mykola Zlochevsky, was under investigation for money laundering in the United Kingdom. Prosecutors in Ukraine have investigating Zlochevsky and Burisma off and on over the past several years, but no charges have been filed against either.
Burisma Consultant Contacted State Department Over Hunter Biden Concerns: Emails

and VP Biden did not do the same thing as tramp did, all the world (Obama admin, most people in Ukraine, Europe, IMF wanted Shokin out.

And even if Hunter Biden was crooked, which there is no evidence of , it doesn't matter, tramp used his Potus to strong arm a newly elected President to make up dirt on the Bidens, Clinton and the 2016 election was intruded on by Ukraine and not Russia.

Where are you getting TRUMP wanted Ukraine to make-up dirt? The transcript of TRUMP's perfect call asks for Ukraine to investigate the matter.

Covering for Hillary caused democrats to lose the election in 2016, covering for Biden will cause them to lose in 2020.

Democrats only hope is in impeachment. They know they can't beat TRUMP with Biden and they know they are stuck with Biden.

The Burisma investigation has been dropped and Biden was never part of the investigation, so obviously tramp wanted the Gov of Ukraine to make up anything on the Bidens.

Tramps memo of the call wants the Ukrainian Pres. to investigate the Bidens, which has become a political rival of tramp. So in other words , make something up.

But regardless they have already smeared the Bidens name, just like they did to Clinton.

None of that is actually true

What is not true??

Every concept in your post
An official said Tramontano wanted to speak to Novelli “about getting a better understanding of how the U.S. came to the determination that the company is corrupt.”

“According to Tramontano there is no evidence of corruption, has been no hearing or process, and evidence to the contrary has not been considered,” the official said.

At the time, Burisma’s owner, Mykola Zlochevsky, was under investigation for money laundering in the United Kingdom. Prosecutors in Ukraine have investigating Zlochevsky and Burisma off and on over the past several years, but no charges have been filed against either.
Burisma Consultant Contacted State Department Over Hunter Biden Concerns: Emails

and VP Biden did not do the same thing as tramp did, all the world (Obama admin, most people in Ukraine, Europe, IMF wanted Shokin out.

And even if Hunter Biden was crooked, which there is no evidence of , it doesn't matter, tramp used his Potus to strong arm a newly elected President to make up dirt on the Bidens, Clinton and the 2016 election was intruded on by Ukraine and not Russia.

Make up dirt? Why would they need to make up dirt? There is more than enough to go around.

Did you libtards ever think that if you impeach Trump and Biden gets elected, he can be impeached for the same "crime" and we have his admission on videotape?

Didn't ever cross your mind that what is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander?

Not the same thing at all. Biden was listening to England, the IMF (who was in charge of the money for Ukraine) and the Obama admin.

By the way who was the politcal rival VP Biden wanted them to investigate??

Biden has no authority to do the bidding of other nations, dumbass.

Did you mean "political rival"?

Where is it a crime to ask a foreign government to investigate a crime? Biden gets no pass just because he is running as one of a clown car full of libtards on the Democratic ticket!
An official said Tramontano wanted to speak to Novelli “about getting a better understanding of how the U.S. came to the determination that the company is corrupt.”

“According to Tramontano there is no evidence of corruption, has been no hearing or process, and evidence to the contrary has not been considered,” the official said.

At the time, Burisma’s owner, Mykola Zlochevsky, was under investigation for money laundering in the United Kingdom. Prosecutors in Ukraine have investigating Zlochevsky and Burisma off and on over the past several years, but no charges have been filed against either.
Burisma Consultant Contacted State Department Over Hunter Biden Concerns: Emails

and VP Biden did not do the same thing as tramp did, all the world (Obama admin, most people in Ukraine, Europe, IMF wanted Shokin out.

And even if Hunter Biden was crooked, which there is no evidence of , it doesn't matter, tramp used his Potus to strong arm a newly elected President to make up dirt on the Bidens, Clinton and the 2016 election was intruded on by Ukraine and not Russia.

Where are you getting TRUMP wanted Ukraine to make-up dirt? The transcript of TRUMP's perfect call asks for Ukraine to investigate the matter.

Covering for Hillary caused democrats to lose the election in 2016, covering for Biden will cause them to lose in 2020.

Democrats only hope is in impeachment. They know they can't beat TRUMP with Biden and they know they are stuck with Biden.

The Burisma investigation has been dropped and Biden was never part of the investigation, so obviously tramp wanted the Gov of Ukraine to make up anything on the Bidens.

Tramps memo of the call wants the Ukrainian Pres. to investigate the Bidens, which has become a political rival of tramp. So in other words , make something up.

But regardless they have already smeared the Bidens name, just like they did to Clinton.

Make something up? That was never said, nor even hinted. Is you brain functional much above the involuntary responses like breathing? Apparently not! Nobody that stupid should be allowed to be left unsupervised.
No, that was definitely the subtext of the call. Don't just investigate, produce results no matter what.
An official said Tramontano wanted to speak to Novelli “about getting a better understanding of how the U.S. came to the determination that the company is corrupt.”

“According to Tramontano there is no evidence of corruption, has been no hearing or process, and evidence to the contrary has not been considered,” the official said.

At the time, Burisma’s owner, Mykola Zlochevsky, was under investigation for money laundering in the United Kingdom. Prosecutors in Ukraine have investigating Zlochevsky and Burisma off and on over the past several years, but no charges have been filed against either.
Burisma Consultant Contacted State Department Over Hunter Biden Concerns: Emails

and VP Biden did not do the same thing as tramp did, all the world (Obama admin, most people in Ukraine, Europe, IMF wanted Shokin out.

And even if Hunter Biden was crooked, which there is no evidence of , it doesn't matter, tramp used his Potus to strong arm a newly elected President to make up dirt on the Bidens, Clinton and the 2016 election was intruded on by Ukraine and not Russia.

Where are you getting TRUMP wanted Ukraine to make-up dirt? The transcript of TRUMP's perfect call asks for Ukraine to investigate the matter.

Covering for Hillary caused democrats to lose the election in 2016, covering for Biden will cause them to lose in 2020.

Democrats only hope is in impeachment. They know they can't beat TRUMP with Biden and they know they are stuck with Biden.

The Burisma investigation has been dropped and Biden was never part of the investigation, so obviously tramp wanted the Gov of Ukraine to make up anything on the Bidens.

Tramps memo of the call wants the Ukrainian Pres. to investigate the Bidens, which has become a political rival of tramp. So in other words , make something up.

But regardless they have already smeared the Bidens name, just like they did to Clinton.

None of that is actually true
Actually every single letter of it is true, honest, verifiable fact.

I don't expect you to recognize that though.

You are dismissed
You are the least informed person in this group.
An official said Tramontano wanted to speak to Novelli “about getting a better understanding of how the U.S. came to the determination that the company is corrupt.”

“According to Tramontano there is no evidence of corruption, has been no hearing or process, and evidence to the contrary has not been considered,” the official said.

At the time, Burisma’s owner, Mykola Zlochevsky, was under investigation for money laundering in the United Kingdom. Prosecutors in Ukraine have investigating Zlochevsky and Burisma off and on over the past several years, but no charges have been filed against either.
Burisma Consultant Contacted State Department Over Hunter Biden Concerns: Emails

and VP Biden did not do the same thing as tramp did, all the world (Obama admin, most people in Ukraine, Europe, IMF wanted Shokin out.

And even if Hunter Biden was crooked, which there is no evidence of , it doesn't matter, tramp used his Potus to strong arm a newly elected President to make up dirt on the Bidens, Clinton and the 2016 election was intruded on by Ukraine and not Russia.

Where are you getting TRUMP wanted Ukraine to make-up dirt? The transcript of TRUMP's perfect call asks for Ukraine to investigate the matter.

Covering for Hillary caused democrats to lose the election in 2016, covering for Biden will cause them to lose in 2020.

Democrats only hope is in impeachment. They know they can't beat TRUMP with Biden and they know they are stuck with Biden.

The Burisma investigation has been dropped and Biden was never part of the investigation, so obviously tramp wanted the Gov of Ukraine to make up anything on the Bidens.

Tramps memo of the call wants the Ukrainian Pres. to investigate the Bidens, which has become a political rival of tramp. So in other words , make something up.

But regardless they have already smeared the Bidens name, just like they did to Clinton.

Make something up? That was never said, nor even hinted. Is you brain functional much above the involuntary responses like breathing? Apparently not! Nobody that stupid should be allowed to be left unsupervised.

Maybe this is a Schiff Alt.
He is the only one that has ever mentioned that.
An official said Tramontano wanted to speak to Novelli “about getting a better understanding of how the U.S. came to the determination that the company is corrupt.”

“According to Tramontano there is no evidence of corruption, has been no hearing or process, and evidence to the contrary has not been considered,” the official said.

At the time, Burisma’s owner, Mykola Zlochevsky, was under investigation for money laundering in the United Kingdom. Prosecutors in Ukraine have investigating Zlochevsky and Burisma off and on over the past several years, but no charges have been filed against either.
Burisma Consultant Contacted State Department Over Hunter Biden Concerns: Emails

and VP Biden did not do the same thing as tramp did, all the world (Obama admin, most people in Ukraine, Europe, IMF wanted Shokin out.

And even if Hunter Biden was crooked, which there is no evidence of , it doesn't matter, tramp used his Potus to strong arm a newly elected President to make up dirt on the Bidens, Clinton and the 2016 election was intruded on by Ukraine and not Russia.

Make up dirt? Why would they need to make up dirt? There is more than enough to go around.

Did you libtards ever think that if you impeach Trump and Biden gets elected, he can be impeached for the same "crime" and we have his admission on videotape?

Didn't ever cross your mind that what is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander?

The "deliverable" - described in text messages and Congressional testimony - was for a public statement that Biden was under investigation. What non-corrupt explanation do you have for the demand for a public statement? After all, that's all Trump needed for a smear campaign.
An official said Tramontano wanted to speak to Novelli “about getting a better understanding of how the U.S. came to the determination that the company is corrupt.”

“According to Tramontano there is no evidence of corruption, has been no hearing or process, and evidence to the contrary has not been considered,” the official said.

At the time, Burisma’s owner, Mykola Zlochevsky, was under investigation for money laundering in the United Kingdom. Prosecutors in Ukraine have investigating Zlochevsky and Burisma off and on over the past several years, but no charges have been filed against either.
Burisma Consultant Contacted State Department Over Hunter Biden Concerns: Emails

and VP Biden did not do the same thing as tramp did, all the world (Obama admin, most people in Ukraine, Europe, IMF wanted Shokin out.

And even if Hunter Biden was crooked, which there is no evidence of , it doesn't matter, tramp used his Potus to strong arm a newly elected President to make up dirt on the Bidens, Clinton and the 2016 election was intruded on by Ukraine and not Russia.

Where are you getting TRUMP wanted Ukraine to make-up dirt? The transcript of TRUMP's perfect call asks for Ukraine to investigate the matter.

Covering for Hillary caused democrats to lose the election in 2016, covering for Biden will cause them to lose in 2020.

Democrats only hope is in impeachment. They know they can't beat TRUMP with Biden and they know they are stuck with Biden.

The Burisma investigation has been dropped and Biden was never part of the investigation, so obviously tramp wanted the Gov of Ukraine to make up anything on the Bidens.

Tramps memo of the call wants the Ukrainian Pres. to investigate the Bidens, which has become a political rival of tramp. So in other words , make something up.

But regardless they have already smeared the Bidens name, just like they did to Clinton.
You should ice that strain immediately.

and VP Biden did not do the same thing as tramp did, all the world (Obama admin, most people in Ukraine, Europe, IMF wanted Shokin out.

And even if Hunter Biden was crooked, which there is no evidence of , it doesn't matter, tramp used his Potus to strong arm a newly elected President to make up dirt on the Bidens, Clinton and the 2016 election was intruded on by Ukraine and not Russia.

Where are you getting TRUMP wanted Ukraine to make-up dirt? The transcript of TRUMP's perfect call asks for Ukraine to investigate the matter.

Covering for Hillary caused democrats to lose the election in 2016, covering for Biden will cause them to lose in 2020.

Democrats only hope is in impeachment. They know they can't beat TRUMP with Biden and they know they are stuck with Biden.

The Burisma investigation has been dropped and Biden was never part of the investigation, so obviously tramp wanted the Gov of Ukraine to make up anything on the Bidens.

Tramps memo of the call wants the Ukrainian Pres. to investigate the Bidens, which has become a political rival of tramp. So in other words , make something up.

But regardless they have already smeared the Bidens name, just like they did to Clinton.

None of that is actually true
Actually every single letter of it is true, honest, verifiable fact.

I don't expect you to recognize that though.

You are dismissed
You are the least informed person in this group.
Now THAT is funny! You calling someone the least informed on USMB. You rate right up there with mindwars. LOL!
and VP Biden did not do the same thing as tramp did, all the world (Obama admin, most people in Ukraine, Europe, IMF wanted Shokin out.

And even if Hunter Biden was crooked, which there is no evidence of , it doesn't matter, tramp used his Potus to strong arm a newly elected President to make up dirt on the Bidens, Clinton and the 2016 election was intruded on by Ukraine and not Russia.

Where are you getting TRUMP wanted Ukraine to make-up dirt? The transcript of TRUMP's perfect call asks for Ukraine to investigate the matter.

Covering for Hillary caused democrats to lose the election in 2016, covering for Biden will cause them to lose in 2020.

Democrats only hope is in impeachment. They know they can't beat TRUMP with Biden and they know they are stuck with Biden.

The Burisma investigation has been dropped and Biden was never part of the investigation, so obviously tramp wanted the Gov of Ukraine to make up anything on the Bidens.

Tramps memo of the call wants the Ukrainian Pres. to investigate the Bidens, which has become a political rival of tramp. So in other words , make something up.

But regardless they have already smeared the Bidens name, just like they did to Clinton.

None of that is actually true
Actually every single letter of it is true, honest, verifiable fact.

I don't expect you to recognize that though.

You are dismissed
You are the least informed person in this group.

"I can't really respond to that because it's true, so I'm gonna insult him and then run and hide".

Where are you getting TRUMP wanted Ukraine to make-up dirt? The transcript of TRUMP's perfect call asks for Ukraine to investigate the matter.

Covering for Hillary caused democrats to lose the election in 2016, covering for Biden will cause them to lose in 2020.

Democrats only hope is in impeachment. They know they can't beat TRUMP with Biden and they know they are stuck with Biden.

The Burisma investigation has been dropped and Biden was never part of the investigation, so obviously tramp wanted the Gov of Ukraine to make up anything on the Bidens.

Tramps memo of the call wants the Ukrainian Pres. to investigate the Bidens, which has become a political rival of tramp. So in other words , make something up.

But regardless they have already smeared the Bidens name, just like they did to Clinton.

None of that is actually true
Actually every single letter of it is true, honest, verifiable fact.

I don't expect you to recognize that though.

You are dismissed
You are the least informed person in this group.

"I can't really respond to that because it's true, some I'm gonna insult him and then run and hide".


You are an empty headed bubble person.
You allow yourself to only access information that you already agree with.
No one will gain anything from reading your words.
Where are you getting TRUMP wanted Ukraine to make-up dirt? The transcript of TRUMP's perfect call asks for Ukraine to investigate the matter.

Covering for Hillary caused democrats to lose the election in 2016, covering for Biden will cause them to lose in 2020.

Democrats only hope is in impeachment. They know they can't beat TRUMP with Biden and they know they are stuck with Biden.

The Burisma investigation has been dropped and Biden was never part of the investigation, so obviously tramp wanted the Gov of Ukraine to make up anything on the Bidens.

Tramps memo of the call wants the Ukrainian Pres. to investigate the Bidens, which has become a political rival of tramp. So in other words , make something up.

But regardless they have already smeared the Bidens name, just like they did to Clinton.

None of that is actually true
Actually every single letter of it is true, honest, verifiable fact.

I don't expect you to recognize that though.

You are dismissed
You are the least informed person in this group.
Now THAT is funny! You calling someone the least informed on USMB. You rate right up there with mindwars. LOL!

That's weird
I know everything that you know -
Plus the things that are counter to your beliefs that you dismiss because - they are counter to your beliefs.
The Burisma investigation has been dropped and Biden was never part of the investigation, so obviously tramp wanted the Gov of Ukraine to make up anything on the Bidens.

Tramps memo of the call wants the Ukrainian Pres. to investigate the Bidens, which has become a political rival of tramp. So in other words , make something up.

But regardless they have already smeared the Bidens name, just like they did to Clinton.

None of that is actually true
Actually every single letter of it is true, honest, verifiable fact.

I don't expect you to recognize that though.

You are dismissed
You are the least informed person in this group.

"I can't really respond to that because it's true, some I'm gonna insult him and then run and hide".


You are an empty headed bubble person.
You allow yourself to only access information that you already agree with.
No one will gain anything from reading your words.
Still not a response to my post.

But you go head and keep trying the lame deflection tactic, maybe it will work this time.

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