Hunter Biden pleads GUILTY in tax case!!!

Ok. He just pled guilty without agreement, right before trial. I guess he suddenly found God.
Very true, that God being, dad and uncle, telling him to plead out so he doesn’t have to take the stand!

The house impeachment report exposed a lot of criminality and would have been fair game when he took the stand for cross examination.

The xiden family could risk further exposure
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Hunter Biden ignored his father that everyone needs to get skin in the game and “pay their fair share”. Hunter Biden is a typical Democrat elitist who doesn’t think the rules apply to him.

He’d rather cash his no show Burisma checks to pay for crack and under-age Chinese sex workers than pay his taxes.

Hunter Biden all smiles after the hearing.....hrmmmmm...Is Daddy going to save him???
Good. That was the smart thing to do.

Here’s the Real Reason Why Hunter Biden Shocked the Courtroom and Pleaded Guilty in Federal Tax Evasion Case​

6 Sep 2024 ~~ By Cristina Laila

Hunter Biden shocked the California courtroom on Thursday as he officially entered a guilty plea while jury selection was underway for his federal tax evasion trial.
In December Hunter Biden was hit with a 9-count indictment filed in the Central District of California: Tax evasion, failure to file/pay taxes, and false/fraudulent tax return.
Judge Scarsi signed off on the guilty plea which means Hunter Biden will avoid a trial.
Sure, Hunter Biden may have avoided a trial because he knows he can easily get a pardon from his father.
However, according to investigative reporter Paul Sperry, prosecutors filed a “road map” glossary to trial exhibits detailing the Biden Crime family’s China influence-peddling scheme.

“The Biden family business was Joe Biden, period,” Bobulinski previously said. “It is clear to me that Joe Biden was ‘the Brand’ being sold by the Biden family.”
Rob Walker, another Biden family associate, recounted a time where Joe Biden walked into a meeting with CEFC officials at a Four Seasons.
Hunter Biden will get a pardon and documents exposing Joe Biden’s international influence-peddling scheme will be suppressed.

Isn't it weird, on how the trial of Hunter Biden has progressed?
We've gone from 51 former intelligence agents claiming the Hunter Biden "Laptop From Hell" was a "Russian disinformaton plant to comfirming it was indeed Hunter's and real. This also includes Hunter claims to his total innocence of FARA violations, and Income Tax evasion to Hunter accepting his guilt to keep his family conspracy to corruptly sell out Ameica.
You have to wonder just how long Joe has been a traitor to America that is now being hidden by Hunter's plea of guilt.
The DOJ marionettes led by Merrick Garland, has allowed the statute of limitations to run on the bulk of Hunter and his family's crimes, including some of his tax evasions.
This is not the first time such pardons will have been issued for crimes perpetrated by Presidents or Senators. Remember when pre-presidency, Clinton was pardoned by Carter, along with all the other, charged or uncharged, Vietnam era draft dodgers. And Clinton had left a written confession.
The Biden family crimes, reminds me of the Clinton's, White Water, Jeniffer Flowers, Paula Jones, Vince Foster, China Gate Death and money laundering, by Democrats.
You have to wonder how deeply Joe Biden and his family were involved in this continued conspiratal saga.

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