Here is a fact about Oil production that disproves totally the Republican accusations about Biden being against "Fossil Fuels"

and I sincerely hope he accomplishes his goal.

There is nothing I would like more than to feel the environment will be better in the future so that our children and grandchildren (and all that follow) will have better environmental conditions than what we have now.

There were several days in July that broke the record for heat ever since temperatures have been taken. I do know that living in an area where heat is always a headache, recently I have not been able to go out because my body cannot accept such high temperatures. As such, I live and die by having AC!
You do know that EVs are more harmful to the environment than gasoline cars?
All one need do to see the stark difference between the oil-friendly Trump and the oil-hostile Biden, is look at the NOSEDIVE oil production took between Trump's last month, and Biden's first month (when he issued an EO to halt oil drilling)
Trump's last month in office was January 2021 - production was 344 MB/mo. Bidens first month was 277.
A DROP of a whopping 67 MB/mo Sure, because that was right after Biden issued EOs cancelling oil leases.

It's very telling how you continue telling that lie even after you've been shown production nose dived in February, 2021 due to weather, not because Biden signed an EO a couple of weeks earlier...

Like I always say, if conservatives didn't lie, they'd have absolutely nothing to say.
I agree, MORE clarification and more information is needed!

Fact check: Despite claims of Trump-era ‘energy independence,’ the US never stopped importing foreign oil

The truth is that the US was importing a significant quantity of oil and petroleum products from Russia under Trump: over 137 million barrels in 2018, then 189.8 million barrels in 2019 and 197.7 million barrels in 2020.
/—-/ No one said we stopped importing oil. We were a net exporter of fuels. Different types of oil are used for different products, not all are found in the US.
US oil production increased by 88% to nearly 10 million bpd during the Obama administration.

What are your 3 favorite Obama policies that helped increase US production?

We have never been oil independent and we still import from Canada, Mexico and sometimes Venezuela...

How much do we import a day? How much do we export a day?

Obama didn't increase production 88%. The higher price of oil allowed them to invest in exploration and drilling.

You've been fed a line of crap and most of an ev is not recyclable. The batteries are toxic and will pollute the earth. You still have to have fossil fuel to charge them.
View attachment 1008263

Lies, misinformation, and the unfair degrading of Biden and the Democrats is what Trump and all his minions do constantly.

Data, statistics and facts do not exist for Trumpers. It is simply, "one huge con job"!
What we're seeing in the graph is that U.S. oil production was falling going into 2016, and from 2017 thru 2020 production grew. After that production fell.

This is the result of many factors, and perhaps one factor in oil production involves the policies of the federal government. In 2021 this source talked about "a campaign pledge by introducing a moratorium on new oil and gas leasing on federal lands and waters" and this source talked about "eliminating tax rules that specifically benefit oil, gas, or coal producers".

We may disagree on which policies are better, but we should be able to agree on what is and what is not.
What we're seeing in the graph is that U.S. oil production was falling going into 2016, and from 2017 thru 2020 production grew. After that production fell.

This is the result of many factors, and perhaps one factor in oil production involves the policies of the federal government. In 2021 this source talked about "a campaign pledge by introducing a moratorium on new oil and gas leasing on federal lands and waters" and this source talked about "eliminating tax rules that specifically benefit oil, gas, or coal producers".

We may disagree on which policies are better, but we should be able to agree on what is and what is not.
And yet the graph also shows that the past 3 years it has grown and in 2023 it was the largest ever.
Right wing idiots on here: “Yea, well, the production is up cuz, um, yea, people think Trump is going to win in November so the production is up! Yea, that’s the ticket”.

Morons. They deserve Donald Trump.
And yet the graph also shows that the past 3 years it has grown and in 2023 it was the largest ever.
The article got its data from the and here's what they showed:

We've had steady growth for 15 years w/ the biggest hit being covid. The data sort of shows the fastest growth being 2017 to 2019 and the slowest 2020 to 2023. We've had a lot of "all time high's" They're the norm. What's interesting is how oil production is a function of demand which pretty much ignores "climate".
The article got its data from the and here's what they showed:
View attachment 1008750
We've had steady growth for 15 years w/ the biggest hit being covid. The data sort of shows the fastest growth being 2017 to 2019 and the slowest 2020 to 2023. We've had a lot of "all time high's" They're the norm. What's interesting is how oil production is a function of demand which pretty much ignores "climate".
US production increased 88% during the Obama administration.
US production increased 88% during the Obama administration.
When I compared U.S. production 2016 to 2008 I got a 73% increase, still an impressive jump. Question: are you saying that there was something Obama did that caused the increase? At first blush what came to my mind was fracking, but if we say it was purely politics then we'd need to consider the 6% drop w/ G.W.Bush and the 25% increase w/ Clinton.

My thinking is that politics is all well and good for them that cares, and the rest of us can work for a living.

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