Hunter Biden

Hunter will come across like the doper he is. That's why Schifty won't let him testify. His daddy scammed million of dollars for Hunter by threatening to use his political power and deny a promised billion dollars. Al Capone was public enemy #1 for less than Biden did.
So is the hidden crime Joe scamming millions for Hunter? How exactly do you think that happened and what evidence do you have to back it up?
Hidden? He admitted to the shakedown on tape, which makes him pretty stupid too. He was actually bragging about the extortion. Your boy looks and acts like Tommy Smothers. No wonder his son is a crackhead.
There’s nothing wrong with shaking down other governments if your acting in the interest of the country. Presidents and administrations do it all the time. There was nothing illegal or wrong about what Biden did to get a corrupt prosecutor fired. You didn’t answer my question though. Why the need for Hunter to testify. What questions need to be asked?
Are you trying to convince me or are you trying to convince yourself? Big shot Biden actually popped off about backing the Ukraines down. Your boy is nothing but a corrupt idiot and if you can't see that? Well draw your own conclusions
ive given up trying to convince whackos on this board of anything. I just present the facts as they are and call out BS.

in this case the facts show that Biden did nothing wrong. You can keep calling him corrupt but you’ve failed to explain why or make a sensible argument.
Trump only had a passing casual friendship with Epstein
They were BFFs for years, they only broke up when Epstein hit on one of Tramp's teenaged whores.

Yet trump didn't go to the police to report it.

trump protected epstein from being brought to justice.

Resulting in countless other girls being abused.

You have no proof,of anything illegal which is exactly what Trump had when it happened. Hitting on someone is not illegal, dumbass!
Hunter will come across like the doper he is. That's why Schifty won't let him testify. His daddy scammed millions of dollars for Hunter by threatening to use his political power and deny a promised billion dollars. Al Capone was public enemy #1 for less than Biden did.
Huh? What did Biden do that was illegal??
Huh? Racketeering. Extortion. Misappropriation of taxpayer funds. And piss poor judgement in general. The Bidens are idiots, and I'm not confining that to the crackhead.
I am very open-minded and fair-minded. You will not meet a person who is more fair than I am. I really do believe that justice should be color blind, gender blind. You name it. I think justice should. You know one of our traditions about justice, about finding justice is, the defense should be able to present their witnesses. If you can’t call Hunter Biden and the whistleblower, that’s sort of a sham. That’s not really a trial. So I am fair-minded, but the trial has to be fair.
I am very open-minded and fair-minded. You will not meet a person who is more fair than I am. I really do believe that justice should be color blind, gender blind. You name it. I think justice should. You know one of our traditions about justice, about finding justice is, the defense should be able to present their witnesses. If you can’t call Hunter Biden and the whistleblower, that’s sort of a sham. That’s not really a trial. So I am fair-minded, but the trial has to be fair.
Rand Paul 2019

honestly what’s going on with that guy?!
good deflection,,,
I didn’t deflect I gave a direct answer to your question.

Are you slow?

you asked...

“I hope youre not trying to tell me every corrupt politician in history got prosecuted and went to jail are you,,,,“

I answered....

“If that’s what I was trying to tell you then that’s what I would have told you. Where do you get these crap comebacks from?! Just stick to the things I say. I’m not sending coded messages.”

it doesn’t get more direct than that.

you claimed if he did something wrong he would be in jail for it,,,
so your saying that all corrupt politicians go to jail, which is complete bullshit and you know it,,,most corrupt politicians get away with it
Jesus man, why do I need to keep explaining things to you like your a grade schooler. You’re not even quoting me accurately...

I said...

“If all that was documented and backed up then Biden would either be in prison or under indictment by Trumps DOJ. The fact that he isn’t...”

so no, I did not say all corrupt politicians go to jail. Stop lying
you are aware it has to go through due process first???
trump cant just say put him in jail after all,,,

if theres nothing to hide whats the big problem with a full investigation where hunter and others would testify,,,

and you are still ignoring the DNC/Ukraine aspect of the whole thing which was trumps main concern in the phone call,,,,
ummm Joe Biden bragged about it
How is what Biden bragged about corrupt or illegal?
if he did it to stop an investigation into the company his son worked for then that would be illegal

thats why there needs to be an investigation,,,
He didn’t make the decision to do it alone, it was a the consensus of our government and others that had been discussing it for months prior
3 people is not a consensus,,,and the entirety of the facts says different,,,

but an investigation will prove it one way or the other,,,
so unless they are hiding something let it happen,,,
It wasn’t 3 people... you’re having reading comprehension problems again and forgetting your implication of Biden doing this alone for his own self interest. Try again.
biden himself said he had the backing of POTUS so it wasnt him acting alone,,,

and what about burisma soliciting the state dept to stop all investigations of their company 1 month before biden struck???
I am very open-minded and fair-minded. You will not meet a person who is more fair than I am. I really do believe that justice should be color blind, gender blind. You name it. I think justice should. You know one of our traditions about justice, about finding justice is, the defense should be able to present their witnesses. If you can’t call Hunter Biden and the whistleblower, that’s sort of a sham. That’s not really a trial. So I am fair-minded, but the trial has to be fair.
Rand Paul 2019

honestly what’s going on with that guy?!
more deflection,,,
Hunter will come across like the doper he is. That's why Schifty won't let him testify. His daddy scammed million of dollars for Hunter by threatening to use his political power and deny a promised billion dollars. Al Capone was public enemy #1 for less than Biden did.
So is the hidden crime Joe scamming millions for Hunter? How exactly do you think that happened and what evidence do you have to back it up?
Hidden? He admitted to the shakedown on tape, which makes him pretty stupid too. He was actually bragging about the extortion. Your boy looks and acts like Tommy Smothers. No wonder his son is a crackhead.
There’s nothing wrong with shaking down other governments if your acting in the interest of the country. Presidents and administrations do it all the time. There was nothing illegal or wrong about what Biden did to get a corrupt prosecutor fired. You didn’t answer my question though. Why the need for Hunter to testify. What questions need to be asked?
Are you trying to convince me or are you trying to convince yourself? Big shot Biden actually popped off about backing the Ukraines down. Your boy is nothing but a corrupt idiot and if you can't see that? Well draw your own conclusions
ive given up trying to convince whackos on this board of anything. I just present the facts as they are and call out BS.

in this case the facts show that Biden did nothing wrong. You can keep calling him corrupt but you’ve failed to explain why or make a sensible argument.
youve presented selected facts not all the facts,,,and as of yet its not been proven that biden did nothing wrong, and the documented facts say there may be illegal actions involved,,

if they have nothing to hide then let an investigation proceed and let the chips fall where they do,,,
I didn’t deflect I gave a direct answer to your question.

Are you slow?

you asked...

“I hope youre not trying to tell me every corrupt politician in history got prosecuted and went to jail are you,,,,“

I answered....

“If that’s what I was trying to tell you then that’s what I would have told you. Where do you get these crap comebacks from?! Just stick to the things I say. I’m not sending coded messages.”

it doesn’t get more direct than that.

you claimed if he did something wrong he would be in jail for it,,,
so your saying that all corrupt politicians go to jail, which is complete bullshit and you know it,,,most corrupt politicians get away with it
Jesus man, why do I need to keep explaining things to you like your a grade schooler. You’re not even quoting me accurately...

I said...

“If all that was documented and backed up then Biden would either be in prison or under indictment by Trumps DOJ. The fact that he isn’t...”

so no, I did not say all corrupt politicians go to jail. Stop lying
you are aware it has to go through due process first???
trump cant just say put him in jail after all,,,

if theres nothing to hide whats the big problem with a full investigation where hunter and others would testify,,,

and you are still ignoring the DNC/Ukraine aspect of the whole thing which was trumps main concern in the phone call,,,,
No shit, I never said trump could just throw him in jail... but if everything had been documented for years and the evidence was all there then the DOJ could easily indict and there would be a trial and he would go to jail. That’s the process. I don’t see an indictment so the claim that Biden’s crimes are so clear and documented is complete bullshit
How is what Biden bragged about corrupt or illegal?
if he did it to stop an investigation into the company his son worked for then that would be illegal

thats why there needs to be an investigation,,,
He didn’t make the decision to do it alone, it was a the consensus of our government and others that had been discussing it for months prior
3 people is not a consensus,,,and the entirety of the facts says different,,,

but an investigation will prove it one way or the other,,,
so unless they are hiding something let it happen,,,
It wasn’t 3 people... you’re having reading comprehension problems again and forgetting your implication of Biden doing this alone for his own self interest. Try again.
biden himself said he had the backing of POTUS so it wasnt him acting alone,,,

and what about burisma soliciting the state dept to stop all investigations of their company 1 month before biden struck???
True the initiative to remove the prosecutor was supported by Obama, members of our congress from both parties, the head of the IMF who also threatened to withhold aid and leaders of other countries including Ukraine. So this ridiculous narrative that Biden did this to help his son is such a low IQ argument. Only ignorant turds who know nothing about the history and details of this situation believe it. Sorry to say that’s you.
I am very open-minded and fair-minded. You will not meet a person who is more fair than I am. I really do believe that justice should be color blind, gender blind. You name it. I think justice should. You know one of our traditions about justice, about finding justice is, the defense should be able to present their witnesses. If you can’t call Hunter Biden and the whistleblower, that’s sort of a sham. That’s not really a trial. So I am fair-minded, but the trial has to be fair.
Rand Paul 2019

honestly what’s going on with that guy?!
more deflection,,,
How was that deflection and not a direct response?! Haha, id love to hear you try and explain this!! You are so out of your league here
Are you slow?

you asked...

“I hope youre not trying to tell me every corrupt politician in history got prosecuted and went to jail are you,,,,“

I answered....

“If that’s what I was trying to tell you then that’s what I would have told you. Where do you get these crap comebacks from?! Just stick to the things I say. I’m not sending coded messages.”

it doesn’t get more direct than that.

you claimed if he did something wrong he would be in jail for it,,,
so your saying that all corrupt politicians go to jail, which is complete bullshit and you know it,,,most corrupt politicians get away with it
Jesus man, why do I need to keep explaining things to you like your a grade schooler. You’re not even quoting me accurately...

I said...

“If all that was documented and backed up then Biden would either be in prison or under indictment by Trumps DOJ. The fact that he isn’t...”

so no, I did not say all corrupt politicians go to jail. Stop lying
you are aware it has to go through due process first???
trump cant just say put him in jail after all,,,

if theres nothing to hide whats the big problem with a full investigation where hunter and others would testify,,,

and you are still ignoring the DNC/Ukraine aspect of the whole thing which was trumps main concern in the phone call,,,,
No shit, I never said trump could just throw him in jail... but if everything had been documented for years and the evidence was all there then the DOJ could easily indict and there would be a trial and he would go to jail. That’s the process. I don’t see an indictment so the claim that Biden’s crimes are so clear and documented is complete bullshit

of course we have to assume republicans are honest enough to do anything about corruption,,,
do you trust republicans??? I dont,,,

just because there isnt an indictment means nothing when dems and repubes are involved,,,
I am very open-minded and fair-minded. You will not meet a person who is more fair than I am. I really do believe that justice should be color blind, gender blind. You name it. I think justice should. You know one of our traditions about justice, about finding justice is, the defense should be able to present their witnesses. If you can’t call Hunter Biden and the whistleblower, that’s sort of a sham. That’s not really a trial. So I am fair-minded, but the trial has to be fair.
Rand Paul 2019

honestly what’s going on with that guy?!
more deflection,,,
How was that deflection and not a direct response?! Haha, id love to hear you try and explain this!! You are so out of your league here
rands name was never mentioned so why did you bring him up???
So is the hidden crime Joe scamming millions for Hunter? How exactly do you think that happened and what evidence do you have to back it up?
Hidden? He admitted to the shakedown on tape, which makes him pretty stupid too. He was actually bragging about the extortion. Your boy looks and acts like Tommy Smothers. No wonder his son is a crackhead.
There’s nothing wrong with shaking down other governments if your acting in the interest of the country. Presidents and administrations do it all the time. There was nothing illegal or wrong about what Biden did to get a corrupt prosecutor fired. You didn’t answer my question though. Why the need for Hunter to testify. What questions need to be asked?
Are you trying to convince me or are you trying to convince yourself? Big shot Biden actually popped off about backing the Ukraines down. Your boy is nothing but a corrupt idiot and if you can't see that? Well draw your own conclusions
ive given up trying to convince whackos on this board of anything. I just present the facts as they are and call out BS.

in this case the facts show that Biden did nothing wrong. You can keep calling him corrupt but you’ve failed to explain why or make a sensible argument.
youve presented selected facts not all the facts,,,and as of yet its not been proven that biden did nothing wrong, and the documented facts say there may be illegal actions involved,,

if they have nothing to hide then let an investigation proceed and let the chips fall where they do,,,
you bring up due process and then come at me for not being able to prove that Biden did nothing wrong?! Is that a joke?!!!! See, here in America people are presumed innocent until proven guilty.

Now of there is evidence of wrong doing then there should be an investigation. I’ve been asking what that evidence is and nobody can point to anything besides empty talking points with no legal relevance.
Last edited:
if he did it to stop an investigation into the company his son worked for then that would be illegal

thats why there needs to be an investigation,,,
He didn’t make the decision to do it alone, it was a the consensus of our government and others that had been discussing it for months prior
3 people is not a consensus,,,and the entirety of the facts says different,,,

but an investigation will prove it one way or the other,,,
so unless they are hiding something let it happen,,,
It wasn’t 3 people... you’re having reading comprehension problems again and forgetting your implication of Biden doing this alone for his own self interest. Try again.
biden himself said he had the backing of POTUS so it wasnt him acting alone,,,

and what about burisma soliciting the state dept to stop all investigations of their company 1 month before biden struck???
True the initiative to remove the prosecutor was supported by Obama, members of our congress from both parties, the head of the IMF who also threatened to withhold aid and leaders of other countries including Ukraine. So this ridiculous narrative that Biden did this to help his son is such a low IQ argument. Only ignorant turds who know nothing about the history and details of this situation believe it. Sorry to say that’s you.
thats only because you choose to ignore so many of the facts,,,
Hidden? He admitted to the shakedown on tape, which makes him pretty stupid too. He was actually bragging about the extortion. Your boy looks and acts like Tommy Smothers. No wonder his son is a crackhead.
There’s nothing wrong with shaking down other governments if your acting in the interest of the country. Presidents and administrations do it all the time. There was nothing illegal or wrong about what Biden did to get a corrupt prosecutor fired. You didn’t answer my question though. Why the need for Hunter to testify. What questions need to be asked?
Are you trying to convince me or are you trying to convince yourself? Big shot Biden actually popped off about backing the Ukraines down. Your boy is nothing but a corrupt idiot and if you can't see that? Well draw your own conclusions
ive given up trying to convince whackos on this board of anything. I just present the facts as they are and call out BS.

in this case the facts show that Biden did nothing wrong. You can keep calling him corrupt but you’ve failed to explain why or make a sensible argument.
youve presented selected facts not all the facts,,,and as of yet its not been proven that biden did nothing wrong, and the documented facts say there may be illegal actions involved,,

if they have nothing to hide then let an investigation proceed and let the chips fall where they do,,,
you. Ring up due process and then come at me for not being able to prove that Biden did nothing wrong?! Is that a joke?!!!! See, here in America people are presumed innocent until proven guilty.

Now of there is evidence of wrong doing then there should be an investigation. I’ve been asking what that evidence is and nobody can point to anything besides empty talking points with no legal relevance.
I have posted a long list of questionable actions,, because you choose to ignore them isnt my fault,,,and having hunter and joe testify under oath will clear it up one way or another,,,

what are they hiding???
its less about the bidens than it is the documented collusion between the DNC and Ukraine officials to effect the 2016 election
The only documented collusion in the 2016 election was between Tramp and the RNC with Russia.
only in your ignorant mind,,,
There is no mind in the entire universe as willfully IGNORANT as yours!
The Mueller report cited over 200 instances of RNC collusion with Russia, as you well know.
so there are 200 cases and not a single indictment,,,sounds more like you lied and are scared shitless that the real corruption by the DNC is being exposed,,,
There have been 34 indicted.
Thank you for proving your absolute IGNORANCE!
Name the American's indicted for COLLUSION with Russia.

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